Leftist campaign to deface monuments


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Seems the leftists are all pissed off Trump won and won't let it go.

They're on a big campaign to tear down statues and deface monuments, creating any political disruption they can.

Next on the hit list is a big plan to change the Jefferson Monument , they want to put a big stamp on there that says "slave owner"

While they're talking about big truths, why don't they add the fact slaves were better off than many poor people?

I guess one of the idiots they chose as "leader of the blacks" is calling to defund the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument.

It's really a tragedy that Thomas Jefferson who dedicated his life the political thought and liberty (the real reason why they hate him), is going to be reduced to "slaver owner" and everyone is going to be expected to completely disregard everything the man did.

It seems the left expect a deceased Thomas Jefferson to comply to their fictional , hindsight , 20/20 vision ...free the slaves and hire them back for 3 bucks an hour?

...I don't think it would have worked, considering Jefferson went broke, even with the slave labor.

The Founders outlined liberty, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights, but we're going to be left with the leftwing false heroes like MLK who gave us a nice speech about everyone holding hands.

This is like Soviet era propaganda, I feel sorry for future America , I really do.
Seems the leftists are all pissed off Trump won and won't let it go.

They're on a big campaign to tear down statues and deface monuments, creating any political disruption they can.

Next on the hit list is a big plan to change the Jefferson Monument , they want to put a big stamp on there that says "slave owner"

While they're talking about big truths, why don't they add the fact slaves were better off than many poor people?

I guess one of the idiots they chose as "leader of the blacks" is calling to defund the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument.

It's really a tragedy that Thomas Jefferson who dedicated his life the political thought and liberty (the real reason why they hate him), is going to be reduced to "slaver owner" and everyone is going to be expected to completely disregard everything the man did.

It seems the left expect a deceased Thomas Jefferson to comply to their fictional , hindsight , 20/20 vision ...free the slaves and hire them back for 3 bucks an hour?

...I don't think it would have worked, considering Jefferson went broke, even with the slave labor.

The Founders outlined liberty, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights, but we're going to be left with the leftwing false heroes like MLK who gave us a nice speech about everyone holding hands.

This is like Soviet era propaganda, I feel sorry for future America , I really do.
obama's war on statues.

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