Leftist douche nozzle promotes infanticide - after abortion

^explain the benefits of treating someone for cancer when that cancer cannot be cured?
Because sometimes the uncurable are indeed cured.

Where there's life, there's hope. Some people simply can't understand that. I'd say it's because they don't place much value on life.

If you have terminal cancer, chances are high that you are going to die. There is no hope.

Wow. Propaganda from a funditard website.... why am I not surprised. Even a tiny little bit.
Ahhh. So now multiple citations of scientific papers is "propaganda".

Let's look at just the [

Needless to say, you didn't click anything beyond the link I provided. If you had, you wouldn't have made your mind-numbingly STUPID characterization of the information.

Why should I bother. Any link you provide is going to come from FUNDITARDS. Just not going to waste my time. I clicked on it, and saw exactly what I was expecting...

What a coward. Don't you EVER tell me you're interested in debate.
...the usual anti-abortion crazy we've come to expect that keeps you Rubes voting against my economic interests.
I'm under no obligation to vote in your interests. Please stop whining.

I think that decision should be made by doctors and patients. Or in this case, parents.

But again, I don't trust Cigna and Blue Cross as far as I could throw one of their overpaid executives.
But you trust the government.

Gaea alone knows why, but you do.
Simple enough.

How many times have I been fucked over by big corporations? Lots.

Especially the time I got let go from a job because I had the bad luck to run up some medical bills.

How many times have I been fucked over by the Government? Never.

In fact, the one time I even had a dispute with the government (an issue around the time of my discharge, I needed to clear up) A call to my Congressman got that settled pretty quickly.

In fact, the government has done me some serious solids. Paid for my college, helped me get a loan for my house, provided me with gainful employment and training.
Are you a Verizon customer? Do you have any medical records? Do you send any emails?

You've been fucked by the government...but you ENJOY it.
^explain the benefits of treating someone for cancer when that cancer cannot be cured?
Because sometimes the uncurable are indeed cured.

Where there's life, there's hope. Some people simply can't understand that. I'd say it's because they don't place much value on life.

If you have terminal cancer, chances are high that you are going to die. There is no hope.
Looks like you're wrong.

But you won't admit it.

What a coward. Don't you EVER tell me you're interested in debate.

I'm under no obligation to vote in your interests. Please stop whining.

Scientific paper from Flat Earthers aren't scientific.

And frankly, when you Rubes make it easier for the plutocrats to fuck us because you are upset ladies are controlling their own lady parts, you are worthy of contempt.


Are you a Verizon customer? Do you have any medical records? Do you send any emails?

You've been fucked by the government...but you ENJOY it.

Guy, I realize that you have some inflated sense of importance where you think the government CARES about what you put in your e-mails. (They seriously can't be anymore embarrassing than what you post here for all the world to see.) But seriously, get over yourself.

Thing is, I've been in a government run health care system (the military) and private ones (most of the employers I've worked for in the last 21 years, each of whom have changed plans to something a little worse at least once.)
^explain the benefits of treating someone for cancer when that cancer cannot be cured?
Because sometimes the uncurable are indeed cured.

Where there's life, there's hope. Some people simply can't understand that. I'd say it's because they don't place much value on life.

If you have terminal cancer, chances are high that you are going to die. There is no hope.

What you mean is you don't think people with terminal cancer should seek treatment..which is exactly the problem with euthanasia. It moves quickly from being mercy killing, to just being killing to avoid expensive treatment for illness. Welcome to obamacare.

What a sad, twisted view you have.
^explain the benefits of treating someone for cancer when that cancer cannot be cured?
Because sometimes the uncurable are indeed cured.

Where there's life, there's hope. Some people simply can't understand that. I'd say it's because they don't place much value on life.

If you have terminal cancer, chances are high that you are going to die. There is no hope.

What you propose is the practice of veterinary medicine applied to human beings with the government occupying the position of pet owner.
There is a video on the net that you can watch. It was taken in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004. It shows a trooper being hit by enemy fire and falling in the middle of the street. The video, in its entirety, shows how three other troopers leave cover to go to the fallen trooper and each of them in turn, are wounded, barely making it back to cover. Eventually, the fourth trooper retrieves the fallen soldier who turns out to be deceased. Americans, thank the dear Lord, are like that. We don't leave you behind. I don't give a damn if things look hopeless or not, we don't leave you behind.

In 1984 my wife gave birth to my first son. He had a prolapsed cord and was, for all intensive purposes, born brain dead. For 41 days we did everything that we could do and thought that maybe, he might live. He'd be on a respirator, he couldn't hear, or see or anything else. But we thought he might live and we were resigned to that fact. And then, the daily tests showed that his brain was shrinking. Eventually, I took him off of the ventilator. He died eight hours later in my arms. Next to him was a two year old boy who had been trapped by a garage door that was not equipped with an obstruction sensor. He also was, for all intensive purposes, brain dead. His parents kept him alive for several months until he succumbed to infection.

In 1939, the Nazi's rounded up all those that they felt were not 'productive.'' They sent them to Dachau, Treblinka and other camps where they were "euthinized" for the greater good of German society. In 2009, conservatives screamed at the possibility that a faceless, nameless board would decide whether someone should receive treatment based upon the "return on investment." Our concerns then as now, lie in the fact that each human life is precious. There is no return on investment when dealing with lives.

If a person has terminal cancer and that patient or the family want extraordinatry measures to be taken to possibly prolong or save that life, even if it is hopeless, then they have that right. If a family has a child that is so severely handicapped that they will need constant care, then it is within their rights to ask and receive that care. It is what we do. It is because we are Americans that we will leave that position of safety and do whatever it takes to take care of them. We don't leave them behind... EVER!

To suggest otherwise is one of the most offensive and ignorant things I have ever heard. The problem with the Nazi's was that good people KNEW what they were doing and did nothing. I do not believe that it would be the case now. I KNOW it wouldn't for me...
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Lifers can't have an adult conversation. KG negs people she disagrees with, but doesn't even bother to respond to their posts.


You mean like how you ignored me pointing out the fault in your claim of a lifetime disability when the paper speaks directly to a disability not being required for their atrocious act?

THAT kind of not bothering to respond??
The paper itself was not really an advocate for infanticide but a paper that was based on an ethical discussion of medicine. The real thing to look at here is that they are essentially taking the arguments for abortion to the next phase, using all the same logic that abortion advocate do. It is really tough to support abortion when the same arguments can be applied after birth to a born child.

What really needs to happen in response to something like this is introspectively looking at what you believe and WHY. You have to come to terms that you are willing to KILL a child in the right circumstances if you support abortion, any other stance is simply being disingenuous to yourself.
There is a video on the net that you can watch. It was taken in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004. It shows a trooper being hit by enemy fire and falling in the middle of the street. The video, in its entirety, shows how three other troopers leave cover to go to the fallen trooper and each of them in turn, are wounded, barely making it back to cover. Eventually, the fourth trooper retrieves the fallen soldier who turns out to be deceased. Americans, thank the dear Lord, are like that. We don't leave you behind. I don't give a damn if things look hopeless or not, we don't leave you behind.

In 1984 my wife gave birth to my first son. He had a prolapsed cord and was, for all intensive purposes, born brain dead. For 41 days we did everything that we could do and thought that maybe, he might live. He'd be on a respirator, he couldn't hear, or see or anything else. But we thought he might live and we were resigned to that fact. And then, the daily tests showed that his brain was shrinking. Eventually, I took him off of the ventilator. He died eight hours later in my arms. Next to him was a two year old boy who had been trapped by a garage door that was not equipped with an obstruction sensor. He also was, for all intensive purposes, brain dead. His parents kept him alive for several months until he succumbed to infection.

In 1939, the Nazi's rounded up all those that they felt were not 'productive.'' They sent them to Dachau, Treblinka and other camps where they were "euthinized" for the greater good of German society. In 2009, conservatives screamed at the possibility that a faceless, nameless board would decide whether someone should receive treatment based upon the "return on investment." Our concerns then as now, lie in the fact that each human life is precious. There is no return on investment when dealing with lives.

If a person has terminal cancer and that patient or the family want extraordinatry measures to be taken to possibly prolong or save that life, even if it is hopeless, then they have that right. If a family has a child that is so severely handicapped that they will need constant care, then it is within their rights to ask and receive that care. It is what we do. It is because we are Americans that we will leave that position of safety and do whatever it takes to take care of them. We don't leave them behind... EVER!

To suggest otherwise is one of the most offensive and ignorant things I have ever heard. The problem with the Nazi's was that good people KNEW what they were doing and did nothing. I do not believe that it would be the case now. I KNOW it wouldn't for me...

A VERY heart wrenching story. As someone that has had to face such a prospect (my son has been diagnosed with Leukemia twice) there is nothing that I can think of worse than that. At one point, my son had a 30 percent chance of survival. Thank god (and thank doctors and our second son who supplied the marrow that saved his life) that he seems to be making it through. We are near the end of treatment and the road was long and VERY tough.

You are a strong person to share such things in an open forum such as this one.
^explain the benefits of treating someone for cancer when that cancer cannot be cured?

It's called "quality of life".

YOU don't get to decide when, or under what conditions, my life should end.

Very true. You cannot simply kill a child because they don’t fit your preconceived notions of what you want.

One of my sons best friends has no legs and no hands, all lost as a very young infant to a bacterial growth that the docs could not stop. The only answer was to chop off whatever it was infesting. She does not even know how disabled she is because as a kid, she simply deals with it. Kids have AMAZING resilience.

What a coward. Don't you EVER tell me you're interested in debate.

I'm under no obligation to vote in your interests. Please stop whining.

Scientific paper from Flat Earthers aren't scientific.
Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, British Medical Journal, International Anesthesiology Clinics, Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review, Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review, and Journal of the American Medical Association don't publish papers from flat earthers, you chickenshit asshole.
And frankly, when you Rubes make it easier for the plutocrats to fuck us because you are upset ladies are controlling their own lady parts, you are worthy of contempt.
Oh, no! A stupid Communist bastard doesn't like me! Wherever shall I go? Whatever shall I do? :(


Are you a Verizon customer? Do you have any medical records? Do you send any emails?

You've been fucked by the government...but you ENJOY it.

Guy, I realize that you have some inflated sense of importance where you think the government CARES about what you put in your e-mails. (They seriously can't be anymore embarrassing than what you post here for all the world to see.) But seriously, get over yourself.

Thing is, I've been in a government run health care system (the military) and private ones (most of the employers I've worked for in the last 21 years, each of whom have changed plans to something a little worse at least once.)
And now you can't wait for the government to fuck it up once again, because you love the taste of government cock.
^explain the benefits of treating someone for cancer when that cancer cannot be cured?

How about because they are a HUMAN BEING and if they so desire, it is a good thing, (gasp) the Christian thing, to show them the kindness of treatment and attention? Perhaps the family or the patient has asked that extraordinatry measures be implemented to save their lives?

I mean, just exactly how much is a human life worth for you lefties? Can you give me a dollar figure? For example, a 60-year old woman who has four children but no appreciable skills or talents, is she worth $5,000 or $10,000 or $100,000 or perhaps $1,000,000? I mean, we KNOW that to the left, the unborn have no value. Is that different for an 8-year old little girl, 20-year old male; a 45-year old woman; an 85-year old man? And I'd like to know, who is going to make this decision as to the value of a human? Do the persons themselves have any input into this monetary evaluation? What about their families, do there opinions matter when deciding if someone should be 'terminated' because they are not worth the trouble?

I think if you look at the archives from Buchenwald, the Nazi's left you a guidebook on how to determine if the infirmed or the Jews were worth keeping out of the ovens. Maybe your 'scholarly' associates should see how they answered those issues.

Noomi, remember that big buzzer in the sky we talked about when you were droning on and on about guns and how they should all be confiscated?

I can hear it now...
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There is a video on the net that you can watch. It was taken in Fallujah, Iraq in 2004. It shows a trooper being hit by enemy fire and falling in the middle of the street. The video, in its entirety, shows how three other troopers leave cover to go to the fallen trooper and each of them in turn, are wounded, barely making it back to cover. Eventually, the fourth trooper retrieves the fallen soldier who turns out to be deceased. Americans, thank the dear Lord, are like that. We don't leave you behind. I don't give a damn if things look hopeless or not, we don't leave you behind.

In 1984 my wife gave birth to my first son. He had a prolapsed cord and was, for all intensive purposes, born brain dead. For 41 days we did everything that we could do and thought that maybe, he might live. He'd be on a respirator, he couldn't hear, or see or anything else. But we thought he might live and we were resigned to that fact. And then, the daily tests showed that his brain was shrinking. Eventually, I took him off of the ventilator. He died eight hours later in my arms. Next to him was a two year old boy who had been trapped by a garage door that was not equipped with an obstruction sensor. He also was, for all intensive purposes, brain dead. His parents kept him alive for several months until he succumbed to infection.

In 1939, the Nazi's rounded up all those that they felt were not 'productive.'' They sent them to Dachau, Treblinka and other camps where they were "euthinized" for the greater good of German society. In 2009, conservatives screamed at the possibility that a faceless, nameless board would decide whether someone should receive treatment based upon the "return on investment." Our concerns then as now, lie in the fact that each human life is precious. There is no return on investment when dealing with lives.

If a person has terminal cancer and that patient or the family want extraordinatry measures to be taken to possibly prolong or save that life, even if it is hopeless, then they have that right. If a family has a child that is so severely handicapped that they will need constant care, then it is within their rights to ask and receive that care. It is what we do. It is because we are Americans that we will leave that position of safety and do whatever it takes to take care of them. We don't leave them behind... EVER!

To suggest otherwise is one of the most offensive and ignorant things I have ever heard. The problem with the Nazi's was that good people KNEW what they were doing and did nothing. I do not believe that it would be the case now. I KNOW it wouldn't for me...
Well said, sir. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Funny how some on the left see health care as a basic human right...until someone they don't think is worth anything needs it.

And by "funny", I mean "fucking pathetic".
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Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, British Medical Journal, International Anesthesiology Clinics, Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review, Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review, and Journal of the American Medical Association don't publish papers from flat earthers, you chickenshit asshole.

Funditard...assholes... who cares?

Oh, no! A stupid Communist bastard doesn't like me! Wherever shall I go? Whatever shall I do?

You could work on being a decent human being, but that might be asking too much.


Guy, I realize that you have some inflated sense of importance where you think the government CARES about what you put in your e-mails. (They seriously can't be anymore embarrassing than what you post here for all the world to see.) But seriously, get over yourself.

Thing is, I've been in a government run health care system (the military) and private ones (most of the employers I've worked for in the last 21 years, each of whom have changed plans to something a little worse at least once.)
And now you can't wait for the government to fuck it up once again, because you love the taste of government cock.

Guy, sorry, man, my health coverage in the military was pretty fucking awesome.

Private sector, sorry that wasn't screwed up by government. That was all guys in $5000.00 suits deciding they needed to make 8 figures, and screw providing good care.

I do have to wonder what happened to you that you hate government with such a passion? I mean, I used to think it was just poor old Barry, but I'm starting to think you had some traumatic experience.

Let it out, man. Let the healing begin.
Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, British Medical Journal, International Anesthesiology Clinics, Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review, Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review, and Journal of the American Medical Association don't publish papers from flat earthers, you chickenshit asshole.

Funditard...assholes... who cares?
I thought you proggies based your decisions on science?

Oh -- only as long as the science agrees with your emotions, huh?

You're dismissed from the debate. You have nothing.
Oh, no! A stupid Communist bastard doesn't like me! Wherever shall I go? Whatever shall I do?

You could work on being a decent human being, but that might be asking too much.
...says the guy who supports babies being chopped up inside their mothers, even when they can feel pain.

You have no moral standing here.

Guy, I realize that you have some inflated sense of importance where you think the government CARES about what you put in your e-mails. (They seriously can't be anymore embarrassing than what you post here for all the world to see.) But seriously, get over yourself.

Thing is, I've been in a government run health care system (the military) and private ones (most of the employers I've worked for in the last 21 years, each of whom have changed plans to something a little worse at least once.)
And now you can't wait for the government to fuck it up once again, because you love the taste of government cock.

Guy, sorry, man, my health coverage in the military was pretty fucking awesome.

Private sector, sorry that wasn't screwed up by government. That was all guys in $5000.00 suits deciding they needed to make 8 figures, and screw providing good care.

I do have to wonder what happened to you that you hate government with such a passion? I mean, I used to think it was just poor old Barry, but I'm starting to think you had some traumatic experience.

Let it out, man. Let the healing begin.
I don't hate government. I'm not an emotion-driven leftist.

However, government's actions are constrained by the Constitution -- that pesky document that gets in the way of the progressive agenda. What actions the government is allowed to perform are often wasteful and inefficient.

History demonstrates this. But you and your kind ignore history, saying "It never worked before because it was never given a fair chance -- or the US always interfered. It'll work here and now. Honest!!"

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.
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Ignoring your tired, emotion driven desire to give spooge human rights, let's look at this drivel.

I don't hate government. I'm not an emotion-driven leftist.

However, government's actions are constrained by the Constitution -- that pesky document that gets in the way of the progressive agenda. What actions the government is allowed to perform are often wasteful and inefficient.

History demonstrates this. But you and your kind ignore history, saying "It never worked before because it was never given a fair chance -- or the US always interfered. It'll work here and now. Honest!!"

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Guy, I don't limit what the government should do based on what some backward-ass slave rapists thought of 200 years ago. America is a great country because we grew beyond a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share.

I has worked before. It works now, guy. You walk up to CANADA, and guess what, they have socialized medicine, the government pays for it, and you know what.

They spend a lot less than we do.
They live longer.
Less of their babies die in infancy.
People are not bankrupted by a medical crisis.

Japan, the UK, Germany, Italy, all have single payer, universal health care of some sort.

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