Laughingstock: Biden claims he played "flankerback" in college

I have posted the text of Biden's entire "flanker back" speech. I posted core components of that speech. 785,000 manufacturing jobs created, $35 insulin for those on Medicare starting in January, 220 million people vaccinated, a hundred times more people than under Trump, billions of dollars in improved infrastructure. Since you dipshits can't refute that you focus on "flanker back". Could anything really be more sad.

I mean no more complaining about gas prices. Still complaints about inflation but not like before. Nothing about loss of jobs because we aren't losing them. And the really funny part, Biden has done what Trump couldn't do, improved the trade deficit and increased exports. More from the "flanker back" speech.

We’ve added jobs every single month in my presidency — 10 million total new jobs, more than any other administration in history in the first 20 months — more than 735,000 of them manufacturing jobs. (Applause.)

Exports is up — are up. And I mean this. We’re making things here in America, as I said earlier, and we’re shipping them overseas instead of shipping jobs overseas. (Applause.) Look, like we’ve been doing for much too long. Like we were doing before I got elected President.

Inflation at the grocery stores — thank God — is beginning to slow. Prices for things like clothes, television, and appliances are going down. That’s good news for the holiday season.

Earlier this month, we saw that the growth — price businesses pay for goods and services is also down.

And here’s the really good news: They’re not down enough in Michigan, but gas prices are now back to where they were before Russia invaded Ukraine. They’ve dropped $1.50 from their peak this summer. And in Michigan, they dropped $1.60 from their peak this summer. If you’re a Michigan family with two cars, you’re saving an average of $170 a month compared to what you’re paying in the summer. That’s real money.

Look, I know it is hard to realize when you live in the fishbowl that is the dedicated Trump world. But the huge red wave that turned to be a teeny red trinkle bears out the reality that most Americans that can rub two brain cells together don't give a shit about "flanker back", or even Hunter Biden's supposed laptop. What they do care about is job creation, improving the trade deficit, gas prices, infrastructure, and the supply chain. Biden and Democrats are addressing those issues while Republicans are planning investigations and want to play political "gotcha", like "flanker back".

And it is only going to get worse for you numbnuts. When 2024 rolls around it is going to be, "what have you done for me lately", not Hunter Biden's laptop. The Trump presidency was a damn disaster. No wall, a trade war with China where we got our asses handed to us, and a woefully inadequate and disjointed response to Covid. Biden has been kicking ass and taking names in spite of an oppositional Republican party that has no interest whatsoever in making this country a better place. They just want power, period. And that is so they can bend over the American people and give it to them up the ass, AGAIN. Wake up and smell the coffee.

I don't care. Silly left loon
I don't care. Silly left loon
Got it. You don't care that more jobs have been created under the Biden administration than any other administration in history, first 20 months. You don't care that Grandmaw will only have to pay $35 for her insulin in January, not $400. You don't care that the trade deficit has improved, that we are exporting more. You don't care that gas prices have dropped, that they are lower than before the Ukraine war. But you do care about "flanker back". Got it, loud and clear. But make no mistake, you sure as hell ain't attempting to Make America Great Again. You want to make America a shithole, and from where I sit, you have to be one of the biggest pieces of shit to grace this earth. Peace out you drunk ass Irish bitch.
Got it. You don't care that more jobs have been created under the Biden administration than any other administration in history, first 20 months. You don't care that Grandmaw will only have to pay $35 for her insulin in January, not $400. You don't care that the trade deficit has improved, that we are exporting more. You don't care that gas prices have dropped, that they are lower than before the Ukraine war. But you do care about "flanker back". Got it, loud and clear. But make no mistake, you sure as hell ain't attempting to Make America Great Again. You want to make America a shithole, and from where I sit, you have to be one of the biggest pieces of shit to grace this earth. Peace out you drunk ass Irish bitch.

What part of I don't care are you having trouble grasping?

Sheesh, you're not important
Got it. You don't care that more jobs have been created under the Biden administration than any other administration in history, first 20 months. You don't care that Grandmaw will only have to pay $35 for her insulin in January, not $400. You don't care that the trade deficit has improved, that we are exporting more. You don't care that gas prices have dropped, that they are lower than before the Ukraine war. But you do care about "flanker back". Got it, loud and clear. But make no mistake, you sure as hell ain't attempting to Make America Great Again. You want to make America a shithole, and from where I sit, you have to be one of the biggest pieces of shit to grace this earth. Peace out you drunk ass Irish bitch.

People going back to work after the Fauci Flu shutdowns the Dimwingers inflicted on the country, Simp.

Has Pedo Joe even got back to the number employed under Trump Pre-Fauci Flu?
Congratulations, some NYT writer flake that couldn't pick out a football from a tetherball called it flankerback.
I'm assuming it wasn't Napoleon Dynamite because at least he knew the difference.
Wait, maybe he wrote for his HS paper & interviewed a lot of bench warmers? :rolleyes:

Once again, nobody that played the position ever called it "flankerback" except (possibly) some leather helmet guys & even the diaper dude isn't that old.
That’s what it was called back then stupid
Maybe "flankerback" caused the asthma that kept the future politician out of the draft.
The University of Delaware does not recall biden as a football player except briefly in his freshman

His football career was about as spectacular as obama’s basketball resume’

I definitely remember that Biden won 4 straight Super Bowls while playing for U of Delaware. He was my all time football hero. He was better at flanker than Frank Gifford (College and Pro HOF). And that says a lot!

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