Leaked Doc Says Obama Colluded with Palestinians 10 Days Before UN Settlements Vote

Transcript Shows Obama Admin Worked With Palestinians to Draft Anti-Israel UN Resolution

The traitor Hussein obumer just cant stay out of the headlines.. The whole world knows what a two faced liar the POS is. Why any one takes him on his word is beyond all sanity. With all the clusterfuc of lies that have spewed out of his mouth from the day he was old enough to speak have proved he has no integrity or morals and sure as heII cant be trusted
Pretty underhanded. But hey, Obama is a Muslim. He's always stood by his fellow Muslims. Jews and Christians ain't his thing. He's sat back and done nothing as Muslims continue their Christian Genocide all over the world.

He just doesn't care about Jews, Christians, or 'Whitey.' That's just the way it is. But the long nightmare will be over soon. About 3 weeks, and the Muslim foreigner gets the boot. Good riddance.
The vermin is going to do his best to burn everything down he can before he leaves, and his butt boy Lurch and Susan Power are going to work hard to help him out.
With friends like Obama, Kerry, and Rice who needs enemies? They stabbed Israel in the back then twisted the knife. How can any of our allies trust us? Thank God these assholes are fired next month, the American people made the right call, go to hell liberals.
The vermin is going to do his best to burn everything down he can before he leaves, and his butt boy Lurch and Susan Power are going to work hard to help him out.

Of course, proving what a petty man child the guy is.
Told you he was a traitor.

He may not be a traitor, but if he wasn't 1/2 black they would have impeached him for high crimes, and misdemeanors. This is why the left is so arrogant. Even they knew he had crossed the line, but the rinos did nothing.

Now they have to deal with Trump, and just like Reagan, he will use the bullypulpit, and go to the people. The left can spin and propagandize all they want. Obama was given 8 years to and screwed it up. Trump deserves 4 with both houses of congress under Republican control, then we re-evaluate! If he gets 4 with both houses, the Democrats might not get back in Washington for 50 years!
I think more folks are now getting it. Better late than never i guess. Barack Hussein Obama is a loyal Muslim. He doesn't care for Jews, Christians, or 'Whitey.' Some of us have been saying that for years.

And now, his true colors have come out. He knows he's leaving office soon. Now he can deliver all the F-U's to Israel and America he wants. He's got more F-U's in the works. Stay tuned.
Hey did you hear Netanyahu met with Lee Harvey Oswald before JFK's murder?
That sounds like it came right out of the WH.
That joke won't work for another 23 more days.
It's not a joke. It does sound like something that might have come out of the Obama WH or State Department.
Except accusations of a modern public figure being in league with Lee Harvey Oswald were invented by a tabloid and your buffoon-elect Trump

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