
I remember during one of the board's great anti-Muslim stirs (probably after Orlando) there was a pic being spread around by you haters of a woman buried up to her neck in sand and the post was "Islamists Stoning a Woman"

It was a picture of an Indian woman having a spa treatment.

Those are the level of vid the President retweeted and even I knew better than to take them at face value. He's the PRESIDENT. He is supposed to know more stuff than me.
I'll grant you, there probably wouldn't have been automatic alarm bells going off when he saw the site name, since it's not a household name here, but for someone as well versed in social media as he is, the tricks should have been obvious.
Ever go to an Islamic Nation? I doubt it.

Man carrying nothing, pulling a donkey with nothing on its back followed by his wife with a hundred pounds of stuff tied to her back.

You’d love it there.
I remember during one of the board's great anti-Muslim stirs (probably after Orlando) there was a pic being spread around by you haters of a woman buried up to her neck in sand and the post was "Islamists Stoning a Woman"

It was a picture of an Indian woman having a spa treatment.

Those are the level of vid the President retweeted and even I knew better than to take them at face value. He's the PRESIDENT. He is supposed to know more stuff than me.
I'll grant you, there probably wouldn't have been automatic alarm bells going off when he saw the site name, since it's not a household name here, but for someone as well versed in social media as he is, the tricks should have been obvious.

I remember that you are a Trump hater and therefor nothing you say matters.
The risks of Trump retweeting anti-Muslim messages
I remember during one of the board's great anti-Muslim stirs (probably after Orlando) there was a pic being spread around by you haters of a woman buried up to her neck in sand and the post was "Islamists Stoning a Woman"

It was a picture of an Indian woman having a spa treatment.

Those are the level of vid the President retweeted and even I knew better than to take them at face value. He's the PRESIDENT. He is supposed to know more stuff than me.
I'll grant you, there probably wouldn't have been automatic alarm bells going off when he saw the site name, since it's not a household name here, but for someone as well versed in social media as he is, the tricks should have been obvious.
i do have to agree that in his position especially he needs to check out what he's going to tweet. it's bad enough he does it as much as he does but if you're going to do it, get it right. then when insulting the British PM, get her name right too.
I missed that one. Overslept and couldn't catch any news.

Judy Woodruff did an interview with Imam of a Virginia mosque last night about the concerns. It's worth hearing that he condemns the violence of the extremists as much as anyone. He is an AMERICAN.
That is where the concern is--that this anti-extremist fervor will turn into a genocidal witch hunt like they're having in Myanmar right now, like what the Croats did. Like what the Nazi's did. Wanting to put on the brakes before we become twisted animals ourselves is not a bad thing, imo.

The risks of Trump retweeting anti-Muslim messages
Anti Muslim means talking about what Muslims are doing.
Pissing me off has nothing to do with it, Fury. Defend your man or give it up.
Man? trump?

He's Vladimir Puta's bitch. There's nothing manly in that...
nothing manly at all about making up shit to project on someone because you don't like 'em either.
Have another glass of orange Kool Aid, punk.
ooo - internet warrior!!!!

fyi - so you're also one of those "if you don't bitch at trump 24x7 you love him!" person... there's a million shades of gray between black and white and maybe one day you'll understand that.
I remember during one of the board's great anti-Muslim stirs (probably after Orlando) there was a pic being spread around by you haters of a woman buried up to her neck in sand and the post was "Islamists Stoning a Woman"

It was a picture of an Indian woman having a spa treatment.

Those are the level of vid the President retweeted and even I knew better than to take them at face value. He's the PRESIDENT. He is supposed to know more stuff than me.
I'll grant you, there probably wouldn't have been automatic alarm bells going off when he saw the site name, since it's not a household name here, but for someone as well versed in social media as he is, the tricks should have been obvious.

I remember that you are a Trump hater and therefor nothing you say matters.
That makes your life easy, for sure. But my disagreement with him on this issue isn't personal. He's just the messenger, as you are.
Trump had no business retweeting those idiot vids, but it's good to know we aren't the only people who like to OVERREACT.
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Trump is great at using free Twitter to gain vast amounts of support and keeping the idiots distracted while he does what he wants.
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If only it were intentional--but we've just elected a dumbass, Weatherman.
Trump is a weatherman?

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