Lawsuits against the companies that make assault rifles.

Um, okay.

YOu still have to guard those prisoners.
Still have to feed them.
Still have to house them. (Can't just put them in tents)

Prisons are a large, ongoing expense. It costs anywhere from $35,000 to $50,000 a year to house one prisoner. Maybe makes sense in the case of a murderer, but a guy who sshoplifted $900 in merch, not so much.
Oh noez! The government have to do its job!

But thanks for admitting you want violent criminals walking freely on the streets without fear of prison.
I would get rid of the bizarre interpretation of it that it allows an unfettered right for any person to have a gun.
If you apply it to militias, it's kind of dead letter law (like the third amendment) in that we have professional armies and police forces now.

Nope, I'm saying Adam Lanza was a crazy. I am staying Joker Holmes was a crazy. I am saying that Awake the Rapper was a crazy.

Every time we have one of these mass shooting incidents, we find out two things.
1) EVERYONE in that person's life knew he was crazy.
2) Despite that, the person had absolutely NO TROUBLE buying or getting a gun, and proceeding to inflict horror on the world.

They don't work because they are specifically designed NOT to work.

For shits and grins, I decided to get my Illinois FOID card. Keep in mind, conservatives keep whining "Illinois has the strictest gun laws in the country." Do you know what I had to do to get a FOID card? Fill out a form where I pinky-swore I was not a felon or a mentally ill person, send them a picture of myself and $11.00.

Now, keep in mind, I have no criminal record and have never been adjudicated as having a mental issue. (I did suffer from depression after my parents died, but that was decades ago.) So it wasn't like there was actually anything to find. But how hard could you really look for $11.00?

So you get someone like Joker Holmes. History of mental illness, was being expelled from his university for having issues. Or Seung-Hui Cho, who wasn't allowed to attend in person classes because his weird behavior creeped the other students out. No one asked about them, by checking with coworkers, schools, family, etc. The kind of background check you WOULD do if you were getting a loan or a job.

Ah, yes, here it comes, the "America has too many darkies" argument. But they won't say that outright, so they talk about "monocultures" and not the fact that these countries restrict who can get a gun.

Just because you don't like the way the 2nd Amendment is interpreted doesn't mean that it's interpreted incorrectly.
Your severe enmity toward the 2nd Amendment is clearly at odds with most forum members and Americans in general.
The Founding Fathers made it clear that the "militia" are "the people, themselves."

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that only firearms are capable of killing others in spite of the fact that I provided 2 examples of crude, home made WMDs that killed more people than any "assault weapon", you quibbled about the fact that they were earlier incidents that set records unbroken in decades.
The fact remains that even though those tragedies happened decades ago, they still used crude, home-made WMDs that killed far mmore people than any "assault weapon".

Take away the guns and watch the homicide rate climb to any one of the 60+ countries that have higher homicide rates than the US (1) and nothing like our 2nd Amendment.

They don't work because they are specifically designed NOT to work.

That statement is simply irrational.
Are all laws "specifically designed NOT to work." or is it just gun laws that ate "specifically designed not to work."

Next, you complain because getting your FOID card (?) didn't cost more.

Because the system worked as it should have, you assume that a background check was inadequate because it didn't find a criminal history thad didn't exist....
Again, that's not rational thought.

Ah, yes, here it comes, the "America has too many darkies" argument.

Now you're simply showing your desperation.

There are innumerable differences between the US and Norway, any of the much smaller and older European countries that have nothing to do with "darkies".

The primary difference between the US and and those "developed countries" is that they have more affordable and accessible mental health care than the US and that is the only reason for their lower homicide rate.
Russia, for example, is much more like the US than mono-ethnic Japan and has totalitarian style gun laws but has a much higher homicide rate than the US.



(1). "Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) - Country Ranking"
Countries ranked by Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people)
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Serial killers most often stab, strangle and bludgeon their victims to death. Should we now make knife makers and hammer makers liable for those murders? Phone cords, curtain cords, etc are used for strangling should those manufacturers be liable as well? No, this makes 0 sense. Arsenic is often use to kill people should the chemical manufacturer be held liabel? After all, arsenic IS a poison.
Throw logic out the window when libs who are driven by emotion sit on the courts
That dance is plain stupid.

A gun's sole design purpose is to kill and to practice killing.

Drop the lie, you'll seem less stupid.

You're only showing how little you know about firearms and the innumerable shooting sports that have nothing to do with killing.

Apparently, you didn't know that shooting has been an Olympic sport since 1896. (1)
How many people have been killed with those guns?

You also don't seem to know that men and women are athletic equals when it comes to the many different types of shooting sports. (2).

Next, I'm unaware to excessive bloodshed when it comes to skeet or trap shooting

Finally, if you've ever worked on old houses and had your drill break trying to drill through old floor joists that are filled with nails, few things work as well as a .44 Magnum as a substitute drill for running electrical wire.

Briefly put, saying that "Guns are only good for killing." is as naive as saying that knives are only good for stabbing.



EXCERPT "Shooting events don’t get all the glory at the Summer Olympic Games — not the way mainstream sports like swimming, track, and gymnastics do. But if you watched the 2020 games in Tokyo, you know that shooting events are plenty of fun to watch. And the United States always dominates Olympic shooting.

The U.S. has earned 116 medals since shooting first entered the modern Olympic games in 1896. China comes in at a distant second place with 67 total medals, 26 of them golds." CONTINUED

(2). "Top 50 Women in Competitive Shooting"

EXCERPT "From action pistol and bullseye champions, smallbore, high power and precision rifle masters, trapshooters and Olympic gold medalists—SSUSA has compiled this list of 50 (52 to be exact) female athletes that are influencing the ever-changing landscape of competitive shooting—for the better.

Note: This isn’t a ranking, though we purposely grouped the first four women at the front in recognition of the attention generated by their respective shooting careers. Otherwise it’s a random selection, with the goal of presenting female shooters from as many disciplines as possible."CONTINUED
Prisons are a large, ongoing expense. It costs anywhere from $35,000 to $50,000 a year to house one prisoner. Maybe makes sense in the case of a murderer, but a guy who sshoplifted $900 in merch, not so much.

Here, in California, we've de facto legalized theft up to $950 at a time. It's destroying commerce in some of our worst cities. Retailers are pulling out of many parts of this state. Because of rampant theft, actual human beings are being impacted in the ability to buy food and other necessities.

The impact on society as a whole, of so many subhuman pieces of shit being allowed to steal with impunity, as long as no one individual subhuman piece of shit steals more than $950 at a time, is far greater than just the value of what is being stolen.

And it's not only the subhuman pieces of shit that are impacted; human beings are also impacted.
Just because you don't like the way the 2nd Amendment is interpreted doesn't mean that it's interpreted incorrectly.
Your severe enmity toward the 2nd Amendment is clearly at odds with most forum members and Americans in general.
The Founding Fathers made it clear that the "militia" are "the people, themselves."

Which would be awesome if "militias" were still a thing. They aren't. Militias were replaced by the National Guard a century ago. National Guard units don't let you take the guns home with you, they lock them up in a vault and count them after every drill assembly. (I should know, that was my job in the Guard.)

The idea that we should continue the insanity of unregulated guns in the hands of crazy people because of a reference to something that no longer exists or is practical is beyond silly. It's like having Bleeding be part of the Health Coverage Plan because that's what the founders did right after they injested mercury.

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that only firearms are capable of killing others in spite of the fact that I provided 2 examples of crude, home made WMDs that killed more people than any "assault weapon", you quibbled about the fact that they were earlier incidents that set records unbroken in decades.

The fact you had to go back decades to find them is telling. And one of them was an accident, the only reason why so many people died was because the club owner violated so many safety rules, not because killing dozens of people was the bombers intent.

Take away the guns and watch the homicide rate climb to any one of the 60+ countries that have higher homicide rates than the US (1) and nothing like our 2nd Amendment.

Or we would be like the hundreds of countries that have lower homicide rates because they don't have guns. If we are talking country to country comparisons, the only comparison that SHOULD be made is between the US and other G-7 Nations, and those numbers are appalling. Comparing us to a third world country lacking functioning government is nothing to be proud of.

That statement is simply irrational.
Are all laws "specifically designed NOT to work." or is it just gun laws that ate "specifically designed not to work."

Next, you complain because getting your FOID card (?) didn't cost more.

No, I am complaining that they couldn't have possibly done a meaningful check for $11.00.

Because the system worked as it should have, you assume that a background check was inadequate because it didn't find a criminal history thad didn't exist....
Again, that's not rational thought.

No, i would expect it to be thorough.

For instance, when I applied for my current job, they did a thorough background check, even though I was recommended by a person in the company who had worked with me for years. They spent a lot more than $11.00 and they found two items that I had to clear up. (One was a discrepancy in my start date on a job, because I forgot I had worked for a year as a contactor before being hired full time, the other was a discrepancy on a job title.) In short, they checked and they asked questions.

Same thing when I got my mortgage for my current place. They looked into every financial record that was related to my name. They asked questions. Didn't matter that I had no credit card debt AND successfully met the terms of three previous mortgages and five car loans. They wanted to know about that line of credit I opened with a furniture store. They wanted to know what my obligations were with a family property in Wisconsin (which has been in my family since 1949).

This is what I expect when you apply for a gun license.. a thorough check, which would have caught Joker Holmes or Awake the Rapper long before they could inflict any mayhem.

Now you're simply showing your desperation.
Just because you got caught blowing a racist dog whistle, don't be upset when the dogs hear it.
There are innumerable differences between the US and Norway, any of the much smaller and older European countries that have nothing to do with "darkies".

The primary difference between the US and and those "developed countries" is that they have more affordable and accessible mental health care than the US and that is the only reason for their lower homicide rate.
Russia, for example, is much more like the US than mono-ethnic Japan and has totalitarian style gun laws but has a much higher homicide rate than the US.

Russia lacks a functioning government, as we can see in their half-ass invasion of Ukraine. Russia's murder rate is the least of it's problems.
Again- Compare America to other G-7 Countries, and we look awful.
So, you made a claim, and can't post a single example. Typical lying piece of poo you are.
I owe you nothing but contempt.
If you have the ignorance to believe ANYTHING I post is false, prove it.

You're Mom's garage must be a lonely place.
Probably explains your one-handed typing.


  • 1696594040812.png
    121.2 KB · Views: 5
You're only showing how little you know about firearms and the innumerable shooting sports that have nothing to do with killing.

Target sports are nothing, REPEAT NOTHING, more than practice killing.


Otherwise, targets would NEVER look like this.

You know murder used to be a sport as well.
Given your body of work on this forum, it would take significant ignorance to assume that anything you post is true.
All you have to do my Tiny Minded Monkey is show a single post where I was wrong.

Give your claim and the 14 hours a day you spend lying here it should be easy.

Go for it. Prove me wrong.

Target sports are nothing, REPEAT NOTHING, more than practice killing.

View attachment 839125

Otherwise, targets would NEVER look like this.

You know murder used to be a sport as well.

The targets used by the US Olympic Team don't look like that nor do the ones at my backyard shooting range.

Finally, how do know the intentions of the millions of responsible gun owners are to go crazy and kill a bunch of people.

Could there be some projection in all this talk of how crazy everyone else is?
All you have to do my Tiny Minded Monkey is show a single post where I was wrong.

Give your claim and the 14 hours a day you spend lying here it should be easy.

Go for it. Prove me wrong.


That's easy.

The tricky part comes with trying to get you to admit you were wrong.

For example, it's a fact that you can't compare homicide rates in Japan or Norway with the US for more reasons than what you called our "darkies".

I even posted an article that listed the many other ways in which smaller, older, countries with superior mental health care and even cooler climates are different.

"The Mistake of Only Comparing US Murder Rates to "Developed" Countries"

EXCERPT " Note, however, that these comparisons always employ a carefully selected list of countries, most of which are very unlike the United States. They are countries that were settled long ago by the dominant ethnic group, they are ethnically non-diverse today, they are frequently very small countries (such as Norway, with a population of 5 million) with very locally based democracies (again, unlike the US with an immense population and far fewer representatives in government per voter). Politically, historically, and demographically, the US has little in common with Europe or Japan.

The US has the highest murder rate in the "developed world" — presumably because of its lax guns laws —we are told again and again.

Few people who repeat this mantra have any standard in their heads of what exactly is the "developed" world. They just repeat the phrase because they have learned to do so." CONTINUED
Aren’t they? If you have nothing to fear, stop worrying about who’s got guns.
Joey is terrified of his own shadow.
This idiot once upon a time thought just like you.
Joey doesn't care, he's fine with dead bodies as long as a gun was not used.
I owe you nothing but contempt.
If you have the ignorance to believe ANYTHING I post is false, prove it.

You're Mom's garage must be a lonely place.
Probably explains your one-handed typing.
Translation: "Being unable to back up the bullshit claims, I will fling feces, throw around ad hominem insults, and scream incoherently."
The targets used by the US Olympic Team don't look like that nor do the ones at my backyard shooting range.

Finally, how do know the intentions of the millions of responsible gun owners are to go crazy and kill a bunch of people.

Could there be some projection in all this talk of how crazy everyone else is?
YOU don't?
But that doesn't change the fact they exist in plenty and are the first to show when searching.

That you haven't killed anyone personally doesn't change the fact that target shooting is practicing a gun's designed function, that is to kill. It has no other function.
That's easy.

The tricky part comes with trying to get you to admit you were wrong.

For example, it's a fact that you can't compare homicide rates in Japan or Norway with the US for more reasons than what you called our "darkies".

I even posted an article that listed the many other ways in which smaller, older, countries with superior mental health care and even cooler climates are different.

"The Mistake of Only Comparing US Murder Rates to "Developed" Countries"

EXCERPT " Note, however, that these comparisons always employ a carefully selected list of countries, most of which are very unlike the United States. They are countries that were settled long ago by the dominant ethnic group, they are ethnically non-diverse today, they are frequently very small countries (such as Norway, with a population of 5 million) with very locally based democracies (again, unlike the US with an immense population and far fewer representatives in government per voter). Politically, historically, and demographically, the US has little in common with Europe or Japan.

The US has the highest murder rate in the "developed world" — presumably because of its lax guns laws —we are told again and again.

Few people who repeat this mantra have any standard in their heads of what exactly is the "developed" world. They just repeat the phrase because they have learned to do so." CONTINUED
Funny, you didn't prove a thing but are absolutely certain your reason is unimpeachable.


That you failed to link to a single claim of mine proves you wrong so you may consider yourself peached.
I'm fascinated by this. I'm not anti-guns. I'm not Kneejerk against all gun control proposals. I'm fascinated by the legal issue(s) here. This isn't really about the 2nd Amendment 'right'. The article is speaking to the responsibilities that come with freedom and commerce. This is a huge issue now regarding holding gun makers accountable.

I'm going to "

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Gun Makers and Mass Shootings


YOU don't?
But that doesn't change the fact they exist in plenty and are the first to show when searching.

That you haven't killed anyone personally doesn't change the fact that target shooting is practicing a gun's designed function, that is to kill. It has no other function.

I thought that I told you about the time I was crawling around under a house drilling holes for electrical wire and my drill broke. All I needed to finish the job was my .44 Magnum S&W Mod.29.
I was able to "drill" the rest of the holes and complete the wiring job.

So, there's your example of a gun not being used to kill.

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