Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

Facts have been spelled out, you are looking for a conclusion prematurely…
The facts have yet to show any actual quid pro quo. You have every opportunity to introduce any fact you want, but fail to do so.
Hardly. You guys have been promising evidence for years and so far has come up with vanishingly little.
Oh yeah sure…influence peddling is legitimate for you eh?
We need to know what influence was peddled. Hell, most of here transactions occurred after he left office, a fact that you guys are reluctant to admit to.

Unfortunately, there was also a 9-0 SCOTUS case that said influence peddling actually is quite legal. I don’t like it either but Congress does not seem in a hurry to fix that problem.

To be illegal, something of value has to be given in exchange for an “official act”. We need to know what that “official act” is.
lol…Nice double standard you have there…
Not at all. I have a clearly explained example with evidence and facts to back it up. You don’t seem to have that.
LOL, the cultists are mad at the libruls because the libruls want them to prove their accusations then punish the guilty party.

Between that and not accepting the results of an election, it sure looks like the cultists hate just about everything America stands for.

But they sure like to wave that flag and sling that bible.
Never. Obviously you missed the second line of my post. All you care about is your god.

Never mind. Believe what you will. I'm out of patience.

Never, correct..that’s the point. You seem to do a lot of mock and bash of the right and of trump, and very little of the left and Biden. That’s why, on the surface, it appears you lean left.

All you care about is your god.

See what I mean? Despite my, repeatedly saying I’m not a trump supporter, that I support the ideology, not the person, you still think he’s my “god “.
The Iraq invasion was indeed a stupid move on our part and never should have happened. But it was done with the full force of U.S. law via congressional vote of the people's elected representatives in the House and Senate that was more than 2 to 1 in favor of authorizing military action. That was 22 years ago and is water under the bridge especially with a bipartisan vote in congress to repeal authorization for military action in Iraq in 2021.

Dealing with the here and now is not 'chicken shit' when we cannot undo what happened 22 years ago.
I agree fully. We cannot unbind the past, and we must not let it fetter the US going forward.

The issues of Israel, Ukraine, China, Iran, Hamas, etc., as shown over the, particularly the last ten, years, we need a much better foreign policy than either party has offered since the turn of the century.
I want to get this right.

You are saying that proving the accusations is impossible but we should believe it anyway?
Im saying that ignoring the crazy long list of incriminating evidence against them is dishonest, unpatriotic and fucking stupid.
No comment, lefties? Why is that?

SARS are high dollar value bank transactions that are suspicious by nature. The banks are required to report them to the treasury.


Seems to me those should be investigated. If Joe is involved, then we deal with that.

:hhello: :hhello: :hhello: :hhello: :hhello:

Hard to explain, huh, lefties?

You fucking frauds.

The Iraq invasion was indeed a stupid move on our part and never should have happened. But it was done with the full force of U.S. law via congressional vote of the people's elected representatives in the House and Senate that was more than 2 to 1 in favor of authorizing military action. That was 22 years ago and is water under the bridge especially with a bipartisan vote in congress to repeal authorization for military action in Iraq in 2021.

Dealing with the here and now is not 'chicken shit' when we cannot undo what happened 22 years ago.

50 years of brown terrorism makes the Generals antsy to go kick somebodies butts,
I agree fully. We cannot unbind the past, and we must not let it fetter the US going forward.

The issues of Israel, Ukraine, China, Iran, Hamas, etc., as shown over the, particularly the last ten, years, we need a much better foreign policy than either party has offered since the turn of the century.

Right. We’ll let you set it. You dumb armchair bloviating sack of BS.
Yes LLC that produce nothing of value scattered about outside the USA to hide foriegn bribes are probably illegal. That includes mittens or any others in that boat.
The facts have yet to show any actual quid pro quo. You have every opportunity to introduce any fact you want, but fail to do so.
The report will be issued, and I suspect, as usual, you will dismiss it.
Hardly. You guys have been promising evidence for years and so far has come up with vanishingly little.
Investigations take time. We don’t show the man, then find the crime like you progressives love to do.
We need to know what influence was peddled. Hell, most of here transactions occurred after he left office, a fact that you guys are reluctant to admit to.
Release the laptop, now that we know the FBI has verified it’s real.
Unfortunately, there was also a 9-0 SCOTUS case that said influence peddling actually is quite legal. I don’t like it either but Congress does not seem in a hurry to fix that problem.
Do you believe it’s proper ?
To be illegal, something of value has to be given in exchange for an “official act”. We need to know what that “official act” is.
That will come out in the report I suspect.
Not at all. I have a clearly explained example with evidence and facts to back it up. You don’t seem to have that.
You have? I must have missed it.

But, to believe that I’m privy to the committee’s deliberations is ridiculous…
No comment, lefties? Why is that?

SARS are high dollar value bank transactions that are suspicious by nature. The banks are required to report them to the treasury.


Seems to me those should be investigated. If Joe is involved, then we deal with that.

SARS ARE what financial institutions are required to file when they detect unusual transactions that could signal illegal activity — comes after Treasury officials previously spent two months “dragging their feet.”

150 for Jim and Hunter Biden.

  • Report suspicious activity that might signal criminal activity (e.g., money laundering, tax evasion).

150 for Jim and Hunter cases that might be criminal activity.

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The Iraq invasion was indeed a stupid move on our part and never should have happened. But it was done with the full force of U.S. law via congressional vote of the people's elected representatives in the House and Senate that was more than 2 to 1 in favor of authorizing military action. That was 22 years ago and is water under the bridge especially with a bipartisan vote in congress to repeal authorization for military action in Iraq in 2021.

Dealing with the here and now is not 'chicken shit' when we cannot undo what happened 22 years ago.
A resolution by Congress supercedes the Constitution when it suits the duopoly and people accept it. That's why I call it a coup d'etat.
SARS ARE what financial institutions are required to file when they detect unusual transactions that could signal illegal activity — comes after Treasury officials previously spent two months “dragging their feet.”

150 for Jim and Hunter Biden.

  • Report suspicious activity that might signal criminal activity (e.g., money laundering, tax evasion).

150 for Jim and Hunter cases that might be criminal activity.


Of course
They do not care
The report will be issued, and I suspect, as usual, you will dismiss it.
You won’t even read it. Republicans are already investing a lot of time convincing their supporters that it shows Biden is a criminal. Why would the rank and file read the report when they’re already been told what is says?
Investigations take time. We don’t show the man, then find the crime like you progressives love to do.
Yet again, you claim all this evidence has been shown but now you claim it’s hasn’t.
Release the laptop
Didn’t Republicans already do that?
Do you believe it’s proper ?
Not at all.
That will come out in the report I suspect.
Doesn’t matter? You’ll believe it no matter what.
You have? I must have missed it.

But, to believe that I’m privy to the committee’s deliberations is ridiculous…
Just did. Cohen’s dealings were laid out in court with evidence.

What do you have on Biden?
You should be asking for evidence, but you already know there is a mountain of it, so you ask for "proof" instead.
Your evidence doesn’t say much unless you already have a deep seated belief that Biden is guilty.

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