LAPD Caught On Video Shooting Homeless Man To Death

Probably at the point where they yell "drop the gun".
Cops are trained liars. What they say is very dubious. When they caterwaul "drop the gun!" it does not necessarily mean that the guy had a gun.

Another thing that is telling is that the police are afraid to release the body cam videos. If those videos showed the guy holding a gun they would have released the video ASAP.

Why to appease morons like you? LAPD doesnt give a fuck if you dont like it. They have an active case and the body cams are evidence. YOU dont have any right or entitlement to see it until case is closed. Go drink your Mountain Dew and play your Xbox.
But...ONCE AGAIN...common element is someone attacking cops while resisting arrest.

Had this peaceful saintly man known as "Africa"....simply complied with their investigation. ..he'd be alive. May not even have gone to jail.
A bunch of shitty officers, whose main job is to meet their ticket quotas, failed to arrest an unarmed, mentally ill person. 6 on 1 and they couldn't do it. That's what we have protecting us folks.

Yep. And you can thank affirmative action, and politically correct lowering of testing standards for why so many cops now...arent what they used to be.

Cops used to be big strong men. Ex military. Ex athletes. No nonsense types.

But noooooo. That was mean and scary. Liberals wanted "community policing". Kinder gentler officers.

And DIVERSITY!!! Lower standards so we get a nice rainbow of people in there.

So yeah...some cops suck at fighting. So when you go for their guns...even better chance you get shot.
Kinder, gentler officers? I'd rather have a hell of a lot less officers. How about that for a compromise.

I suggest you try to steal a cop's gun and try to shoot him.

One less shitforbrains Democrat fer sure.
Probably at the point where they yell "drop the gun".
Cops are trained liars. What they say is very dubious. When they caterwaul "drop the gun!" it does not necessarily mean that the guy had a gun.

Another thing that is telling is that the police are afraid to release the body cam videos. If those videos showed the guy holding a gun they would have released the video ASAP.

Why to appease morons like you? LAPD doesnt give a fuck if you dont like it. They have an active case and the body cams are evidence. YOU dont have any right or entitlement to see it until case is closed. Go drink your Mountain Dew and play your Xbox.
Probably at the point where they yell "drop the gun".
Cops are trained liars. What they say is very dubious. When they caterwaul "drop the gun!" it does not necessarily mean that the guy had a gun.

Another thing that is telling is that the police are afraid to release the body cam videos. If those videos showed the guy holding a gun they would have released the video ASAP.

Why to appease morons like you? LAPD doesnt give a fuck if you dont like it. They have an active case and the body cams are evidence. YOU dont have any right or entitlement to see it until case is closed. Go drink your Mountain Dew and play your Xbox.
Releasing the video will not harm the evidence.

"Drink my Mountain Dew and play my Xbox."? That sounds like psychological projection to me. Perhaps your grammar and punctuation are at a 4th grade level because you've spent too much time doing that.
Cops are trained liars.

So are criminals. And not every cop has a body camera on.

So what is your point?

Look, I hate cops too but they have a right not to be shot with their own gun. Can we agree had the guy complied quietly NONE of this would have happened, so in essence, this guy brought it on himself?
He was resisting arrest and went for the cops gun. If not for his own actions he wouldn't be dead right now. Sorry for the family if he has one, but it's his fault.
How many cops were there? It was a homeless guy. I doubt he was on steroids and working out at the local gym.
Cops are trained liars.

So are criminals.
They don't get formal training in how to lie and deceive like the vast majority of cops do.

And not every cop has a body camera on.
Two of them did in this incident. However, the LAPD refuses to release the videos. That is a clear indication that they've got something to hide.

Look, I hate cops too but they have a right not to be shot with their own gun
Personally I don't hate cops. In fact, cops brought me into this world. I just do not believe that the guy took the cop's gun. Period. There is no evidence whatsoever that he did. And I find it unbelievable that someone who is actively being tazed has enough body control to purposefully grab at anything. I could hear the Tazer's capacitors discharging all the way to the point when he was shot. He was shot while he was incapacitated.

Can we agree had the guy complied quietly NONE of this would have happened, so in essence, this guy brought it on himself?
Of course. However, that still does not justify the use of deadly force.
How many cops were there? It was a homeless guy. I doubt he was on steroids and working out at the local gym.

So you want 5 of them to pig pile one poor homeless man? THAT is the image you morons used to bitch about. of the 5 was the main guy trying to arrest him. The others kinda were over him but not piling on.

And the shithead who couldnt hold down a job...went for 1 cops gun. Which had probably 16 bullets in it.

Maybe next time they should spray him from far away. Oh wait...yall hate that too.

Just taze him...wait. Yep. Yall called that barbaric.

Oh I know...everyone whip out batons...wait. No. We've been there too.

If he resists just punch his ass til he stops...wait. Thats too aggressive also.

Have we tried hugging him into compliance?
If a Cop stops a suspect from grabbing his gun, then draws it on the suspect,

That means there's only ONE person there who has a gun!

Can you guess who it is?
If a Cop stops a suspect from grabbing his gun, then draws it on the suspect,

That means there's only ONE person there who has a gun!

Can you guess who it is?

But what if the cop loses that battle...and the gun comes out...and it fires a round down through the cops femoral artery. Or up...through his head.

Thats why they shoot people trying to take guns BEFORE the winner of the fight is decided.
If a Cop stops a suspect from grabbing his gun, then draws it on the suspect,

That means there's only ONE person there who has a gun!

Can you guess who it is?

But what if the cop loses that battle...and the gun comes out...and it fires a round down through the cops femoral artery. Or up...through his head.

Thats why they shoot people trying to take guns BEFORE the winner of the fight is decided.
In the case of some mentally ill person who was just released from a psychiatric facility the big danger in getting the cop's gun isn't killing the cop. It's firing at anything that moves or doesn't move.
If a Cop stops a suspect from grabbing his gun, then draws it on the suspect,

That means there's only ONE person there who has a gun!

Can you guess who it is?

But what if the cop loses that battle...and the gun comes out...and it fires a round down through the cops femoral artery. Or up...through his head.

Thats why they shoot people trying to take guns BEFORE the winner of the fight is decided.
In the case of some mentally ill person who was just released from a psychiatric facility the big danger in getting the cop's gun isn't killing the cop. It's firing at anything that moves or doesn't move.

True. Gentle Africa the Homeless Saint...woulda fired that gun at errbody

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