Largest iceberg on record breaks off and heads out into the ocean.

17 years ago a piece TWICE that size broke off. Things are improving. Things are getting smaller. Just ask Cowboy Ted.

Well thank you for informing us of that. Now it's clear we can't trust the OP-er to even accurately relate simple facts such as whether a calved iceberg is indeed the "largest iceberg on record."

Hey, everyone makes mistakes. The iceberg I was referring to is called B-15. Twice the size of the current one, about the size of the country of Jamaica. The current one is still seriously big, but not THIS big. Bottom line: B-15 broke loose 17 years ago and the world did not stop spinning on its axis. Life moves on. Part of the cycle of nature.

It rains.
It snows.
Ice builds up and up.
It eventually breaks loose.
Goes back to sea as water to return as rain and snow again.

It's a beautiful world.

Iceberg B-15 - Wikipedia

If it were me, I'd use this opportunity to go down the side of the freed ice shelf to see what marvels are revealed in its ancient ice.
17 years ago a piece TWICE that size broke off. Things are improving. Things are getting smaller. Just ask Cowboy Ted.

Well thank you for informing us of that. Now it's clear we can't trust the OP-er to even accurately relate simple facts such as whether a calved iceberg is indeed the "largest iceberg on record."

Hey, everyone makes mistakes. The iceberg I was referring to is called B-15. Twice the size of the current one, about the size of the country of Jamaica. The current one is still seriously big, but not THIS big. Bottom line: B-15 broke loose 17 years ago and the world did not stop spinning on its axis. Life moves on. Part of the cycle of nature.

It rains.
It snows.
Ice builds up and up.
It eventually breaks loose.
Goes back to sea as water to return as rain and snow again.

It's a beautiful world.

Iceberg B-15 - Wikipedia

If it were me, I'd use this opportunity to go down the side of the freed ice shelf to see what marvels are revealed in its ancient ice.
Hey, everyone makes mistakes.

They indeed do. It takes being either committed prevaricator or a functionally illiterate individual to make the mistake of unilaterally declaring an iceberg is the "largest iceberg on record" when the very first sentence in the reference article they provide reads, "One of the largest icebergs ever recorded [...]," which clearly indicates that the 'berg is not at all the largest one ever recorded.

I'd use this opportunity to go down the side of the freed ice shelf to see what marvels are revealed in its ancient ice.

I'm sure some researchers either are or have plans to do so.
Already been done. That is what the ice cores in Greenland and Antarctica are all about.

Where's DiCaprio?!

This means penguin immigrants to South America. I wonder how fast it will float. If the penguins go fishing, will they be able to find "home" when they return, or will it have floated away?
It WILL be interesting to know how long it takes to melt.
It IS disconcerting that enough ice melted that such a huge piece of it broke loose.

Read the article and the other links. You'll calm down when you discover this is a naturally occurring event that has been happening for 1000's of years. Feel better?

Something tells me this is pseudo science brought to you by the global warming cottage industry. And I mean that in that it's something of a regular occurrence in that ice is constantly forming and breaking for scores if not hundreds of miles (I know this from reading that book on Shackleford); or some other detail is being embellished or misrepresented. This is not to say I don't have environmental concerns; but unfortunately the globalists have compromised academia, and I rarely take anything they say at face value any more.
The news items I've heard all quote the experts as saying it's a natural event and shouldn't be attributed to GW. politics were happened all by itself.
17 years ago a piece TWICE that size broke off. Things are improving. Things are getting smaller. Just ask Cowboy Ted.

Well thank you for informing us of that. Now it's clear we can't trust the OP-er to even accurately relate simple facts such as whether a calved iceberg is indeed the "largest iceberg on record."

Hey, everyone makes mistakes. The iceberg I was referring to is called B-15. Twice the size of the current one, about the size of the country of Jamaica. The current one is still seriously big, but not THIS big. Bottom line: B-15 broke loose 17 years ago and the world did not stop spinning on its axis. Life moves on. Part of the cycle of nature.

It rains.
It snows.
Ice builds up and up.
It eventually breaks loose.
Goes back to sea as water to return as rain and snow again.

It's a beautiful world.

Iceberg B-15 - Wikipedia

If it were me, I'd use this opportunity to go down the side of the freed ice shelf to see what marvels are revealed in its ancient ice.
If it was a mistake it was ABC radios mistake not mine. How the fuck would I know it's size relative to others before it? I don't pay any attention to this shit. I heard a news report, I sought a linkto share.
Fuck that asshole you quoted lol
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17 years ago a piece TWICE that size broke off. Things are improving. Things are getting smaller. Just ask Cowboy Ted.

Well thank you for informing us of that. Now it's clear we can't trust the OP-er to even accurately relate simple facts such as whether a calved iceberg is indeed the "largest iceberg on record."

Hey, everyone makes mistakes. The iceberg I was referring to is called B-15. Twice the size of the current one, about the size of the country of Jamaica. The current one is still seriously big, but not THIS big. Bottom line: B-15 broke loose 17 years ago and the world did not stop spinning on its axis. Life moves on. Part of the cycle of nature.

It rains.
It snows.
Ice builds up and up.
It eventually breaks loose.
Goes back to sea as water to return as rain and snow again.

It's a beautiful world.

Iceberg B-15 - Wikipedia

If it were me, I'd use this opportunity to go down the side of the freed ice shelf to see what marvels are revealed in its ancient ice.
Hey, everyone makes mistakes.

They indeed do. It takes being either committed prevaricator or a functionally illiterate individual to make the mistake of unilaterally declaring an iceberg is the "largest iceberg on record" when the very first sentence in the reference article they provide reads, "One of the largest icebergs ever recorded [...]," which clearly indicates that the 'berg is not at all the largest one ever recorded.

I'd use this opportunity to go down the side of the freed ice shelf to see what marvels are revealed in its ancient ice.

I'm sure some researchers either are or have plans to do so.

I guess they've secured their status as fake news. And you've secured yours at the trolls table.

Later jackass
This means penguin immigrants to South America. I wonder how fast it will float. If the penguins go fishing, will they be able to find "home" when they return, or will it have floated away?
It WILL be interesting to know how long it takes to melt.
It IS disconcerting that enough ice melted that such a huge piece of it broke loose.

Read the article and the other links. You'll calm down when you discover this is a naturally occurring event that has been happening for 1000's of years. Feel better?

AGREED. NASA scientists themselves have already stated this is a naturally occurring event not connected to climate change. To those that actually bother to research such matters beyond whatever is on their Yahoo News for that day, such break-offs occur every 50-100 years. Antarctica isn't melting or getting smaller, the edges are merely shed over time as they are replaced by new ice from the middle of the continent.
Ice in an bowl displaces water so on the larger scale like this how does that work as it melts?

No effect. The iceberg was already displacing water before, it is now just displacing it from a new position. But, but, it will melt! Yes, but it is merely putting back in the ocean water lost to new snow that has been falling on Antarctica for years making new ice.
Ice in an bowl displaces water so on the larger scale like this how does that work as it melts?
If all the ice at both polls melted the level would rise because most of the ice by far is on top of the Antarctic land mass. IF it would melt and run to the sea, the sea would undoubtedly rise.

But since the Antarctic average about 22 F year round, this is very unlikely to ever happen.

Antarctic ice sheet - Wikipedia
The Antarctic ice sheet is one of the two polar ice caps of the Earth. It covers about 98% of the Antarctic continent and is the largest single mass of ice on Earth. It covers an area of almost 14 million square kilometres (5.4 million square miles) and contains 26.5 million cubic kilometres (6,400,000 cubic miles) of ice.[2]Approximately 61 percent of all fresh water on the Earth is held in the Antarctic ice sheet, an amount equivalent to about 58 m of sea-level rise.[3] In East Antarctica, the ice sheet rests on a major land mass, while in West Antarctica the bed can extend to more than 2,500 m below sea level....​
This means penguin immigrants to South America. I wonder how fast it will float. If the penguins go fishing, will they be able to find "home" when they return, or will it have floated away?
It WILL be interesting to know how long it takes to melt.
It IS disconcerting that enough ice melted that such a huge piece of it broke loose.

Read the article and the other links. You'll calm down when you discover this is a naturally occurring event that has been happening for 1000's of years. Feel better?

From which article did you find statements indicating the event is a "naturally occurring one that has been happening for 1000s of years?" Please copy and paste the statements you feel establish that fact.

The fact of the matter is that I did read the linked article from the OP. I also read the linked article entitled "Ice shelf to Antarctica iceberg." In that article I found the following:
  • Larsen C is the third massive ice shelf that’s broken off from the Antarctic Peninsula during the past 22 years:


    This year, sea ice around Antarctica was at its lowest level since scientists started continuously measuring it in 1979.


    (Notice that sea ice is differently colored from ice shelf ice. Why? Because ice shelves, though they are floating, are attached to the land, whereas sea ice is not.)

    On Feb. 13, in the midst of summer, Antarctic sea ice covered a total of 6.26 million square miles. That’s 790,000 square miles less than the average from 1981 to 2010 or equivalent to a chunk of ice larger than Mexico.
Within that there is nothing providing a sound basis for one to infer that the calving of chucks of ice that in total exceed the size of Mexico has been going on for thousands of years.

In that same article is found the following graphic.


What is reasonable to infer from that graphic is that it took thousands of years for one-third of a mile tall/deep Delaware-sized areas of ice to form the former Larsen C ice shelf. A quick check of Antarctic average total precipitation reveals that it's about 6.5 inches. Using nothing but arithmetic, one finds that amounts to 3200+ years of precipitation, and that is clearly an underestimation of the actual years it takes because the precipitation that falls is snow and ice is compacted snow, which means it takes longer than 3200 yeas for 1760 feet of ice to result from thousands of years of 6.5 inches of freshly fallen fluffy snow.

Read the article and the other links. You'll calm down when you discover this is a naturally occurring event that has been happening for 1000's of years. Feel better?
If that were so, perhaps your buddy, Weatherman, who also doesn't know what he's talking about, perhaps would not have written the following:

That didn't take long at all.

I wrote "perhaps" because irrational, delusional and generally ignorant folks are as likely to say "A" as they are "the opposite of A."​

More importantly, were that so, the source article might not report, "Ice shelves are permanent floating sheets of ice connected to a landmass, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center." Clearly the are only as permanently attached as is the cold weather that inhibits ice melt.
This means penguin immigrants to South America. I wonder how fast it will float. If the penguins go fishing, will they be able to find "home" when they return, or will it have floated away?
It WILL be interesting to know how long it takes to melt.
It IS disconcerting that enough ice melted that such a huge piece of it broke loose.

Read the article and the other links. You'll calm down when you discover this is a naturally occurring event that has been happening for 1000's of years. Feel better?

AGREED. NASA scientists themselves have already stated this is a naturally occurring event not connected to climate change. To those that actually bother to research such matters beyond whatever is on their Yahoo News for that day, such break-offs occur every 50-100 years. Antarctica isn't melting or getting smaller, the edges are merely shed over time as they are replaced by new ice from the middle of the continent.
NASA scientists themselves have already stated this is a naturally occurring event not connected to climate change.

Please do share with us their attestations of that being the case.

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