Latino Workers Replaced "Lazy" White and Non-Latino Counterparts, Lawsuit Says

These were Administrative jobs for the cities of San Luis Obispo and one was in Ventura, which are predominantly Hispanic areas now, good luck finding any job there if you can't speak Spanish.

That just sounds messed up man, sorry you had to deal with something like that it sucks.

Its ok, its all for the best anyways I didn't really like living in that part of California, when I moved to Virginia I was actually able to find jobs where you didn't have to speak Spanish. In California alot of the jobs now require you to be bilingual.

*born in Virginia

Love that state. :D
nvested a great deal of time and effort getting here and are determined to make it work.
Usually illegal immigrants risk their lives to get here. It is a very dangerous journey especially for those that are not Mexican and come from areas like Central and South America. The journey takes months of walking not just a skip across the border. Also, they risk kidnap, robbery, elements killing them, starvation, etc..not to mention they usually have to pay to get to the US ...once they get there family sell everything they own in effort to see just one family member make it there for a job.
nvested a great deal of time and effort getting here and are determined to make it work.
Usually illegal immigrants risk their lives to get here. It is a very dangerous journey especially for those that are not Mexican and come from areas like Central and South America. The journey takes months of walking not just a skip across the border. Also, they risk kidnap, robbery, elements killing them, starvation, etc..not to mention they usually have to pay to get to the US ...once they get there family sell everything they own in effort to see just one family member make it there for a job.

It is tragic that these people don't value their life more. They come here because this country gives them a whole lot of freebies. Let's call it what it is. I am not a person who has bought into the pc crap. I have friends who tell me that when people back there in those countries hear what this country does for those in need, their dream of coming here intensifies. It is the fault of THEIR countries for not doing for those in need over there. The rich escape to the USA, the poor die tryng to get here. They abandon their families over there, come here and when deported abandon their families here. What a farce.
nvested a great deal of time and effort getting here and are determined to make it work.
Usually illegal immigrants risk their lives to get here. It is a very dangerous journey especially for those that are not Mexican and come from areas like Central and South America. The journey takes months of walking not just a skip across the border. Also, they risk kidnap, robbery, elements killing them, starvation, etc..not to mention they usually have to pay to get to the US ...once they get there family sell everything they own in effort to see just one family member make it there for a job.

Not to mention what the Mexican authority's do to the non Mexicans if they catch them. Still does not change the fact that all they are is more unskilled labor who contribute nothing upon there arrival. They end up on the welfare doles and flipping burgers, or bring down the wages and the quality of the labor in the areas they settle in. Not to mention the crime they bring with them. Most illegals would not be allowed to enter for that fact alone.

Of course there is also evidence that natural born white citizens are better suited for professional jobs. Simply because they're smarter.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
There is no such credible evidence that supports your claim.

It's the same subjective observation you used. Why would it be false by your standards?

Ravi's selective application of standards is legendary yo. :thup:

nvested a great deal of time and effort getting here and are determined to make it work.
Usually illegal immigrants risk their lives to get here. It is a very dangerous journey especially for those that are not Mexican and come from areas like Central and South America. The journey takes months of walking not just a skip across the border. Also, they risk kidnap, robbery, elements killing them, starvation, etc..not to mention they usually have to pay to get to the US ...once they get there family sell everything they own in effort to see just one family member make it there for a job.

Do you remember Elivra, the church lady? She had a college education down there, and a good job. She came here to make MORE money. Before she came, she'd bought land and was building a house. She was sending money back there to finish her home. She had a kid, sans dad, and got welfare for him. She cried about us tearing apart her family if we sent her home. Well, we sent her home and she took her son with her. Then she found out the government wouldn't sent the check for her son's ADD so she sent her son back to the church to live with the minister and his wife so she got still get the money for her child. Obviously she loved him very much NOT!!!!

The truth is they come her because they can make more money and send it home. Money from here is their second largest source of income, 2nd only to their oil and at one time it was even ahead of that. All that money is not being spent here, it's being sent to Mexico. Much of it isn't even being taxed due to illegals working under the table. That's money that is leaving our economy cost us jobs. They are going back home in droves because they wrecked out job market. They will stay there only until we recover and then they will be back to steal our jobs and wreak our economy again, helping themselves only. Must be nice to work here a few years and then go home and retire and live like a king.

Several years ago, my friend was denied even a place on the waitlist for a new heart due to her diabetes. She's gone now. Shortly after she died, a young illegal received a triple transplant only the doctors made a mistake, they then gave her another triple transplant but she died anyway. How many Americans died because they didn't receive those organs? Why is ANY illegal more important than my friend who was born here, who worked here for our government most of her life?

Do I sound bitter? Must be because I am. I lost a friend that never had a chance while more than two Americans died to help an illegal alien from Mexico. The only thing we owe illegals is a trip home and we should do like Mexico and make it at their expense, taking all of their assets for the state.
They do not come for the feebies, in fact, they are not entitled to any freebies..especially the men who come ALONE..which the journey is mostly taken on by MEN not women.

Back in their countries they tell? Really!? A friend told you? need to find better friends that do not lie to you. Why? Because I live in one of those countries were LOTS of people make the journey in fact 72 were killed in Tamaulipas, Mexico a year ago and most of them were Honduran. The people here don't tell that the streets are paved in gold for sure..what they tell you is the HELL ON EARTH it is to live in the USA. Yeah, hell on freedom to do anything period. Most folks do not sit on their porch and converse with neighbors, you work countless hours every day for pittance and still are spit on. Things are very different in the US and most people do not like the life there at all. You are enslaved to your job legal or not. You don' t know your neighbors, you don't know anything about your neighborhood and your kids are slaves to their homework and school. Keep telling that lie if you want to I actually see the truth here everyday...people go to the US because they need a job not for freebies.
my friend was denied even a place on the waitlist for a new heart due to her diabetes.

Your bitter because your friend was denied over diabetes and you blame immigrants for her being denied a spot? The reason she was denied was her diabetes makes the surgery too complicated not because of an immigrant. No one is at fault but your friend's poor health for her death..stop looking for someone to beat up over it when it was no one's fault but the fact she had diabetes made her denial happen..even if every immigrant was removed from the list tomorrow...we even put people in foreign countries on the list....she still would have been denied her spot on the list.
They do not come for the feebies, in fact, they are not entitled to any freebies..especially the men who come ALONE..which the journey is mostly taken on by MEN not women.

Back in their countries they tell? Really!? A friend told you? need to find better friends that do not lie to you. Why? Because I live in one of those countries were LOTS of people make the journey in fact 72 were killed in Tamaulipas, Mexico a year ago and most of them were Honduran. The people here don't tell that the streets are paved in gold for sure..what they tell you is the HELL ON EARTH it is to live in the USA. Yeah, hell on freedom to do anything period. Most folks do not sit on their porch and converse with neighbors, you work countless hours every day for pittance and still are spit on. Things are very different in the US and most people do not like the life there at all. You are enslaved to your job legal or not. You don' t know your neighbors, you don't know anything about your neighborhood and your kids are slaves to their homework and school. Keep telling that lie if you want to I actually see the truth here everyday...people go to the US because they need a job not for freebies.

BS, if it's hell on earth, they wouldn't be coming.
as long as there are jobs and they can feed their kids yeah they will keep coming...for 90% it is for a job alone...
my friend was denied even a place on the waitlist for a new heart due to her diabetes.

Your bitter because your friend was denied over diabetes and you blame immigrants for her being denied a spot? The reason she was denied was her diabetes makes the surgery too complicated not because of an immigrant. No one is at fault but your friend's poor health for her death..stop looking for someone to beat up over it when it was no one's fault but the fact she had diabetes made her denial happen..even if every immigrant was removed from the list tomorrow...we even put people in foreign countries on the list....she still would have been denied her spot on the list.

Not immigrant, ILLEGAL ALIEN. Don't you dare compare the two. They are in no way alike. Legal immigrants wait sometimes years to get here. They don't just sneak across our border and start collecting welfare. IN fact, legal immigrants must have sponsors that guarantee that the immigrant won't go on welfare for years. How do I know this? My sister in law came here legally from Thailand, my brother in law came here legally from Canada, my cousin in law came her legally from Germany, my friend came here legally from Hong Kong..... they deserve your respect, not to be lumped in with ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Its refreshing to see anti-discrimination laws being applied equally for a change.

I'm more talking about the fact that discrimination against whites is actually being adressed for a change. Typically this type of discrimination is accepted and/or ignored.

So your original statement was in error and you concede there are no documented cases of whites filing anti-discrimination lawsuits being ignored. Noted.

As a beliver in the freedom of people to conduct their business as they see fit, this company should be able to hire anyone it wants. Just as any business has the right to NOT hire hispanics at all, and only hire white and non-hispanics if they wish to do so.

I agree they should be able to hire whomever they want.

I think people who run their own business should be able to hire whomever they please...if they are a "whites only" establishment, fine...
The fact the above is illegal and un-Constitutional notwithstanding.

If Mexicans are such "hard" workers, why does Mexico look like shit?

Little government regulation, little investment in infrastructure, little investment in education, and little investment in social services.

"illegal immigrants" get here by breaking the law, usually with a bale of dope on there back, or stuffed in the trailer of a truck or trunk of a car because due to there criminal history, or lack of a marketable skill they would never get in legally.

Documentation in support? Otherwise this is meaningless subjective opinion.

And that Illegals can be discharged on the whim of others is no ones fault but there own.


Undocumented workers are entitled to labor law protection as well as fundamental due process rights:

State labor laws grant substantial rights to undocumented workers. For example, under California law, a person’s immigration status is irrelevant to the issue of liability for labor, employment, civil rights, and employee housing laws. Moreover, a majority of state workers’ compensation statutes across the country expressly include “aliens” under the definition of employees, or provide that undocumented status is irrelevant for liability purposes. Therefore, state labor protections can provide workers substantial safeguards
when they assert their rights.
Whites should sue the US government for creating and inforcing Affirmative Action
my friend was denied even a place on the waitlist for a new heart due to her diabetes.

Your bitter because your friend was denied over diabetes and you blame immigrants for her being denied a spot? The reason she was denied was her diabetes makes the surgery too complicated not because of an immigrant. No one is at fault but your friend's poor health for her death..stop looking for someone to beat up over it when it was no one's fault but the fact she had diabetes made her denial happen..even if every immigrant was removed from the list tomorrow...we even put people in foreign countries on the list....she still would have been denied her spot on the list.

Not immigrant, ILLEGAL ALIEN. Don't you dare compare the two. They are in no way alike. Legal immigrants wait sometimes years to get here. They don't just sneak across our border and start collecting welfare. IN fact, legal immigrants must have sponsors that guarantee that the immigrant won't go on welfare for years. How do I know this? My sister in law came here legally from Thailand, my brother in law came here legally from Canada, my cousin in law came her legally from Germany, my friend came here legally from Hong Kong..... they deserve your respect, not to be lumped in with ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Don't I dare? You aren't my mother so please stop trying to act as if you are lecturing me. I am much too old for that. I can do anything I damn well please especially compare the two because the difference between the two is the paperwork...the rest is the same.
They don't start collecting welfare when they sneak across the border see there you go with ridiculous false and malicious lies again. I don't care what you know...if you knew anything you would also know that illegal immigrants are prohbited by LAW from receving welfare and are disqualified AUTOMATICALLY. Secondly, I know all about the immigration process a hell of a lot more than you ever thought of knowing from your sister in law from Thailand that also failed to tell you that the US embassy workers have been known for selling visas in Thailand for 5k. I worked in the field of immigration for 15 aren't going to teach me anything..
[ame=]Obama's Aunt Zeituni Illegal Alien Welfare Case - YouTube[/ame]
Its refreshing to see anti-discrimination laws being applied equally for a change.

I'm more talking about the fact that discrimination against whites is actually being adressed for a change. Typically this type of discrimination is accepted and/or ignored.

So your original statement was in error and you concede there are no documented cases of whites filing anti-discrimination lawsuits being ignored. Noted.

As a beliver in the freedom of people to conduct their business as they see fit, this company should be able to hire anyone it wants. Just as any business has the right to NOT hire hispanics at all, and only hire white and non-hispanics if they wish to do so.

The fact the above is illegal and un-Constitutional notwithstanding.

Little government regulation, little investment in infrastructure, little investment in education, and little investment in social services.

Documentation in support? Otherwise this is meaningless subjective opinion.

And that Illegals can be discharged on the whim of others is no ones fault but there own.


Undocumented workers are entitled to labor law protection as well as fundamental due process rights:

State labor laws grant substantial rights to undocumented workers. For example, under California law, a person’s immigration status is irrelevant to the issue of liability for labor, employment, civil rights, and employee housing laws. Moreover, a majority of state workers’ compensation statutes across the country expressly include “aliens” under the definition of employees, or provide that undocumented status is irrelevant for liability purposes. Therefore, state labor protections can provide workers substantial safeguards
when they assert their rights.

Meaningless subjective opinion ? You are a pompous little cock sucker. I have spent more time along the Texas boarder then you have trying to look like you have a clue. Yes they smuggle drugs in, of you are ignorant to the fact Google any news paper for any border town. Thats how many pay there way in. And this bull shit about "alien" is more of your legalistic bull shit. It does not include "illegal aliens" who steal social security numbers to get the jobs. they are not protected by anything. Thats why you hire them to mow your lawn. So you can prove me wrong. Go head and prove that I just threw out a subjective opinion, when you have no clue what you are talking about other then what you get from PBS or MSNBC.
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They do not come for the feebies, in fact, they are not entitled to any freebies..especially the men who come ALONE..which the journey is mostly taken on by MEN not women.

Back in their countries they tell? Really!? A friend told you? need to find better friends that do not lie to you. Why? Because I live in one of those countries were LOTS of people make the journey in fact 72 were killed in Tamaulipas, Mexico a year ago and most of them were Honduran. The people here don't tell that the streets are paved in gold for sure..what they tell you is the HELL ON EARTH it is to live in the USA. Yeah, hell on freedom to do anything period. Most folks do not sit on their porch and converse with neighbors, you work countless hours every day for pittance and still are spit on. Things are very different in the US and most people do not like the life there at all. You are enslaved to your job legal or not. You don' t know your neighbors, you don't know anything about your neighborhood and your kids are slaves to their homework and school. Keep telling that lie if you want to I actually see the truth here everyday...people go to the US because they need a job not for freebies.

Sure Xchel, go tell that nice farse to people who risk life and limb to come to the country where it's 'hell on earth'! Then when are told they will be deported, will do ANYTHING to stay! Who the heck do you think you are kidding???? You are but ONE of millions who live in one of those countries so don't pretend you speak for them. The proof is in the pudding and this country can't continue to turn a blind eye to the millions who still try to cross our borders illegally. The truth is finally being seen in what you wrote. You must have had a tough time in our great country to be so bitter. You have been brainwashed lady. In fact, I doubt very much that you have ever lived in the USA. You are dilusional.
And lets not forget the other reason we like to screen those who want to immigrate here.

Illegal Alien Sex Offenders Rounded Up

N E W Y O R K, Oct. 29

In a series of raids in New York and New Jersey this morning, federal agents rounded up dozens of illegal immigrants who were supposed to have been deported after being convicted as sex offenders.

The operation was carried out by immigration and customs agents under the charge of the Department of Homeland Security, which is going after not just suspected terrorists, but also undocumented aliens convicted as sex offenders who have slipped through the cracks.

Illegal Alien Sex Offenders Rounded Up - ABC News

And thees,

They included a 40-year Salvadoran who had been convicted of two counts of sexual battery of a minor and was arrested in Henrico. Also arrested was a 31-year-old Salvadoran arrested in Reston who had failed to register as a sex offender, as required by law. The man had been convicted of having carnal knowledge of a child who was between 13 and 15 years old.

Virginia Politics Blog - 15 illegal immigrant sex offenders arrested in Va., D.C.

More here

Why has child molestation committed by illegal aliens become an epidemic? - Norfolk Crime |

Now, if you like Mr. Jones, if you like we can go into murder rates as well as the the drug smuggling activity of the illegals in all four border states. As you can see, sex offenses against children are quite high.
And before I get called a racist, no I dont have an issue with legal immigrants. There is a process in place to keep the characters in the links above out, and let those who will contribute in. Thats the reason most sneak in. Because they have no marketable skill, they work under the table, get on food stamps, commit crimes and take up space in our prisons. No matter what, American tax payers end up footing the bill for illegal immigrants. There are no facts that will state otherwise.

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