Leftist terrorists attacked Elon Musk's family in Los Angeles on Tuesday

Start with understanding the premise that Americans are violent as a rule , and therefore will act out violently for the smallest reason. I understand it from their living a culture of continuous wars. That's a sizable proportion for the reason they have so many mass shootings, along with the fact that far too many are packing guns.

We Canadians can be helpful in helping them to understand what is normal. We don't become violent over the slightest cause, and especially not political cause! Contrast our trucker protests that went on for weeks, to their violence during the Jan.6 coup attempt.

Americans are outspoken, direct and opionated. They enjoy debate and believe in Due Process, civil liberties and the sacrifice for such liberties.

Canadians are more sneaky, creepy, uncurious and sheltered. Few willing to sacrifice for principle. Canadians have been conditioned to more blindly help state agents target an "undesirable" especially if the state can provide them a one-sided version of events, rather than the detailed truth. The most unpatriotic covert police exploit the taxpayer for the benefit of they and their cerebrally, character-challenged kids.

Our lack of innovation, especially in Ontario; is strong indication of what our system produces. We have been spreading some of this to America and too many ignorant American seem to believe us...
Americans are outspoken, direct and opionated. They enjoy debate and believe in Due Process, civil liberties and the sacrifice for such liberties.

Canadians are more sneaky, creepy, uncurious and sheltered. Few willing to sacrifice for principle. Canadians have been conditioned to more blindly help state agents target an "undesirable" especially if the state can provide them a one-sided version of events, rather than the detailed truth. The most unpatriotic covert police exploit the taxpayer for the benefit of they and their cerebrally, character-challenged kids.

Our lack of innovation, especially in Ontario; is strong indication of what our system produces. We have been spreading some of this to America and too many ignorant American seem to believe us...
Your personal problems and issues with police is driving you away from having any ability to discuss anything rationally.

Sneaky, creepy, uncurious, and sheltered??
I don't know why. Maybe your parents dropped you on your head. Maybe your mom was using drugs when she was pregnant. You tell me.
I didn't say I was mentally ill. You did. Not only did you say that, you don't know why you said it. Now to me, THAT is mentally ill!
I didn't say I was mentally ill. You did. Not only did you say that, you don't know why you said it. Now to me, THAT is mentally ill!
You said the riots of 2020 were mostly peaceful and the violence was because of the cops. You denied that you're a liar, so there's only one other reason for saying this.
Your personal problems and issues with police is driving you away from having any ability to discuss anything rationally.

Sneaky, creepy, uncurious, and sheltered??

Yes, those are the soft words to describe the activities in this country often by regular citizens who just blindly accept as they've been conditioned. Far more difficult to do in the U.S as they are conditioned to challenge and debate.

Unfortunately for you, you are speaking to a guy with far too much knowledge of how this system works. Centrally controlled as it were.
What's the estimated damage cost caused by the riots of 2020?
They were not riots! The majority were peaceful protests. Only a very few went violent and of that few, the violence was initiated by the local police. Don't even try to frame this into something it wasn't.
Yes, those are the soft words to describe the activities in this country often by regular citizens who just blindly accept as they've been conditioned. Far more difficult to do in the U.S as they are conditioned to challenge and debate.

Unfortunately for you, you are speaking to a guy with far too much knowledge of how this system works. Centrally controlled as it were.
I'm speaking to a mentally ill Canadian who has a paranoia problem with police. You're going to have to deal with that in an acceptable way according to Canadian society.

You're conveying an attitude that causes others to expect that you could become violent with a firearm. At least try to tone it down a bit.
If anyone is going to be pissed off at the left I'm glad it's a genius outspoken intelligent billionaire.
I'm speaking to a mentally ill Canadian who has a paranoia problem with police. You're going to have to deal with that in an acceptable way according to Canadian society.

You're conveying an attitude that causes others to expect that you could become violent with a firearm. At least try to tone it down a bit.

You find a single post of mine in which I have advocated violence against anyone, by either myself or another member and I've been here over 10 years over 19,000 posts. Go ahead. Even though I've had plenty of reasons to be angry and resentful.

You are employing the predicable, old-age, tired, worn out tactic of taking words and misrepresenting them to suggest someone, in this case me; has a mental disorder This was quite popular in countries like the former Soviet Union and East Germany, so naturally Canada embraces it. I called you out before for this unethical practice but like a well polished politician you can't think outside of your script.

It's this B.S narrative that predators use to justify interfering in my career and day to day pursuits. You try to aggravate, harass and lie to suit your narrative, then say "look, we told you he is a danger!". After two decades of employment interference they are angry that I DID NOT engage in crime to make ends meet, as much as such a premise is an aphrodisiac for these cowards.

Worse for the Creepy Ones, my faculties are intact which allows me to self learn new skills thanks to the benevolence of many U.S and Indian sites. I also have a very strong memory which has allowed me to sift through my memory files and identify curious people and interactions in my past.

The longer I am abused as I lose my remaining years on this earth, the more foreign nations will know how much an enemy Canada and its police are to their own principles of liberty and moral character. All of this was avoidable, but absolute power corrupts absolutely. Our nations reputation and its economy has paid the price.

Rest assured, Americans, Europeans and Japanese know of me and the reality of what lengths some will go to "CYA". In fact, years ago I invited the CIA and their friends to track my web usage, that is how confident I was in who I am. It also allowed me to convey details for others to catch.

This is why I was paranoid about the push in multiple visits to the hospital for me to have my covid DNA test. A test which took them three weeks or so to present the results. Considering the lengths some have gone to destroy me, I have no doubt they would try and frame me, as one of the Creepy Ones suggested years ago. How disgusting is it that a man has to fear that in his own country?

I don't put anything past the Creepy Ones and their relations. In closing I remind Americans and their agencies that Canada, lead by Ontarios covert police, are not your ally, nor should they be trusted...
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If anyone is going to be pissed off at the left I'm glad it's a genius outspoken intelligent billionaire.
He's pissed off with Biden's promotion of a war with Russia.

And he's pissed off with anybody who supports that war, not just the left.

Let's talk about what else he's pissed off about!

The fact is, Musk has a huge voice and a platform on which to be heard by many millions of Americans.

What do the Dems and Biden want to be kept unheard?

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