Lake is now calling herself the "duly elected Governor of Arizona. "

Yet every single one of you hypocritical leftard assholes agreed with Stacy Abrams and kept calling her the “Real Governor of Georgia” for years. Oops.
Your link to anyone here actually saying that is missing. I look forward to you proving what you claimed to be true. Will check back and remind you, if necessary. :)
Your link to anyone here actually saying that is missing. I look forward to you proving what you claimed to be true. Will check back and remind you, if necessary. :)

I'm still waiting for the what Trump's 'investigators in Hawai'i' found about Obama's birth certificate. Trump insisted we wouldn't believe what they found.

Turns out, he was right.

I don't believe him.

All those lovely words that may, at one time, have been effective insults.














Y'all still believe that they are razor sharp blades when they are, in reality, as sharp as pool noodles.

But keep on flailing them around in the air. It's entertaining to watch.

And folks, stay tuned for the standard Mac1958 response that will follow -- sharp as marbles. Enjoy it.

great post pixie.

Larger bold caps and colors please. We're not quite con-vinced yet. :heehee:

I think this women has lost her mind. Really!
The elite dimrats collectively lost their minds a long time ago. But that doesn't seem to phase the non-elite dimrat useful idiots who say that anyone who disagrees with them, especially as concerns vote irregularities is insane

ha ha... and you call others insane?


The elite dimrats collectively lost their minds a long time ago. But that doesn't seem to phase the non-elite dimrat useful idiots who say that anyone who disagrees with them, especially as concerns vote irregularities is insane

ha ha... and you call others insane?



The conservative insanity is clinging to these silly conspiracies long after you've been unable to find evidence to back them.
The ones you hate are becoming leaner and meaner for survival. Progs are fatter and or unhealthier in other ways including weight which is not a true barometer of health.
"leaner and meaner for survival"............... :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
The documents were not stolen.
They most certainly were. But you never served in any capacity that would have taught you about the handling of classified materials......did you stay overnight at a Holiday Inn?
The conservative insanity is clinging to these silly conspiracies long after you've been unable to find evidence to back them.
It's so easy to just make some dumbass comment like this and then.. what? expect people to believe you? You are saying NADA here. Liberals are always saying Nothing

but expecting it to sound like BIG something.

sounds like BIG bs 95% of the time.. they don't give facts because they know thefacts don't back them up
It's so easy to just make some dumbass comment like this and then.. what? expect people to believe you? You are saying NADA here. Liberals are always saying Nothing

but expecting it to sound like BIG something.

sounds like BIG bs 95% of the time.. they don't give facts because they know thefacts don't back them up

Kari Lake insisted she won. When pressed for evidence, she had jack shit. Yet she and her MAGA followers cling to the nonsense claim that she was the victor in an election she demonstrably lost.

Starting with an accusation you can't back....that's garden variety stupid. But CLINGING to a conspiracy you can't prove or back with any meaningful evidence, month after month - year after year?

That's the insanity of your ilk. And its demonstrated with every 'stolen election' claim MAGA faithful continue to recite on a daily basis. Every J6 'false flag' dipshittery you folks spew and promote.
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Laughing...a judge who followed Arizona legal precedent and caselaw rather than your meaningless tinfoil nonsense?

Oh, my sweet summer child.
These folks are always the victim. Everyone is lying.

Even Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas.

These poor, poor things.
I take it 22ldic is among the core audience for selling 'tactical' hoodies, 'tactical' flashlights and 'tactical' belts.
Leaner and meaner:

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