Leaked Doc Says Obama Colluded with Palestinians 10 Days Before UN Settlements Vote

Consider the source of this story and you will know it is fake news,
>>Despite attempts to refute these allegations, Egyptian news website Al-Youm al-Saba’a—which is considered to be Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s mouth piece—published a supposed protocol on Tuesday of a meeting that was held in Washington on December 12 between US Secretary of State John Kerry and US National Security Advisor Susan Rice and a Palestinian delegation headed by senior Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) member Saeb Erekat corroborating that the Obama administration had a hand in the resolution.<<

for those who don't read or can't access the egyptian news
Despite the U.S.’s insistence to the contrary , a transcript released by the Egyptian daily Al-Youm Al-Saba’a reportedly shows prior to last Friday’s UN Security Council vote on anti-Israeli settlement resolution 2334, US Secretary of State John Kerry agreed with a visiting Palestinian delegation to cooperate to get the resolution passed, The Jerusalem Post and Reuters reported Wednesday.

According to the Al-Youm Al-Saba’a report, Kerry along with US National Security Adviser Susan Rice, met with Secretary General of the PLO Executive Committee Saeb Erkat and Majed Faraj, head of the Palestinian Authority's General Intelligence Service in early December to discuss the draft.<<
>>Despite attempts to refute these allegations, Egyptian news website Al-Youm al-Saba’a—which is considered to be Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s mouth piece—published a supposed protocol on Tuesday of a meeting that was held in Washington on December 12 between US Secretary of State John Kerry and US National Security Advisor Susan Rice and a Palestinian delegation headed by senior Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) member Saeb Erekat corroborating that the Obama administration had a hand in the resolution.<<

for those who don't read or can't access the egyptian news
They do not have a free press in Egypt.
With friends like Obama, Kerry, and Rice who needs enemies? They stabbed Israel in the back then twisted the knife. How can any of our allies trust us? Thank God these assholes are fired next month, the American people made the right call, go to hell liberals.

There is no room left in hell for them because it is overflowing with hate mongering RWnuts like you.
Leaked Documents Allege US Orchestrated Anti-Settlement Vote in ...
4 hours ago - Leaked Documents Allege US Orchestrated Anti-SettlementVote in the ... suggesting President Obama was a key driver of the UN resolution.
Leaked Documents Claim UN Anti-Settlement Resolution ... - USA News
10 hours ago - Leaked Documents Claim UN Anti-Settlement Resolution Orchestrated By US, PA.
Sputniknews is a Kremlin mouthpiece.
You mean the resolution that reams the Palestinians for being violent?

So much for that Trump-cuck conspiracy theory.

But then, I don't think a single mewling Trump-cuck even read the whole resolution. They only know what they were fed, and they like it that way.
Leaked Documents Allege US Orchestrated Anti-Settlement Vote in ...
4 hours ago - Leaked Documents Allege US Orchestrated Anti-SettlementVote in the ... suggesting President Obama was a key driver of the UN resolution.
Leaked Documents Claim UN Anti-Settlement Resolution ... - USA News
10 hours ago - Leaked Documents Claim UN Anti-Settlement Resolution Orchestrated By US, PA.
Sputniknews is a Kremlin mouthpiece.

PNN (Palestinian) is also a "tainted" source?
Shafaqna (Shia news)?
And yet the Jewish Americans continue to support the left and BO. Would Any Jewish posters here care to elaborate/explain?

Some do, many don't; depends on where you get most of your news.

Not sure where you get yours, but everything I have read shows Jews overwhelmingly support a Dems.
Jews and Golden Calf: The 2016 Presidential Election
According to a New York Times exit poll 70% of American Jews for Hillary Clinton while only 24% voted for Donald Trump. The huge differential is larger than the margin of Jews that voted for Mitt Romney in 2012 (30%). This is bewildering from a pro-Israel standpoint. In an attempt to understand the confusing nature of Jews, non-Jewish friends of mine ask me how can so many Jews seemingly always vote for a candidate and a party against their people’s apparent own self-interest.

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