Left wing women, SJW's and such


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
I think this belongs in politics because you all are forcing us to make it about politics and won't support anyone who disagrees or even says anything about this insanity you are pushing.

First of all. There are two genders. Men and women. That's it. End of discussion. You're born with one or the other and no amount of surgery can change that,

Now how do you feminist, mellinial, liberal, left wing SJW warriors feel about what you have caused to happen over the last few years when any event you could be involved with is being taken over by men? You can no longer hope to be a sports champion. Some half ass homo is going to take that away from you by just claiming he's a girl. He's not even the best man at that sport. You're getting your asses kicked by a guy that couldn't even make the men's team but decides he's a girl and dominates. You can't even win woman of the year any more, that went to Bruce fucking Jenner. A male Triathlete. Won some gold medals with a penis. Yet somehow displaced every female in the world to become woman of the year.

You're losing sports championships because some guy that can't cut it with the men comes in and dominates in the women's category.

Apparently you can't even keep some guy out of the finals of being Miss Universe. This freak actually out femaled the majority of actual female contestants in a contest of female beauty. At least in the eyes of the SJW snowflake club.

So what have you created here? A model where the patriarchy is so damn evil and keeping you down you jump up and applause a man for being a better woman than you?

Where the hell does this stupid end? After all of the awards and accolades for women are taken by men in dresses? When there are men in Miss Universe this has gone all wrong. And you caused it.

Why do you look for politicians that support this shit?
I'd like to ask another question too: How do you liberal ladies feel when you use a public restroom, and there's a possibility that the "girl" in the stall next to you actually has penis?

You sure wouldn't want me to barge into the women's bathroom and pee all over the seat, would you?

And one more thing: If you feel that you have the right to flop a tit out in public and breastfeed your stinky baby, then I have the right to whip out my camera and take some pictures of the aforementioned titty

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The LefTarded are programmed to champion only weird, crazy, immoral, indecent shit....that’s their thing.
They hate any level of normalcy or conformity. The more outlandish and far-out the better. They dub any and all CHANGE a progression.
If MTV or The Kardashians said it was cool to bang the family dog they’d be there in full support of the act.
Lefties are a disease. An entire nation couldn’t find an actual female pretty enough for Miss Universe so they sent a man. That ought to make those women feel good.

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