Leaked Doc Says Obama Colluded with Palestinians 10 Days Before UN Settlements Vote

You would think that by now, with Wikileaks and Gucifer running amok out there, that the chunkheads in the regime would understand that lying out their asses isn't going to fly anymore.

You would think.
Obama wants to destroy the Democrat Party, I think we should cheer him on
I think Obama hates Jews more than hitler did....
The only problem here is Hitler ordered 6 million jews to their deaths! Not President Obama........
President Obama hasn't killed Jews.
Neither did hitler, right? :lol:
Speaking of "Hitler".......Trump used to read Mein Kaumpf before bed time. The Trump's "GERMAN"!!!!! Donald Trump come from a small village in western Germany.
Another fruit loop to add to the ignore list
The only problem here is Hitler ordered 6 million jews to their deaths! Not President Obama........
President Obama hasn't killed Jews.
Neither did hitler, right? :lol:
Speaking of "Hitler".......Trump used to read Mein Kaumpf before bed time. The Trump's "GERMAN"!!!!! Donald Trump come from a small village in western Germany.
Another fruit loop to add to the ignore list
Trump is your savior........I don't want to interrupt your love affair and Trump grabing you by your ????????
Trump has fascist like impulses: most effective, not all, business leaders do. That does not make him a nazi.

The problem is this: Greater Israel or a two-state solution. Most of State Dept, I think believe in the latter and have for a long time.
If the Arabs would put down their guns, there would be peace.
If the Israelis put down their guns,they would be dead.
The land belongs to Israel because they won the 6 day war in 1967.
For the U.S.A. to snub the only democracy in that region, is a slap in the face of both countries.
This is not a snub but a recognition of reality.
It's Amazing - the Democratic party and the Obama administration are getting F*CKED AGAIN by their own leaked documents! PRICELESS....meanwhile:

"United States Secretary of State John Kerry and White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice told a Palestinian delegation in Washington 10 days before the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution against Israeli settlements that the U.S. would not impose a veto on such a resolution if its wording was balanced, according to a document released by an Egyptian news site."

Hey, look who it is - the lying piece of human dung Susan Rice has resurfaced, once again in another big scandal!

"Kerry and Rice said they wanted to avoid leaks..."

Oops! :lmao:

Kerry returned from Viet Nam, lying his ass off (proven) and attempting to f* his own fellow soldiers in order to jumpstart his own pathetic liberal political carerr.

Susan Rice lied her ass off on the Sunday Talk Shows to protect Hillary and Obama's Benghazi F* Up, trying to claim it was over a video - Obama later admitted it was a terrorist attack. (NO SHIT?!)

The only think these 2 Stooges are missing is Moe, because neither one of these two 'geniuses' are bright enough to be him!
Just listening to the lies Kerry is saying right now.
He said Israel can't be Jewish and be a Democracy. It's either one or the other.
WTF is wrong with this idiot !!!!!!!!!!!
Never mind it's been the only democracy in the region since 1948.
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It's interesting to watch how today's liberal rejects the core of the Jewish people, considering Jews are the brains, bronze and cash behind most liberal politics.

Jews adopted the Democrats LONG ago, because of the belief they were more representative. They're slowly but surely turning the other direction, and in fact, Trump is more like a Jew than any POUS in history.

It's become more important for Democrats to achieve power with open borders, because their message attracts most things brown. Course they already have the blacks.

For those with a brain and knowledge of history, good bye white people and all things American core, and hello Muslim, chaos and decay. This and global "socialism" is the ultimate goal for the upper echelon of liberal policy. Many liberals are all for it, simply because they're hateful, they invite chaos, they're bored and contrary.
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Obama's a Muslim. So his loyalties have always been with fellow Muslims. He's been extremely hostile to Israel during his tenure. And now that he's a lame duck, he can let loose. That's what his UN Israel snub was about.

He's just about done, his true colors can now come out. And he's got more F-U's to America planned before he leaves. It'll be a glorious day for America when the Anti-American Muslim foreigner is finally gone. America's long nightmare will be over. Good riddance.
Kerry just defended and attempted to justify the Obama administration's back-stabbing of Israel....

"A defiant Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday defended the U.S. decision allowing the United Nations to condemn Israeli settlements last week, saying the administration did so in the interest of preserving a “just and lasting peace” which he claimed is now threatened – even as Israeli officials describe the move as a betrayal."

"The only way to create a 'just and lasting peace' is to throw Israel under the bus!"


Kerry defends US role in UN's Israel censure amid backlash
Does this show foreign govts are still reading US GOVT State Dept signal/email traffic knowing g how careless the state of it was under Hilly and Obama

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