Kobe Bryant refuses to support trayvon martin. Liberals crucify him

Don Ford, I haven't heard that name in years.
You remember Prez Ford? About Corky Carroll?

That was the team this years Lakers are trying not to beat.

If they do, they become the worst Laker team in franchise history.

Remember Don "Slick" Watts, or Larry Steele or Greg Smith.
I remember Watts when he played for the Supersonics.

As far as Steele and Smith are concerned, fuck the Bucks!

How 'bout World B. Free? Or Andrew Toney?
Don Ford, I haven't heard that name in years.
You remember Prez Ford? About Corky Carroll?

That was the team this years Lakers are trying not to beat.

If they do, they become the worst Laker team in franchise history.

Remember Don "Slick" Watts, or Larry Steele or Greg Smith.
I remember Watts when he played for the Supersonics.

As far as Steele and Smith are concerned, fuck the Bucks!

How 'bout World B. Free? Or Andrew Toney?

Steele played for the Blazers his whole career, in the same backcourt as Geoff Petrie.

Kevin Kunnert, Otis Birdsong, Austin Carr.

The one that always stood out was Billy Ray Bates.
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Steele played for the Blazers his whole career, in the same backcourt as Geoff Petrie.

Kevin Kunnert, Otis Birdsong, Austin Carr.

The one that always stood out was Billy Ray Bates.
Was Steele on the team with Maurice Lucas and Lionel Hollins?

I think I confused him with Larry Costello.
Sigh...I really don't think that Anything was "proven" in that case...other than defense attny. O'Mara being effective in raising jurors' fears and biases .
..I watched the entire trial...and frankly, found that the way Treyvon's friend (who heard him say "get off me"before the phone died) and the heavily accented forensic examiners were treated ...highly prejudicial. Most of the time it felt like Martin was on trial rather than Zimmerman.
What IS actually naive is Depending on a fictitious video, O'mara's dramatics, and speculating "who started it", " who was on top" at any given moment and the perp's own account ...as justifications for the verdict.
By the bye...us libs did not raise this issue...I for one am simply responding to the sad effort to present Kobe's opinion as somehow cementing the validity of that verdict...Which at least one of the jurors regrets.

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Out of the mouth of babes: ".I really don't think that Anything was "proven" in that case..." Absolutely correct. Case closed because it was the obligation of the state to prove that George was guilty.

You don't know much about the law obviously, which few of those who want to continue commenting on this case do. You and your ilk continue to demonstrate nothing more than frustration,ignorance and a blind faith in the politics of black victimhood.
Facts and justice means very little to a cult. Many blacks care not to consider that Trayvon maybe a violent thug that would do such things.

Bye the way...Referring to Martin as a "thug" is one of the ways biases were raised well before the trial...and ironic in view of the fact that Zimmerman was the only one of the two w an arrest record for assault..,

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The police buried Trayvon's past history.

On TRAYVON own Facebook Page he said that he was in two other fist fight within 24 hrs. Before his path crossed Zimmerman I don't know how you live but whats the odds of being involved in three fist fights in a 24 hour period, also attack bus driver too ,also on his own Facebook page he writes about using A drink called Lean , Lean is a coctail that is created by mixing Robitussin or other over-the-counter or proscription cough medicines with codiene , promethazine you guessed it, Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Juice, the flavor of tea( these two things were found on him that night) It has opiate like effects. Some of its side effects include confusion, agitation, and hallucinations among others If his Facebook postings are to be believed, Trayvon had been using Lean since at least June 2011, ! He has recently been kicked out of school for the third time for marijuana, and burglary tools and stolen jewelry . Martin should not have been suspended. He should have been arrested on both occasions. Had he been, his parents and his teachers would have known how desperately far he had gone astray. ( and I not knocking marijuana but not at high school ) , I believe this youg man was on a path of self destruction.I believe this speaks to his true character
Steele played for the Blazers his whole career, in the same backcourt as Geoff Petrie.

Kevin Kunnert, Otis Birdsong, Austin Carr.

The one that always stood out was Billy Ray Bates.
Was Steele on the team with Maurice Lucas and Lionel Hollins?

I think I confused him with Larry Costello.

Hollins, Dave Twardzik, Lucas, Bobby Gross, Bill Walton. Steele, Corky Calhoun, TR Dunn, Tom Owens, Willie Norwood, Lloyd (Ole Bottom) Neal, Johnny Davis, all on the championship squad. I think Dale Schulter was on the team, I can't remember, but they did trade Moses Malone to Houston at the beginning of the season.

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Why would I care?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Why would you post then?

Why do you care?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Just amusing, someone claims not to care, yet posts on thread, then comes back to the thread. I think you are lying and I being free to post, can call you out on it and did.

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Sigh...I really don't think that Anything was "proven" in that case...other than defense attny. O'Mara being effective in raising jurors' fears and biases .
..I watched the entire trial...and frankly, found that the way Treyvon's friend (who heard him say "get off me"before the phone died) and the heavily accented forensic examiners were treated ...highly prejudicial. Most of the time it felt like Martin was on trial rather than Zimmerman.
What IS actually naive is Depending on a fictitious video, O'mara's dramatics, and speculating "who started it", " who was on top" at any given moment and the perp's own account ...as justifications for the verdict.
By the bye...us libs did not raise this issue...I for one am simply responding to the sad effort to present Kobe's opinion as somehow cementing the validity of that verdict...Which at least one of the jurors regrets.

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With all due respect, Doc...Zimmerman got the living tar beat out of him by your "child"...Trayvon Martin is dead today because he decided that violence was the proper response to someone challenging his right to be walking through that neighborhood. All he needed to do was tell George Zimmerman who he was and who he was visiting. Zimmerman was following Martin that night because Zimmerman didn't think the teenager belonged where he was. The real tragedy is someone lost their life because they chose to use their fists rather than simply talk to the person they were having an issue with. THAT is the lesson that should be learned from what happened that night!
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Sigh...I really don't think that Anything was "proven" in that case...other than defense attny. O'Mara being effective in raising jurors' fears and biases .
..I watched the entire trial...and frankly, found that the way Treyvon's friend (who heard him say "get off me"before the phone died) and the heavily accented forensic examiners were treated ...highly prejudicial. Most of the time it felt like Martin was on trial rather than Zimmerman.
What IS actually naive is Depending on a fictitious video, O'mara's dramatics, and speculating "who started it", " who was on top" at any given moment and the perp's own account ...as justifications for the verdict.
By the bye...us libs did not raise this issue...I for one am simply responding to the sad effort to present Kobe's opinion as somehow cementing the validity of that verdict...Which at least one of the jurors regrets.

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With all due respect, Doc...Zimmerman got the living tar beat out of him by your "child"...Trayvon Martin is dead today because he decided that violence was the proper response to someone challenging his right to be walking through that neighborhood. All he needed to do was tell George Zimmerman who he was and who he was visiting. Zimmerman was following Martin that night because Zimmerman didn't think the teenager belonged where he was. The real tragedy is someone lost their life because they chose to use their fists rather than simply talk to the person they were having an issue with. THAT is the lesson that should be learned from what happened that night!

Well...first of all Z never challenged Trayvon....never even spoke to him until Trayvon accosted him.

But you are correct in that it was Trayvon who chose violence and thus reaped his just reward.

Trayvon was not 'visiting' anyone in that complex,supposedly he just cut through there on his way home, though it was a dark and rainy night and he was lingering there for some reason. The time line brought out in the trial proved that trayvon had more than enough time to have been home before the incident happend....so he was lollygagging about on a dark and rainy night---why???? There are several possibilities...though it will never be known for sure. One very likely reason being that he was casing the neighborhood for a burglary. He had been previously caught with a burglary tool and in possession of stolen property and that neighborhood had been plagued by break-ins.

It is very clear that Trayvon for whatever reason decided to attack Zimmerman. Initially he ran away....Z even reported to the dispatcher that the suspect was running...the dispatcher asked Z which direction the suspect was headed....that was when George got out of his truck to see which way Trayvon was going.

Trayvon eluded George and George had no idea where he was but thought he had left the area. That was the point where the dispatcher could hear wind in the phone and asked George if he was following the suspect. George replied in the affirmative and the dispatchers exact words were "we do not need you to do that" George replied o.k. However, George wanted to give the police who had been summoned and were on the way an exact address so they could easily find him, thus he walked a little way further to be able to see a street address. This is where so many liberals want to confuse the story. They claim Z continued to follow Trayvon even after the dispatcher suggested he should not do that.

How could he follow someone he could not see and had no idea where he was. George thought trayvon had run away and the thing was over. All George wanted at that point was to get a exact address and meet with the police.
Sigh...I really don't think that Anything was "proven" in that case...other than defense attny. O'Mara being effective in raising jurors' fears and biases .
..I watched the entire trial...and frankly, found that the way Treyvon's friend (who heard him say "get off me"before the phone died) and the heavily accented forensic examiners were treated ...highly prejudicial. Most of the time it felt like Martin was on trial rather than Zimmerman.
What IS actually naive is Depending on a fictitious video, O'mara's dramatics, and speculating "who started it", " who was on top" at any given moment and the perp's own account ...as justifications for the verdict.
By the bye...us libs did not raise this issue...I for one am simply responding to the sad effort to present Kobe's opinion as somehow cementing the validity of that verdict...Which at least one of the jurors regrets.

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With all due respect, Doc...Zimmerman got the living tar beat out of him by your "child"...Trayvon Martin is dead today because he decided that violence was the proper response to someone challenging his right to be walking through that neighborhood. All he needed to do was tell George Zimmerman who he was and who he was visiting. Zimmerman was following Martin that night because Zimmerman didn't think the teenager belonged where he was. The real tragedy is someone lost their life because they chose to use their fists rather than simply talk to the person they were having an issue with. THAT is the lesson that should be learned from what happened that night!

Ah Oldstyle..the only evidence of Z having the "tar beat out of him" was a bloody nose and a couple of small abrasions on his head...the clinician that treated him described these "boo boos" as minor...and Treyvon's fists bore only one small scrape on a finger.
We only have Z's word that Martin started the fight...and although Martin's GF's testimony was ignored, she did say she heard him breathing heavily as if running; and then heard him say "get off me " before his phone went dead...with him to follow shortly....
...we all know that Z disobeyed the cop's directive to stay put and followed that kid in the dark...for all we know, Martin was just defending himself.
Yup...it takes a real hero to shoot an unarmed kid thru the heart during a physical tussle...knowing that the cops are just moments away.
But then...some folks r just going to believe what they feel...regardless of any facts or the absence thereof.

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsDyzGEkMEM]Star witness contradicts herself in court - YouTube[/ame]

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