Last night Colbert used one of my clips

dudes have you ever seen something you thought of turn up on TV?

Yes it was words I strung together and accompanied by video of me answering questions asked by a reporter. It wasn't some pop culture phrase that I typed out on a message board that was later repeated by a celebrity. TDM, you are no one. No one cares what you type here, not even the people paying you to post.


man are you fucking slow.

You really just dont get it do you
Apparently not. Please enlighten me.

Little off track there bobbiescrotum... I'm not a liberal. However, you are.

Thanks for proving my point.

Stupidity isn't exclusive to Liberals.

Thanks for demonstrating that it is in your case and most other liberals here.

[ame=]GOT OBAMA PHONE - Remix - #ObamaPhone - YouTube[/ame]
Little off track there bobbiescrotum... I'm not a liberal. However, you are.

Thanks for proving my point.

Stupidity isn't exclusive to Liberals.

Thanks for demonstrating that it is in your case and most other liberals here.

[ame=]GOT OBAMA PHONE - Remix - #ObamaPhone - YouTube[/ame]


Maybe if you play the "obama-phone" video another hundred times you might fool someone into thinking you have a modicum of intelligence.
dudes have you ever seen something you thought of turn up on TV?

Yes it was words I strung together and accompanied by video of me answering questions asked by a reporter. It wasn't some pop culture phrase that I typed out on a message board that was later repeated by a celebrity. TDM, you are no one. No one cares what you type here, not even the people paying you to post.


man are you fucking slow.

You really just dont get it do you

I'm still waiting for you to explain yourself, idiot.
dudes have you ever seen something you thought of turn up on TV?

Yes it was words I strung together and accompanied by video of me answering questions asked by a reporter. It wasn't some pop culture phrase that I typed out on a message board that was later repeated by a celebrity. TDM, you are no one. No one cares what you type here, not even the people paying you to post.

no one pays her to post. she volunteers her time as no one would waste money on her.
[ame=]Eugene Hütz from Gogol Bordello - Alcohol (acoustic) - YouTube[/ame]
Yes it was words I strung together and accompanied by video of me answering questions asked by a reporter. It wasn't some pop culture phrase that I typed out on a message board that was later repeated by a celebrity. TDM, you are no one. No one cares what you type here, not even the people paying you to post.


man are you fucking slow.

You really just dont get it do you
Apparently not. Please enlighten me.

My grandfather informs me this is not possible
i don't care what you think of TM's political beliefs....she is quality entertainment.

i would sit down and toke with her. i bet she is an interesting person.

I leave for a while only to come back to Truthiepoo having delusions of grandeur?

Did she go on some new kind of super strength spray paint or something? :dunno:

She must have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night, and had Wheaties, the Breakfast of Champions at the breakfast buffet.

Holiday Inn Express and Wheaties stole those catch phrases from me, by the way.
I didnt , I used poopy pants and used it the sanme way that Grover used to combat what HE CLAIMS were nothing but baseless personal insults.

I think it halarious that he did it.

I heard Newt echo it once on TV too.

Prove He used it before I did?

if yiu cant then my theory is still viable


Prove that you were the first to use it at all, otherwise your "theory" is dead in the dirt. :thup:

dude the word Poopy was last used by the republiucan party when?

Don't you all love how TMN lifts the political discourse to debating who first used "poopy pants" instead of how we solve our economic crisis?

I will never fear you.
i don't care what you think of TM's political beliefs....she is quality entertainment.

i would sit down and toke with her. i bet she is an interesting person.

I would have to wear Depends! I know damn well i'd laugh at her so hard i'd pee my pants!!! Lol!

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