Lauren Boebert Under Fire for Horrifying Transphobic Comments About Pentagon Official

Or until more research was done and they felt free to provide their actual findings.
We are talking about people living in a fantasy world, they cannot change their DNA, they can cosmetically change their look, but to say that is a sex change is ludicrous, and not scientific in any way. They changed because it was beneficial for them to do so, to get more money to study settled science, by making it about feelings instead of biology. Now you can disagree, but that is factual
We are talking about people living in a fantasy world, they cannot change their DNA, they can cosmetically change their look, but to say that is a sex change is ludicrous, and not scientific in any way. They changed because it was beneficial for them to do so, to get more money to study settled science, by making it about feelings instead of biology. Now you can disagree, but that is factual

I agree with what you said until you claimed to know why they did it.
If you can get a psychiatrist or other mental health professional to proclaim that, you might get somewhere.
Lots of studies available.

Individuals who identify as transgender tend to experience higher rates of mental health issues than the general population. While approximately 6.7 percent of the general U.S. population suffers from depression and 18 percent grapple with some iteration of an anxiety disorder, nearly half of all individuals who identify as transgender experience these issues. What's more, over 41 percent of trans men and women are estimated to have attempted suicide — a rate that's nearly nine times as high as the rate of cisgender Americans.

Why Transgender People Experience More Mental Health Issues
Individuals who identify as transgender tend to experience higher rates of mental health issues than the general population.


You mean that someone who is so fucked in the head that he doesn't even know what sex he is, doesn't know the difference between male and female, is more likely to have mental health issues than a sane person?

If you keep saying things like that, then I am in danger of prematurely using up my daily ration of sarcasm.
I have no problem with that. If someone gets in your face, straight, gay or trannie, you get them out of your face. If anyone touches my kids (well, grandkids) they will know what wrath truly is.

But many here on this board want to deny them their right to exist. In this thread there have been one or two that have called for them to be murdered.

The US military was so much better when they did not allow gays


they have been serving since there was a military. closeted or not.

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay

Baron Friedrich von Steuben was known for his bravery and the discipline and grit he brought to the American troops.

UPDATED: JUNE 22, 2023 | ORIGINAL: JUNE 14, 2018

Baron Friedrich von Steuben, a Prussian military man hired by George Washington to whip the Continental Army into shape during the darkest days of the Revolutionary War, is known for his bravery and the discipline and grit he brought to the American troops. Historians also think he was homosexual—and served as an openly gay man in the military at a time when sex between men was punished as a crime.
The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay | HISTORY


they have been serving since there was a military. closeted or not.

The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay

Baron Friedrich von Steuben was known for his bravery and the discipline and grit he brought to the American troops.

UPDATED: JUNE 22, 2023 | ORIGINAL: JUNE 14, 2018

Baron Friedrich von Steuben, a Prussian military man hired by George Washington to whip the Continental Army into shape during the darkest days of the Revolutionary War, is known for his bravery and the discipline and grit he brought to the American troops. Historians also think he was homosexual—and served as an openly gay man in the military at a time when sex between men was punished as a crime.
The Revolutionary War Hero Who Was Openly Gay | HISTORY

Quit besmirching the poor guy who cannot defend himself. Historians also think he was homosexual but have no positive proof. So crawl back under your rock
Lots of studies available.

Individuals who identify as transgender tend to experience higher rates of mental health issues than the general population. While approximately 6.7 percent of the general U.S. population suffers from depression and 18 percent grapple with some iteration of an anxiety disorder, nearly half of all individuals who identify as transgender experience these issues. What's more, over 41 percent of trans men and women are estimated to have attempted suicide — a rate that's nearly nine times as high as the rate of cisgender Americans.

Why Transgender People Experience More Mental Health Issues


You mean that someone who is so fucked in the head that he doesn't even know what sex he is, doesn't know the difference between male and female, is more likely to have mental health issues than a sane person?

If you keep saying things like that, then I am in danger of prematurely using up my daily ration of sarcasm.
You stupid stupid Bingos should read a little past the headlines of articles you think support your Bingo ideology.

From your own link:

What underlies this astonishingly elevated rate of mental health issues? According to a study published in the July 2016 edition of The Lancet offers significant evidence that the "distress and impairment, considered essential characteristics of mental disorders" among transgender individuals primarily arises in response to the discrimination, stigma, lack of acceptance, and abuse they face on an unfortunately regular basis.
Leave it to Lauren to stir up trouble. Remember the theater incident, vaping and groping. If I lived in Lauren's district I would vote for her.

Republican U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado drew sharp criticism during a House debate over defense appropriations Wednesday. Specifically, Boebert aimed Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness Shawn Skelly, the highest-ranking transgender official at the Pentagon.

Boebert introduced an amendment to reduce Skelly’s salary to a mere dollar, arguing that Skelly was failing at her job and a symbol of “wokeism.”

In her remarks, Boebert went as far as to misgender Skelly, offensively asserting, “This delusional man, thinking he is a woman, embodies and espouses the wokeism that’s causing significant harm to our military readiness and troop morale.”

We don't need a picture of the beautiful Lauren Boebert.

This man is Shawn Skelly, the highest-ranking transgender official at the Pentagon.

View attachment 835541
At least this person reasonably passes as female, and dresses appropriately for their preferred gender.

It shouldn’t be difficult to “she/her” them unless one is being a dick deliberately.

It’s the men who look nothing like a women and take zero effort to present as one but still have an emotional break down when someone “misgenders” them who get on my nerves.

Those people are just drama queens seeking attention.
At least this person reasonably passes as female, and dresses appropriately for their preferred gender.
It shouldn’t be difficult to “she/her” them unless one is being a dick deliberately.

Or unless one places some value on truth, and has an ethical constraint against willfully lying.
Or unless one places some value on truth, and has an ethical constraint against willfully lying.
Stop being dramatic.

We all say little lies all the time when interacting with other people.

Again, the only reason you’d purposefully refuse to refer to this person as a “she” in their presence is because you’re deliberately trying to embarrass them. That doesn’t make you a hero, it makes you a dick.
Stop being dramatic.
We all say little lies all the time when interacting with other people.
Again, the only reason you’d purposefully refuse to refer to this person as a “she” in their presence is because you’re deliberately trying to embarrass them. That doesn’t make you a hero, it makes you a dick.

Written like someone who does not value truth,. and doe snot understand the constraint that most decent people have against lying.

Not that most of us don't lie, from time to time, on occasion, but it is no virtue.

I sure as Hell am not going to lie for the specific purpose of promoting sexual deviancy, perversion, and madness; and no decent person ever would.

Fuck you very much for suggesting that anyone should ever do so.
Leave it to Lauren to stir up trouble. Remember the theater incident, vaping and groping. If I lived in Lauren's district I would vote for her.

Republican U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado drew sharp criticism during a House debate over defense appropriations Wednesday. Specifically, Boebert aimed Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness Shawn Skelly, the highest-ranking transgender official at the Pentagon.

Boebert introduced an amendment to reduce Skelly’s salary to a mere dollar, arguing that Skelly was failing at her job and a symbol of “wokeism.”

In her remarks, Boebert went as far as to misgender Skelly, offensively asserting, “This delusional man, thinking he is a woman, embodies and espouses the wokeism that’s causing significant harm to our military readiness and troop morale.”

We don't need a picture of the beautiful Lauren Boebert.

This man is Shawn Skelly, the highest-ranking transgender official at the Pentagon.

View attachment 835541
1. I had never heard of her until I read this post. Thanks for informing me.

2. I think that people are wrong to criticize her because of her transgender identity.

3. One can oppose transgenders in the military without being unkind.

4. In that photo, she appears to be very feminine-looking. (Some transgenders -- I shall not name them -- still appear to be males.)

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