Las Vegas carnage and overlooking the obvious.

In order to state the obvious we must first be able to see the obvious. This is a difficult task because the obvious is very good at hiding in plain sight. It exists not in a camouflaged way but in a normalized way. In the United States a lot of people have become very rich by riding the excitement of violence and presenting it to the viewing public as entertainment.

The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood and network television, long ago sacrificed originality and creativity for the time-tested formula of delivering bullets into human flesh. It’s a blueprint that became the gift that keeps on giving for movie makers and actors but its success has a dark side.

On Oct. 2nd a man named Stephen Paddock acted out in reality what he had been conditioned over a lifetime to be acceptable entertainment fantasy. Paddock like the rest of us had been subjected to a constant barrage of human carnage on both the big and little screen so producers, directors, actors and sponsors could sell tickets or advertised products.

Car chases, gunfights and human bloodshed never seems to get old and actual, thoughtful productions of public entertainment are few and far between because the profits just aren’t there. And we shouldn’t fall prey to the redeeming social value argument that predictably displays good winning over evil. The crowds are drawn to witness the action not the lessons of the aftermath.

There’s been a lot bandied about in recent years regarding the indoctrination of populations in Muslim countries to attack others in western civilizations. But they don’t hold a candle to American movie makers and television producers. One system prays to a religious god while the other bows to the god of the almighty dollar.

It doesn’t stop there. Media organizations like Fox News and CNN will cash in on this big time. The endless procession of talking heads will sell a lot of toothpaste and spaghetti sauce. Theories will abound and the experts will strut their hour upon the stage. Of course the obvious will be totally overlooked as usual because no one can see it.

The obvious cannot be seen because no one wants to see it. If we want to understand why our society is falling apart then we need to stop looking at someone else’s house for a culprit. We need to take a long, hard look at ourselves.
Yet all the gun lovers out there insist we don't need gun control that would be taking away people's freedom ... yeah freedom gets really overrated sometimes to the point of insanity
Just another good (white) guy with a gun. Makes you RW nutcases proud, right?
Out here in the country they are used to reduce the attention gunfire brings.

I live in the country too, and I've never heard or seen anyone make that argument.

Reduce who's attention?

Plus, showing courtesy to near-by neighbors.

Never once have I ever heard this justification for silencers.

You watch to much Hollyfag TV



People who want to come and steal your guns

So an older white man who likely voted for Trump (i.e., white supremacist mentality) killed 50+ people who likely voted for Trump (because they share his white supremacist mentality) + injured 200+ more people (likely white supremacists) who likely voted for Trump, at a country music concert where headliner Jason Aldean likely voted for Trump (because he shares Trump's white supremacist mindset) and where the concert was full of likely Trump supporters (i.e., likely white supremacists).

Uh, I'll let white folks handle this one.

I'm calling for a complete and total shut down of all white men from entering the USA until they figure out what the hell is going on!

So an older white man who likely voted for Trump (i.e., white supremacist mentality) killed 50+ people who likely voted for Trump (because they share his white supremacist mentality) + injured 200+ more people (likely white supremacists) who likely voted for Trump, at a country music concert where headliner Jason Aldean likely voted for Trump (because he shares Trump's white supremacist mindset) and where the concert was full of likely Trump supporters (i.e., likely white supremacists).

Uh, I'll let white folks handle this one.

I'm calling for a complete and total shut down of all white men from entering the USA until they figure out what the hell is going on!


His old lady is a big time documented Trump hater. Odds are, so was he.... if indeed he did it. I'm not convinced


A silencer? Do you ever say anything remotely intelligent?
It was an illegal military grade machine gun.
Go home with your vodka and cats

You laugh but she speaks to enough dummies who would buy that line of thinking.......if she told them you could put a suppressor on a bazooka they'd buy it hook, line and stinker. Its always about how much stoopid shit you can make the stoopid's believe.
So an older white man who likely voted for Trump (i.e., white supremacist mentality) killed 50+ people who likely voted for Trump (because they share his white supremacist mentality) + injured 200+ more people (likely white supremacists) who likely voted for Trump, at a country music concert where headliner Jason Aldean likely voted for Trump (because he shares Trump's white supremacist mindset) and where the concert was full of likely Trump supporters (i.e., likely white supremacists).

Uh, I'll let white folks handle this one.

I'm calling for a complete and total shut down of all white men from entering the USA until they figure out what the hell is going on!



You left out that "they're rapists". And some, I understand, are fine people. On many sides.
By the way..........nobody is asking themselves how you get off around 700+ rounds in 10 minutes by yourself? 400+ were aiming involved........did he have 10 or 12 automatic weapons up there because it wasn't him swapping out drums for one. duh........that kind of repeat action causes shit to go on fire! Go Youtube the morons who try to incinerate a weapon. The official reports better not be ghey...........
In order to state the obvious we must first be able to see the obvious. This is a difficult task because the obvious is very good at hiding in plain sight. It exists not in a camouflaged way but in a normalized way. In the United States a lot of people have become very rich by riding the excitement of violence and presenting it to the viewing public as entertainment.

The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood and network television, long ago sacrificed originality and creativity for the time-tested formula of delivering bullets into human flesh. It’s a blueprint that became the gift that keeps on giving for movie makers and actors but its success has a dark side.

On Oct. 2nd a man named Stephen Paddock acted out in reality what he had been conditioned over a lifetime to be acceptable entertainment fantasy. Paddock like the rest of us had been subjected to a constant barrage of human carnage on both the big and little screen so producers, directors, actors and sponsors could sell tickets or advertised products.

Car chases, gunfights and human bloodshed never seems to get old and actual, thoughtful productions of public entertainment are few and far between because the profits just aren’t there. And we shouldn’t fall prey to the redeeming social value argument that predictably displays good winning over evil. The crowds are drawn to witness the action not the lessons of the aftermath.

There’s been a lot bandied about in recent years regarding the indoctrination of populations in Muslim countries to attack others in western civilizations. But they don’t hold a candle to American movie makers and television producers. One system prays to a religious god while the other bows to the god of the almighty dollar.

It doesn’t stop there. Media organizations like Fox News and CNN will cash in on this big time. The endless procession of talking heads will sell a lot of toothpaste and spaghetti sauce. Theories will abound and the experts will strut their hour upon the stage. Of course the obvious will be totally overlooked as usual because no one can see it.

The obvious cannot be seen because no one wants to see it. If we want to understand why our society is falling apart then we need to stop looking at someone else’s house for a culprit. We need to take a long, hard look at ourselves.
Too bad we can't return to yesteryear and only have shows about gunfighters gunning each other down to see who's the fastest.....Or how about several trillion more movies about WWII, hey why not?
In order to state the obvious we must first be able to see the obvious. This is a difficult task because the obvious is very good at hiding in plain sight. It exists not in a camouflaged way but in a normalized way. In the United States a lot of people have become very rich by riding the excitement of violence and presenting it to the viewing public as entertainment.

The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood and network television, long ago sacrificed originality and creativity for the time-tested formula of delivering bullets into human flesh. It’s a blueprint that became the gift that keeps on giving for movie makers and actors but its success has a dark side.

On Oct. 2nd a man named Stephen Paddock acted out in reality what he had been conditioned over a lifetime to be acceptable entertainment fantasy. Paddock like the rest of us had been subjected to a constant barrage of human carnage on both the big and little screen so producers, directors, actors and sponsors could sell tickets or advertised products.

Car chases, gunfights and human bloodshed never seems to get old and actual, thoughtful productions of public entertainment are few and far between because the profits just aren’t there. And we shouldn’t fall prey to the redeeming social value argument that predictably displays good winning over evil. The crowds are drawn to witness the action not the lessons of the aftermath.

There’s been a lot bandied about in recent years regarding the indoctrination of populations in Muslim countries to attack others in western civilizations. But they don’t hold a candle to American movie makers and television producers. One system prays to a religious god while the other bows to the god of the almighty dollar.

It doesn’t stop there. Media organizations like Fox News and CNN will cash in on this big time. The endless procession of talking heads will sell a lot of toothpaste and spaghetti sauce. Theories will abound and the experts will strut their hour upon the stage. Of course the obvious will be totally overlooked as usual because no one can see it.

The obvious cannot be seen because no one wants to see it. If we want to understand why our society is falling apart then we need to stop looking at someone else’s house for a culprit. We need to take a long, hard look at ourselves.

Excellent and salient point. The disease of the Cult of Almighty Gun is exactly the issue I joined this site around.

And if there's the slightest doubt that the point is, no pun intended dead on target, witness the myriad attempts to deflect it away to (so far) "silencers" and "laws", "Isis", "heroes that protected lives" and even "Liberals".

Noooooooooooooobody wants to talk about the disease, ever. That's how it was when I got here in 2012 right between Jovan Belcher and Adam Lanza, and they still don't have the guts.

lol....that's why you joined this site?

So hows that working out for ya asshole?

Sandy Hook happened and people went out and bought a billion guns. Check any poll on voter concerns...:spinner:.....guess where gun control is? Right at the bottom out of about 20 concerns, there with climate change.:popcorn: Nobody cares about gun control.

Oh.....and when the NYSafe Act went into effect in many people complied ( turning in "assault" weapons ). Exactly 4%...........:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
From Fox Producer Jake Gibson: Federal Law enforcement sources tell Fox News that Stephen Paddock "was known to local authorities" in Vegas.

of fucking course

Wrong. He was a retiree who lived in Mesquite with no criminal history.

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