Lawsuits against the companies that make assault rifles.

So the solution to people who live substandard lives is to just kill them in cold blood?

If it was about what she does with her own body, then she would be the one to die from an abortion, instead of her innocent child.

One again, anyone who defends the savage practice of abortio0n has no credibility whatsoever in expressing any concern for any human life. If you defend the “right” to murder the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, then you are a hypocrite if you oppose any other violence.

It certainly makes you a horrendous hypocrite, if you oppose the rights of law-abiding human beings to legitimately keep and bars arms, on the basis that someone “might” use those arms unjustly to take a life.

The overwhelming vast majority of those who own firearms never use them to commit any act of violence against anyone.

100% of those who have abortions have willfully taken the life of an innocent human being.

You haven't seen what I have seen in the real world and are usually AWOL when it comes to really caring about abused, neglected and hungry kids.

You can call me names but you're talking out of sanctimonious ignorance.

Finally, you must not have read my Post very closely because I have been a strong 2nd Amendment supporter my whole life and taught others how to shoot for 60 years.

Does that make me just a hypocrite or am I still a "horrendous hypocrite"?

Just checking.....
Joey is a disciple of Stalin. He dreams of secret police with unlimited power...with, of course, himself as head of the NKVD.

I don't like to talk about others but can safely say that we disagree .......

You've made it pretty clear that you would like to do away with the 2nd Amendment altogether; is that accurate?

I would get rid of the bizarre interpretation of it that it allows an unfettered right for any person to have a gun.
If you apply it to militias, it's kind of dead letter law (like the third amendment) in that we have professional armies and police forces now.

You keep repeating the falsehood that anyone who doesn't want gun bans supports mass murder by the "crazies"
Basically, you're claiming that anyone who doesn't think like you is " one of those crazies".

Nope, I'm saying Adam Lanza was a crazy. I am staying Joker Holmes was a crazy. I am saying that Awake the Rapper was a crazy.

Every time we have one of these mass shooting incidents, we find out two things.
1) EVERYONE in that person's life knew he was crazy.
2) Despite that, the person had absolutely NO TROUBLE buying or getting a gun, and proceeding to inflict horror on the world.

I was a Psychiatric Case Worker on an inner city Emergency Psychiatric Unit. One of the most common complaints among the most delusional patients was being around "all of these crazies."

America already has laws prohibiting felons and the mentally ill from possessing firearms and they apparently don't work.

They don't work because they are specifically designed NOT to work.

For shits and grins, I decided to get my Illinois FOID card. Keep in mind, conservatives keep whining "Illinois has the strictest gun laws in the country." Do you know what I had to do to get a FOID card? Fill out a form where I pinky-swore I was not a felon or a mentally ill person, send them a picture of myself and $11.00.

Now, keep in mind, I have no criminal record and have never been adjudicated as having a mental issue. (I did suffer from depression after my parents died, but that was decades ago.) So it wasn't like there was actually anything to find. But how hard could you really look for $11.00?

So you get someone like Joker Holmes. History of mental illness, was being expelled from his university for having issues. Or Seung-Hui Cho, who wasn't allowed to attend in person classes because his weird behavior creeped the other students out. No one asked about them, by checking with coworkers, schools, family, etc. The kind of background check you WOULD do if you were getting a loan or a job.

Next, you mention how much less violence exists in those "developed countries" that are in no way like the US. (1)

(1). "The Mistake of Only Comparing US Murder Rates to "Developed" Countries"

Ah, yes, here it comes, the "America has too many darkies" argument. But they won't say that outright, so they talk about "monocultures" and not the fact that these countries restrict who can get a gun.
Um, the Zionist entity hardly "works". It's an international pariah, half the people have to keep their boots to the neck of the other half, because they no damned well they'd all be driven into the sea if they didn't.

That's not a system that works.
Israel is safer than almost all major US cities.

Because they have hot chicks walking around with fully automatic rifles.
I'm fascinated by this. I'm not anti-guns. I'm not Kneejerk against all gun control proposals. I'm fascinated by the legal issue(s) here. This isn't really about the 2nd Amendment 'right'. The article is speaking to the responsibilities that come with freedom and commerce. This is a huge issue now regarding holding gun makers accountable.

I'm going to "

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Gun Makers and Mass Shootings

You can't sue a firearm manufacturer because someone illegally misused a product they made. The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) is a U.S law, passed in 2005,
I'm fascinated by this. I'm not anti-guns. I'm not Kneejerk against all gun control proposals. I'm fascinated by the legal issue(s) here. This isn't really about the 2nd Amendment 'right'. The article is speaking to the responsibilities that come with freedom and commerce. This is a huge issue now regarding holding gun makers accountable.

I'm going to "

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Gun Makers and Mass Shootings

When will we start holding car companies responsible?
Aren’t they? If you have nothing to fear, stop worrying about who’s got guns.

The reason why we have reasons to fear is too many crazy people have guns.

You can't sue a firearm manufacturer because someone illegally misused a product they made. The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) is a U.S law, passed in 2005,
Yet the Sandy Hook families were able to do so despite this law.

And took Remington for 73 million dollars.

Probably 90% of these lawsuits will be dismissed, but the 10% that get through will get the gun industry to change its ways or go bankrupt, and I'm perfectly fine with either.

This idiot once upon a time thought just like you.
No, he probably wondered why we aren't treating our homeless population for their mental illnesses.
The reason why we have reasons to fear is too many crazy people have guns.

Yet the Sandy Hook families were able to do so despite this law.

And took Remington for 73 million dollars.

Probably 90% of these lawsuits will be dismissed, but the 10% that get through will get the gun industry to change its ways or go bankrupt, and I'm perfectly fine with either.

No, he probably wondered why we aren't treating our homeless population for their mental illnesses.
Is that why Newsom freed over a hundred thousand VIOLENT felons from prison early the past few years? Too many violent crazies out there?
The reason why we have reasons to fear is too many crazy people have guns.

Yet the Sandy Hook families were able to do so despite this law.

And took Remington for 73 million dollars.

Probably 90% of these lawsuits will be dismissed, but the 10% that get through will get the gun industry to change its ways or go bankrupt, and I'm perfectly fine with either.

No, he probably wondered why we aren't treating our homeless population for their mental illnesses.
The sandy hook families didn't win because Remington tried to settle. Remington had already closed it's doors and went out of business. It was the lawyers who settled.
And that other bullshit you said is easy to think when you're the one alive and not dead. If your life is leaving you you'll wished you had a gun to defend yourself.
The reason why we have reasons to fear is too many crazy people have guns.

Yet the Sandy Hook families were able to do so despite this law.

And took Remington for 73 million dollars.

Probably 90% of these lawsuits will be dismissed, but the 10% that get through will get the gun industry to change its ways or go bankrupt, and I'm perfectly fine with either.

No, he probably wondered why we aren't treating our homeless population for their mental illnesses.
Sandy Hook won because of the advertising, not because there was something wrong with the firearm.
The reason why we have reasons to fear is too many crazy people have guns.

Yet the Sandy Hook families were able to do so despite this law.

And took Remington for 73 million dollars.

Probably 90% of these lawsuits will be dismissed, but the 10% that get through will get the gun industry to change its ways or go bankrupt, and I'm perfectly fine with either.

No, he probably wondered why we aren't treating our homeless population for their mental illnesses.
The reason why we have reasons to fear is too many crazy people have guns.

Yet the Sandy Hook families were able to do so despite this law.

And took Remington for 73 million dollars.

Probably 90% of these lawsuits will be dismissed, but the 10% that get through will get the gun industry to change its ways or go bankrupt, and I'm perfectly fine with either.

No, he probably wondered why we aren't treating our homeless population for their mental illnesses.

So long as you don't have one, I am happy.

You're a anti Semitic, bigoted, nut job.
Aren’t they? If you have nothing to fear, stop worrying about who’s got guns.

Again, that's his proud Nazi heritage speaking. His relatives back in The Old Country disarmed Jews. Later, they rounded them up and murdered them en-masse.

Of course, he's triggered by images of Jews walking around, well-armed.
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a firearm is designed to shoot a projectile at any target living or inanimate the owner chooses. Only military weapons are designed to kill humans.
That dance is plain stupid.

A gun's sole design purpose is to kill and to practice killing.

Drop the lie, you'll seem less stupid.

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