Latest Political Gimmick: Biden Orders Flags at Half Staff for Covid Deaths

So basically you're saying that if you produce 1 million cans of product.....and 4 of them later become're going to eat the rest of the 1 million cans of product and just throw them away?

I sure hope you aren't running a business.

That's when the bean counters come into play. If the potential adverse effects of possible lawsuits, etc do not negatively affect that company's ability to operate a profitable business, they'll do so and make changes if deemed necessary...
Lol, Biden had the vaccine, Trump didn't till the end of his presidency. Biden is a fuck up.
The unvaccinated, after a year of Biden administration , remained mostly Republicans who refused, and continue to refuse to be vaccinated.

Blame the Democratic President for the failure of Republican leaders to have Republicans be vaccinated.
No it's honoring the dead. What's wrong with honoring the dead?
Election year political stunt. But your Vegetable Messiah is so stupid he doesn't know it will just remind Americans more have died on his watch than on Trump's, and he had all of Trump's vaccines the whole time. What a disaster.
Trump developed vaccines, your Vegetable Messiah ordered flags at half staff.........
Really? Was Trump down in his basement trying different remedies to find the answer? LOL. Is that why there are half empty bottles of disinfectant, bleach, Ivermectin? LOL You idiot worshiping clowns are hopelessly indoctrinated. Good for a laugh though.
Biden got the vaccine distributed quickly

Anyone who turned down the vaccine and subsequently died of COVID was a suicide
Remember when your Vegetable Messiah said his goal was to get 1 million vaccinated per day after he was in office for 100 days, and Trump was already vaccinating that many per day before Veggie Joe even took over?

Good times. :dance:
Really? Was Trump down in his basement trying different remedies to find the answer? LOL. Is that why there are half empty bottles of disinfectant, bleach, Ivermectin? LOL You idiot worshiping clowns are hopelessly indoctrinated. Good for a laugh though.
Educate yourself on Operation Warp Speed, Simpleton.
Election year political stunt. But your Vegetable Messiah is so stupid he doesn't know it will just remind Americans more have died on his watch than on Trump's, and he had all of Trump's vaccines the whole time. What a disaster.
It is the law of the land. Republican Presidents, Governors and Mayors do it all the time. It is done when honoring the dead.

They were never "Trump's vaccines". Trump did not own them, did not have them done himself. Pfizer, Moderna and others are the ones to manufacture vaccine as they have done with every other vaccine one can find.

Yeah......what a disaster that the Republican leasers continue to keep their voters uninformed and many of those voters continue to die unnecessarily.
I don't think the right wing gerrymandered enough this time.

Six months is a long time in politics.

And you got six months of Jan. 6th headlines to go champ.
Very true, but in November the economy will dictate the elections. A good economy, Democrats will win, poor economy, high inflation, the Republicans will win.
Educate yourself on Operation Warp Speed, Simpleton.
We do know about that operation. Maybe this is part of what some do not know:

The Trump administration quietly took around $10 billion from a fund meant to help hospitals and health care providers affected by Covid-19 and used the money to bankroll Operation Warp Speed contracts, four former Trump administration officials told STAT.

The Department of Health and Human Services appears to have used a financial maneuver that allowed officials to spend the money without telling Congress, and the agency got permission from its top lawyer to do so. Now, the Biden administration is refusing to say whether the outlay means there will be less money available for hospitals, physicians, nursing homes, and other providers.

Several provider groups said they had not heard that $10 billion for providers was spent on Warp Speed contracts until STAT’s reporting. Congress set aside that money to help health care providers pay for pandemic-related expenses including staffing, personal protective equipment, care for uninsured patients, and vaccine distribution. One of the top hospital lobbyists in D.C., who also did not know about the outlay, emphasized how much some hospitals still need the funding.

Remember when your Vegetable Messiah said his goal was to get 1 million vaccinated per day after he was in office for 100 days, and Trump was already vaccinating that many per day before Veggie Joe even took over?

Good times. :dance:
Linky , linky

More of your lies
Remember when your Vegetable Messiah said his goal was to get 1 million vaccinated per day after he was in office for 100 days, and Trump was already vaccinating that many per day before Veggie Joe even took over?

Good times. :dance:
Well, I could not find that fact about Trump, but found this. What do you make of it?
This comes on the heels of what was previously reported last Tuesday when Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar announced that the federal government would begin releasing coronavirus vaccine doses held in reserve for second shots. However, “no such reserve existed”.

Because of this, health officials across the country who relied on estimates provided by the Trump administration warn that without them, millions of adults 65 and older and front-line essential workers who were supposed to get the vaccine this month under phase 1b will not be able to get vaccinated until supply increases.

Vaccinations were already going at an alarmingly slow rate. The goal of Operation Warp Speed was to ensure that 80 percent of the country’s 330.7 million people get the shots by late June. To meet that goal, a little more than 3 million people would have to get the shots each day, according to an NBC news analysis. However, 2 weeks after the first shot was administered, only 2 million doses were administered total, a pace that would take the US 10 years to reach 80 percent vaccinated. Nearly 1 month after the first doses were administered, the United States has only just administered 1 million vaccines in a single day, far short of the 3 million per day goal. Meanwhile, other countries continue to far outpace U.S. vaccination efforts. Israel has given a first dose to 25.34 out of 100 people per its population while the US has only vaccinated around 3.71 out of 100 of its population.

This was a foreseeable and avoidable situation. In May 2020, Trump repeatedly made alarming comments that the virus might go away on its own, vaccine or not. Immunization experts sent the leaders of Operation Warp Speed a letter asking for guidance on a vaccine rollout back in June 2020. Senate Democrats unveiled a comprehensive roadmap to administer a safe and effective vaccine to all in July.

A week later, President Trump says the government is “all set to march” on the vaccine rollout, that “the delivery system is all set logistically,” and it will be “spectacular.” The following month, Trump accused the “Deep State” of hindering the vaccine rollout to hurt him politically. In September, he got into a public disagreement with CDC Director Redfield who said that the vaccine would not be available to the general public until summer of 2021. The following day, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows saidthey would have 100 million doses of vaccine ready by the end of October of 2020, and 300 million ready in January of 2021.

As recently as December 10, 2020, Vice President Pence said 20 million Americans would have the vaccine by year’s end. Instead, 3.2 million doses had been administered on December 31, according to the Bloomberg vaccination tracker.

(full article online)

The unvaccinated, after a year of Biden administration , remained mostly Republicans who refused, and continue to refuse to be vaccinated.

Blame the Democratic President for the failure of Republican leaders to have Republicans be vaccinated.
The vaccine does nothing. We don't even know the side effects yet.
The vaccine does nothing. We don't even know the side effects yet.
You are serious when you post this. But the facts say otherwise. It takes wanting to know the facts.
You do not seem to be ready for them.

Are you against every vaccine, or just the one for covid?
You are serious when you post this. But the facts say otherwise. It takes wanting to know the facts.
You do not seem to be ready for them.

Are you against every vaccine, or just the one for covid?

Well, since you seem to know all about this, what are the side effects of the vaccine? Those are "facts" I'm ready to know...
Well, since you seem to know all about this, what are the side effects of the vaccine? Those are "facts" I'm ready to know...
As I have had the vaccine, I have experienced some of these: (People near you who have taken it could have told you, as well )

On the arm where you got the shot:​


  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling

Throughout the rest of your body:​


  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Nausea


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