Latest school shooter was.....


Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2023
Who could have guessed. We need trans control laws now! How much longer will normal people be subjected to these radical leftwing terrorist

Shocker ..a tranny ... guaranteed he's on ssri's, and golly gee I wonder where he got the hate the trads and normies from ..I'm looking at you low IQ "credentialed" " educated" progressives...

Poor left-wing retards theyre always disappointed it wasn't two guys in maga hats ...just one of their own violent little fags ..they create these lil Frankenstein freaks ... with all the gay shit and irrational hate they push on these little kids
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What will the next Trans hate-filled shooter do when Donald Trump wins two months from today?

News at 11.
The kids idiot father bought him an AR for Xmas of last year after he had been questioned about previous threats he made.

Too bad that in MAGA paradise Georgia 14 yr olds are allowed to own assault weapons with no training, no background checks or anything else. Wanna blame somebody? Take a look at Kemp & the Georgia legistlature who allowed this to happen by bowing down to the fucking NRA & the gun lobby.

You can also take a good look at that MAGA douche Margie & ask her how this happened & see if she offers up another one of her half assed suggestions to pray.
The kids idiot father bought him an AR for Xmas of last year after he had been questioned about previous threats he made.

Too bad that in MAGA paradise Georgia 14 yr olds are allowed to own assault weapons with no training, no background checks or anything else. Wanna blame somebody? Take a look at Kemp & the Georgia legistlature who allowed this to happen by bowing down to the fucking NRA & the gun lobby.

You can also take a good look at that MAGA douche Margie & ask her how this happened & see if she offers up another one of her half assed suggestions to pray.
Cope tranny
Too bad that in MAGA paradise Georgia 14 yr olds are allowed to own assault weapons with no training, no background checks or anything else.
Incorrect. A 14 year old can't legally own or purchase a firearm. You had to have known this or at least suspected your statement was false. So you are either willfully naive and intentionally deceptive.

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