Kid in Tenn DUI video planned the confrontation

As I had suspected, this kid planned with the help of the Libertarian Party organization to which he belongs, to engage in a confrontation with police.
The police dash cam video is available through this link. The police video is unedited. Unlike the kid's video.
New Developments in The Story About That Viral DUI Checkpoint Video | Video |

Actually the police put themselves in that position by harassing innocent motorists...So who gives a fuck? He has every right to travel on the roads he pays for just like me or you do. He did a damn good job I applaud him.
Which is worse, DWI checkpoints or allowing drunk driver the freedom to harm the public?

Wonder how many actual drunk drivers got away while they were harassing him...and how many were told about the checkpoint and didn't go that way...hell if you know where a checkpoint is that's the best time to drink and drive just avoid that area.
Which is worse, DWI checkpoints or allowing drunk driver the freedom to harm the public?

Look on the bright side if the Libertarians take over you can sue that drunk driver for killing your kid or family. Libertarians are idiots.
I've seen more drunk Marines than Drunk Libertarians.

A Pig is only supposed to pull you over based on Reasonable Suspicion or if He SEE'S you break a Law. Only an Authoritarian equates Driving with Reasonable Suspicion or Lawbreaking.
So? I sort of assumed that on first viewing.
The libs made a big deal out of "organized" tea party rallies and protests. As though 'organizing' was a crime.
Now when someone 'plans' something, suddenly it's just fine.
Can't have it both ways.
As I had suspected, this kid planned with the help of the Libertarian Party organization to which he belongs, to engage in a confrontation with police.
The police dash cam video is available through this link. The police video is unedited. Unlike the kid's video.
New Developments in The Story About That Viral DUI Checkpoint Video | Video |

Actually the police put themselves in that position by harassing innocent motorists...So who gives a fuck? He has every right to travel on the roads he pays for just like me or you do. He did a damn good job I applaud him.

The police are performing an necessary ( big pain in the ass) service. Unfortunately, catching drunks and other miscreants has become a priority of police work. And it has been set up this way because of certain political organizations( MADD for one) have very loud voices in local politics.
If people would learn to control themselves when taking alcohol and not get smashed to the bejeezus then drive away, there would be no need for this type of law enforcement tactic.
I despise being stopped for no apparent reason. I just cooperate an be on my way.
There is no possible positive outcome fighting city hall on the this one. The SCOTUS has already ruled on this.
One caveat. SCOTUS ruled in a case brought by the State of Connecticut. The SCOTUS ruled that a motorist is under no legal obligation to proceed to a police checkpoint. In other words the motorist upon seeing the checkpoint is free to go another way and avoid the checkpoint.
See in this link DUI Attorney » DUI Sobriety Checkpoints
In the list. Look at the second to last point in the list regarding "adequately warned".
See :city of Indianapolis v Edmonds. Justice Stevens 'concurring opinion'..
'May detain as long as officer chooses to detain them'.
The courts can rule all they like but it takes time to trickle down. I guarantee you if you did u turn as you approached a DUI check there would a cop car on your bumper for some time. By turning around you put yourself in "contempt of cop", and that pisses them off.
The courts can rule all they like but it takes time to trickle down. I guarantee you if you did u turn as you approached a DUI check there would a cop car on your bumper for some time. By turning around you put yourself in "contempt of cop", and that pisses them off.

Here's where people go off the rails. Cops are not permitted to make up the law as they go because they get 'pissed off'...
I once parked my car after leaving a bar. Had a couple or three beers. I saw over the crest of the hill the reflections of blue lights from multiple police cars. I thought it was a DWI checkpoint. So I walked to the top of the hill to have a look. Sure enough it was. I so I walked back, turned around and went another way. No worries.
The courts can rule all they like but it takes time to trickle down. I guarantee you if you did u turn as you approached a DUI check there would a cop car on your bumper for some time. By turning around you put yourself in "contempt of cop", and that pisses them off.

Here's where people go off the rails. Cops are not permitted to make up the law as they go because they get 'pissed off'...
I once parked my car after leaving a bar. Had a couple or three beers. I saw over the crest of the hill the reflections of blue lights from multiple police cars. I thought it was a DWI checkpoint. So I walked to the top of the hill to have a look. Sure enough it was. I so I walked back, turned around and went another way. No worries.

Well, I live in the mid south as well, and I've watched them orchestrate their checkpoints and what I noticed is that they have cars sitting on all the roads in front of the checkpoint waiting for a car to turn around or simply use those roads. It's a scare tactic designed to lure some into blue light fright and a mistake.
The courts can rule all they like but it takes time to trickle down. I guarantee you if you did u turn as you approached a DUI check there would a cop car on your bumper for some time. By turning around you put yourself in "contempt of cop", and that pisses them off.

Here's where people go off the rails. Cops are not permitted to make up the law as they go because they get 'pissed off'...
I once parked my car after leaving a bar. Had a couple or three beers. I saw over the crest of the hill the reflections of blue lights from multiple police cars. I thought it was a DWI checkpoint. So I walked to the top of the hill to have a look. Sure enough it was. I so I walked back, turned around and went another way. No worries.

Well, I live in the mid south as well, and I've watched them orchestrate their checkpoints and what I noticed is that they have cars sitting on all the roads in front of the checkpoint waiting for a car to turn around or simply use those roads. It's a scare tactic designed to lure some into blue light fright and a mistake.
Oh yeah..The police put these checkpoints where there is no escape. At a point where there no side roads or streets. At the end of blind curves. Bottom of a hill. End of an exit ramp. This particular trap happened to be at the end of an exit ramp. The cops were stopping traffic leaving the interstate as well as in both directions on the surface road.
While I think checkpoints are a necessary tool in law enforcement I believe they are a cheap way to catch violators. The checkpoints allow the police go after the low hanging fruit. Meanwhile savvy repeat repeat repeat drunk drivers travel with impunity and no one catches them until they wreck or wreck an innocent.
When I go through one of these things, my answers are one word, sharp and there is no conversation. I turn on my dome light and have my license ready. If they ask me from where I am coming, I name the town or city. If they ask where I am going I say "home"...Had anything to drink tonight? Nope. If they try to shine their flashlight in my eyes, I shield them. That's an old trick to make your eyes water and that make them look like a person has been drinking. Instant probable cause. Those cops are troublemakers ..Most Cops don't want to be there any more than the motorists.
I know several police officers. The things they hate doing are DWI checkpoints and DWI arrests.
That's why I think it's best to just have your license ready so the cops can look at it and be on my merry way.

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