Left Says to Taylor Swift "No White People Can Have a Good Year!"

These leftwing numbskulls are going to be the death of the Dimocratics Party.

Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She 'Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year'

“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.

“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another....

But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”

The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.

“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”​
These people complaining should get a life. Swift works hard for her success. No matter how bad you are doing there is nothing to gain by moping. You should always have a positive attitude. I dont see anything in her reply that suggests this was anything other than her personal life she is talking about.
At any rate and to be on topic, I'm glad Taylor Swift had a great year. I would love to have such a great year myself.

my god--get a backbone---they look like little kids after their favorite team loses a game

I don't know which looked worse, Hillary voters in November 2016, or Alabama and Georgia fans watching their undefeated season go down the tube in 2017.
Beautiful, young, talented, and white. It's safe to say she's reached the nirvana of humanity.
Personally, I don't think she's that talented. But she is easy on the eyes.

susan boyle has a great voice, but easy on the eyes doesn't describe her.

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