Leak-Double Standards


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
Within days of the leak of former CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity, Sen. Chuck Schumer was demanding a full-scale investigation into the incident, and others soon followed suit. So where are Sen. Schumer and his fellow Democrats in demanding a similar investigation and prosecution of a far more egregious leak of classified material involving the National Security Agency? Instead of demanding to know who leaked information that could jeopardize both sources and methods for intelligence gathering that will protect American lives, Democrats -- and some Republicans -- are busy accusing the president of wrongdoing. Response to the two leaks reveals a stark double standard.

Prior to the Iraq war, Plame reportedly recommended her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, for a CIA mission to Niger to determine whether Saddam Hussein was attempting to buy yellow-cake uranium for developing nuclear weapons. When he returned, Wilson published an article in The New York Times on July 6, 2003, critical of the Bush administration's claims about Saddam's attempts to obtain weapons of mass destruction, an odd thing for a man to do whose wife was ostensibly under cover at the CIA and had played a role in sending him to Africa in the first place. Though no one has been charged with revealing Plame's name, in October a federal prosecutor indicted the vice president's chief of staff for allegedly misleading federal agents during the course of the investigation, which continues to this day with the president's top adviser Karl Rove still under suspicion for his role in the affair. The Plame leak caused massive political damage to the Bush administration, but no one has shown that it resulted in any serious breach of national security, especially since Plame herself was in a desk job at Langley by the time her cover had been blown.

The NSA leak, which appeared first in The New York Times on Dec. 16, could cripple intelligence operations in the war on terror. Yet virtually the entire focus of members of Congress since the leak has been on whether the president has broken any laws. Where is the outrage on the obvious lawlessness with regard to the leak itself? The level of detail suggests a source -- or sources -- with the highest level of security clearance and access to the nation's most sensitive secrets. Whoever it is that leaked this information should be tracked down and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. He or she has jeopardized national security, endangering American lives and compromising intelligence-gathering operations that have already thwarted attacks. Is it merely a coincidence that there have been multiple terrorist attacks in Bali, Madrid, London and other places, but none in the U.S. since 9/11? Not according to the former head of the NSA, Gen. Michael Hayden. "This program has been successful in detecting and preventing attacks inside the United States," Hayden told reporters at a briefing shortly after the Times article appeared. When pressed by reporters on whether getting a search warrant might not have been as effective at thwarting specific threats, Hayden answered, "I can say unequivocally, all right, that we have got information through this program that would not otherwise have been available."

The NSA leak is only the most recent -- and perhaps the worst -- breach of national security aimed at damaging the Bush administration. Revelations about CIA "black sites," where suspected terrorists have been secretly detained and questioned overseas, made headlines in November, sparking outcries from members of Congress and demands for more investigations. Some Republicans responded by urging that the leaks be investigated, but so far there has been nothing like the steamroller that prompted the appointment of a federal prosecutor in the Plame investigation.

Intelligence gathering is critical to protecting Americans in this asymmetrical war we are fighting. Our sophisticated weapons and large armies can't stop another attack on American soil like the one that killed 3,000 people on Sept. 11, 2001, but eavesdropping on terrorist cells operating within our country can. Thanks to the leakers, our enemies now have a much better idea how we've gone about gathering information. What's more, companies that have assisted the government by giving access to data may decide that in light of this publicity, their cooperation is untenable and they should withdraw it. Odds that we will thwart the next attack got much slimmer with the release of this classified information. Whoever leaked this story belongs behind bars.

And not one left-wingnut stands to defend against the accusation. Probably waiting for the party LIE to be published so they can continue their mythological version of events.
The irony is just so rich here... I have to savor it like a good vintage wine.

The NYT and co. certainly aren't howling for an investigation now....
NATO AIR said:
The irony is just so rich here... I have to savor it like a good vintage wine.

The NYT and co. certainly aren't howling for an investigation now....

Ah, but they are going to get it anyways. One must stand in awe of their hubris though, they are doing as predicted, "Surely we should NOT be going after the whistle-blowers, but the evil admin...."
Kathianne said:
Ah, but they are going to get it anyways. One must stand in awe of their hubris though, they are doing as predicted, "Surely we should NOT be going after the whistle-blowers, but the evil admin...."

And it began yesterday. Hopefully there will be enough backlash. Has anyone else noticed how many bloggers are now showing up on both tv and radio?


Schumer Seeks Excuses For NSA Leaks
In a remarkably disingenuous statement, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NYC), has telegraphed the political shenanigans Democrats will employ to exploit the security leaks that exposed US tactics in the War on Terror. The Justice Department recently announced that they will investigate the sources used by the New York Times in their stories about monitoring of international phone calls and emails between Americans and suspected al Qaeda operatives. And rightly so; whoever leaked to the NYT should spend a few years in Leavenworth.

Schumer is setting up the rationale for excusing acts that damaged national security interests. To put a point on it, he's suborning treason for political purposes.

From the Associated Press via Yahoo!News:

WASHINGTON - The investigation into leaks about a domestic spying program should determine whether the motivation was damaging security or revealing a potentially illegal activity, a Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee said Sunday.

"There are differences between felons and whistleblowers, and we ought to wait 'til the investigation occurs to decide what happened," said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.

Schumer is incorrect.

There is a process for Federal employees to become officially recognized as whistleblowers through the US Office of the Inspector General. Recognition by the OIG protects the employee from retaliatory employment actions, and triggers an OIG investigation of the charges made by the whistleblower.

It's not enough to simply declare oneself a whistleblower. And whistleblower disclosures are never sanctioned to outside agents, including and especially the Press.

Also posted at The Jawa Report.
SpidermanTuba said:
Wow. Another right winger starting a thread with nothing but a copy of someone elses article - without even making a comment on it. How original.

Hey Bonnie, is this all you do, surf the web, looking for news and commentary you think everyone else should know about, and then posting it here as a thread starter?

Got any thoughts yourself?

The point of thread starters is to invoke conversations first then comment on them as the conversation progresses, as do many others here.

But im flattered that once again you took the time to single me out for such an inane insult instead of posting your thoughts on the topic......I must really get you :)

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