Leftists harassing Christian baker AGAIN

Christian baker iosn't very Christian so fuck that asshole.
No, he simply won't shelve his morals for a DEPRAVED SEXUAL CULT.

Bear in mind that LGBT crosses the (only) two genders and races from all over the world. And its numbers are on the increase. Ergo it is BEHAVIORAL. A group of dogmatic (just try to defect from LGBT once you've joined up, ask Anne Heche..) deviant sex behaviors (a de facto cult) DO NOT get to force their dogma on other people with strong opposing principles.

I get why your cult wants this. Because if they can force it on adults, then they get the full green light to force it on all kids across the nation in schools. That's the goal. And the USSC HAS to intuit this at some point. It's their job to see "where this will ultimately end up if we allow it to continue".
Very true

There is a public health concern
Making a cake is not

Then tell your cult's activists targeting, yes, targeting people of opposing principles to keep their fucking mouths shut when they order a cake. If the man pretending to be a woman wanted a pink cake with blue frosting, then that's all he should've said. But no, he had to be sure the person of opposing principles was INFORMED of the deviant ritual the cake was meant for. At that precise point in time, the Christian had a right to refuse service. If he was a Jew, would he be FORCED to bake a cake with a nazi swastika, or missing that, having been informed "this cake is to celebrate nazi principles at a party we're having"? Take that one to the USSC and see what happens.

You're going to lose rightwinger. And you know it. :popcorn:
Note to bakers....

It’s just a freak’n cake

Stop being such assholes

Note to queers. There are lots of bakeries, go find one that wants your business. STOP BEING ASSHOLES

Note to you: LGBTs are not "queers." Why should anyone have to go elsewhere just because of some culthead's open prejudice? I'm not LGBT, but I'm tired of the crap dished out by these cult morons. Note to phony, trashy religionists: STOP BEING ASSHOLES!

There is free space for phillips and his fellow jerks in Guyana. Maybe you would like Guyana.
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Note to you: LGBTs are not "queers." Why should anyone have to go elsewhere just because of some culthead's open prejudice. Note to phony religionists: STOP BEING ASSHOLES!
Why should a person with decent principles have to go out of business because of some (deviant sex) cult activists' attempts to force him to help celebrate their repugnant rituals?? STOP BEING ASSHOLES.

In fact, if you take the USSC's comments on the first go-around with this baker and Colorado's BS, that's exactly how the Court warned LGBT/Colorado-selectively-promoting-LGBT. The Court simply said "we're warning you: STOP BEING ASSHOLES to Christian bakers"...

Didn't take the hint so now your cult is going to get it. They don't have an off button to their hubris and pushy crybullying. Justice Thomas warned about this before even the gays targeted this Christian baker guy. So, you've been warned twice. Three strikes and you're out. Prepare yourselves; it's coming.. Even mdk knows it. That's a huge red flag.
Sorry......but you must run your business according to local laws

Those laws cover hours you can operate, public safety, how you treat your employees and how you treat your customers

Nobody is forcing you to open a business

Sorry, but the 1st amendment trumps local laws.

Especially when it comes to a non timely, non nessasary, contracted service.
First amendment applies to people
Not business

As a person, you can hate who you want
As a business, you can’t

First of all , you don't have to hate someone to discriminate against them, so keep your bullshit emotional hysterics out of the conversation.

Second of all, the first amendment applies to the government you fucking idiot. And SCOTUS has already ruled on several occasions that businesses enjoy Constitional protections. For example, you dumb shit can Congress take away Google's First Amendment rights.
As a person, you can hate who you want
As a business, you can’t

First of all , you don't have to hate someone to discriminate against them, so keep your bullshit emotional hysterics out of the conversation.

Second of all, the first amendment applies to the government you fucking idiot. And SCOTUS has already ruled on several occasions that businesses enjoy Constitional protections. For example, you dumb shit can Congress take away Google's First Amendment rights.

You'll have to forgive rightwinger. He knows where this is going so he isn't stupid. He's just thinking that if he spouts his fantasy-conclusion long enough, his internal house of cards won't collapse, leading to a critical stage of denial-implosion that will be a long string of dominoes collapsing that he's had in place, probably since a very young age..

People who fight vigorously to preserve precarious systems of huge denial aren't necessarily stupid. They have an investment in keeping that vault door shut tight. Any hairline crack that threatens it, they go into "nanananananana" mode with their fingers in their ears. It's going to be a rough day for many in his cult when the USSC pulls them up short, formally and directly this time.

As I said, I hope to god that doctors are sworn to the stand to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about trannies. Can't wait. :popcorn:
Public accommodations laws serve the public good and facilitate commerce. If you want to get a business license and keep it, abide by them. The all the rest of us have to. Nobody needs to be molly coddled or excused.

All public accommodation laws are retarded and should be scrapped.

Why? It sounds like you want to destroy freedom of commerce in the U.S. and restrict the movement of American consumers. Do want to walk into an open-to-the-public business (advertised as such) and be refused service?

You think business owners deciding whom they wish to do business with will kill commerce in America? I sure as hell don't. I think the government should butt out and let the consumers decide if such practices are worthy of their money or not.

So you agree with discrimination in commerce. You agree with segregation. Nope. Can't agree. Not all people live in urban areas in which there are lots of choices. If you accept a business license and advertise that you provide services or goods to the public, then do it. Don't get into false advertising. "We have the best burgers in town, but we won't serve one to you!" Bullshit. Are you open to the public or not?

We are one nation, or aren't we?

So you believe that government can force people to go against their moral code for any reason?

So the rights of the LGBT person to get a cake from THAT baker overrides their free exercise of religion?

Please note that he does not refuse service to gay people altogether, only custom cakes for Same sex weddings. He also doesn't do halloween cakes, and other cakes that go against his religion.

Also, see below for another article on the topic. Also note what other cakes were asked for (and refused)

The State Of Colorado Is Still Trying To Destroy Jack Phillips

In one call, Scardina allegedly asked for “an image of Satan smoking marijuana.” In another, members of “the Church of Satan” asked for “a three-tiered white cake” with a “large figure of Satan, licking a nine inch black Dildo.” “I would like the dildo to be an actual working model that can be turned on before we unveil the cake,” went the request. You can just sense the sanctimonious smugness of people who think this sort of thing is edgy.

So all of us Americans have to bow down to anyone's and everyone's "moral code." There are many. The "free exercise of religion" is secondary to the rule of law and does not trump the rights of others. Each and every one of us has to abide by the law.

Incidentally, what this phillips jerk is doing has absolutely nothing to do with the Christian faith, which he is out to shit all over. Why are these nuts trying to destroy the Christian faith?
So all of us Americans have to bow down to anyone's and everyone's "moral code."
You're asking Christians and others with decent morals to bow down to your deviant sex cult's rituals (faith). My how hypocrisy blinds people! :lmao:

In your case your cult activists can simply not target Christians on purpose for forced-conversion to your faith (PA laws). They can select another bakery. But the Christian? If he opts out of your brutal conversion tactics, you threaten to take his business and livelihood away.

And so, FUCK YOU.
All public accommodation laws are retarded and should be scrapped.

Why? It sounds like you want to destroy freedom of commerce in the U.S. and restrict the movement of American consumers. Do want to walk into an open-to-the-public business (advertised as such) and be refused service?

You think business owners deciding whom they wish to do business with will kill commerce in America? I sure as hell don't. I think the government should butt out and let the consumers decide if such practices are worthy of their money or not.

So you agree with discrimination in commerce. You agree with segregation. Nope. Can't agree. Not all people live in urban areas in which there are lots of choices. If you accept a business license and advertise that you provide services or goods to the public, then do it. Don't get into false advertising. "We have the best burgers in town, but we won't serve one to you!" Bullshit. Are you open to the public or not?

We are one nation, or aren't we?

So you believe that government can force people to go against their moral code for any reason?

So the rights of the LGBT person to get a cake from THAT baker overrides their free exercise of religion?

Please note that he does not refuse service to gay people altogether, only custom cakes for Same sex weddings. He also doesn't do halloween cakes, and other cakes that go against his religion.

Also, see below for another article on the topic. Also note what other cakes were asked for (and refused)

The State Of Colorado Is Still Trying To Destroy Jack Phillips

In one call, Scardina allegedly asked for “an image of Satan smoking marijuana.” In another, members of “the Church of Satan” asked for “a three-tiered white cake” with a “large figure of Satan, licking a nine inch black Dildo.” “I would like the dildo to be an actual working model that can be turned on before we unveil the cake,” went the request. You can just sense the sanctimonious smugness of people who think this sort of thing is edgy.

So all of us Americans have to bow down to anyone's and everyone's "moral code." There are many. The "free exercise of religion" is secondary to the rule of law and does not trump the rights of others. Each and every one of us has to abide by the law.

Incidentally, what this phillips jerk is doing has absolutely nothing to do with the Christian faith, which he is out to shit all over. Why are these nuts trying to destroy the Christian faith? They are pigs.

How is having to go to another baker "bowing down" to their moral code?

Why does he have to "bow down" to either the couple in question or the government? It's not like he denies service completely to gay people, just in this one specific instance.

If they asked for a generic birthday cake, he would make it. As my link shows, when asked by a Church of Satan idiot to make a cake with Satan sucking off a real dildo, he refused that as well.
Note to you: LGBTs are not "queers." Why should anyone have to go elsewhere just because of some culthead's open prejudice. Note to phony religionists: STOP BEING ASSHOLES!
Why should a person with decent principles have to go out of business because of some (deviant sex) cult activists' attempts to force him to help celebrate their repugnant rituals?? STOP BEING ASSHOLES.

In fact, if you take the USSC's comments on the first go-around with this baker and Colorado's BS, that's exactly how the Court warned LGBT/Colorado-selectively-promoting-LGBT. The Court simply said "we're warning you: STOP BEING ASSHOLES to Christian bakers"...

Didn't take the hint so now your cult is going to get it. They don't have an off button to their hubris and pushy crybullying. Justice Thomas warned about this before even the gays targeted this Christian baker guy. So, you've been warned twice. Three strikes and you're out. Prepare yourselves; it's coming.. Even mdk knows it. That's a huge red flag.

I believe MDK when he says he supports the bakers here out of principles and not out of him knowing that SCOTUS is going to rule one way or the other.
Make no mistake about this, Sil supports the baker only b/c she is a huge and delusional faggot hater.
Note to bakers....

It’s just a freak’n cake

Stop being such assholes

Note to queers. There are lots of bakeries, go find one that wants your business. STOP BEING ASSHOLES

Note to you: LGBTs are not "queers." Why should anyone have to go elsewhere just because of some culthead's open prejudice? I'm not LGBT, but I'm tired of the crap dished out by these cult morons. Note to phony, trashy religionists: STOP BEING ASSHOLES!

There is free space for phillips and his fellow jerks in Guyana. Maybe you would like Guyana.

Why should anyone have to go elsewhere if the person who owns the business doesn't want their business ? My God you authoritarians need to be put down.
I believe MDK when he says he supports the bakers here out of principles and not out of him knowing that SCOTUS is going to rule one way or the other.
So you admit his logic is sound in that regard. Good. Because that will help you when the USSC announces an end to your cult's bullshit. Denial systems crashing can be a bitch.
C'mon baker. Wise up. Bake the cake. Just make it a lousy cake maybe using exlax instead of chocolate or salt instead of sugar. They won't come back.

You're wrong. Fact is they will never stop coming.

They didn't have to make sure he knew what it was for.... That tells you everything you need to know.
Why? It sounds like you want to destroy freedom of commerce in the U.S. and restrict the movement of American consumers. Do want to walk into an open-to-the-public business (advertised as such) and be refused service?

You think business owners deciding whom they wish to do business with will kill commerce in America? I sure as hell don't. I think the government should butt out and let the consumers decide if such practices are worthy of their money or not.

So you agree with discrimination in commerce. You agree with segregation. Nope. Can't agree. Not all people live in urban areas in which there are lots of choices. If you accept a business license and advertise that you provide services or goods to the public, then do it. Don't get into false advertising. "We have the best burgers in town, but we won't serve one to you!" Bullshit. Are you open to the public or not?

We are one nation, or aren't we?

So you believe that government can force people to go against their moral code for any reason?

So the rights of the LGBT person to get a cake from THAT baker overrides their free exercise of religion?

Please note that he does not refuse service to gay people altogether, only custom cakes for Same sex weddings. He also doesn't do halloween cakes, and other cakes that go against his religion.

Also, see below for another article on the topic. Also note what other cakes were asked for (and refused)

The State Of Colorado Is Still Trying To Destroy Jack Phillips

In one call, Scardina allegedly asked for “an image of Satan smoking marijuana.” In another, members of “the Church of Satan” asked for “a three-tiered white cake” with a “large figure of Satan, licking a nine inch black Dildo.” “I would like the dildo to be an actual working model that can be turned on before we unveil the cake,” went the request. You can just sense the sanctimonious smugness of people who think this sort of thing is edgy.

So all of us Americans have to bow down to anyone's and everyone's "moral code." There are many. The "free exercise of religion" is secondary to the rule of law and does not trump the rights of others. Each and every one of us has to abide by the law.

Incidentally, what this phillips jerk is doing has absolutely nothing to do with the Christian faith, which he is out to shit all over. Why are these nuts trying to destroy the Christian faith? They are pigs.

How is having to go to another baker "bowing down" to their moral code?

Why does he have to "bow down" to either the couple in question or the government? It's not like he denies service completely to gay people, just in this one specific instance.

If they asked for a generic birthday cake, he would make it. As my link shows, when asked by a Church of Satan idiot to make a cake with Satan sucking off a real dildo, he refused that as well.

A business person who is delivering the goods or services he or she has openly advertised is "bowing down" to his or her customers??? This jackass chooses a business license. If he doesn't want it, he can surrender it and stop advertising, or just sell cupcakes, brownies, cookies, and sandwich rolls.

Anyway, if his business is incorporated, the business is legally an "it," not a human individual capable of holding religious beliefs, and there is no reason to give him the benefit of being shielded from personal liability while also allowing him to have it both ways.

Making a cake for a customer when one openly advertises the business makes cakes does not involve any "moral code."

Phillips is just another dumb piece of trash seeking fame.
You think business owners deciding whom they wish to do business with will kill commerce in America? I sure as hell don't. I think the government should butt out and let the consumers decide if such practices are worthy of their money or not.

So you agree with discrimination in commerce. You agree with segregation. Nope. Can't agree. Not all people live in urban areas in which there are lots of choices. If you accept a business license and advertise that you provide services or goods to the public, then do it. Don't get into false advertising. "We have the best burgers in town, but we won't serve one to you!" Bullshit. Are you open to the public or not?

We are one nation, or aren't we?

So you believe that government can force people to go against their moral code for any reason?

So the rights of the LGBT person to get a cake from THAT baker overrides their free exercise of religion?

Please note that he does not refuse service to gay people altogether, only custom cakes for Same sex weddings. He also doesn't do halloween cakes, and other cakes that go against his religion.

Also, see below for another article on the topic. Also note what other cakes were asked for (and refused)

The State Of Colorado Is Still Trying To Destroy Jack Phillips

In one call, Scardina allegedly asked for “an image of Satan smoking marijuana.” In another, members of “the Church of Satan” asked for “a three-tiered white cake” with a “large figure of Satan, licking a nine inch black Dildo.” “I would like the dildo to be an actual working model that can be turned on before we unveil the cake,” went the request. You can just sense the sanctimonious smugness of people who think this sort of thing is edgy.

So all of us Americans have to bow down to anyone's and everyone's "moral code." There are many. The "free exercise of religion" is secondary to the rule of law and does not trump the rights of others. Each and every one of us has to abide by the law.

Incidentally, what this phillips jerk is doing has absolutely nothing to do with the Christian faith, which he is out to shit all over. Why are these nuts trying to destroy the Christian faith? They are pigs.

How is having to go to another baker "bowing down" to their moral code?

Why does he have to "bow down" to either the couple in question or the government? It's not like he denies service completely to gay people, just in this one specific instance.

If they asked for a generic birthday cake, he would make it. As my link shows, when asked by a Church of Satan idiot to make a cake with Satan sucking off a real dildo, he refused that as well.

A business person who is delivering the goods or services he or she has openly advertised is "bowing down" to his or her customers??? This jackass chooses a business license. If he doesn't want it, he can surrender it and stop advertising, or just sell cupcakes, brownies, cookies, and sandwich rolls.

Anyway, if his business is incorporated, the business is legally an "it," not a human individual capable of holding religious beliefs, and there is no reason to give him the benefit of being shielded from personal liability while also allowing him to have it both ways.

Making a cake for a customer when one openly advertises the business makes cakes does not involve any "moral code."

Phillips is just another dumb piece of trash seeking fame.

Why does he have to be the one to bow down? Why does his right to free exercise in this specific case get outweighed by the gay couples right to commerce?

And the whole business is an "it" thing is a cop out, its a person still doing the work, and in this case the owner doing the work.

Typical progressive, anyone that doesn't share your worldview is "trash"

It must make you feel like a big person to support the government's right to ruin someone over a fucking cake.

What a tough guy.
It is so obvious they are targetting this guy, any law suites on this man should instantly be thrown out. Pricks who intentionally do this need a fist shoved down their throats.

They are using this guys , and creating a shut down on his business, all the court cost etc he has to pay for and these ignorant phuckers who do this will have Karma hunting them down.

I hope this guy wins on so many levels not another asshole even dares trying to sue him for some gawd dam cake. GO GET YOUR FKD UP CAKE ELSE WHERE YOU TROUBLE MAKING BASTARDS A HOLES!!

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