King Obama I need to golf who cares if you planned your wedding today!!!

Obama is the President of the United States

As such there will be intense security wherever he goes. Republicans seem to claim that this means he should not go anywhere

The security measures and restrictions on movement is something that American society places on the Presidential family. It is a greater inconvenience to them than it is to us
2nd or 3rd thread on this and Obama had nothing to do with it. When he found out about it, he called them to apologize.


“He apologized and congratulated them,” McCarthy said. “We were all there, it was perfect. Made their day.”

Then why did he apologize?

Or is Obama never responsible for his own staff, unlike Republicans, who wear any sin of their staff?

Oh look! The goalposts just moved!

Is Obama a narcissistic tyrant who knowingly and callously fucked up a wedding so he could play golf?

That's what the thread contends.

Answer, Marty. Please.

Actually considering the people had this disclaimer in their contract, I really don't have much of an issue with this, short of Obama's PR people should have known this would get a reaction.

My quibble is with the people, luddy in particular, that want to treat this as a non-story, or better yet, I KNOW would beat up a republican president for the exact same thing.

Look at one of my first posts, I gave valid reasons for why this isn't really an issue. The issue to me is the auto-defense.

Oh! You are concerned with what someone might do if a GOP POTUS is falsely accused of fucking up a wedding by a rabid echo chamber!! Got it!
Has a single outraged nutter read the facts in this case and decided to show some integrity by retracting their outrage?
Facts?? Rightards don't need no stinkin' facts. Hell, pesky facts only get in the way of a good rant.
Facts are pesky details that loonie lefties like to play with and change when needed.
Oh? Then why don't you explain what Obama did wrong here? Employing facts, of course.
I'll tell you what he did right. He called them and apologized for fucking up their wedding.
I'll accept that as you being incapable of using facts to explain what he did wrong.
What he did wrong would take about an hour to type.
2nd or 3rd thread on this and Obama had nothing to do with it. When he found out about it, he called them to apologize.


“He apologized and congratulated them,” McCarthy said. “We were all there, it was perfect. Made their day.”

Then why did he apologize?

Or is Obama never responsible for his own staff, unlike Republicans, who wear any sin of their staff?

Oh look! The goalposts just moved!

Is Obama a narcissistic tyrant who knowingly and callously fucked up a wedding so he could play golf?

That's what the thread contends.

Answer, Marty. Please.

Actually considering the people had this disclaimer in their contract, I really don't have much of an issue with this, short of Obama's PR people should have known this would get a reaction.

My quibble is with the people, luddy in particular, that want to treat this as a non-story, or better yet, I KNOW would beat up a republican president for the exact same thing.

Look at one of my first posts, I gave valid reasons for why this isn't really an issue. The issue to me is the auto-defense.

Oh! You are concerned with what someone might do if a GOP POTUS is falsely accused of fucking up a wedding by a rabid echo chamber!! Got it!

The event happened. It was his golf game that made them move the ceremony to another part of the base. He only called to apologize AFTER Bloomberg news called for a response to a story they were going to run.

There is not a single falsehood in anything i just posted (unless Bloomberg changes it's story). If you want to go with the "rogue staff" theory of defense, fine, but it shows you for the partisan hack you are.
You RW traitors should read the links.

Here's another thread, same subject, same fake outrage, with comments.

Obama s 18 day multi-million dollar vacation bumps wedding US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Awwww, Luddy has a sadz.

Go fuck yourself with a rusty AIDS infested tire iron.
It's always enjoyable watching rightards go apoplectic when their self-serving rants blow up in their face. :mm:

Luddy is calling people a traitor for commenting on a presidential PR fuck-up (even if he was within his rights, it was a PR fuckup).

Luddy is an asshole, and need to be called out as such.
There are folks here attacking Obama is if he intentionally, and narcissistically, forced a couple to move their wedding so he could play golf. In reality, that never happened. In reality, Obama wasn't aware of their wedding plans until after their wedding was moved. What's wrong with calling people who make false accusations against the POTUS, "traitors?"
Facts?? Rightards don't need no stinkin' facts. Hell, pesky facts only get in the way of a good rant.
Facts are pesky details that loonie lefties like to play with and change when needed.
Oh? Then why don't you explain what Obama did wrong here? Employing facts, of course.
I'll tell you what he did right. He called them and apologized for fucking up their wedding.
I'll accept that as you being incapable of using facts to explain what he did wrong.
What he did wrong would take about an hour to type.
Yet you've spent more time typing why you can't demonstrate what he did wrong. :dunno: That's ok, I understand why you can't verbalize what he did wrong.
Another lie about President Obama.


What lie Luddly? Did these people have to move their wedding to accommodate Obama?

Let's help Luddy here, there are actually far more valid responses to deflect this whole thing.

1) Their contract did include notification that a presidential event could make them move.
2) The president did call to congratulate and apologize to them
3) They were relocated by the base event staff, and everything seems to have gone off OK.

Of course being told right before your wedding that shit has to move is probably annoying as hell.

A good and benevolent leader would have postponed his game or found something else to do. A wedding takes precedence over a golf game (with or without an apology).

The President of the United States was unlikely to even have known about a scheduling glitch until he was asked about it by a news agency.

Believe it or not- President's don't arrange their own tee times.

Perhaps certain Presidents could reduce their tee-times. Nevertheless, had I been the President I would have put off my game the moment I was made aware that a wedding was taking place. I'd go find a pool table or a pinball machine instead.
2nd or 3rd thread on this and Obama had nothing to do with it. When he found out about it, he called them to apologize.


“He apologized and congratulated them,” McCarthy said. “We were all there, it was perfect. Made their day.”

Then why did he apologize?

Or is Obama never responsible for his own staff, unlike Republicans, who wear any sin of their staff?

Oh look! The goalposts just moved!

Is Obama a narcissistic tyrant who knowingly and callously fucked up a wedding so he could play golf?

That's what the thread contends.

Answer, Marty. Please.

Actually considering the people had this disclaimer in their contract, I really don't have much of an issue with this, short of Obama's PR people should have known this would get a reaction.

My quibble is with the people, luddy in particular, that want to treat this as a non-story, or better yet, I KNOW would beat up a republican president for the exact same thing.

Look at one of my first posts, I gave valid reasons for why this isn't really an issue. The issue to me is the auto-defense.

Oh! You are concerned with what someone might do if a GOP POTUS is falsely accused of fucking up a wedding by a rabid echo chamber!! Got it!

The event happened. It was his golf game that made them move the ceremony to another part of the base. He only called to apologize AFTER Bloomberg news called for a response to a story they were going to run.

There is not a single falsehood in anything i just posted (unless Bloomberg changes it's story). If you want to go with the "rogue staff" theory of defense, fine, but it shows you for the partisan hack you are.
Now compare how you laid out the events with the thread title...

King Obama I need to golf who cares if you planned your wedding today!!!

... does your description match that?
Another lie about President Obama.


What lie Luddly? Did these people have to move their wedding to accommodate Obama?

Let's help Luddy here, there are actually far more valid responses to deflect this whole thing.

1) Their contract did include notification that a presidential event could make them move.
2) The president did call to congratulate and apologize to them
3) They were relocated by the base event staff, and everything seems to have gone off OK.

Of course being told right before your wedding that shit has to move is probably annoying as hell.

A good and benevolent leader would have postponed his game or found something else to do. A wedding takes precedence over a golf game (with or without an apology).

The President of the United States was unlikely to even have known about a scheduling glitch until he was asked about it by a news agency.

Believe it or not- President's don't arrange their own tee times.

Perhaps certain Presidents could reduce their tee-times. Nevertheless, had I been the President I would have put off my game the moment I was made aware that a wedding was taking place. I'd go find a pool table or a pinball machine instead.
That "moment" apparently came after their wedding ceremony. What good would it have done to abandon your round of golf at that point?
I don't think Obama should have the power to override a reservation made for a wedding. The motherfucker could have postponed his game for a couple of hours. This country does not support an imperial presidency.
I don't think Obama should have the power to override a reservation made for a wedding. The motherfucker could have postponed his game for a couple of hours. This country does not support an imperial presidency.
I see, so you have evidence that Obama knew of their wedding in advance. Let's see your evidence ........
Obama was quite humorous as he chatted with the couple for quite a while. He said that if he had known they were getting married on the 16th hole he would have just skipped the 16th hole. The groom asked what he shot and the President said he shot an 84, but if he had skipped the 16th he would have shot a 79.
The couple said they could see him golfing on the 16th during the ceremony and Obama said "That must have been painful"
The President then asked "If you get married in Hawaii where do you go for a honeymoon?" The two Army officers then said, looks like it is going to be Ft Polk
They then invited Obama to the reception at the Officers Club and told them there was an open bar. Obama said....You don't want me there, everyone would have to go through a magnitron

Looks like the couple will have a story they can tell the rest of their lives
You RW traitors should read the links.

Here's another thread, same subject, same fake outrage, with comments.

Obama s 18 day multi-million dollar vacation bumps wedding US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Awwww, Luddy has a sadz.

Go fuck yourself with a rusty AIDS infested tire iron.
It's always enjoyable watching rightards go apoplectic when their self-serving rants blow up in their face. :mm:

Luddy is calling people a traitor for commenting on a presidential PR fuck-up (even if he was within his rights, it was a PR fuckup).

Luddy is an asshole, and need to be called out as such.
There are folks here attacking Obama is if he intentionally, and narcissistically, forced a couple to move their wedding so he could play golf. In reality, that never happened. In reality, Obama wasn't aware of their wedding plans until after their wedding was moved. What's wrong with calling people who make false accusations against the POTUS, "traitors?"

Its called politics. Its amazing how thing skinned you progs get when its your people getting hammered in the media, for what is admittedly bullshit.
Then why did he apologize?

Or is Obama never responsible for his own staff, unlike Republicans, who wear any sin of their staff?

Oh look! The goalposts just moved!

Is Obama a narcissistic tyrant who knowingly and callously fucked up a wedding so he could play golf?

That's what the thread contends.

Answer, Marty. Please.

Actually considering the people had this disclaimer in their contract, I really don't have much of an issue with this, short of Obama's PR people should have known this would get a reaction.

My quibble is with the people, luddy in particular, that want to treat this as a non-story, or better yet, I KNOW would beat up a republican president for the exact same thing.

Look at one of my first posts, I gave valid reasons for why this isn't really an issue. The issue to me is the auto-defense.

Oh! You are concerned with what someone might do if a GOP POTUS is falsely accused of fucking up a wedding by a rabid echo chamber!! Got it!

The event happened. It was his golf game that made them move the ceremony to another part of the base. He only called to apologize AFTER Bloomberg news called for a response to a story they were going to run.

There is not a single falsehood in anything i just posted (unless Bloomberg changes it's story). If you want to go with the "rogue staff" theory of defense, fine, but it shows you for the partisan hack you are.
Now compare how you laid out the events with the thread title...

King Obama I need to golf who cares if you planned your wedding today!!!

... does your description match that?

Again, thin skinned. Does Fauny has a sadz?
Has a single outraged nutter read the facts in this case and decided to show some integrity by retracting their outrage?
Facts?? Rightards don't need no stinkin' facts. Hell, pesky facts only get in the way of a good rant.
Facts are pesky details that loonie lefties like to play with and change when needed.
Oh? Then why don't you explain what Obama did wrong here? Employing facts, of course.
He got elected. Twice.
Facts are pesky details that loonie lefties like to play with and change when needed.
Oh? Then why don't you explain what Obama did wrong here? Employing facts, of course.
I'll tell you what he did right. He called them and apologized for fucking up their wedding.
I'll accept that as you being incapable of using facts to explain what he did wrong.
What he did wrong would take about an hour to type.
Yet you've spent more time typing why you can't demonstrate what he did wrong. :dunno: That's ok, I understand why you can't verbalize what he did wrong.

I spent maybe 30 seconds typing my response. So considering how dishonest you are with respect to your Lord and Savior Obama ... I figure telling you exactly what he did wrong would be like throwing pearls before swine.
I don't think Obama should have the power to override a reservation made for a wedding. The motherfucker could have postponed his game for a couple of hours. This country does not support an imperial presidency.
I see, so you have evidence that Obama knew of their wedding in advance. Let's see your evidence ........

I figure this much; He spends millions of dollars on his Hawaiian vacations that he doesn't have to spend. $1.4 billion a year to pamper his ass per annum. Maybe he needs to stay in North America for once. He can go to Hawaii all he wants once his job in Washington is done.
You RW traitors should read the links.

Here's another thread, same subject, same fake outrage, with comments.

Obama s 18 day multi-million dollar vacation bumps wedding US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Awwww, Luddy has a sadz.

Go fuck yourself with a rusty AIDS infested tire iron.
It's always enjoyable watching rightards go apoplectic when their self-serving rants blow up in their face. :mm:

Luddy is calling people a traitor for commenting on a presidential PR fuck-up (even if he was within his rights, it was a PR fuckup).

Luddy is an asshole, and need to be called out as such.
There are folks here attacking Obama is if he intentionally, and narcissistically, forced a couple to move their wedding so he could play golf. In reality, that never happened. In reality, Obama wasn't aware of their wedding plans until after their wedding was moved. What's wrong with calling people who make false accusations against the POTUS, "traitors?"

Its called politics. Its amazing how thing skinned you progs get when its your people getting hammered in the media, for what is admittedly bullshit.
So is calling partisan hacks, "traitors."
Awwww, Luddy has a sadz.

Go fuck yourself with a rusty AIDS infested tire iron.
It's always enjoyable watching rightards go apoplectic when their self-serving rants blow up in their face. :mm:

Luddy is calling people a traitor for commenting on a presidential PR fuck-up (even if he was within his rights, it was a PR fuckup).

Luddy is an asshole, and need to be called out as such.
There are folks here attacking Obama is if he intentionally, and narcissistically, forced a couple to move their wedding so he could play golf. In reality, that never happened. In reality, Obama wasn't aware of their wedding plans until after their wedding was moved. What's wrong with calling people who make false accusations against the POTUS, "traitors?"

Its called politics. Its amazing how thing skinned you progs get when its your people getting hammered in the media, for what is admittedly bullshit.
So is calling partisan hacks, "traitors."

And I called Luddy Duddy on it, and you are defending his stupid ass because you Obama-bots stick together.
Oh look! The goalposts just moved!

Is Obama a narcissistic tyrant who knowingly and callously fucked up a wedding so he could play golf?

That's what the thread contends.

Answer, Marty. Please.

Actually considering the people had this disclaimer in their contract, I really don't have much of an issue with this, short of Obama's PR people should have known this would get a reaction.

My quibble is with the people, luddy in particular, that want to treat this as a non-story, or better yet, I KNOW would beat up a republican president for the exact same thing.

Look at one of my first posts, I gave valid reasons for why this isn't really an issue. The issue to me is the auto-defense.

Oh! You are concerned with what someone might do if a GOP POTUS is falsely accused of fucking up a wedding by a rabid echo chamber!! Got it!

The event happened. It was his golf game that made them move the ceremony to another part of the base. He only called to apologize AFTER Bloomberg news called for a response to a story they were going to run.

There is not a single falsehood in anything i just posted (unless Bloomberg changes it's story). If you want to go with the "rogue staff" theory of defense, fine, but it shows you for the partisan hack you are.
Now compare how you laid out the events with the thread title...

King Obama I need to golf who cares if you planned your wedding today!!!

... does your description match that?

Again, thin skinned. Does Fauny has a sadz?
Who knew that highlighting rightwing hysteria makes one thin skinned? And WTF knows what sadz is? :dunno:

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