Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

He went somewhere he didnā€™t need to be to do something he didnā€™t need to do with equipment he shouldnā€™t have had access to and it went horriblyā€¦ and COMPLETELY AVOIDABLY wrong. He will never be anything other than a murderer in my mind.
Thankfully, a jury saw otherwise. Not a single one of those guys would have been harmed if they had left the guy alone. PERIOD... they came at him with an intent to harm and I'd have jacked them up too. A convicted pedophile, a domestic abuser, and a punk brandishing a pistol. They got what they came for, only it happened TO them not BY them. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
The vigilante twerp came from out of State with his gun.
A ten minute drive and there was nothing illegal about him being there, armed. The judge ruled as much. You people just hate that someone stood up to your criminal scum in the streets and took it to their asses. If that happened more often we'd have more order in this country and less blatant insanity.
This 17 year old CHILD should have been at home, tucked into bed where he belonged that night; not out in a riotous crowd trying to play cop/vigilante with a weapon he never should have had. EVERY decision Rittenhouse made that night was the wrong one; yet you treat him like some sort of folk hero instead of the murderer he truly is.
The thing that should really get your attention is the fact that so many in the country agree with his actions. When push finally comes to shove and the filth in these cities that were behaving like the criminal filth they ARE, are finally going to meet serious resistance in the persons of pissed off Americans just like this kid.
A ten minute drive and there was nothing illegal about him being there, armed. The judge ruled as much. You people just hate that someone stood up to your criminal scum in the streets and took it to their asses. If that happened more often we'd have more order in this country and less blatant insanity.

There was a curfew and the police didn't do their job.
The thing that should really get your attention is the fact that so many in the country agree with his actions. When push finally comes to shove and the filth in these cities that were behaving like the criminal filth they ARE, are finally going to meet serious resistance in the persons of pissed off Americans just like this kid.

There are a lot of people who agree with vigilantism and breaking the law. Trump is one of them.
There are a lot of people who agree with vigilantism and breaking the law. Trump is one of them.
It seems you missed the part about leftists being the rioters and leftist politicians refusing to reign in their minions.

Why use the ''I Blame Trump'', slogan, other than for excusing leftist retrogrades, when the riots, property destruction and lawlesness were the direct result of leftists?

BTW, it was president Trump who urged leftist politicians to deploy the National Guard.
It seems you missed the part about leftists being the rioters and leftist politicians refusing to reign in their minions.

Why use the ''I Blame Trump'', slogan, other than for excusing leftist retrogrades, when the riots, property destruction and lawlesness were the direct result of leftists?

BTW, it was president Trump urging leftist politicians to deploy the Natiinal Guard.

The protesters went home before dark for 3 days because of the curfew.
The protesters went home before dark for 3 days because of the curfew.

Yeah, they were allowed daylight hours for riots, property destruction and lawlesness.

So, it's accurate to say that Trump was not in agreement with vigilantism as he called for the National Guard.

It's false to claim the the police were not doing their job. That's false because leftist politicians ordered them to stand down.

For three days, police in Minneapolis and St. Paul were ordered to stand down as rioters destroyed their cities. In New York City and Washington, D.C., on Monday night, police stood by as looters destroyed parts of those cities.
The thing that should really get your attention is the fact that so many in the country agree with his actions. When push finally comes to shove and the filth in these cities that were behaving like the criminal filth they ARE, are finally going to meet serious resistance in the persons of pissed off Americans just like this kid
Iā€™m a major supporter and proponent of self-defense, and the use of deadly force when it is NECESSARY. I train in a variety of self-defense systems and often carry a concealed firearm.

What I do not and never will support is people purposefully going out and looking for a fight.

That is exactly what I believe Kyle did that night. He bit off more than he could chew and ended up shooting multiple people because his lower head was making decisions rather than the head on his shoulders.,
Yeah, they were allowed daylight hours for riots, property destruction and lawlesness.

So, it's accurate to say that Trump was not in agreement with vigilantism as he called for the National Guard.

It's false to claim the the police were not doing their job. That's false because leftist politicians ordered them to stand down.

For three days, police in Minneapolis and St. Paul were ordered to stand down as rioters destroyed their cities. In New York City and Washington, D.C., on Monday night, police stood by as looters destroyed parts of those cities.

Protest is permitted. Arson, vandalism is not.

Police didn't do their job.. Boogaloo Bois and Oathkeepers ignored the curfew just like vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse.
Protest is permitted. Arson, vandalism is not.

Police didn't do their job.. Boogaloo Bois and Oathkeepers ignored the curfew just like vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse.

Arson and vandalism is not allowed? They were for a minimum of three days. They were allowed by leftist politicians.

Police were ordered not to do their job. Boogaloo bois and Oathkeepers were not the rioters and looters.

Those pesky facts are a real distraction, eh?
Her boyfriend was trying stop someone who as far as he knew, was an active shooter. Frankly, that makes him a hero.
No he did not

He knew Rittenhouse was not an active shooter

He attacked Rittenhouse as Rittenhouse was running to the police
If Grosskreutz had shot Rittenhouse, you Second Amendment nuts would be praising him as having stopped an active shooter with a gun

They were demonstrably murdered by someone. If Rittenhouse kept his flop-sweaty ass home in Antioch, where he belonged, no one would have died that night and the Kenosha riots would have been a footnote in the riots of 2020.
No they were not.

Tthey initiated the deadly force

It is irrefutably self defense and you have to lie outright to call it murder
It is irrefutably self defense and you have to lie outright to call it murder
He had no reason or need to be there. He shouldnā€™t have had the gun. It wasnā€™t his place to be playing vigilante. Even if not Murder, what Kyle did that night must be agreed to as among the highest degrees of negligence humanly possible.
He wouldnā€™t have been running to the cops if heā€™d been at home, in bed, where his 17 year old ass belonged.
yes and he wouldn't have been running if a bunch of vermin had not been throwing a riot and been home in front of the TV where they belonged
He had no reason or need to be there. He shouldnā€™t have had the gun. It wasnā€™t his place to be playing vigilante. Even if not Murder, what Kyle did that night must be agreed to as among the highest degrees of negligence humanly possible.
None of the BLM scum needed to be there.

They should not have had guns or attacked him

It must be agreed BLm demonstrated the lowest form of behavior rioting for no reason and attacking a child
es and he wouldn't have been running if a bunch of vermin had not been throwing a riot and been home in front of the TV where they belonged

None of the BLM scum needed to be there
I totally agree the protesters and rioters should not have been there either. Thereā€™s no denying that.

That DOES NOT give Kyle, or any other non-law enforcement official the power, the right, the responsibility or the mandate to try to stop these people from assembling. That is the responsibility of the police (local and state). If those organizations fail to act, the appropriate response is complaint to the elected officials and higher levels of law enforcement. That DOES NOT give Kyle or anyone else the right to act in a vigilante manner.
I totally agree the protesters and rioters should not have been there either. Thereā€™s no denying that.

That DOES NOT give Kyle, or any other non-law enforcement official the power, the right, the responsibility or the mandate to try to stop these people from assembling. That is the responsibility of the police (local and state). If those organizations fail to act, the appropriate response is complaint to the elected officials and higher levels of law enforcement. That DOES NOT give Kyle or anyone else the right to act in a vigilante manner.
That is all fair.

the only problem is Rittenhouse did not ACT in a vigilante manner. He may well have gone there with the intent of being a hero but in the end his intent is irrelevant.

He was attacked and defended himself legally. We saw the same thing decades earlier with Bernie Goetz. He went out armed and seemed to be hoping for a chance to shoot someone. Some thugs gave him the opportunity he wanted. It was still self defense.

If you go out hunting people and shoot someone who is no threat then it is murder. But if you go out hunting and someone attacks you with lethal force and intent it is still self defense. Your wishes to shoot someone is irrelevant at that point. Even vigilantes have the right to defend themselves.

As far as his being there when he should not have been I would blame his parents.

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