Ken Burns Roosevelt Documentary

"FDR’s pre-presidential writings about Japanese immigrants became the centerpiece of Robinson’s critically-acclaimed 2001 book, By Order of the President. Historians have hailed Robinson, today a professor of American history at the University of Quebec at Montreal, for showing the connection between Roosevelt’s views about Asians and his otherwise inexplicable decision to intern thousands of Japanese-Americans in detention camps during World War II, even though none of them had been engaged in espionage."
In 1923, as a member of Harvard’s Board of Overseers, Roosevelt became concerned that, as he put it, “a third of the entering class at Harvard were Jews.” He helped institute a quota to limit the number of Jews admitted to 15% of each class. Even many years later, FDR was still proud of doing that–and said so to Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., in 1941.

In 1936, he characterized a tax maneuver by the publisher of the New York Times as “a dirty Jewish trick.” In 1938, FDR privately suggested to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the era’s most prominent American Jewish leader, that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were to blame for provoking antisemitism there. In 1939, Roosevelt expressed (to a U.S. senator) his pride that “there is no Jewish blood in our veins.” In 1940, he dismissed pleas for Jewish refugees as “Jewish wailing” and “sob stuff.” In 1941, President Roosevelt remarked at a cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. "
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

Hardship shapes a better person.. All three that you mention had a catastrophic occurrence in their life , yet carried on and dealt with the problems of a nation..No matter who is president, they deserve some respect for taking on such a thankless job, with so many ugly words of hate thrown your way..
Has anyone been watching? It's fantastic and incredibly informative, even if you think you are familiar with their presidencies.

Every conservative should watch it (especially @PoliticalChic ). It will debunk all the garbage and revisionist history that dopes like the ones on this site continually try to sell.

Why would I watch 7 hours of liberal propaganda?
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

Hardship shapes a better person.. All three that you mention had a catastrophic occurrence in their life , yet carried on and dealt with the problems of a nation..No matter who is president, they deserve some respect for taking on such a thankless job, with so many ugly words of hate thrown your way..

Sorry, but they wanted the job. That's the kind of scheming power hungry vermin they are.
Hey, chic, you really turned this around so it's about you.

Almost like a pattern of behavior, or something......

(attention whore)

"Almost like a pattern of behavior, or something...."

I am my favorite subject.
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

1. He extended the Depression rather than ended it.
2. He invalidated the Constitution, and made the Supreme Court into a rubber stamp
3.Through his efforts Joseph Stalin didn't just survive...he thrived, and FDR encouraged and promoted communists in government.
4. He changed the relationship between the people and the government...and not in a good way
5. He extended WWII by at least two years, therefore responsible for the loss of blood and treasure over those years.

Any of that in the documentary?
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

1. He extended the Depression rather than ended it.
2. He invalidated the Constitution, and made the Supreme Court into a rubber stamp
3.Through his efforts Joseph Stalin didn't just survive...he thrived, and FDR encouraged and promoted communists in government.
4. He changed the relationship between the people and the government...and not in a good way
5. He extended WWII by at least two years, therefore responsible for the loss of blood and treasure over those years.

Any of that in the documentary?

Why yes, Hitler was just begging to have peace, same with Hirohito,
In 1923, as a member of Harvard’s Board of Overseers, Roosevelt became concerned that, as he put it, “a third of the entering class at Harvard were Jews.” He helped institute a quota to limit the number of Jews admitted to 15% of each class. Even many years later, FDR was still proud of doing that–and said so to Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., in 1941.

In 1936, he characterized a tax maneuver by the publisher of the New York Times as “a dirty Jewish trick.” In 1938, FDR privately suggested to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the era’s most prominent American Jewish leader, that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were to blame for provoking antisemitism there. In 1939, Roosevelt expressed (to a U.S. senator) his pride that “there is no Jewish blood in our veins.” In 1940, he dismissed pleas for Jewish refugees as “Jewish wailing” and “sob stuff.” In 1941, President Roosevelt remarked at a cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. "

It was a way of life for people from the 18-19th century,,even my old German Papa(born 1896, died 1991) would talk about how the god damned Jew bankers would kill a man to take his land..
In 1923, as a member of Harvard’s Board of Overseers, Roosevelt became concerned that, as he put it, “a third of the entering class at Harvard were Jews.” He helped institute a quota to limit the number of Jews admitted to 15% of each class. Even many years later, FDR was still proud of doing that–and said so to Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., in 1941.

In 1936, he characterized a tax maneuver by the publisher of the New York Times as “a dirty Jewish trick.” In 1938, FDR privately suggested to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the era’s most prominent American Jewish leader, that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were to blame for provoking antisemitism there. In 1939, Roosevelt expressed (to a U.S. senator) his pride that “there is no Jewish blood in our veins.” In 1940, he dismissed pleas for Jewish refugees as “Jewish wailing” and “sob stuff.” In 1941, President Roosevelt remarked at a cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. "

It was a way of life for people from the 18-19th century,,even my old German Papa(born 1896, died 1991) would talk about how the god damned Jew bankers would kill a man to take his land..

Well then it's all OK. Those wacky Nazis with their death camps and all were just amusing old codgers from another time.

In 1923, as a member of Harvard’s Board of Overseers, Roosevelt became concerned that, as he put it, “a third of the entering class at Harvard were Jews.” He helped institute a quota to limit the number of Jews admitted to 15% of each class. Even many years later, FDR was still proud of doing that–and said so to Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., in 1941.

In 1936, he characterized a tax maneuver by the publisher of the New York Times as “a dirty Jewish trick.” In 1938, FDR privately suggested to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the era’s most prominent American Jewish leader, that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were to blame for provoking antisemitism there. In 1939, Roosevelt expressed (to a U.S. senator) his pride that “there is no Jewish blood in our veins.” In 1940, he dismissed pleas for Jewish refugees as “Jewish wailing” and “sob stuff.” In 1941, President Roosevelt remarked at a cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. "

It was a way of life for people from the 18-19th century,,even my old German Papa(born 1896, died 1991) would talk about how the god damned Jew bankers would kill a man to take his land..

Well then it's all OK. Those wacky Nazis with their death camps and all were just amusing old codgers from another time.


It just soo crazy, those eugenic comics..
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

1. He extended the Depression rather than ended it.
2. He invalidated the Constitution, and made the Supreme Court into a rubber stamp
3.Through his efforts Joseph Stalin didn't just survive...he thrived, and FDR encouraged and promoted communists in government.
4. He changed the relationship between the people and the government...and not in a good way
5. He extended WWII by at least two years, therefore responsible for the loss of blood and treasure over those years.

Any of that in the documentary?

Why yes, Hitler was just begging to have peace, same with Hirohito,

1. The chief of Nazi Germany's intelligence division, the Abwehr, Admiral Wm. Canaris, from 1939, was doing exactly that....reaching out to Roosevelt, and willing to organize a coup...and surrender.
Stalin refused to allow FDR to communicate with him.

And, there is this: More about the anti-Nazis that Roosevelt would not allow his commander to contact....
a. "A SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force) directive prohibited activities aimed at promoting German revolt against the Nazi regime.

The Allied doctrine of unconditional surrender meant that "... those Germans — and particularly those German generals — who might have been ready to throw Hitler over, and were able to do so, were discouraged from making the attempt by their inability to extract from the Allies any sort of assurance that such action would improve the treatment meted out to their country."
German Resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. " The Chabad Lubavitch Hassidic movement has requested that Yad Vashem recognize Nazi Admiral Wilhelm Canaris as a Righteous Gentile. Chief of the Abwehr, the Nazi intelligence service, Canaris played a key role in saving the lives of the Chabad Rebbe Yitzhak Yosef Schneerson and his family along with an estimated 500 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 according to numerous testimonies..... the refusal of Yad Vashem and the Holocaust Studies establishment to recognize Wilhelm Canaris as a Righteous Gentile is due to their concern that such recognition might open a can of worms on the Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration and its conduct during World War II..
Chuck Morse Speaks: The Canaris Cover-up
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

1. He extended the Depression rather than ended it.
2. He invalidated the Constitution, and made the Supreme Court into a rubber stamp
3.Through his efforts Joseph Stalin didn't just survive...he thrived, and FDR encouraged and promoted communists in government.
4. He changed the relationship between the people and the government...and not in a good way
5. He extended WWII by at least two years, therefore responsible for the loss of blood and treasure over those years.

Any of that in the documentary?

Of course we know none of that will be in the documentary. Thus those who watch and believe, are completely uninformed and duped again by the state.

Why any American would admire or idolize ANY politician, is beyond me. Pols have proven repeatedly to be liars and thieves.
They tried to kill Hitler how many times and failed?? Which meant that Canaris had no power to negotiate jack.
The US was not at war until the end of 1941.'Which according to you the US could have ended the war in one year..With Hitler still alive...after over 20 attempts on his life...Which we all know, as long as Hitler and the Nazi's held power, no surrender would be considered in Germany...
Tell me of the great sacrifices made by the Vatican during WWII...
In 1923, as a member of Harvard’s Board of Overseers, Roosevelt became concerned that, as he put it, “a third of the entering class at Harvard were Jews.” He helped institute a quota to limit the number of Jews admitted to 15% of each class. Even many years later, FDR was still proud of doing that–and said so to Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., in 1941.

In 1936, he characterized a tax maneuver by the publisher of the New York Times as “a dirty Jewish trick.” In 1938, FDR privately suggested to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the era’s most prominent American Jewish leader, that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were to blame for provoking antisemitism there. In 1939, Roosevelt expressed (to a U.S. senator) his pride that “there is no Jewish blood in our veins.” In 1940, he dismissed pleas for Jewish refugees as “Jewish wailing” and “sob stuff.” In 1941, President Roosevelt remarked at a cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. "

It was a way of life for people from the 18-19th century,,even my old German Papa(born 1896, died 1991) would talk about how the god damned Jew bankers would kill a man to take his land..

One would imagine that you excuse slavery just as blithely.
They tried to kill Hitler how many times and failed?? Which meant that Canaris had no power to negotiate jack.
The US was not at war until the end of 1941.'Which according to you the US could have ended the war in one year..With Hitler still alive...after over 20 attempts on his life...Which we all know, as long as Hitler and the Nazi's held power, no surrender would be considered in Germany...
Tell me of the great sacrifices made by the Vatican during WWII...

1. "Lend-Lease and Military Aid to the Allies in the Early Years of World War II. During World War II, the United States began to provide significant military supplies and other assistance to the Allies in September 1940, even though the United States did not enter the war until December 1941Lend-Lease - Office of the Historian
2.Canaris and other anti-Nazi German resistance groups began trying to join with the allies in 1939

3. The fact that you have to guess "Which meant that Canaris had no power to negotiate jack" proves how you Roosevelt devotees will imagine anything to shield your hero.
In 1923, as a member of Harvard’s Board of Overseers, Roosevelt became concerned that, as he put it, “a third of the entering class at Harvard were Jews.” He helped institute a quota to limit the number of Jews admitted to 15% of each class. Even many years later, FDR was still proud of doing that–and said so to Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., in 1941.

In 1936, he characterized a tax maneuver by the publisher of the New York Times as “a dirty Jewish trick.” In 1938, FDR privately suggested to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the era’s most prominent American Jewish leader, that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were to blame for provoking antisemitism there. In 1939, Roosevelt expressed (to a U.S. senator) his pride that “there is no Jewish blood in our veins.” In 1940, he dismissed pleas for Jewish refugees as “Jewish wailing” and “sob stuff.” In 1941, President Roosevelt remarked at a cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. "

It was a way of life for people from the 18-19th century,,even my old German Papa(born 1896, died 1991) would talk about how the god damned Jew bankers would kill a man to take his land..

Well then it's all OK. Those wacky Nazis with their death camps and all were just amusing old codgers from another time.


It just soo crazy, those eugenic comics..

And you are still not funny.
In 1923, as a member of Harvard’s Board of Overseers, Roosevelt became concerned that, as he put it, “a third of the entering class at Harvard were Jews.” He helped institute a quota to limit the number of Jews admitted to 15% of each class. Even many years later, FDR was still proud of doing that–and said so to Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., in 1941.

In 1936, he characterized a tax maneuver by the publisher of the New York Times as “a dirty Jewish trick.” In 1938, FDR privately suggested to Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the era’s most prominent American Jewish leader, that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were to blame for provoking antisemitism there. In 1939, Roosevelt expressed (to a U.S. senator) his pride that “there is no Jewish blood in our veins.” In 1940, he dismissed pleas for Jewish refugees as “Jewish wailing” and “sob stuff.” In 1941, President Roosevelt remarked at a cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. "

It was a way of life for people from the 18-19th century,,even my old German Papa(born 1896, died 1991) would talk about how the god damned Jew bankers would kill a man to take his land..

Well then it's all OK. Those wacky Nazis with their death camps and all were just amusing old codgers from another time.


It just soo crazy, those eugenic comics..

And you are still not funny.

We still must provide opportunity for our pal drop-draws to post as many efforts as possible!

He's looking of a 'greatest number of posts' three-peat.
I've been to Warm Springs, and who but the worst cynic wouldn't admire or even love President Roosevelt? He was a great icon in American history. Whatever happened to men like him, Truman, and Kennedy? That was the Democratic Party of old. Today we get America-hating shitbags like Clinton and Obama. We get Marxists who want to destroy America. Roosevelt must be spinning in his grave.

1. He extended the Depression rather than ended it.
2. He invalidated the Constitution, and made the Supreme Court into a rubber stamp
3.Through his efforts Joseph Stalin didn't just survive...he thrived, and FDR encouraged and promoted communists in government.
4. He changed the relationship between the people and the government...and not in a good way
5. He extended WWII by at least two years, therefore responsible for the loss of blood and treasure over those years.

Any of that in the documentary?

Why yes, Hitler was just begging to have peace, same with Hirohito,

1. The chief of Nazi Germany's intelligence division, the Abwehr, Admiral Wm. Canaris, from 1939, was doing exactly that....reaching out to Roosevelt, and willing to organize a coup...and surrender.
Stalin refused to allow FDR to communicate with him.

And, there is this: More about the anti-Nazis that Roosevelt would not allow his commander to contact....
a. "A SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force) directive prohibited activities aimed at promoting German revolt against the Nazi regime.

The Allied doctrine of unconditional surrender meant that "... those Germans — and particularly those German generals — who might have been ready to throw Hitler over, and were able to do so, were discouraged from making the attempt by their inability to extract from the Allies any sort of assurance that such action would improve the treatment meted out to their country."
German Resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. " The Chabad Lubavitch Hassidic movement has requested that Yad Vashem recognize Nazi Admiral Wilhelm Canaris as a Righteous Gentile. Chief of the Abwehr, the Nazi intelligence service, Canaris played a key role in saving the lives of the Chabad Rebbe Yitzhak Yosef Schneerson and his family along with an estimated 500 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 according to numerous testimonies..... the refusal of Yad Vashem and the Holocaust Studies establishment to recognize Wilhelm Canaris as a Righteous Gentile is due to their concern that such recognition might open a can of worms on the Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration and its conduct during World War II..
Chuck Morse Speaks: The Canaris Cover-up

What a bunch of bullshit. As if Stalin had this kind of power over FDR.

Yo, the USDDR was dependent on us, not the other way around.

Just more totally twisted Right-Wing propaganda that has no basis at all in reality.

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