Kellyanne's husband and Kristol warn that Trump is getting worse

Nobody really cares what Kellyanne's husband thinks but somethin ain't right with Kristol. For some reason he gets a reputation as a "conservative commentator" when he is in reality an establishment liberal. In 2016 he predicted that republicans would vote for Hillary. Clearly he is just another Trump hater so ho-hum.

Indeed......Kristol was wrong about the level of education among republican white voters.....They're morons who easily fall prey to a demagogue and charlatan (look those two nouns up in a dictionary.....LOL)

Overall, whites with a four-year college degree or more education made up 30% of all validated voters. Among these voters, far more (55%) said they voted for Clinton than for Trump (38%).
Kristol is just one of the chickenhawks. We had both parties promoting wars without end, and the guys fighting them were the guys whose parents paid non-progressive taxes and couldn't get jobs without college. Trump voters turned on both parties. Of course McConnell still has his boy to sign off on his taxcuts for friends
Republicans were upset that the rest of the world was laughing at them after Bush. Imagine how people are going to be laughing after Trump?

Would that be more or less than how much we're laughing at you liberal loons?
Republican insiders are trying to warn us.

George Conway‏ @gtconway3d 22h22 hours ago
His condition is getting worse.

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Bill "Slightly Dangerous" Kristol‏Verified account @BillKristol
To Republicans who've been inclined to acquiesce in a Trump re-nomination in 2020: Read his tweets this morning. Think seriously about his mental condition and psychological state. Then tell me you're fine with him as president of the United States for an additional four years.
They are spot on. He is getting worse. Mental illness gets worse, not better, without aggressive treatment. Instead, trump gets what is, essentially, the opposite of effective treatment for his mental illness, as his narcissism and psychoses are fed and encouraged by everyone in his vicinity. He clearly now confabulates his psychosis with reality and memory. This mix of circumstances only has one possible outcome. And we are watching it happen in real time.

At least Trump knows what sex he is and knows how to use e-mail and does not think the world will end in 12 years.

We could do worse
Well let's see, no new wars and a better economy.
No new wars? Not TOO crazy? Wow, can the trump cult lower the bar any lower? yes, I believe they can.

And we aren't discussing the past, but rather what can happen as his mental illness gets worse. Which, it is.
I am not saying that Trump is sane or anything, but doing a "psychoanalysis" based on an interview he provided to Fox and Friends is hardly scientific and does nothing but REEK of bias.

but doing a "psychoanalysis" based on an interview he provided to Fox and Friends is hardly scientific and does nothing but REEK of bias.
Which nobody has done. The people who have analyzed him have merely provided examples. That was one of them. And we are talking about literally thousands of career psychologists agreeing, with many doing their own analysis. And you are a wishful thinker to think that analysis consisted of watching 5 minutes of tape.
Republican insiders are trying to warn us.

You know the only thing worse than citing "Republican insiders" as authorities on medical issues? Using enlarged font sizes and pointless hard returns because you are under the impression that bigger is more true.
I am not saying that Trump is sane or anything, but doing a "psychoanalysis" based on an interview he provided to Fox and Friends is hardly scientific and does nothing but REEK of bias.


I think you will find that all GOP Presidents are racists, stupid, and crazy.

All of them since Ike.

That's just how Dims roll.

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