Key findings on how Russians rigged our election for Trump

But it was OK for Ted Kennedy to let the Russian interfere in the 1984 Reagan landslide

Was it CrusaderFrank?

Because it seems like you are saying it was ok, since it is ok for Trump to now piss on our intelligence and give blowjobs to Putin and Assange.

Lets be honest here - you are just making arguments of convenience to avoid the issue.

There's no "issue" Hillary got scholnged, she ran a worse campaign than McCain. The Russians had nothing to do with Hillary defeat

ok buddy, you do that.


That's funny. here's $40


Gonna have to try harder mr.brokenLinks lol
What's hilarious to me is according to a YouGov poll, 52% of Dimocrats stupidly believe the Russian hack meant the actual vote tally was tampered with. Now that is simply ridiculous.

That's the lie they want to embed in the COnventional Wisdom. THey lie and lie and lie.

Mostly in forums where no one has a chance to respond.
Russia did not hack the election. Wikileaks put out e-mails from the DNC and Hillary's boy Podestra. Those e-mails showed the country that the DNC and Hillary were corrupt cheating liars. That is one reason Hillary lost. The other reason is that the voters are tired of establishment bullshit and being lied to by both parties. Like it or not, Trump is the anti-party candidate and will be an anti-party, pro-USA president.

And only an idiot would believe that at this stage... So you have a choice between the whole US intelligence community which has kept your ass safe since WW2 or a guy who is with funny hair and a grudge...

So simple that even you can understand: here's the Litmus Test:

Assuming, arguendo, that leaking material about the Democrats and their candidate were aimed at influencing the electorate, list those things that the electorate knew from the 'leaks' that they didn't know before.

Here is what was known about Hildabeast without the "leaks:

Hillary let people die at Benghazi, FOR 13 HOURS while she crafted a convenient lie to help her politically, and then lied to the families of the victims, as well as The American Public.
Hillary broke US code dealing with the handling of Gov information by deleting 30,000 emails, which made her ineligible to run for president, and which The FBI and DOJ mysteriously refused to prosecute her for, despite the fact they admitted and confirmed she violated The Espionage Act.
Hillary lied under oath about the number of devices she had. She said she had one when in fact she had 17.
Hillary intentionally violated State Department Policy, and Intentionally engaged in obstruction of justice by ordering an IT firm to build her a secret personal mail server and hide it in a bathroom, and then ordered that IT firm to use Bleach Bit to destroy government property and evidence of her wrong doing.
Hillary used The State Department for her own personal gain in a pay to play scheme.
Bill Clinton met with the Attorney General charged with investigating him and Hillary secretly on a tarmac in violation of the DOJ code of ethics to work out a wink and a nod deal to keep Hillary's election chances alive.
Hillary lost 6 Billion dollars of State Department money.
Hillary gave money to terrorists to overthrow Libya and Egypt's governments.
Hillary and her friends stole absconded or wasted the majority of The Haitian Earthquake relief fund and used it for their personal gain.
Hillary's War On Women showed her true colors that she cared nothing for Women's Rights.
Hillary called people in flyover states "Uneducated Rednecks" and threatened to put people in Coal Country out of work. She called Blacks Super Predators, and Latinos Lazy and half of America a Basket of Irredeemable Deplorables.

All this was known about Hillary Clinton without dumbass Podesta. and his password "password."
Russia did not hack the election. Wikileaks put out e-mails from the DNC and Hillary's boy Podestra. Those e-mails showed the country that the DNC and Hillary were corrupt cheating liars. That is one reason Hillary lost. The other reason is that the voters are tired of establishment bullshit and being lied to by both parties. Like it or not, Trump is the anti-party candidate and will be an anti-party, pro-USA president.

And only an idiot would believe that at this stage... So you have a choice between the whole US intelligence community which has kept your ass safe since WW2 or a guy who is with funny hair and a grudge...

Having been asked this...

So simple that even you can understand: here's the Litmus Test:

Assuming, arguendo, that leaking material about the Democrats and their candidate were aimed at influencing the electorate, list those things that the electorate knew from the 'leaks' that they didn't know before.

....your silence is an admission that there is nothing that can be attributed to any "leaks."

Ergo.....the entire 'fake news- Russia did it!' is attributable to the bruised imagination of the losers.
Looks like Hillary's Russian Reset button was an abject failure.

What exactly was the purpose off the button and what where the results?
Looks like Hillary's Russian Reset button was an abject failure.

What exactly was the purpose off the button and what where the results?

Would you like to add to that failure, Obama's offer to bend over.....

Yet, somehow, the drones are willing to claim that Trump is trying to cozy up to Putin.

Curiouser, and curiouser.....
The key findings from the US intelligence report on the Russia hack, decoded
According to the report, Putin’s aim was to impugn Hillary Clinton’s credibility and boost Donald Trump’s chances of winning the election, and more broadly to make the US electoral system look shady and untrustworthy.

Much of this has already been reported publicly. But there are some key findings in this report, such as the precise nature of the link between WikiLeaks and the Russian hackers, that hadn’t been disclosed before.

Here’s a guide to the report — its most important findings and, in particular, the new and important disclosures it contains.

America got played.

We are chumps for Trump and the joke is on us.

So your argument is that America got played because Russia released accurate emails from the DNC demonstrating them trying to manipulate the primary in order to destroy the non-existent credibility of Hillary Clinton?

What are you smoking?
And to think, if Hilary and the DNC were not corrupt, the emails would not have mattered.

I guess Hillary's popular vote win is discredited by Putin.

Maybe the DNC should have listened when the FBI warned them their server was not secure. They refused the help of the FBI...and we see the consequences.

At least you're admitting that Russia helped him steal the election. I guess that's a start.

Exactly how was the election stolen? Trump got the most votes. He won. No one else won. How is that stolen?
I'll bet as much as anyone wants to put up that in about 1-month after the Trump Team gets into office there is a revised "intelligence" report that states that the Russians had nothing to do with the Wikileaks releases and that it was in-fact a 400# guy from NJ. The Obama admin simply played politics to discredit Trumps' win. Call it "The revenge of the establishment" intelligence report. If the issue was about hacking, then there would be many more offenders to go after, including China, NK and Iran.

This is too big for even Adolf Trump and his NaziCon cronies to whitewash. This has legs.

There is nothing to white wash. There is literally nothing to this story. And the fact that you guys are trying to jack up tensions with Russia because you lost is absolutely insane.

You nominated a candidate so bad she lost to Donald trump in a one on one race. Learn from it and deal with the consequences.
And to think they never even inspected either the dnc servers or Hillarys demolished servers to arrive at the conclusion that they were hacked. Obama gave them the conclusion

Except it is complete bullshit...

FBI refutes DNC claims about not investigating servers

You know that was probably another Russian led bullshit story...

So this makes you either enemy sympathizer or just a Fredo
Your link does not support your assertion - it supports his.

He claimed that the FBI did not inspect the DNC servers. The FBI in your link confirms that reality. They are playing it off as though such is not important - on that there are conflicting reports. I find it rather odd that they FBI never inspected the servers themselves.
And to think, if Hilary and the DNC were not corrupt, the emails would not have mattered.

I guess Hillary's popular vote win is discredited by Putin.

Maybe the DNC should have listened when the FBI warned them their server was not secure. They refused the help of the FBI...and we see the consequences.

At least you're admitting that Russia helped him steal the election. I guess that's a start.
What difference, at this point, does it make?

In other countries this would probably bring down the Government and lead to new elections... I couldn't think of a single western european country that would not be going back to the polls after a scandal like this... They have gone to the polls for far less..

And that is without Trump even being involved... Election was corrupted therefore new election, especially with this one so tight and he loosing the popular vote by so much...
No, that is inane conjecture. The FACT is that there is zero evidence that the election itself was fraudulent in any way or form. The Russians hacking a private entity and releasing their emails would not, in any country anywhere, invalidate the election.
The key findings from the US intelligence report on the Russia hack, decoded
According to the report, Putin’s aim was to impugn Hillary Clinton’s credibility and boost Donald Trump’s chances of winning the election, and more broadly to make the US electoral system look shady and untrustworthy.

Much of this has already been reported publicly. But there are some key findings in this report, such as the precise nature of the link between WikiLeaks and the Russian hackers, that hadn’t been disclosed before.

Here’s a guide to the report — its most important findings and, in particular, the new and important disclosures it contains.

America got played.

We are chumps for Trump and the joke is on us. David Gertz, a national security expert was on the radio this morning.......he stated Russia believed hilary was going to win, just like everyone else.....they were doing what our enemies do, they were simply undermining our system.....and considering that hilary helped them get uranium...and they paid her 140 million dollars through her fake charity to do it........they put a lot of money into hilary....not so much Trump...
No vote totals were changed or tampered with.....end of story.....
And to think, if Hilary and the DNC were not corrupt, the emails would not have mattered.

I guess Hillary's popular vote win is discredited by Putin.

Maybe the DNC should have listened when the FBI warned them their server was not secure. They refused the help of the FBI...and we see the consequences.

At least you're admitting that Russia helped him steal the election. I guess that's a start.

Exactly how was the election stolen? Trump got the most votes. He won. No one else won. How is that stolen?

I can't let that pass. He got 3 million less votes.
And to think, if Hilary and the DNC were not corrupt, the emails would not have mattered.

I guess Hillary's popular vote win is discredited by Putin.

Maybe the DNC should have listened when the FBI warned them their server was not secure. They refused the help of the FBI...and we see the consequences.

At least you're admitting that Russia helped him steal the election. I guess that's a start.

Exactly how was the election stolen? Trump got the most votes. He won. No one else won. How is that stolen?

I can't let that pass. He got 3 million less votes.

It's amazing how Putin knew exactly where to hack the election. He knows so much about rust belt politics. Clearly, he has seen "All the Right Moves" a bunch of times.
Russia did not hack the election. Wikileaks put out e-mails from the DNC and Hillary's boy Podestra. Those e-mails showed the country that the DNC and Hillary were corrupt cheating liars. That is one reason Hillary lost. The other reason is that the voters are tired of establishment bullshit and being lied to by both parties. Like it or not, Trump is the anti-party candidate and will be an anti-party, pro-USA president.

And only an idiot would believe that at this stage... So you have a choice between the whole US intelligence community which has kept your ass safe since WW2 or a guy who is with funny hair and a grudge...

Yes, the Russians (or someone else) hacked into the DNC servers and Podestra's email. Assange will not reveal his source but says it was not Russia. Could have been a disgruntled Bernie supporter within the DNC.

But the point is that the ELECTION was not hacked by anyone. The American voters selected Trump over the lying corrupt Clinton. The desperation of the losers in creating this BS is amusing.

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