Ken Starr: "Yes" I see Trump under oath before this Russia investigation ends

Amazing he could stop chasing his tail to make such a comment....
You've got nothing... Ken Starr who basically dedicated his career to trying to put away the Clintons is now saying Trump is going to be forced to tell the truth under oath and some of his crones are going to jail... and the best you can do is insult me. And you say my opinion is meaningless. :mm:

LOL! Ken Starr was a "Deep State" operative...always has been. I am not worried about the opinion of that disgusting sack of lying shit anymore than I am of you, "chubs".

There it is DEEP STATE,:dance::woohoo:

That's his answer for everything. I bet if he gets a parking ticket he blames it on FEMA and the Deep State.


I have never received a parking ticket in my entire life, dumb you lose that bet.


Using insults, Looser...
That would be "lose" and "loser".
You've got nothing... Ken Starr who basically dedicated his career to trying to put away the Clintons is now saying Trump is going to be forced to tell the truth under oath and some of his crones are going to jail... and the best you can do is insult me. And you say my opinion is meaningless. :mm:

LOL! Ken Starr was a "Deep State" operative...always has been. I am not worried about the opinion of that disgusting sack of lying shit anymore than I am of you, "chubs".

There it is DEEP STATE,:dance::woohoo:

That's his answer for everything. I bet if he gets a parking ticket he blames it on FEMA and the Deep State.


I have never received a parking ticket in my entire life, dumb you lose that bet.


Using insults, Looser...

STFU, moron.......someone that bragged about a 15 dollar an hour for (snicker) "guarding" felony offenders is an unmitigated joke.

Zone 2 politics. :cheers2:

And that changes the fact that your opinion is meaningless based on your lame experiences because of????

You've got nothing... Ken Starr who basically dedicated his career to trying to put away the Clintons is now saying Trump is going to be forced to tell the truth under oath and some of his crones are going to jail... and the best you can do is insult me. And you say my opinion is meaningless. :mm:

LOL! Ken Starr was a "Deep State" operative...always has been. I am not worried about the opinion of that disgusting sack of lying shit anymore than I am of you, "chubs".

Ohh!!! the Deep State Russia troll story...

What's it like working for the enemy... Continually we ask you for evidence to your allegations and all we get is insults...

I ask for evidence that Russia hacked the DNC that revealed the corrupt inner workings of the leftard clown posse and all I get is quotes from Cloud Strike, private cyber-security company with deep ties to the DNC with a less than stellar reputation. All I get is quotes from Barrypuppet appointees in all the alphabet agencies that it was "Russia" that revealed the Podesta e-mails to Julian Assange showing how fucking corrupt the DNC is thus making the election illegitimate because according to leftards? "Russia" cheated when they revealed the cheating tactic of leftards.....seriously, you can't make this shit up.....
Why didn't Starr do his freaking job when Bubba Bill Clinton thumbed his nose at the American people? Hillary was the enabler and the defender of her husband's perversion. Why wasn't she placed under oath by the freaking hypocrite? Democrats are like mushrooms. They do best when they are kept in the dark and fed a load of shit. Starr has no business speculating about Trump and all he is doing is feeding shit to crazy and angry lefties. Maybe that's a good thing, at least it will keep them off the streets.
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LOL!!!!! "Da Russians exposed the cheating of the leftard clown posse and their attempt at stealing the election and that's cheating!!!!!" So sayeth the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies.

Seth Rich was the DNC mole and he got whacked for doing so......go squat and piss on his grave, dumb fuck.

Why do you make up such garbage that has been thoroughly debunked. Are you a Russian troll?

Debunked by whom, bitch? I know sooooooo much more than you.

You know insulting a person in a debate means you automatically loose...

You posting something pretty much has the same effect.
I look forward to Trump testifying under oath - in public.
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