Ketanji Should Be Disqualified

Gays and transsexuals are a tiny speck ,a mote, a bug, a tiny minority, (5%?) AND they are not being persecuted! No death camps, no laws harming them. WHY, WHY this HUGE goddamn focus on them? Meanwhile back at the ranch: define Black, Ketanji. disguise your racism ...just this once
Yes, yes it is. Being that this person is primarily nominated as a "woman". So what is a woman? Would there be so much ambiguity if SHE was asked "what is a black person"? I am sure there isn't any ambivalence on that.

Everyone knows what MOST women can be expected to be.
But clearly it is gays and trans who are currently controversial, so that was the real intent of the question, not the obvious one.
And there is no easy, obvious, or universal answer possible.
Nor is there an easy, obvious, or universal answer to what is a Black, because it is appearance, NOT science.
If one were to use the definition of the amount of melanin the person normally has in their skin, that is not absolute.
There are Blacks who appear white.


They look white but say they're black: a tiny town in Ohio wrestles with race​

Many residents in East Jackson were raised to identify as black. But what dictates race: where you live, your DNA, the history you’re taught?
by Khushbu Shah
Gender isn’t determined by judges. It’s not subjective, it’s biological.
This is all about destroying the culture.
You’re a Marxist dupe.

Everything has to be ruled on by a judge before it can become enforced as a law.
And while I agree it is biological, it is not straight forward.
There are at least 3 different criteria, and they can be conflicting.
Everything has to be ruled on by a judge before it can become enforced as a law.
And while I agree it is biological, it is not straight forward.
There are at least 3 different criteria, and they can be conflicting.
An AIS 46, X Y is born female.

(androgen insufficiency syndrome, 46 chromosomes (normal number) with X,Y (male genetic pattern)

If a judge ruled someone with an X,Y is a male, then you would have some born and raised females (virtually indistinguishable from X,X females) treated as males.
Do people with AIS have vaginas?

The newborn AIS infant has genitals of normal female appearance, undescended or partially descended testes, and usually a short vagina with no cervix.

Babies with androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) will have XY (usual male pattern) chromosomes.

CAIS is not usually obvious from birth because affected babies have female genitals, including a vagina and labia (folds of skin either side of the vaginal opening).

When a girl with CAIS reaches puberty, she will:

develop breasts and have growth spurts as normal, although she may end up slightly taller than usual for a girl
Judges don’t make law. You’re a Marxist.
There are two classes of law.
Statutory law, and case law.

Statutory law is made up by the legislatures
Case law is made up by judges.

Case law isn't a new law, but like regulatory law, giving clear definitions and guidelines to interpreting statute law. Such as the statute may say "several prior convictions", case law will put a range of numbers to define "several".
Judges don’t make law. You’re a Marxist.

Who said anything about judges "making law"?
Legislators make law, but then judges decide is the legislation is legal or not.
Then judges decide if the legislation applies in any particular case.
They point is you can't enforce any legislation until a judge rules on the particular case.

Babies with androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) will have XY (usual male pattern) chromosomes.

CAIS is not usually obvious from birth because affected babies have female genitals, including a vagina and labia (folds of skin either side of the vaginal opening).

When a girl with CAIS reaches puberty, she will:

develop breasts and have growth spurts as normal, although she may end up slightly taller than usual for a girl
Sounds like a Tomboy.
Some of you seem to be saying that homosexuality can have a genetic root. If that is so, maybe we could preclude homosexuality from happening in the future.
I hate this ambiguity bullshit. If woman nominated as a woman cant define something as simple as what a woman IS, how can we trust such a person to define right from wrong?
Who said anything about judges "making law"?
Legislators make law, but then judges decide is the legislation is legal or not.
Then judges decide if the legislation applies in any particular case.
They point is you can't enforce any legislation until a judge rules on the particular case.
They not only decide legal or not, as in throwing out the law completely, but by throwing out portions of the law, or refining the definition of the terms used, so as to remain legal.

One example is a law which made possession (without requiring intent) a crime. The USSC said that without intent (mens rea) the law would be thrown out in it's entirety. But if the government could show intent, they would allow them to prosecute the statute.
I hate this ambiguity bullshit. If woman nominated as a woman cant define something as simple as what a woman IS, how can we trust such a person to define right from wrong?
CAIS 46 X,Y is a woman.
With male chromosomes.

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