Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

Um, no, stopping the prosecution from calling them victims (which they were) was a big boost to the defense. And most of Judge Senile's rulings were in this vein.

Actually, they have EVERYTHING to do with the case. Rittenhouse was portrayed by the defense as just this sweet kid who was going up to Kenosha to clean up some grafitti, when the mean old homeless man screamed at him and he wet his little pants. And then those meanies in the crowd were trying to beat him up (you know, instead of holding him for the cops who couldn't be bothered). So he had to randomly fire into the crowd.

But tapes of him hanging with Nazis and wishing he could shoot a black man who was running out of a CVS (why was he running? Did he just rob the place or was he just in a hurry?) blow a hole in that theory. The video of him beating the snot out of a 14 year old girl shows he was a violent shit from the start.

In short, the judge gave that witness more credibility that he really didn't merit.

The were NOT victims

NO ONE was trying to hold him for the cops they were attacking him with lethal force and intent

Those are absolute facts and his actions were self defense
Speaking of girlfriends, here is the girlfriend of one of Rittenhouse's "victims," Anthony Huber:



Yes, everyone is at fault, except her boyfriend, Anthony Huber, who attacked with a skateboard a person holding an AR that he was clearly willing to use. Yet, Rittenhouse is a dumbass, not her boyfriend. Not herself either, just because she was in a relationship with an unemployed loser with this criminal background:


She so smaaaht!

It rarely works out well when a kid becomes a wealthy celebrity. If this "girlfriend" of his gets all of his money, that's a shame. If not her, it would have been someone else. I hope she is at least really earning the money, not telling him that she is "saving herself" for their wedding night, or whatever.
Uh, no, the evidence is that he killed two people. Unfortunately, the judge excluded key evidence like prior bad acts.

Short list.

1) Not allowing the prosecution to call the people he killed "victims".
2) Not allowing video of Kyle wishing he could murder a black man into evidence
3) Not allowing video of Kyle beating up a 14 year old girl
4) Not allowing evidence of his association with the racist Proud Boys
5) Telling the jury to applaud a defense witness because he was a veteran
6) Dismissing the charge of violating curfew

Not to worry, the Civil case will take care of Shooty McFlopsweat.

Bob is a hate crime looking for a place to happen.
You are so damn confused it is pathetic.

In Wisconsin (and most states) nobody is allowed to be called a victim in court until the defendant is found guilty. Standard courtroom procedure but you don't know that, do you?

In most courts the prior record of the defendant is usually not an issue because the defendant needs to be judged on the crimes he/she is charged with and not what was done in the past. For instance, the extensive criminal record of your Negro Boy Darrel Brooks was not brought up in the Waukesha massacre trial.

The extensive criminal records of the scumbags that Kyle shot were also not brought up. If they had been then no jury in the world would have found Kyle guilty.

Only a dumbass piece of shit like you would be so confused as to think that honoring the only veteran in the room because of Veteran's Day would somehow influence the verdict of the jury.

The curfew charge was dismissed because the curfew was not enforceable and nobody was charge with it including all the BLM/ANTFA assholes that were burning down the city.

The "Proud Boy" bullshit was not much of anything and was done after the shooting. He fired the lawyer that tried to get him involved in that. There is no evidence whatsoever of Kyle being connected to any organization prior to the shooting. That was established in Court but you are too confused to know it.

You are really full of hate, aren't you? Go take your TDS meds and lie down and take a nap. You will feel better when you wake up.
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Every other murder trial, they call the people who were killed victims.
If they were demonstrably murdered by SOMEONE, then you can call them victims. Maybe the accused didn't kill them, but someone did. The usual defense is that the accused didn't kill them.

This is a self-defense case though, and in a civilized state this wouldn't even go to trial.

KYLE was the VICTIM.

The deceased were self-evidently the aggressors before ADA Binger, in the depths of his incompetent corrupt faggotry, even filed charges against the VICTIM.
All of the evidence and testimony even from the prosecution just further proved beyond any doubt that they were the aggressors, then calling the PERPETRATORS of attempted murder "VICTIMS" is dishonest and prejudicial.

This should have been Grosskreutz's attempted murder trial and Kyle should have been testifying. Jump kick man and the asshole who instigated by firing the first gunshot at Kyle should have been sitting next to Grosskreutz. Rosenbaum and skateboard asshole just get to burn in hell or go straight to oblivion, so they can be excused from the trial.
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If they were demonstrably murdered by SOMEONE, then you can call them victims. Maybe the accused didn't kill them, but someone did. The usual defense is that the accused didn't kill them.

This is a self-defense case though, and in a civilized state this wouldn't even go to trial.

KYLE was the VICTIM.

The deceased were self-evidently the aggressors before ADA Binger, in the depths of his incompetent corrupt faggotry, even filed charges against the VICTIM.
All of the evidence and testimony even from the prosecution just further proved beyond any doubt that they were the aggressors, then calling the PERPETRATORS of attempted murder "VICTIMS" is dishonest and prejudicial.

This should have been Grosskreutz's attempted murder trial and Kyle should have been testifying. Jump kick man and the asshole who instigated by firing the first gunshot at Kyle should have been sitting next to Grosskreutz. Rosenbaum and skateboard asshole just get to burn in hell or go straight to oblivion, so they can be excused from the trial.

You are correct about that. Grosskreutz should have been charged with attempted murder in addition to violating the gun laws of the state. Of course the Democrat piece of shit Prosecutor wasn't about to do that, was it?

Racism had nothing to do with any of it. He only shot white people. It is irrelevant if he wanted to shoot someone or not as the people he shot ATTACKED him with lethal intent.

But he went to a place where black people were demonstrating with an illegal weapon. That's why his state of mind was relevant. Unfortunately, the jury never got to hear it.
Then why not allow it? Because maybe if they heard what a racist little shit Kyle is, they might have come back with a different decision?
Allow what. Irrelevant testimony because your feelings are hurt?

There's an idea. Let's allow Irrelevant testimony not connected with material facts surrounding the charges be allowed by any leftist knucklehead suffering from hurt feelings.
Yes, everyone is at fault, except her boyfriend, Anthony Huber, who attacked with a skateboard a person holding an AR that he was clearly willing to use. Yet, Rittenhouse is a dumbass, not her boyfriend. Not herself either, just because she was in a relationship with an unemployed loser with this criminal background:

Her boyfriend was trying stop someone who as far as he knew, was an active shooter. Frankly, that makes him a hero.
If they were demonstrably murdered by SOMEONE, then you can call them victims. Maybe the accused didn't kill them, but someone did. The usual defense is that the accused didn't kill them.

This is a self-defense case though, and in a civilized state this wouldn't even go to trial.

KYLE was the VICTIM.

The deceased were self-evidently the aggressors before ADA Binger, in the depths of his incompetent corrupt faggotry, even filed charges against the VICTIM.
All of the evidence and testimony even from the prosecution just further proved beyond any doubt that they were the aggressors, then calling the PERPETRATORS of attempted murder "VICTIMS" is dishonest and prejudicial.

This should have been Grosskreutz's attempted murder trial and Kyle should have been testifying. Jump kick man and the asshole who instigated by firing the first gunshot at Kyle should have been sitting next to Grosskreutz. Rosenbaum and skateboard asshole just get to burn in hell or go straight to oblivion, so they can be excused from the trial.

If Grosskreutz had shot Rittenhouse, you Second Amendment nuts would be praising him as having stopped an active shooter with a gun

They were demonstrably murdered by someone. If Rittenhouse kept his flop-sweaty ass home in Antioch, where he belonged, no one would have died that night and the Kenosha riots would have been a footnote in the riots of 2020.
Speaking of girlfriends, here is the girlfriend of one of Rittenhouse's "victims," Anthony Huber:

View attachment 737262
View attachment 737263
Yes, everyone is at fault, except her boyfriend, Anthony Huber, who attacked with a skateboard a person holding an AR that he was clearly willing to use. Yet, Rittenhouse is a dumbass, not her boyfriend. Not herself either, just because she was in a relationship with an unemployed loser with this criminal background:

View attachment 737264

She so smaaaht!

It rarely works out well when a kid becomes a wealthy celebrity. If this "girlfriend" of his gets all of his money, that's a shame. If not her, it would have been someone else. I hope she is at least really earning the money, not telling him that she is "saving herself" for their wedding night, or whatever.
That nose ring by itself, with no other evidence, tell us she is a lowlife asshole Libtard bitch.
You're babbling again...

Point was, the trial was a travesty, and you know it...
You have no coherent argument. So who's babbling?

You insist on babbling on with your silly conspiracy theories about some "travesty". It's all silly melodrama intended to shield you from a defendable argument you fail to present.
If Grosskreutz had shot Rittenhouse, you Second Amendment nuts would be praising him as having stopped an active shooter with a gun
There was plain evidence and testimony that proves otherwise, lying trash.

They were demonstrably murdered by someone. If Rittenhouse kept his flop-sweaty ass home in Antioch, where he belonged, no one would have died that night and the Kenosha riots would have been a footnote in the riots of 2020.
Thankfully he was there and those pieces of shit died.
You have no coherent argument. S

Sure I did... that you didn't understand it is your problem.

There was plain evidence and testimony that proves otherwise, lying trash.
Uh, evidence was suppressed in that case, that's the problem.

Thankfully he was there and those pieces of shit died.
You should probably be careful. I am sure people would say the same about you if you met a violent end.
Sure I did... that you didn't understand it is your problem.

Uh, evidence was suppressed in that case, that's the problem.

You should probably be careful. I am sure people would say the same about you if you met a violent end.
Your nonsense claim is that irrelevant information should have been included at trial.

You float this silly conspiracy theory that that trial was a "travesty" because it didn't appease your leftist agenda.

The only travesty I see is your need to promote your profound ignorance.
But he went to a place where black people were demonstrating with an illegal weapon. That's why his state of mind was relevant. Unfortunately, the jury never got to hear it.

Wrong he went to where a bunch of elitist white motherfuckers were rioting

They then attackked him

His state of mind is irrelevant
Then why not allow it? Because maybe if they heard what a racist little shit Kyle is, they might have come back with a different decision?
One more time

What the fuck makes you think a racist should be convicted just because they are a racist?

They have the same rights as any one
Not a guy I’d trust being around if I was unarmed. He’s a murderer in my mind, acquitted or not.,
Nah. Murder is what happens when you DON'T have a gun to defend yourself from Leftist vermin in Blue cities.
Isn’t Kyle the one who fired his gun at some thugs who were busy trying to kill him? And weren’t we assured by many libs at the time of his trial that Kyle was gonna go to prison?

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