Leftist douche nozzle promotes infanticide - after abortion

Ignoring your tired, emotion driven desire to give spooge human rights, let's look at this drivel.

I don't hate government. I'm not an emotion-driven leftist.

However, government's actions are constrained by the Constitution -- that pesky document that gets in the way of the progressive agenda. What actions the government is allowed to perform are often wasteful and inefficient.

History demonstrates this. But you and your kind ignore history, saying "It never worked before because it was never given a fair chance -- or the US always interfered. It'll work here and now. Honest!!"

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Guy, I don't limit what the government should do based on what some backward-ass slave rapists thought of 200 years ago. America is a great country because we grew beyond a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share.

I has worked before. It works now, guy. You walk up to CANADA, and guess what, they have socialized medicine, the government pays for it, and you know what.

They spend a lot less than we do.
They live longer.
Less of their babies die in infancy.
People are not bankrupted by a medical crisis.

Japan, the UK, Germany, Italy, all have single payer, universal health care of some sort.

Feel free to move.

Are felons allowed to leave the country?
Ignoring your tired, emotion driven desire to give spooge human rights, let's look at this drivel.

I don't hate government. I'm not an emotion-driven leftist.

However, government's actions are constrained by the Constitution -- that pesky document that gets in the way of the progressive agenda. What actions the government is allowed to perform are often wasteful and inefficient.

History demonstrates this. But you and your kind ignore history, saying "It never worked before because it was never given a fair chance -- or the US always interfered. It'll work here and now. Honest!!"

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Guy, I don't limit what the government should do based on what some backward-ass slave rapists thought of 200 years ago. America is a great country because we grew beyond a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share.

I has worked before. It works now, guy. You walk up to CANADA, and guess what, they have socialized medicine, the government pays for it, and you know what.

They spend a lot less than we do.
They live longer.
Less of their babies die in infancy.
People are not bankrupted by a medical crisis.

Japan, the UK, Germany, Italy, all have single payer, universal health care of some sort.
You walk up to Canada and you'll pass the Canadians coming down here for health care.
Ignoring your tired, emotion driven desire to give spooge human rights, let's look at this drivel.

I don't hate government. I'm not an emotion-driven leftist.

However, government's actions are constrained by the Constitution -- that pesky document that gets in the way of the progressive agenda. What actions the government is allowed to perform are often wasteful and inefficient.

History demonstrates this. But you and your kind ignore history, saying "It never worked before because it was never given a fair chance -- or the US always interfered. It'll work here and now. Honest!!"

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Guy, I don't limit what the government should do based on what some backward-ass slave rapists thought of 200 years ago. America is a great country because we grew beyond a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share.

I has worked before. It works now, guy. You walk up to CANADA, and guess what, they have socialized medicine, the government pays for it, and you know what.

They spend a lot less than we do.
They live longer.
Less of their babies die in infancy.
People are not bankrupted by a medical crisis.

Japan, the UK, Germany, Italy, all have single payer, universal health care of some sort.

Feel free to move.

Are felons allowed to leave the country?
Like all progressives, Joe is a lazy coward. He wants someone else to do the heavy lifting, and then he expects them to hand the reins over to him once they've completed the work.
Ignoring your tired, emotion driven desire to give spooge human rights, let's look at this drivel.

I don't hate government. I'm not an emotion-driven leftist.

However, government's actions are constrained by the Constitution -- that pesky document that gets in the way of the progressive agenda. What actions the government is allowed to perform are often wasteful and inefficient.

History demonstrates this. But you and your kind ignore history, saying "It never worked before because it was never given a fair chance -- or the US always interfered. It'll work here and now. Honest!!"

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Guy, I don't limit what the government should do based on what some backward-ass slave rapists thought of 200 years ago. America is a great country because we grew beyond a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share.

I has worked before. It works now, guy. You walk up to CANADA, and guess what, they have socialized medicine, the government pays for it, and you know what.

They spend a lot less than we do.
They live longer.
Less of their babies die in infancy.
People are not bankrupted by a medical crisis.

Japan, the UK, Germany, Italy, all have single payer, universal health care of some sort.

Feel free to move.

Are felons allowed to leave the country?

You miss the point, stupid.

You guys don't win elections anymore. You've lost 5 of the last six presidential elections. You don't get to decide anymore.

We do.

So we are having free abortions and you get to pay for them... sucker!
Like all progressives, Joe is a lazy coward. He wants someone else to do the heavy lifting, and then he expects them to hand the reins over to him once they've completed the work.

Hey, we did the heavy lifting.

We beat Romney.

You lose.

Socialized Medicine for all. Hooray.
Ask him about his work history some day. He's a loser.

You mean the one where I've worked in my feild for 22 years after leaving the military?

The one where I am APICS and Six Sigma certified?

That work history?

Mind you, it's not up there with giving horrible advice to poor people, which seems to be your line of work.

Share again how everybody lied and you were passed up for promotion, loser.

I has worked before. It works now, guy. You walk up to CANADA, and guess what, they have socialized medicine, the government pays for it, and you know what.

They spend a lot less than we do.
They live longer.
Less of their babies die in infancy.
People are not bankrupted by a medical crisis.

Japan, the UK, Germany, Italy, all have single payer, universal health care of some sort.
You walk up to Canada and you'll pass the Canadians coming down here for health care.

Actually, what I see are Americans going up to Canada to get affordable prescription medicines.

Even this undesirable.

The former Alaska governor and current media favorite told an audience in Calgary on Saturday that her family had sneaked to Canada when she was growing up to take advantage of the universal healthcare system.

She described in a somewhat fishy story hopping the border one time when her brother injured himself, according to the Canadian Press.

"Believe it or not -- this was in the '60s -- we used to hustle on over the border for healthcare that we would receive in Whitehorse," she told the crowd.

"I remember my brother, he burned his ankle in some little kid accident thing, and my parents had to put him on a train and rush him over to Whitehorse and I think, isn't that kind of ironic now. Zooming over the border, getting healthcare from Canada?"

Sarah Palin says her family once went to Canada for healthcare - latimes.com

Hmmmm.... I think that crowd is heading in the wrong direction.

Share again how everybody lied and you were passed up for promotion, loser.

I think you are a little confused. Never was a promotion involved.

For those playing along at home, in 2007, I required fairly major surgury. At that point, they began to phase out my position despite six years of exemplary reviews. Of course, it wasn't their fault. The fact they managed to lose the biggest account that constituted 60% of their revenue didn't help much.

Of course, instead of keeping their more experienced people, they kept the new people because they could pay them less.

And I was pretty much done making excuses for big business at that point.
Ignoring your tired, emotion driven desire to give spooge human rights, let's look at this drivel.

I don't hate government. I'm not an emotion-driven leftist.

However, government's actions are constrained by the Constitution -- that pesky document that gets in the way of the progressive agenda. What actions the government is allowed to perform are often wasteful and inefficient.

History demonstrates this. But you and your kind ignore history, saying "It never worked before because it was never given a fair chance -- or the US always interfered. It'll work here and now. Honest!!"

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Guy, I don't limit what the government should do based on what some backward-ass slave rapists thought of 200 years ago. America is a great country because we grew beyond a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share.

I has worked before. It works now, guy. You walk up to CANADA, and guess what, they have socialized medicine, the government pays for it, and you know what.

They spend a lot less than we do.
They live longer.
Less of their babies die in infancy.
People are not bankrupted by a medical crisis.

Japan, the UK, Germany, Italy, all have single payer, universal health care of some sort.
You walk up to Canada and you'll pass the Canadians coming down here for health care.

You are partially right.
Canadians come here for DISEASE CARE as we have the very best disease care in the world.
Americans spend 55% of ALL health care dollars on disease care to treat 4% of the population. This figure is expected to rise to 70% within 20 years due to the obesity epidemic in this country, the lack of exercise Americans get, the poor diet they eat and the general opinion that if they are retired from somewhere then that entity is totally responsible for the health care and they are not.
Accordingly, most doctors go into disease care as most of the money is there.

And the massive waste that goes with it. The tragedy of this is all this $$ goes there and 7 out of the 8 diseases treated with that 55% of all health care dollars represent 95% of that 55% spent and they ARE PREVENTABLE DISEASES!

As far as HEALTH CARE, general treatment for everyday issues Canada by far has a better system than we do. We are about 35th down the list for health care for citizens. Our unhealthy, fat and dependent on someone else to provide our health care citizenship is Exhibit A of that.
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Next step: Govt oversight of food production, distribution, and rationing. Can't wait. That always works so well.
Next step: Govt oversight of food production, distribution, and rationing. Can't wait. That always works so well.

They already do.

Why do you think we have Republicans in Congress so anxious to get a corporate welfare farm bill passed?

They just want to make sure they are punishing poor people in the process.

(Pssst. Pssst. Food stamps was started as an agricultural support plan to keep food production up. Don't tell anyone it's socialism!)

You are partially right.
Canadians come here for DISEASE CARE as we have the very best disease care in the world.
Americans spend 55% of ALL health care dollars on disease care to treat 4% of the population. This figure is expected to rise to 70% within 20 years due to the obesity epidemic in this country, the lack of exercise Americans get, the poor diet they eat and the general opinion that if they are retired from somewhere then that entity is totally responsible for the health care and they are not.
Accordingly, most doctors go into disease care as most of the money is there.

And the massive waste that goes with it. The tragedy of this is all this $$ goes there and 7 out of the 8 diseases treated with that 55% of all health care dollars represent 95% of that 55% spent and they ARE PREVENTABLE DISEASES!

As far as HEALTH CARE, general treatment for everyday issues Canada by far has a better system than we do. We are about 35th down the list for health care for citizens. Our unhealthy, fat and dependent on someone else to provide our health care citizenship is Exhibit A of that.

Wow, that's it, blame the victim.

Has it occurred to you we wouldn't have an "Obesity epidemic" if people weren't working three jobs and the food companies weren't pushing unhealthy shit as food at us from an early age?

Look at the shit the First Lady gets for promoting healthy eating from the Right, and their paymasters in Corporate America, and you know exactly what I'm talking about.
OK, well I haven't posted here long and it's new news to me.

They are arguing for the mercy killing of disabled children who are born because the defects were not detected during pregnancy.

It is one thing to kill a healthy baby at birth, but another thing entirely to end the life of a child who is born physically disabled.

Basically, the argument is not for abortion at all - but for euthanasia.

^^^^^Favorite song is "Dead Babies:. Nothing makes noomi happier than discussing the mudering of Babies. :cool:

Government made them fat, it can make them skinny again.

You're such a loser.

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