Know Why The Left Hides History?

This shit again? At that point in history the southern Democrats were the right wing of the country. Those "Democrats" all joined the Republican party in the 1950/60s. You're using labels that no longer carry the same meaning to distort history. Whether you're doing that intentionally or out of stupidity is unknown, but the truth of it is that that's the legacy of the right wing, not the left.

Check this out.


I bet if you looked up the platform of the southern "Democrats" from that time period you'd agree with just about everything they were saying. People from the right that claim that the KKK was born from the left either have absolutely no integrity or they don't have a strong understanding of history.

Yep, you're a fucking liar.

Such is the way of you Stalinists.

Did you read the article? lol They question some of the wording, but then go on to show it's pretty accurate.
We agree that the Southern Democrats (including Dixiecrats) at the time were pro-segregation, pro-lynch mobs, pro-Klan, and anti-Civil Rights; you'll get no argument from me there. They were, however, overwhelmingly Conservative
Really? Then how do you explain that the Democrats (especially the southern Democrats) were full bore behind FDR's "New Deal" while Republican's vehemently opposed it? There was nothing "conservative" about violating the U.S. Constitution, creating welfare, creating Social Security, and implementing socialism.

I'm sorry my friend, despite the lefts most desperate efforts to re-write history, it's not happening. The Democrat Party has not changed since 1828. They were - and they remain - the party of racism. They will tolerate any "house negro" willing to remain on the plantation and support their cause (after all, the left believes the ends justifies the means and they will shake hands with the devil himself to get it done). But just ask conservatives like Allen West what happens when they dare become conservative. They face the worst forms of racism imaginable. They are called the "N word" every hour. That never happens to African-American Democrats.
The New Deal was really the defining characteristic of the fifth system, and there was a big coalition built around its support. Lots in the South didn't support it, but lots did because of FDR's ability to keep it together, and the obvious, money. The South was hit really hard during the Depression, so programs like welfare and Social Security, farm support, and WPA and other alphabet-soup projects appealed to their struggling economy. It was the split due to Civil Rights that more or less brought and end to the coalition, and therefore the fifth system.

Bear in mind, I'm giving you guys the short versions of all of these. There was a lot more complexity to it, as you can probably imagine. Next, I'll explain the Crusades in two paragraphs or less! :D Your entire narrative has fallen apart. The Democrats in 1828 were the same fiercely racist Democrats of the 1860's Civil War, were the same Democrats of FDR's New Deal in the 1930's, were the same racist Democrats of the 1960's opposing the Civil Rights movement, are the same Democrats of today.

Nobody agreed to "switch" sides. :eusa_doh:
Forgive me if I read something into this, but I get the feeling that you're interpreting what I'm saying as a partisan opinion piece, as if I'm trying to protect the reputation of the Democratic party.
Forgive me if I read something into this, but I get the feeling that you're interpreting what I'm saying as a partisan opinion piece, as if I'm trying to protect the reputation of the Democratic party.
Well I have no idea about any of that. But I do know it is a misinformed piece!
One has to ask themselves - if the left is so ashamed of the history of the Democrat Party, why are the Democrats?!? If I were ashamed of the Republican Party (and I am) I wouldn't be a Republican (and I'm not).

The names of America's political parties are not always indicative of a political ideology which makes for some confusion. That normal confusion can be used by posters and others, to further confuse, and it seems to be done on a regular basis.
One has to ask themselves - if the left is so ashamed of the history of the Democrat Party, why are the Democrats?!? If I were ashamed of the Republican Party (and I am) I wouldn't be a Republican (and I'm not).

The names of America's political parties are not always indicative of a political ideology which makes for some confusion. That normal confusion can be used by posters and others, to further confuse, and it seems to be done on a regular basis.

And sometimes the truth is perfectly clear - and rightfully uncomfortable. The democrat party is and always has been the party of oppression, tyranny, slavery, and division.
One has to ask themselves - if the left is so ashamed of the history of the Democrat Party, why are the Democrats?!? If I were ashamed of the Republican Party (and I am) I wouldn't be a Republican (and I'm not).

The names of America's political parties are not always indicative of a political ideology which makes for some confusion. That normal confusion can be used by posters and others, to further confuse, and it seems to be done on a regular basis.

And sometimes the truth is perfectly clear - and rightfully uncomfortable. The democrat party is and always has been the party of oppression, tyranny, slavery, and division.
So what happened to the Federalist and Whig parties, why did they fold up their tents?
Democrats still trace their beginnings to the party of Jefferson and his ideals. Do the conservatives still support Lincoln? If not, why not?

biyand how many conservatives support Lincoln?
Democrats still trace their beginnings to the party of Jefferson and his ideals.
Holy shit...I've heard Regent say some bat-shit crazy stuff, but that one there is by FAR and away the most absurd. Like all progressives, she clearly doesn't have the faintest clue who Thomas Jefferson actually was.

Democrats still trace their beginnings to the party of Jefferson and his ideals.
My dear...there literally isn't a single trait or "ideal" that the Dumbocrats share with Thomas Jefferson. Not one. The left is nothing but oppressive, big government fascists. Thomas Jefferson was the ultimate Tea Party conservative.

I share every single view with Thomas Jefferson and I'm routinely called a "tea bagging radical" by the left-wing lunatics on this board.

You people have become so radicalized (and uneducated) that none of you even realize that your party has nothing in common with Thomas Jefferson. You literally don't know a single thing about the man.
Democrats still trace their beginnings to the party of Jefferson and his ideals.
My dear...there literally isn't a single trait or "ideal" that the Dumbocrats share with Thomas Jefferson. Not one. The left is nothing but oppressive, big government fascists. Thomas Jefferson was the ultimate Tea Party conservative.

I share every single view with Thomas Jefferson and I'm routinely called a "tea bagging radical" by the left-wing lunatics on this board.

You people have become so radicalized (and uneducated) that none of you even realize that your party has nothing in common with Thomas Jefferson. You literally don't know a single thing about the man.

Big Military is far more consistently linked to Mass Murder / Genocide, than something like spending money on Healthcare, as if Genocide is routinely done by Health officials.

Keep in mind that just about all of Europe all has Socialized medicine today.

I can't think of any European country as violent as the big military U.S.A since the 1950's, can you?

Keep in mind the U.S.A since 1945 has killed about as many as the Nazis, or 20 million, give or take.
Democrats still trace their beginnings to the party of Jefferson and his ideals.
Just to illustrate

A. How much you don't know about Thomas Jefferson


B. How the Dumbocrat Party shares absolutely, positively nothing with the ideals of Thomas Jefferson

here is one of my favorite quotes from Jefferson. Please tell me ANY person in the Dumbocrat Party who even remotely agrees with this sentiment. Was this Barack Insane Obama's view when he forced the unconstitutional Obamacare down the throats of the American people? Show me a single Dumbocrat who will tolerate dangerous freedom. If you did - would you be working 24x7 to ban or otherwise limit access to firearms?

Democrats still trace their beginnings to the party of Jefferson and his ideals.
Holy shit...I've heard Regent say some bat-shit crazy stuff, but that one there is by FAR and away the most absurd. Like all progressives, she clearly doesn't have the faintest clue who Thomas Jefferson actually was.


Thomas Jefferson initially didn't want a standing military.

Way to goof that up too.

Oh, and keep in mind that the U.S Founding Fathers weren't Capitalists, but they were White Supremacists.

You Republicans really goof up everything, such a bunch of Sub-Humans.
Democrats still trace their beginnings to the party of Jefferson and his ideals.
Just to illustrate

A. How much you don't know about Thomas Jefferson


B. How the Dumbocrat Party shares absolutely, positively nothing with the ideals of Thomas Jefferson

here is one of my favorite quotes from Jefferson. Please tell me ANY person in the Dumbocrat Party who even remotely agrees with this sentiment. Was this Barack Insane Obama's view when he forced the unconstitutional Obamacare down the throats of the American people? Show me a single Dumbocrat who will tolerate dangerous freedom. If you did - would you be working 24x7 to ban or otherwise limit access to firearms?

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You have the perfect post for liberals here. The PPACA was voted on and signed into law. Please refer to it in it's proper form not Obama is great care or ?
Keep in mind that just about all of Europe all has Socialized medicine today.
Which is why you should go back to Poland, where you belong!

You think it's patriotic for your own countryman to die in War, or from lack of healthcare.

You Brits are Europe's #1 in primitiveness, violence, and everything else wrong.

You just like going out there, and making screeching Chimp noises.
Thomas Jefferson initially didn't want a standing military.
Yep. And who fucked that up? The first real progressive/Dumbocrat - Alexander Hamilton. The most hated man among the American founders. Sworn enemy of Thomas Jefferson. And later shot and killed in dual by sitting Vice President, Aaron Burr.

Any other really stupid shit you want to say?
Oh, and keep in mind that the U.S Founding Fathers weren't Capitalists, but they were White Supremacists.
Yawn. That's been debunked thousands and thousands of times. Only desperate progressives and dumb polacks keep dipping into that well of lies.

You British savages don't even understand politics.

Liberalism of the economic market means to loosen up regulations.

Also keep in mind that Capitalism actually sells out to Leftist, or anti-Patriotic ideals, such as Illegal immigrants being hired in mass to profit the Capitalists, or outsourcing jobs to China for massive profits to the Capitalists, or Hollywood, media, or the Porn industry selling out degenerate, and Liberal agendas for Capitalist "Freedom"

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