Left freaks out over Pat Sajak

MTG is a great American and you are a sack of steaming shit.

I DARE you to quote one lunatic quote, in context, that MTG has said. Go ahead you big mouth asshole, give us one.
I dare every day. I’m an American. Too bad the MAGA crowd forgot what that’s all about!

Translation: You could not quote one lunatic quote from MTG.
Like I said, you are a liar and a sack of steaming shit.
You wingnuts have a poor understanding of the definition of words. Nobody "freaked out" over an old rich White man turning out to be a bigoted MAGA Moron. It's kind of expected at this point. It was more shock that he was stupid enough to reveal himself, when his show needs to appeal to as many people as possible.
Liberal loons are funny.

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