Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

There's tons of evidence if you care to look for it. You are obviously much too lazy and gullible to do anything however. Proven

Then it will be remarkably easy for you or James Comer to show us.

Instead, you've failed for a dozen pages to show us ANY evidence of ANY crime by Joe Biden. Always referencing mythical 'evidence', that you don't have, that you can't present.

Remember your '5 million dollars'? You couldn't verify any part of that claim. Not WHO sent it, not a record of it being sent, not a bribe being offered, not an account of Joe Biden's where it landed. Nothing.

So you just abandoned the claim. And started babbling about nebulous 'tons of evidence'. Which, of course, you can't produce.

Show us the evidence that Joe Biden committed treason. That's a crime.

Or you can just give us your typical snivelling excuse and rout on why you can't.

Either works for me.
Tell us about how Joe Biden lied to all of us about his knowledge of Hunter's business partners and the money flowing into his family. Tell us how you feel about this traitor then maybe I'll Grace you with some evidence since you are too stupid to do any reading about it
Then it will be remarkably easy for you or James Comer to show us.

Instead, you've failed for a dozen pages to show us ANY evidence of ANY crime by Joe Biden. Always referencing mythical 'evidence', that you don't have, that you can't present.

Remember your '5 million dollars'? You couldn't verify any part of that claim. Not WHO sent it, not a record of it being sent, not a bribe being offered, not an account of Joe Biden's where it landed. Nothing.

So you just abandoned the claim. And started babbling about nebulous 'tons of evidence'. Which, of course, you can't produce.

Joe standing in front of the American public and lying about his knowledge of Hunter Biden's illicit businesses is enough evidence for me. It's enough evidence for the majority of America and he is going to be fired on November 5th. Is that evidence enough for you? Traitor?
Tell us about how Joe Biden lied to all of us about his knowledge of Hunter's business partners and the money flowing into his family. Tell us how you feel about this traitor then maybe I'll Grace you with some evidence since you are too stupid to do any reading about it

Is that a crime? If so, name the crime and back it with evidence.

You can't, can you? You babble on about all the crimes Joe committed, but when I ask you to name and back them with evidence, you give me excuses or evasions.

This is why your impeachment inquiry laughably failed. This is why Comer has humiliated himself over and over.
Joe standing in front of the American public and lying about his knowledge of Hunter Biden's illicit businesses is enough evidence for me. It's enough evidence for the majority of America and he is going to be fired on November 5th. Is that evidence enough for you? Traitor?
The strategy is to say it enough that everyone just believes it without any evidence.

Sadly propaganda often works.
Is that a crime? If so, name the crime and back it with evidence.

You can't, can you? You babble on about all the crimes Joe committed, but when I ask you to name and back them with evidence, you give me excuses or evasions.

This is why your impeachment inquiry laughably failed. This is why Comer has humiliated himself over and over.
It's a crime for me. It's a crime if you do it in front of Congress. It's a crime if you do it to the FBI. Biden should have to go to jail for it but we will just have to settle for him being fired on November 5th. What a fucking liar and traitor he is. You too!
This is not something that even registers with the cult.

Nope. They are accusation first kinda folks. They make shit up, based on nothing. Then convince themselves it must be true because it FEELS true.

And spent weeks, months even YEARS desperately trying to find evidence to make their feelings facts.

Where by any rational standard, you'd start with evidence. And then draw your conclusions from that.
Yep that has always been the democrat strategy Nancy calls it the wrapup smear.

The proof is that none of you can ever explain what you’re talking about.

You just repeat the lines your given. You aren’t allowed to think for yourself.
It's a crime for me. It's a crime if you do it in front of Congress. It's a crime if you do it to the FBI. Biden should have to go to jail for it but we will just have to settle for him being fired on November 5th. What a fucking liar and traitor he is. You too!

A 'crime for you'? Laughing....that is the most snowflake answer I've ever heard in my life.

Biden isn't subject to 'crimes for you'. He's subject to ACTUAL laws. Not your feelings. Your desire to hold Biden accountable to your emotions is an elegant demonstration of the absurdity of your process.

And, of course, why your impeachment inquiry has failed spectacularly.
My evidence are Joe's lies about it all. That's good enough for me

These are 'evidence' of 'crimes for you'. Which is an emotionally based standard of the law.

Thankfully we live in system with an EVIDENCE based standard of the law. And your feelings aren't facts.

You have no evidence that Biden committed actual crimes. He did, apparently, hurt your feelings, though.

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