Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

I don't know what church you follow, but I follow the teachings of Jesus' perfect church.
No, you have been brainwashed into thinking that you will receive eternal life by doing what scripture teaches results in death. Your church even openly teaches that to violate the first command results in death, hell, and ultimately destruction and then openly and brazenly defies that law every single mass effectively murdering entire congregations worldwide.

I do have to admit it has been quite the successful scam, using the power of death consequent to defying the Law of God to subjugate tyrannize and fleece entire nations, until now.

Death has taken a holiday. And "We The People" will not like what they wake up to one bit.
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Secular and atheist and one in
Once again you confuse secular with atheist.

Legalization of pot is not the end all you seem to think.
We've been over this. You atheists try to find cover by using the term 'secular'. But the two are exactly the same in terms of moral laws.
Inferior beliefs have no place in our country's government.
Inferior ? Judaism , Christianity and Islam all sprang from the same tribe. They don't call them the Judgmental or Abrahamic religions for nothing. Abraham was no doubt a psychopath. Each of these religions say they spread love when in fact it is the exact opposite
The Jews call outsiders Goyim ( pigs ), the Christians called outsiders Heathens ( pagans ) and the Muslims call outsiders Infidels ( irreverent ). All are insulting terms, there's hatred in those words, not love.
No, you have been brainwashed into thinking that you will receive eternal life by doing what scripture teaches results in death. Your church even openly teaches that to violate the first command results in death, hell, and ultimately destruction and then openly and brazenly defies that law every single mass effectively murdering entire congregations worldwide.

I do have to admit it has been quite the successful scam, until now.
Nobody knows what you are talking about including you.
There is no perfect church because religion is an invention of mankind. And we are very far from perfect.
So you're saying man invented or made everything in the universe? If the answer is no, then you've just contradicted yourself.
Secular and atheist and one in

We've been over this. You atheists try to find cover by using the term 'secular'. But the two are exactly the same in terms of moral laws.

No, they do not. Secular means without religions. Atheist means without belief in God.
You currently have forced participation in our nation's athiest laws, yet you don't complain about that.

And the laws I disagree with or dislike can be removed by law makers, without having to worry about whether they fit what catholics believe. They just have to be constitutional.
Here are a few beneficial changes that would be made under a Christian United States government. So many problems would vanish overnight with this legislation. Many more would reduce over time. There could be more. These were just a few things I thought of initially. Really common sense stuff, basically a return to 1950s television, an era when families were stronger and children became independent earlier, and societal norms opposed sex outside marriage. A time when top shows were Donna Reed and Leave it to Beaver. A time when it was the norm to attend church, there were the most priests and sisters and Catholic schools in history.

This could be a reality, folks, if enough of us think about it, work towards it, and pray hard. They never though Roe v Wade would fall, and now look what is happening, so it CAN be done!

In the Schools:
Christian/Catholic sexual morality taught from the earliest grades:
1. Human lives are of supreme importance. Animals are subordinate,
2. Sex is only permissible through marriage
3. Birth control will not be discussed, nor will condoms be distributed in the schools.
4. Sex education would be replaced with sensible teaching on dating which would include recommendations of:
..... a. Relatively early curfew times
..... b. No passionate kissing prior to marriage
.....c. Emphasis on getting to know the other person
.....d. Duggar-style side hugs, rather than frontal.

Ten Commandments, crosses, and crucifixes may be displayed.
School prayer allowed and encouraged.
Christmas may be celebrated. Christian themed decorations may be used
Christian-themed Christmas plays may be performed.
Racist CRT banned.
Prominent Americans returned to the history books. Lives of the greatest canonized saints would be added in order to inspire children.
Christian schools would be strengthened.
All leftwing/ Marxist propaganda removed from schools and universities. Overt Marxists teachers would either reform or be dismissed.
No alcohol allowed in university dorms which house underaged students. (You might be amazed this is allowed in many or most freshman dorms).

In movies and television:

  • Nudity is banned.
  • Depictions of sex outside marriage banned
  • Foul language banned
  • Graphic physical harm depictions banned
  • Only nuclear family depictions: Parents married.
  • Depictions of cohabitation banned.
  • Gay sex acts are banned.
In media:
No legislation may be pushed by a news outlet that violates Christian moral teaching. Abortion, rioting, extra rights for gays or trans, pitting women against men may not be advocated. Basically any promotion of the issues Marxist atheists use to divide and undermine the country will be banned.

In commerce and law:
Pornography banned.
Abortion mills illegal.
Mexico City Policy made permanent.
Most government domestic programs will be shut down, and a private sharing program would be established where people send funds directly to those designated in need. This would eliminate large piles of money. This will be the topic of another thread. It is based on charity, rather than coercion. It would also remove power from leftwing politicians
Government photo and/or fingerprint or retinal ID would be used for all voting. No drop boxes. Only verified mail-in voting. Very limited early voting.
Illegal immigration would be stopped cold. Legal immigration requirements would be relaxed for countries for which they are onerous.
Recreational drugs once again illegalized.
They fortunate enough to enter God's Kingdom will be blessed by total righteousness and freedom from the debauchery that has infiltrated all aspects of modern society like a cancer travels through it's dying victim. I look forward to God's perfect society.
Nobody knows what you are talking about including you.

You don't understand plain language and you want to run the country? :auiqs.jpg:

I am very impressed with what your religious beliefs and practices have done for you. How much did it cost? Your soul, 10% of your income for life, and all of your children? What a deal!

Although your children might object.

and you could have just thrown your brain in the trash for free! sucker.
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And the laws I disagree with or dislike can be removed by law makers, without having to worry about whether they fit what catholics believe. They just have to be constitutional.
You're talking in circles. The whole point of this thread is that the Constitution is wrong with respect to it's allowing atheism to be the controlling force in government. With the perfect laws of Catholicism, there is no arguing or discarding necessary or desirable. It's just like the miscreants in the RCC who demand the RCC change its moral laws. They're wrong, and there is nothing more to say about it.
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Again, one and the same in terms of moral laws.

Well, if you insist on claiming that, you are welcome to do so.

And you are welcome to continue to live in this secular nation. You are welcome to your freedoms, even though you want to take them away from others.

You are even welcome to try and remove the US Constitution. But you will fail miserably.
That's a joke. Leftwingers don't care about morals OR the Constitution. Look at the crooked DOJ and the crooked FBI.

Some don't. You, apparently don't care about constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. That makes you even.
The US is 70% Xtian, but only 20% Catholic. Do you think the other Christians will agree to your demands? I think not.

I cannot imagine the Baptists, Pentacostals, and other evangelicals agreeing to making the US a Catholic nation.
You're talking in circles. The whole point of this thread is that the Constitution is wrong with respect to it's allowing atheism to be the controlling force in government. With the perfect laws of Catholicism, there is no arguing or discarding necessary or desirable. It's just like the miscreants in the RCC who demand the RCC change its moral laws. They're wrong, and there is nothing more to say about it.

Oh there is plenty more to say about it. You are just running out of arguments.

Our current gov't allows all faiths (and no faith) to flourish in our great nation. But you, in your insecurity, demand that only the church YOU believe in should rule our nation.

No. Not happening. And I will happily fight against any single religion being in charge of our nation.
Again, one and the same in terms of moral laws.

Another question I have for you. Will women be afforded the same rights as men? Will they be able to hold higher office? Or will they be required to be subservient?

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