Kurt Schlichter: The left hates you......act accordingly....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Another great column by Mr. Schlichter....he understands the left and the woman who was maced in the face, having done nothing except to attend a Milo rally, now may understand this better than most members of the establishment republican party.....

Kurt Schlichter - The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly.

They hate you.

Leftists don’t merely disagree with you. They don’t merely feel you are misguided. They don’t think you are merely wrong. They hate you. They want you enslaved and obedient, if not dead. Once you get that, everything that is happening now will make sense. And you will understand what you need to be ready to do.

You are normal, and therefore a heretic. You refuse to bow to their idols, to subscribe to their twisted catechisms, to praise their false gods. This is unforgivable. You must burn.

Crazy talk? Just ask them. Go ahead. Go on social media. Find a leftist – it’s easy. Just say something positive about America or Jesus and they’ll come swarming like locusts. Engage them and very quickly they will drop their masks and tell you what they really think. I know. I keep a rapidly expanding file of Twitter leftist death wish screenshots.

They will tell you that Christians are idiots and vets are scum.

That normals are subhumans whose role is to labor as serfs to subsidize the progressive elite and its clients.

That you should die to make way for the New Progressive Man/Woman/Other.

Understand that when they call Donald Trump “illegitimate,” what they are really saying is that our desire to govern ourselves is illegitimate. Their beef isn’t with him – it’s with us, the normal people who dared rise up and demand their right to participate in the rule of this country and this culture.

They hate you, because by defying them you have prevented them from living up to the dictates of their false religion. Our rebelliousness has denied them the state of grace they seek, exercising their divine right to dictate every aspect of our puny lives. Their sick faith gives meaning to these secular weirdos, giving them something that fills their empty lives with a messianic fervor to go out and conquer and convert the heathens.

And the heathens are us.
A fine victimhood meltdown.

Was it your goal to demonstrate how many modern conservatives are delusional bedwetters? If so, I congratulate you on your success.
A fine victimhood meltdown.

Was it your goal to demonstrate how many modern conservatives are delusional bedwetters? If so, I congratulate you on your success.
The depths of your debating skills is limited to parroting what you've heard about leftists.
A fine victimhood meltdown.

Was it your goal to demonstrate how many modern conservatives are delusional bedwetters? If so, I congratulate you on your success.
The depths of your debating skills is limited to parroting what you've heard about leftists.

Post a warning sign when you do this. "WARNING -- IRONY AHEAD"

Back to the OP article:

Eliminationism is the belief that one's political opponents are "a cancer on the body politic that must be excised—either by separation from the public at large, through censorship or by outright extermination—in order to protect the purity of the nation".[1]

This is the concept the blogger is plagiarizing. Makes no bones about what he's doing. Even used the word subhuman.
The blogger makes no bones about what he's doing. Even used the word subhuman.
Sounds like you. You're just a spitball of hate and intolerance.

Yeah? Let's have a look at the article.

>> They want you enslaved and obedient, if not dead. Once you get that, everything that is happening now will make sense. And you will understand what you need to be ready to do.

... they dress up as genitals and kill babies as a blasphemous sacrament.... They are ISIS, except with hashtags instead of AKs, committed to the establishment of a leftist caliphate.

... They will take your job, slander your name, even beat or kill you – whatever it takes to break you and terrify others by making you an example. Your defiance cannot stand; they cannot allow this whole Trump/GOP majority thing to get out of control. They must crush this rebellion of the normal, and absolutely nothing is off the table.

... Their sick ideology and false theology requires that we be enslaved or exterminated – we can’t be tolerated, and we certainly can’t be allowed to hold the reins of power.

... So the only outcome is that one side wins and the other loses. There’s no truce to be had, no possibility of a tie. <<​

That's Eliminationism, raw and naked.

---- and as soon as he drops the dead-giveaway line "EXTERMINATED" --- the next thing he does is plug his book. Which means all of the foregoing is fearmongering ad copy to line his own pockets.

And for his "evidence" he cites --- not even making this up:

>> Look at Twitter. Look at Facebook. <<

Yeah right, when I want to know how the world works I go to Nosebook, home of Macedonian twentysomethings purveying fake news to the Gullibles.
The blogger makes no bones about what he's doing. Even used the word subhuman.
Sounds like you. You're just a spitball of hate and intolerance.

Yeah? Let's have a look at the article.

>> They want you enslaved and obedient, if not dead. Once you get that, everything that is happening now will make sense. And you will understand what you need to be ready to do.

... they dress up as genitals and kill babies as a blasphemous sacrament.... They are ISIS, except with hashtags instead of AKs, committed to the establishment of a leftist caliphate.

... They will take your job, slander your name, even beat or kill you – whatever it takes to break you and terrify others by making you an example. Your defiance cannot stand; they cannot allow this whole Trump/GOP majority thing to get out of control. They must crush this rebellion of the normal, and absolutely nothing is off the table.

... Their sick ideology and false theology requires that we be enslaved or exterminated – we can’t be tolerated, and we certainly can’t be allowed to hold the reins of power.

... So the only outcome is that one side wins and the other loses. There’s no truce to be had, no possibility of a tie. <<​

That's Eliminationism, raw and naked.

---- and as soon as he drops the dead-giveaway line "EXTERMINATED" --- the next thing he does is plug his book. Which means all of the foregoing is fearmongering ad copy to line his own pockets.

And for his "evidence" he cites --- not even making this up:

>> Look at Twitter. Look at Facebook. <<

Yeah right, when I want to know how the world works I go to Nosebook, home of Macedonian twentysomethings purveying fake news to the Gullibles.

Yeah....except he is right...and you are lying.....

Anyone who watches the left, reads the left and debates the left has suffered their irrational attacks..........you can lie about his column all you want...but luckily there is an actual link to it, and people can read it for themselves.....

The woman who was maced in the face talking to the reporter....she understands what Schlichter is saying....Tom Brady....he knows......the woman hit with the metal pole, the Trump supporters punched in the face, the Trump supporter Shot......

These people did nothing to bring that violence on themselves.....except to disagree with the left....and they were violently attacked.....

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