Leftists Now Clamoring To Get Guns And Finding Out It's Not That Easy

Stop making shit up, Saul Goodman.
If Clayton were prohibited from lying, or making things up, he'd never post.

Allow me to interject for him:

"This fails as a [pick your buzzword] fallacy. Blah blah right wingers blah blah orange man blah blah gun control."
At least you’re consistent at being ridiculous, wrong, and childish.

Your idiotic thread premise has failed – you thought you had a clever ‘gotcha,’ but you don’t.

Firearms can be purchased online absent a 4473 and a NICS background check.

As a consequence, intrastate firearm sales facilitate prohibited persons obtaining firearms.

UBCs are a warranted, effective, and Constitutional countermeasure to this problem.

And your confirmation bias fallacies and slippery slope fallacies won’t change these facts.
We have regulations for gun ownership. Quit being such an ass.
Thank you for confirming you cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, the restrictions you seek to lay on the right to keep an bear arms.
I knew you had it in you.
The courts have upheld UBCs to be perfectly Constitutional – no rights violated or subject to an undue burden.

Not exactly. There is no universal background check, hence no court challenge.

Stop making shit up, Saul Goodman.

We have UBC here in Colorado and the NRA contested it in court in 2013 and lost. Hence, court challenge and it stands. MOST Americans agree with a UBC for the entire US. But I agree that it should be left up to the states. It's a states right. Unless a State misuses their either lack of UBC or their UBC. And then it becomes a Federal problem.
How did Colorado have all those mass shootings if "universal background checks" work?
A case in point: According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 24 mass shootings in Colorado, nine of them in Denver, during the past six years, and the majority are likely to be unfamiliar to the average person. All of them are listed below, complete with links to additional archive information and previous Westword coverage.
Inside Colorado's 24 Mass Shootings During the Last Six Years
Non sequitur – this fails as a false comparison fallacy.
It's really ignorant to support a party that supports giving school shooters powerful weapons so they can kill more,
But nowhere near as ignorant as your claim, above.
The Democrat Party supports better back ground checks, closing the associated loopholes, banning assault type rifles, large capacity magazines
And not a single one of them can demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, these restrictions to the right to keep an bear arms.
We have regulations for gun ownership. Quit being such an ass.
Thank you for confirming you cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, the restrictions you seek to lay on the right to keep an bear arms.
I knew you had it in you.
Look assfuck, we can regulate firearms.

It is not a violation of the Second Amendment.

They are already regulated....moron......you can't use them to rob rape or murder........that is all the regulation we need.
It's really ignorant to support a party that supports giving school shooters powerful weapons so they can kill more,
But nowhere near as ignorant as your claim, above.
The Democrat Party supports better back ground checks, closing the associated loopholes, banning assault type rifles, large capacity magazines
And not a single one of them can demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, these restrictions to the right to keep an bear arms.
We have regulations for gun ownership. Quit being such an ass.
Thank you for confirming you cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, the restrictions you seek to lay on the right to keep an bear arms.
I knew you had it in you.
The courts have upheld UBCs to be perfectly Constitutional – no rights violated or subject to an undue burden.

No...they haven't. Heller stated how firearms can be regulated......it stated sensitive locations can ban them, courtrooms, prisons.......felons can be banned and the dangerously mentally ill....notice they didn't say background checks are constitutional.....since they aren't...

Background checks violate the 5th Amendment protection against self incrimination.
"First came the panic buying of hand sanitizer. Then, people panic bought toilet paper. Now, food shelves are emptying and firearm and ammunition sales are through the roof. The COVID19 outbreak might be bad for the stock market, but it’s certainly been a boon for very specific sectors of the economy. The gun industry, used to such boom/bust cycles, knows how to respond – but other sectors might not be so acclimated.

Here at Omaha Outdoors, we’ve been inundated with inquiries from out-of-state folks – many from California – asking if we can ship them a gun directly. The answer is, of course, no. Despite what politicians and many in popular media claim, you can’t buy a gun online and have it shipped to your house. Well, you could, if you were a federally licensed firearm dealer (or federally licensed curio and relic collector) and your home was your place of business. Other than that, no, you can’t buy a gun online and have it shipped, especially across state lines, to your home."

A Lot of People Are Finding Out You Can’t Just Buy a Gun Online - Omaha Outdoors


I never tire of proving these anti-gun idiots wrong.

Marxists are already dangerous enough without guns.
Stop making shit up, Saul Goodman.
If Clayton were prohibited from lying, or making things up, he'd never post.

Allow me to interject for him:

"This fails as a [pick your buzzword] fallacy. Blah blah right wingers blah blah orange man blah blah gun control."
At least you’re consistent at being ridiculous, wrong, and childish.

Your idiotic thread premise has failed – you thought you had a clever ‘gotcha,’ but you don’t.

Firearms can be purchased online absent a 4473 and a NICS background check.

As a consequence, intrastate firearm sales facilitate prohibited persons obtaining firearms.

UBCs are a warranted, effective, and Constitutional countermeasure to this problem.

And your confirmation bias fallacies and slippery slope fallacies won’t change these facts.

No...they don't, since criminals already know they can't buy, own or carry guns.......and they know if they are caught buying, owning or carrying a gun they can already be arrested and put in jail.

You can't show how existing, Federally mandated background checks keep guns out of the hands of criminals....since criminals use straw buyers...people who can pass any background check, to buy their guns, or they steal them.......so straw buyers will pass any Universal Background Checks and stolen guns by pass Universal Background Checks...

So what you just posted is a fallacy, created to fool uninformed people.....
But nowhere near as ignorant as your claim, above.
And not a single one of them can demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, these restrictions to the right to keep an bear arms.
We have regulations for gun ownership. Quit being such an ass.
Thank you for confirming you cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, the restrictions you seek to lay on the right to keep an bear arms.
I knew you had it in you.
The courts have upheld UBCs to be perfectly Constitutional – no rights violated or subject to an undue burden.
Leftist's courts ruling outside the Constitution doesn't make their ruling Constitutional.
So tell me any the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed mean?
Hell what if the government said you had to attend religious services that they pick? And the courts ruled it Constitutional does it make it Constitutional?
Maybe we should just ask you since you think you are a Constitution expert.

Here is a single shot .22 rifle. Now you are armed. Shut the fuck up.

Scalia already addressed your stupidity....

Friedman v Highland Park....



That analysis misreads Heller. The question under Heller is not whether citizens have adequate alternatives available for self-defense.

Rather, Heller asks whether the law bans types of firearms commonly used for a lawful purpose—regardless of whether alternatives exist. 554 U. S., at 627–629. And Heller draws a distinction between such firearms and weapons specially adapted to unlawful uses and not in common use, such as sawed-off shotguns. Id., at 624–625.
The City’s ban is thus highly suspect because it broadly prohibits common semiautomatic firearms used for lawful purposes.

Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. See 784 F. 3d, at 415, n. 3. The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. See ibid. Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons. See McDonald, 561 U. S., at 767–768; Heller, supra, at 628–629.
Here is a single shot .22 rifle. Now you are armed. Shut the fuck up.
Does your mother know yo use her iPhone to post language like that on the internet?
Why do you want to lay restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms that you cannot demonstrate the necessity for or the efficacy of?

His baby sitter was told not to let him use the computer..........but she is busy sexting her boyfriend and doesn't pay attention to what the idiot is doing...
We have regulations for gun ownership. Quit being such an ass.
Thank you for confirming you cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, the restrictions you seek to lay on the right to keep an bear arms.
I knew you had it in you.
The courts have upheld UBCs to be perfectly Constitutional – no rights violated or subject to an undue burden.

Not exactly. There is no universal background check, hence no court challenge.

Stop making shit up, Saul Goodman.

We have UBC here in Colorado and the NRA contested it in court in 2013 and lost. Hence, court challenge and it stands. MOST Americans agree with a UBC for the entire US. But I agree that it should be left up to the states. It's a states right. Unless a State misuses their either lack of UBC or their UBC. And then it becomes a Federal problem.
How did Colorado have all those mass shootings if "universal background checks" work?
A case in point: According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 24 mass shootings in Colorado, nine of them in Denver, during the past six years, and the majority are likely to be unfamiliar to the average person. All of them are listed below, complete with links to additional archive information and previous Westword coverage.
Inside Colorado's 24 Mass Shootings During the Last Six Years

Don't fall for the Gun Violence Archive....

According to mother jones there were a grand total of 10 mass public shootings in 2019......the Gun Violence ARchive throws in every shooting in the news......all except those 10 are gang related or criminals being criminasl shooting at other criminals..........that is how they get that number up.....lying to the uninformed about the chance of being caught in a mass public shootings.
We have regulations for gun ownership. Quit being such an ass.
Thank you for confirming you cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, the restrictions you seek to lay on the right to keep an bear arms.
I knew you had it in you.
The courts have upheld UBCs to be perfectly Constitutional – no rights violated or subject to an undue burden.

Not exactly. There is no universal background check, hence no court challenge.

Stop making shit up, Saul Goodman.

We have UBC here in Colorado and the NRA contested it in court in 2013 and lost. Hence, court challenge and it stands. MOST Americans agree with a UBC for the entire US. But I agree that it should be left up to the states. It's a states right. Unless a State misuses their either lack of UBC or their UBC. And then it becomes a Federal problem.
And an overwhelming number of gunowners support UBCs.

UCBs are perfectly Constitutional, effective, and in no manner violate the Second Amendment.

Wrong...the vast majority of uninformed, unaware gun owners don't understand what Universal Background Checks are, or what they are intended to do to normal gun owners......the only reason asshats like you demand universal background checks....is not to stop criminals from getting guns...since we have shown you over and over again they don't do that.......they are meant to be a pretext for getting gun registration, the real goal for you morons..........

This is what you asshats want for normal gun owners......

Textual analysis of HR8, bill to "To require a background check for every firearm sale"


HR8 requires that loans, gifts, and sales of firearms be processed by a gun store. The same fees, paperwork, and permanent record-keeping apply as to buying a new gun from the store.

If you loan a gun to a friend without going to the gun store, the penalty is the same as for knowingly selling a gun to a convicted violent felon.

Likewise, when the friend returns the gun, another trip to the gun store is necessary, upon pain of felony.

A clever trick in HR8 effectively bans handguns for persons 18-to20.

The bill has some narrow exemptions. The minuscule exemption for self-defense does not cover stalking victims. None of the exemptions cover farming and ranching, sharing guns on almost all public and private lands, or storing guns with friends while on vacation. The limited exemption for family excludes first cousins and in-laws.

The bill authorizes unlimited fees to be imposed by

The narrowness of the self-defense exemption endangers domestic violence victims. For example, a former domestic partner threatens a woman and her children. An attack might come in the next hour, or the next month, or never. The victim and her children cannot know. Because the attack is uncertain—and is certainly not "immediate"—the woman cannot borrow a handgun from a neighbor for her defense. Many domestic violence victims do not have several hundred spare dollars so that they can buy their own gun. Sometimes, threats are manifested at night, when gun stores are not open.

HR8 requires almost all firearms sales and loans to be conducted by a federally-licensed dealer. Because federal law prohibits licensed dealers from transferring handguns to persons under 21 years, HR8 prevents young adults from acquiring handguns. This is a clever way to enact a handgun ban indirectly.

HR8 would prohibit a 20-year-old woman who lives on her own from acquiring a handgun for self-defense in her home, such as by buying it from a relative or borrowing it from a friend.

Exorbitant fees may be imposed by regulation

"(3)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Attorney General may implement this sub-section with regulations."

"(D) Regulations promulgated under this paragraph may not include any provision placing a cap on the fee licensees may charge to facilitate transfers in accordance with paragraph (1)."

Regulators may set a minimum fee, but not "a cap on a fee." The Attorney General is allowed to require that every gun store charge a fee of $30, $50, $150, or more. Even a $20 fee can be a hard burden to a poor person.

Family members

You can make a "a loan or bona fide gift" to some family members. In-laws and cousins are excluded.

The family exemption vanishes if one family member pays the other in any way. If a brother trades an extra shotgun to his sister in exchange for her extra television, both of them have to go to a gun store. Their exchange will have all the fees and paperwork as if she were buying a gun from the store.

"First came the panic buying of hand sanitizer. Then, people panic bought toilet paper. Now, food shelves are emptying and firearm and ammunition sales are through the roof. The COVID19 outbreak might be bad for the stock market, but it’s certainly been a boon for very specific sectors of the economy. The gun industry, used to such boom/bust cycles, knows how to respond – but other sectors might not be so acclimated.

Here at Omaha Outdoors, we’ve been inundated with inquiries from out-of-state folks – many from California – asking if we can ship them a gun directly. The answer is, of course, no. Despite what politicians and many in popular media claim, you can’t buy a gun online and have it shipped to your house. Well, you could, if you were a federally licensed firearm dealer (or federally licensed curio and relic collector) and your home was your place of business. Other than that, no, you can’t buy a gun online and have it shipped, especially across state lines, to your home."

A Lot of People Are Finding Out You Can’t Just Buy a Gun Online - Omaha Outdoors


I never tire of proving these anti-gun idiots wrong.
Because only Republicans own guns.
It's really ignorant to support a party that are anti gun
It's really ignorant to support a party that supports giving school shooters powerful weapons so they can kill more,

The Democrat Party supports better back ground checks, closing the associated loopholes, banning assault type rifles, large capacity magazines. I support far far far more restrictive guideline for concealed carry.

Nothing you just posted does anything to stop or mitigate mass public shootings.......

The current background check system didn't stop any of the mass public shootings........there are no loopholes...you are lying about that.......and banning rifles and magazines does nothing to save lives....

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals

Large-Capacity Magazines and the Casualty Counts in Mass Shootings: The Plausibility of Linkages by Gary Kleck :: SSRN


Do bans on large-capacity magazines (LCMs) for semiautomatic firearms have significant potential for reducing the number of deaths and injuries in mass shootings?
In sum, in nearly all LCM-involved mass shootings, the time it takes to reload a detachable magazine is no greater than the average time between shots that the shooter takes anyway when not reloading.

Consequently, there is no affirmative evidence that reloading detachable magazines slows mass shooters’ rates of fire, and thus no affirmative evidence that the number of victims who could escape the killers due to additional pauses in the shooting is increased by the shooter’s need to change magazines.
The most common rationale for an effect of LCM use is that they allow mass killers to fire many rounds without reloading.
LCMs are used is less than 1/3 of 1% of mass shootings.
News accounts of 23 shootings in which more than six people were killed or wounded and LCMs were used, occurring in the U.S. in 1994-2013, were examined.
There was only one incident in which the shooter may have been stopped by bystander intervention when he tried to reload.
In all of these 23 incidents the shooter possessed either multiple guns or multiple magazines, meaning that the shooter, even if denied LCMs, could have continued firing without significant interruption by either switching loaded guns or by changing smaller loaded magazines with only a 2-4 second delay for each magazine change.
Finally, the data indicate that mass shooters maintain slow enough rates of fire such that the time needed to reload would not increase the time between shots and thus the time available for prospective victims to escape.


We did not employ the oft-used definition of “mass murder” as a homicide in which four or more victims were killed, because most of these involve just four to six victims (Duwe 2007), which could therefore have involved as few as six rounds fired, a number that shooters using even ordinary revolvers are capable of firing without reloading.

LCMs obviously cannot help shooters who fire no more rounds than could be fired without LCMs, so the inclusion of “nonaffectable” cases with only four to six victims would dilute the sample, reducing the percent of sample incidents in which an LCM might have affected the number of casualties.

Further, had we studied only homicides with four or more dead victims, drawn from the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports, we would have missed cases in which huge numbers of people were shot, and huge numbers of rounds were fired, but three or fewer of the victims died.

For example, in one widely publicized shooting carried out in Los Angeles on February 28, 1997, two bank robbers shot a total of 18 people - surely a mass shooting by any reasonable standard (Table 1).

Yet, because none of the people they shot died, this incident would not qualify as a mass murder (or even murder of any kind).

Exclusion of such incidents would bias the sample against the proposition that LCM use increases the number of victims by excluding incidents with large numbers of victims. We also excluded shootings in which more than six persons were shot over the entire course of the incident but shootings occurred in multiple locations with no more than six people shot in any one of the locations, and substantial periods of time intervened between episodes of shooting. An example is the series of killings committed by Rodrick Dantzler on July 7, 2011.

Once eligible incidents were identified, we searched through news accounts for details related to whether the use of LCMs could have influenced the casualty counts.

Specifically, we searched for

(1) the number of magazines in the shooter’s immediate possession,

(2) the capacity of the largest magazine,

(3) the number of guns in the shooter’s immediate possession during the incident,

(4) the types of guns possessed,

(5) whether the shooter reloaded during the incident,

(6) the number of rounds fired,

(7) the duration of the shooting from the first shot fired to the last, and (8) whether anyone intervened to stop the shooter.

Findings How Many Mass Shootings were Committed Using LCMs?

We identified 23 total incidents in which more than six people were shot at a single time and place in the U.S. from 1994 through 2013 and that were known to involve use of any magazines with capacities over ten rounds.

Table 1 summarizes key details of the LCMinvolved mass shootings relevant to the issues addressed in this paper.

(Table 1 about here) What fraction of all mass shootings involve LCMs?

There is no comprehensive listing of all mass shootings available for the entire 1994-2013 period, but the most extensive one currently available is at the Shootingtracker.com website, which only began its coverage in 2013.


The offenders in LCM-involved mass shootings were also known to have reloaded during 14 of the 23 (61%) incidents with magazine holding over 10 rounds.

The shooters were known to have not reloaded in another two of these 20 incidents and it could not be determined if they reloaded in the remaining seven incidents.

Thus, even if the shooters had been denied LCMs, we know that most of them definitely would have been able to reload smaller detachable magazines without interference from bystanders since they in fact did change magazines.

The fact that this percentage is less than 100% should not, however, be interpreted to mean that the shooters were unable to reload in the other nine incidents.

It is possible that the shooters could also have reloaded in many of these nine shootings, but chose not to do so, or did not need to do so in order to fire all the rounds they wanted to fire. This is consistent with the fact that there has been at most only one mass shootings in twenty years in which reloading a semiautomatic firearm might have been blocked by bystanders intervening and thereby stopping the shooter from doing all the shooting he wanted to do. All we know is that in two incidents the shooter did not reload, and news accounts of seven other incidents did not mention whether the offender reloaded.


For example, a story in the Hartford Courant about the Sandy Hook elementary school killings in 2012 was headlined “Shooter Paused, and Six Escaped,” the text asserting that as many as six children may have survived because the shooter paused to reload (December 23, 2012). ''

The author of the story, however, went on to concede that this was just a speculation by an unnamed source, and that it was also possible that some children simply escaped when the killer was shooting other children.

There was no reliable evidence that the pauses were due to the shooter reloading, rather than his guns jamming or the shooter simply choosing to pause his shooting while his gun was still loaded.

The plausibility of the “victims escape” rationale depends on the average rates of fire that shooters in mass shootings typically maintain.

If they fire very fast, the 2-4 seconds it takes to change box-type detachable magazines could produce a slowing of the rate of fire that the shooters otherwise would have maintained without the magazine changes, increasing the average time between rounds fired and potentially allowing more victims to escape during the betweenshot intervals.

On the other hand, if mass shooters fire their guns with the average interval between shots lasting more than 2-4 seconds, the pauses due to additional magazine changes would be no longer than the pauses the shooter typically took between shots even when not reloading.

In that case, there would be no more opportunity for potential victims to escape than there would have been without the additional magazine changes


SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals
"First came the panic buying of hand sanitizer. Then, people panic bought toilet paper. Now, food shelves are emptying and firearm and ammunition sales are through the roof. The COVID19 outbreak might be bad for the stock market, but it’s certainly been a boon for very specific sectors of the economy. The gun industry, used to such boom/bust cycles, knows how to respond – but other sectors might not be so acclimated.

Here at Omaha Outdoors, we’ve been inundated with inquiries from out-of-state folks – many from California – asking if we can ship them a gun directly. The answer is, of course, no. Despite what politicians and many in popular media claim, you can’t buy a gun online and have it shipped to your house. Well, you could, if you were a federally licensed firearm dealer (or federally licensed curio and relic collector) and your home was your place of business. Other than that, no, you can’t buy a gun online and have it shipped, especially across state lines, to your home."

A Lot of People Are Finding Out You Can’t Just Buy a Gun Online - Omaha Outdoors


I never tire of proving these anti-gun idiots wrong.
Because only Republicans own guns.
It's really ignorant to support a party that are anti gun
It's really ignorant to support a party that supports giving school shooters powerful weapons so they can kill more,

The Democrat Party supports better back ground checks, closing the associated loopholes, banning assault type rifles, large capacity magazines. I support far far far more restrictive guideline for concealed carry.

Why should we take you seriously? You just proposed 4 things that do absolutely nothing to lessen or mitigate crime with guns or mass public shootings.......all those 4 things do is make it more difficult, expensive, time consuming and legally dangerous for normal gun owners who commit no crime with their legal guns...........

So again...why should we take you seriously?
Good news.....gun stores are selling so many guns and so much ammunition they are emptying the stores......

Now....some anti-gunners may finally understand why we have the 2nd Amendment....as morons in the government....in particular democrat party controlled states and counties.....have decided to stop arresting criminals, and to release criminals from jail and prison who are already in custody...

And before the asshats claim that these are only non-violent criminals they plan to release....remember....the democrat party prosecutors plea bargain down illegal gun charges and other violent charges to make it easier to get convictions...so no, they are not all "non-violent" offenders.....

Get your guns and ammo while you can........democrats are releasing violent criminals....again.

I get it. You want to make it easier for criminals to get guns and then blame the Democrats for not prosecuting them.

No...the democrat party, with their policies release violent, repeat gun offenders back into our communities over and over again...they are the ones shooting each other in criminal activity, and the democrats keep letting them out...over and over again......

There is a direct link between gun crime and the democrat party......if we stopped that, our gun crime problem would go down by 95%.....

So why don't you focus on actual criminals?

Nothing you suggest will stop one criminal act with a gun...but you keep pushing it.......why?
Thank you for confirming you cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, the restrictions you seek to lay on the right to keep an bear arms.
I knew you had it in you.
The courts have upheld UBCs to be perfectly Constitutional – no rights violated or subject to an undue burden.

Not exactly. There is no universal background check, hence no court challenge.

Stop making shit up, Saul Goodman.

We have UBC here in Colorado and the NRA contested it in court in 2013 and lost. Hence, court challenge and it stands. MOST Americans agree with a UBC for the entire US. But I agree that it should be left up to the states. It's a states right. Unless a State misuses their either lack of UBC or their UBC. And then it becomes a Federal problem.
How did Colorado have all those mass shootings if "universal background checks" work?
A case in point: According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 24 mass shootings in Colorado, nine of them in Denver, during the past six years, and the majority are likely to be unfamiliar to the average person. All of them are listed below, complete with links to additional archive information and previous Westword coverage.
Inside Colorado's 24 Mass Shootings During the Last Six Years

Your site demands I turn off my adblocker. I don't turn that off for any site. Come up with something else. And we haven't had 24 mass shootings in the last 6 years, cupcake. We had 3 major ones before 2013 when we went to the common sense gun regs and that completely stopped them. The definition of more than one death or injury does not cover a Mass Shooting. If that were the case, every state in the nation would have at least that many.

Every site request you turn off your adblocker so you either lied about not removing adblocker or you don't open any links even the ones you post.
Next, you play with words like "major mass shootings"
You have mass shootings or you don't
But here you go I'll cut and paste whats contained on the site
But those who get hung up on these distinctions are at risk of missing the larger point about the frequency of multi-victim shootings — one underscored by the two dozen items below, which run from June 2013 to June 2019

Most people will be familiar with at least three of the shootings: the November 2015 assault on a Planned Parenthood office in Colorado Springs, the lethal SWAT team raid in Douglas County on New Year's Eve 2017, and the shooting at the STEM School Highlands Ranch this past May. But that leaves 21 other incidents — one in which a popular rapper was killed, another that saw four people gunned down outside a high-brow bash at a trendy dance club, and a broad-daylight frenzy in the Ballpark neighborhood that took the life of an innocent bystander. And that's not to mention a triple homicide in a tiny Colorado town that got virtually no media coverage in Denver.

It doesn't take a math genius to realize that 24 mass shootings in Colorado over six years breaks down to four per annum, or one every three months.


The 2300 block of Paris Street in Aurora.
Google Maps
1. June 30, 2013
2300 block of Paris Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Three juveniles were shot by a small-caliber weapon at a house party, and a fourth was grazed by a bullet. All four survived their injuries.

2. September 15, 2013
Colorado Springs
1609 South Nevada
Injured: 5
Killed: 0

Five people were wounded during a shootout at the Layalina Hookah bar in the Springs. None of the injuries was life-threatening.

3. May 4, 2014
Wheat Ridge
12100 W 44th
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people were shot during an early-morning party at a hotel in Wheat Ridge. Most of the injuries were minor, although one person was transported to a hospital.

4. November 23, 2014
Federal Boulevard and 16th Avenue
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

Kevie Durham, better known to local hip-hop fans as KL Tha General, was killed during a shooting at The Beach, a nightclub near Mile High Stadium.

5. September 7, 2015
1909 Blake Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people — three women and one man — were shot outside the heavily hyped Club Beta White Party. All survived.

6. November 7, 2015
Bayaud and Bannock
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

Cristian Martinez was slain and three others were wounded in a shooting at a house party in the Baker neighborhood for which Darius Ratcliff was arrested. Ratcliff was taken into custody after being wounded in an officer-involved shooting.

7. November 27, 2015
Colorado Springs
3480 Centennial Boulevard
Injured: 9
Killed: 3

Robert Dear was arrested after attacking a Planned Parenthood center in Colorado Springs. The following year, he was found incompetent to stand trial.

8. March 25, 2016
8501 East Alameda Avenue
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

A late-night shooting near the Lowry Park Apartments resulted in two people being shot and two others suffering grazes from gunfire. All four recovered from their injuries.


The 1400 block of 14th Street.
Google Maps
9. April 24, 2016
1400 block of 14th Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Nghia Trong Tran was arrested after allegedly opening fire on a vehicle in Lower Downtown.

10. June 4, 2016
3600 block of Hudson Street
Injured: 1
Killed: 3

Devonne Burton was among the victims in a North Park Hill triple homicide sparked by a robbery gone wrong for which three men, including a former University of Colorado football player, were arrested.

11. August 7, 2016
5400 block of Sheridan Boulevard
Injured: 2
Killed: 2

Brandon Karr was convicted of killing one person and injuring two others in a shooting at an Adams County mobile home park. Dustin Karr, Brandon's cousin, was also shot to death in the incident; a second man, Rojelio Heredia, was found guilty for that crime.

12. January 15, 2017
County Road Y
Injured: 1
Killed: 3

Santos Nevares went to a birthday party outside Capulin, a town in Conejos County with a population of 200, and opened fire, injuring one person and killing three, including Guadalupe Cervantes, the guest of honor.

13. December 31, 2017
Highlands Ranch
3404 East County Line Road
Injured: 6
Killed: 2

Douglas County Deputy Zackari Parrish was killed during a lengthy standoff with suspect Matthew Riehl, who was shot to death by a SWAT team member after firing an estimated 100 bullets.

14. February 5, 2018
Colorado Springs
4225 Galley Road
Injured: 4
Killed: 2

Nineteen-year-old suspected car thief Manuel Zetina was being tracked by a police task force when violence erupted. When it was over, Zetina and El Paso Sheriff's Office Detective Micah Lee Flick were dead, and three law enforcers plus a bystander were hurt.

15. May 27, 2018
15373 East 6th Avenue
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

Family man and coach Dejon Williams was reportedly trying to break up a fight outside the Kasbah nightclub when he was shot to death. The three other injured parties lived.


The Westminster complex where Vaughn Bigelow died in a road-rage incident.
Denver7 via YouTube
16. June 14, 2018
5150 West 80th Avenue
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

From the GoFundMe page for Vaughn Bigelow: "On June 14, 2018, Meghan Bigelow was taking her 3 children to a routine dentist appointment when she became a part of a road rage encounter. Meghan and 2 of her sons were shot multiple times. Sadly, her oldest son (13) passed away June 14."

17. July 15, 2018
50th Avenue and Grant Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people were injured during a late-night party gone awry.

18. August 11, 2018
4050 East 100th Avenue
Inured: 3
Killed: 1

Brenda Martinez was shot to death at a Thornton bar, allegedly by a patron, Gary Wideman. Prosecutors contended that Wideman was kicked out of the bar only to return with a gun he used to kill Martinez and injure several others.

19. August 31, 2018
1900 block of Peoria Street
Injured: 3
Killed: 2

Anthoni Readus and Wayne Carter were killed after a domestic-violence incident that led to an officer-involved shooting.

20. November 19, 2018
1200 21st Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

Terrance Wardlow, a former Marine, was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time when guns started blazing in the Ballpark neighborhood. He died and four others were injured.

21. December 14, 2018
Colorado Springs
700 block of Geiger Court
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

The narrative from a GoFundMe page for the late Brandon Coffin begins: "On December 15th 2018, my two brothers were out having a good night when it took a turn for the worst. My parents and little sister received a phone call that they needed to get to the hospital because there was a shooting. Both of my brothers were shot and one didn't make it. My little brother was shot in his leg; it missed his groin and came out the back of his opposite leg."

22. March 10, 2019
15th Street and Market Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

The quintuple shooting early March 10 on the 1500 block of Market Street, which killed a man later identified as 25-year-old Vayron Garcia and wounded four others, was the third major firearms incident along the stretch in six months, and the second to end with a loss of life.

Engaging with our readers is essential to Westword's mission. Make a financial contribution or sign up for a newsletter, and help us keep telling Denver's stories with no paywalls.

23. May 7, 2019
Highlands Ranch
8773 South Ridgeline Boulevard
Injured: 8
Killed: 1

STEM School Highlands Ranch student Kendrick Castillo was killed in a confrontation with one of two students who managed to sneak guns into the facility.

24. June 11, 2019
12500 block of East Kansas Place
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Three juveniles and an adult were shot after midnight outside an Aurora residence. The next day, the Aurora Police Department announced that a suspect had been arrested, but that individual still has not been identified at this writing.
The courts have upheld UBCs to be perfectly Constitutional – no rights violated or subject to an undue burden.

Not exactly. There is no universal background check, hence no court challenge.

Stop making shit up, Saul Goodman.

We have UBC here in Colorado and the NRA contested it in court in 2013 and lost. Hence, court challenge and it stands. MOST Americans agree with a UBC for the entire US. But I agree that it should be left up to the states. It's a states right. Unless a State misuses their either lack of UBC or their UBC. And then it becomes a Federal problem.
How did Colorado have all those mass shootings if "universal background checks" work?
A case in point: According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 24 mass shootings in Colorado, nine of them in Denver, during the past six years, and the majority are likely to be unfamiliar to the average person. All of them are listed below, complete with links to additional archive information and previous Westword coverage.
Inside Colorado's 24 Mass Shootings During the Last Six Years

Your site demands I turn off my adblocker. I don't turn that off for any site. Come up with something else. And we haven't had 24 mass shootings in the last 6 years, cupcake. We had 3 major ones before 2013 when we went to the common sense gun regs and that completely stopped them. The definition of more than one death or injury does not cover a Mass Shooting. If that were the case, every state in the nation would have at least that many.

Every site request you turn off your adblocker so you either lied about not removing adblocker or you don't open any links even the ones you post.
Next, you play with words like "major mass shootings"
You have mass shootings or you don't
But here you go I'll cut and paste whats contained on the site
But those who get hung up on these distinctions are at risk of missing the larger point about the frequency of multi-victim shootings — one underscored by the two dozen items below, which run from June 2013 to June 2019

Most people will be familiar with at least three of the shootings: the November 2015 assault on a Planned Parenthood office in Colorado Springs, the lethal SWAT team raid in Douglas County on New Year's Eve 2017, and the shooting at the STEM School Highlands Ranch this past May. But that leaves 21 other incidents — one in which a popular rapper was killed, another that saw four people gunned down outside a high-brow bash at a trendy dance club, and a broad-daylight frenzy in the Ballpark neighborhood that took the life of an innocent bystander. And that's not to mention a triple homicide in a tiny Colorado town that got virtually no media coverage in Denver.

It doesn't take a math genius to realize that 24 mass shootings in Colorado over six years breaks down to four per annum, or one every three months.


The 2300 block of Paris Street in Aurora.
Google Maps
1. June 30, 2013
2300 block of Paris Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Three juveniles were shot by a small-caliber weapon at a house party, and a fourth was grazed by a bullet. All four survived their injuries.

2. September 15, 2013
Colorado Springs
1609 South Nevada
Injured: 5
Killed: 0

Five people were wounded during a shootout at the Layalina Hookah bar in the Springs. None of the injuries was life-threatening.

3. May 4, 2014
Wheat Ridge
12100 W 44th
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people were shot during an early-morning party at a hotel in Wheat Ridge. Most of the injuries were minor, although one person was transported to a hospital.

4. November 23, 2014
Federal Boulevard and 16th Avenue
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

Kevie Durham, better known to local hip-hop fans as KL Tha General, was killed during a shooting at The Beach, a nightclub near Mile High Stadium.

5. September 7, 2015
1909 Blake Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people — three women and one man — were shot outside the heavily hyped Club Beta White Party. All survived.

6. November 7, 2015
Bayaud and Bannock
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

Cristian Martinez was slain and three others were wounded in a shooting at a house party in the Baker neighborhood for which Darius Ratcliff was arrested. Ratcliff was taken into custody after being wounded in an officer-involved shooting.

7. November 27, 2015
Colorado Springs
3480 Centennial Boulevard
Injured: 9
Killed: 3

Robert Dear was arrested after attacking a Planned Parenthood center in Colorado Springs. The following year, he was found incompetent to stand trial.

8. March 25, 2016
8501 East Alameda Avenue
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

A late-night shooting near the Lowry Park Apartments resulted in two people being shot and two others suffering grazes from gunfire. All four recovered from their injuries.


The 1400 block of 14th Street.
Google Maps
9. April 24, 2016
1400 block of 14th Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Nghia Trong Tran was arrested after allegedly opening fire on a vehicle in Lower Downtown.

10. June 4, 2016
3600 block of Hudson Street
Injured: 1
Killed: 3

Devonne Burton was among the victims in a North Park Hill triple homicide sparked by a robbery gone wrong for which three men, including a former University of Colorado football player, were arrested.

11. August 7, 2016
5400 block of Sheridan Boulevard
Injured: 2
Killed: 2

Brandon Karr was convicted of killing one person and injuring two others in a shooting at an Adams County mobile home park. Dustin Karr, Brandon's cousin, was also shot to death in the incident; a second man, Rojelio Heredia, was found guilty for that crime.

12. January 15, 2017
County Road Y
Injured: 1
Killed: 3

Santos Nevares went to a birthday party outside Capulin, a town in Conejos County with a population of 200, and opened fire, injuring one person and killing three, including Guadalupe Cervantes, the guest of honor.

13. December 31, 2017
Highlands Ranch
3404 East County Line Road
Injured: 6
Killed: 2

Douglas County Deputy Zackari Parrish was killed during a lengthy standoff with suspect Matthew Riehl, who was shot to death by a SWAT team member after firing an estimated 100 bullets.

14. February 5, 2018
Colorado Springs
4225 Galley Road
Injured: 4
Killed: 2

Nineteen-year-old suspected car thief Manuel Zetina was being tracked by a police task force when violence erupted. When it was over, Zetina and El Paso Sheriff's Office Detective Micah Lee Flick were dead, and three law enforcers plus a bystander were hurt.

15. May 27, 2018
15373 East 6th Avenue
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

Family man and coach Dejon Williams was reportedly trying to break up a fight outside the Kasbah nightclub when he was shot to death. The three other injured parties lived.


The Westminster complex where Vaughn Bigelow died in a road-rage incident.
Denver7 via YouTube
16. June 14, 2018
5150 West 80th Avenue
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

From the GoFundMe page for Vaughn Bigelow: "On June 14, 2018, Meghan Bigelow was taking her 3 children to a routine dentist appointment when she became a part of a road rage encounter. Meghan and 2 of her sons were shot multiple times. Sadly, her oldest son (13) passed away June 14."

17. July 15, 2018
50th Avenue and Grant Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people were injured during a late-night party gone awry.

18. August 11, 2018
4050 East 100th Avenue
Inured: 3
Killed: 1

Brenda Martinez was shot to death at a Thornton bar, allegedly by a patron, Gary Wideman. Prosecutors contended that Wideman was kicked out of the bar only to return with a gun he used to kill Martinez and injure several others.

19. August 31, 2018
1900 block of Peoria Street
Injured: 3
Killed: 2

Anthoni Readus and Wayne Carter were killed after a domestic-violence incident that led to an officer-involved shooting.

20. November 19, 2018
1200 21st Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

Terrance Wardlow, a former Marine, was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time when guns started blazing in the Ballpark neighborhood. He died and four others were injured.

21. December 14, 2018
Colorado Springs
700 block of Geiger Court
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

The narrative from a GoFundMe page for the late Brandon Coffin begins: "On December 15th 2018, my two brothers were out having a good night when it took a turn for the worst. My parents and little sister received a phone call that they needed to get to the hospital because there was a shooting. Both of my brothers were shot and one didn't make it. My little brother was shot in his leg; it missed his groin and came out the back of his opposite leg."

22. March 10, 2019
15th Street and Market Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

The quintuple shooting early March 10 on the 1500 block of Market Street, which killed a man later identified as 25-year-old Vayron Garcia and wounded four others, was the third major firearms incident along the stretch in six months, and the second to end with a loss of life.

Engaging with our readers is essential to Westword's mission. Make a financial contribution or sign up for a newsletter, and help us keep telling Denver's stories with no paywalls.

23. May 7, 2019
Highlands Ranch
8773 South Ridgeline Boulevard
Injured: 8
Killed: 1

STEM School Highlands Ranch student Kendrick Castillo was killed in a confrontation with one of two students who managed to sneak guns into the facility.

24. June 11, 2019
12500 block of East Kansas Place
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Three juveniles and an adult were shot after midnight outside an Aurora residence. The next day, the Aurora Police Department announced that a suspect had been arrested, but that individual still has not been identified at this writing.

Those are not mass public shootings.....those are gang crimes....the two are different crimes....and the anti-gunners mix them up otherwise they would only have 10 actual mass public shootings in 2019......hard to sell gun confiscation with only 10...so they lie and use gang shootings....
Thank you for confirming you cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, the restrictions you seek to lay on the right to keep an bear arms.
I knew you had it in you.
The courts have upheld UBCs to be perfectly Constitutional – no rights violated or subject to an undue burden.

Not exactly. There is no universal background check, hence no court challenge.

Stop making shit up, Saul Goodman.

We have UBC here in Colorado and the NRA contested it in court in 2013 and lost. Hence, court challenge and it stands. MOST Americans agree with a UBC for the entire US. But I agree that it should be left up to the states. It's a states right. Unless a State misuses their either lack of UBC or their UBC. And then it becomes a Federal problem.
How did Colorado have all those mass shootings if "universal background checks" work?
A case in point: According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 24 mass shootings in Colorado, nine of them in Denver, during the past six years, and the majority are likely to be unfamiliar to the average person. All of them are listed below, complete with links to additional archive information and previous Westword coverage.
Inside Colorado's 24 Mass Shootings During the Last Six Years

Don't fall for the Gun Violence Archive....

According to mother jones there were a grand total of 10 mass public shootings in 2019......the Gun Violence ARchive throws in every shooting in the news......all except those 10 are gang related or criminals being criminasl shooting at other criminals..........that is how they get that number up.....lying to the uninformed about the chance of being caught in a mass public shootings.
If his argument is universal background Checks stop shootings we must use their own sources against them to show nothing they do can stop shootings. They can't have it both ways
Not exactly. There is no universal background check, hence no court challenge.

Stop making shit up, Saul Goodman.

We have UBC here in Colorado and the NRA contested it in court in 2013 and lost. Hence, court challenge and it stands. MOST Americans agree with a UBC for the entire US. But I agree that it should be left up to the states. It's a states right. Unless a State misuses their either lack of UBC or their UBC. And then it becomes a Federal problem.
How did Colorado have all those mass shootings if "universal background checks" work?
A case in point: According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 24 mass shootings in Colorado, nine of them in Denver, during the past six years, and the majority are likely to be unfamiliar to the average person. All of them are listed below, complete with links to additional archive information and previous Westword coverage.
Inside Colorado's 24 Mass Shootings During the Last Six Years

Your site demands I turn off my adblocker. I don't turn that off for any site. Come up with something else. And we haven't had 24 mass shootings in the last 6 years, cupcake. We had 3 major ones before 2013 when we went to the common sense gun regs and that completely stopped them. The definition of more than one death or injury does not cover a Mass Shooting. If that were the case, every state in the nation would have at least that many.

Every site request you turn off your adblocker so you either lied about not removing adblocker or you don't open any links even the ones you post.
Next, you play with words like "major mass shootings"
You have mass shootings or you don't
But here you go I'll cut and paste whats contained on the site
But those who get hung up on these distinctions are at risk of missing the larger point about the frequency of multi-victim shootings — one underscored by the two dozen items below, which run from June 2013 to June 2019

Most people will be familiar with at least three of the shootings: the November 2015 assault on a Planned Parenthood office in Colorado Springs, the lethal SWAT team raid in Douglas County on New Year's Eve 2017, and the shooting at the STEM School Highlands Ranch this past May. But that leaves 21 other incidents — one in which a popular rapper was killed, another that saw four people gunned down outside a high-brow bash at a trendy dance club, and a broad-daylight frenzy in the Ballpark neighborhood that took the life of an innocent bystander. And that's not to mention a triple homicide in a tiny Colorado town that got virtually no media coverage in Denver.

It doesn't take a math genius to realize that 24 mass shootings in Colorado over six years breaks down to four per annum, or one every three months.


The 2300 block of Paris Street in Aurora.
Google Maps
1. June 30, 2013
2300 block of Paris Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Three juveniles were shot by a small-caliber weapon at a house party, and a fourth was grazed by a bullet. All four survived their injuries.

2. September 15, 2013
Colorado Springs
1609 South Nevada
Injured: 5
Killed: 0

Five people were wounded during a shootout at the Layalina Hookah bar in the Springs. None of the injuries was life-threatening.

3. May 4, 2014
Wheat Ridge
12100 W 44th
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people were shot during an early-morning party at a hotel in Wheat Ridge. Most of the injuries were minor, although one person was transported to a hospital.

4. November 23, 2014
Federal Boulevard and 16th Avenue
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

Kevie Durham, better known to local hip-hop fans as KL Tha General, was killed during a shooting at The Beach, a nightclub near Mile High Stadium.

5. September 7, 2015
1909 Blake Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people — three women and one man — were shot outside the heavily hyped Club Beta White Party. All survived.

6. November 7, 2015
Bayaud and Bannock
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

Cristian Martinez was slain and three others were wounded in a shooting at a house party in the Baker neighborhood for which Darius Ratcliff was arrested. Ratcliff was taken into custody after being wounded in an officer-involved shooting.

7. November 27, 2015
Colorado Springs
3480 Centennial Boulevard
Injured: 9
Killed: 3

Robert Dear was arrested after attacking a Planned Parenthood center in Colorado Springs. The following year, he was found incompetent to stand trial.

8. March 25, 2016
8501 East Alameda Avenue
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

A late-night shooting near the Lowry Park Apartments resulted in two people being shot and two others suffering grazes from gunfire. All four recovered from their injuries.


The 1400 block of 14th Street.
Google Maps
9. April 24, 2016
1400 block of 14th Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Nghia Trong Tran was arrested after allegedly opening fire on a vehicle in Lower Downtown.

10. June 4, 2016
3600 block of Hudson Street
Injured: 1
Killed: 3

Devonne Burton was among the victims in a North Park Hill triple homicide sparked by a robbery gone wrong for which three men, including a former University of Colorado football player, were arrested.

11. August 7, 2016
5400 block of Sheridan Boulevard
Injured: 2
Killed: 2

Brandon Karr was convicted of killing one person and injuring two others in a shooting at an Adams County mobile home park. Dustin Karr, Brandon's cousin, was also shot to death in the incident; a second man, Rojelio Heredia, was found guilty for that crime.

12. January 15, 2017
County Road Y
Injured: 1
Killed: 3

Santos Nevares went to a birthday party outside Capulin, a town in Conejos County with a population of 200, and opened fire, injuring one person and killing three, including Guadalupe Cervantes, the guest of honor.

13. December 31, 2017
Highlands Ranch
3404 East County Line Road
Injured: 6
Killed: 2

Douglas County Deputy Zackari Parrish was killed during a lengthy standoff with suspect Matthew Riehl, who was shot to death by a SWAT team member after firing an estimated 100 bullets.

14. February 5, 2018
Colorado Springs
4225 Galley Road
Injured: 4
Killed: 2

Nineteen-year-old suspected car thief Manuel Zetina was being tracked by a police task force when violence erupted. When it was over, Zetina and El Paso Sheriff's Office Detective Micah Lee Flick were dead, and three law enforcers plus a bystander were hurt.

15. May 27, 2018
15373 East 6th Avenue
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

Family man and coach Dejon Williams was reportedly trying to break up a fight outside the Kasbah nightclub when he was shot to death. The three other injured parties lived.


The Westminster complex where Vaughn Bigelow died in a road-rage incident.
Denver7 via YouTube
16. June 14, 2018
5150 West 80th Avenue
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

From the GoFundMe page for Vaughn Bigelow: "On June 14, 2018, Meghan Bigelow was taking her 3 children to a routine dentist appointment when she became a part of a road rage encounter. Meghan and 2 of her sons were shot multiple times. Sadly, her oldest son (13) passed away June 14."

17. July 15, 2018
50th Avenue and Grant Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people were injured during a late-night party gone awry.

18. August 11, 2018
4050 East 100th Avenue
Inured: 3
Killed: 1

Brenda Martinez was shot to death at a Thornton bar, allegedly by a patron, Gary Wideman. Prosecutors contended that Wideman was kicked out of the bar only to return with a gun he used to kill Martinez and injure several others.

19. August 31, 2018
1900 block of Peoria Street
Injured: 3
Killed: 2

Anthoni Readus and Wayne Carter were killed after a domestic-violence incident that led to an officer-involved shooting.

20. November 19, 2018
1200 21st Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

Terrance Wardlow, a former Marine, was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time when guns started blazing in the Ballpark neighborhood. He died and four others were injured.

21. December 14, 2018
Colorado Springs
700 block of Geiger Court
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

The narrative from a GoFundMe page for the late Brandon Coffin begins: "On December 15th 2018, my two brothers were out having a good night when it took a turn for the worst. My parents and little sister received a phone call that they needed to get to the hospital because there was a shooting. Both of my brothers were shot and one didn't make it. My little brother was shot in his leg; it missed his groin and came out the back of his opposite leg."

22. March 10, 2019
15th Street and Market Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

The quintuple shooting early March 10 on the 1500 block of Market Street, which killed a man later identified as 25-year-old Vayron Garcia and wounded four others, was the third major firearms incident along the stretch in six months, and the second to end with a loss of life.

Engaging with our readers is essential to Westword's mission. Make a financial contribution or sign up for a newsletter, and help us keep telling Denver's stories with no paywalls.

23. May 7, 2019
Highlands Ranch
8773 South Ridgeline Boulevard
Injured: 8
Killed: 1

STEM School Highlands Ranch student Kendrick Castillo was killed in a confrontation with one of two students who managed to sneak guns into the facility.

24. June 11, 2019
12500 block of East Kansas Place
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Three juveniles and an adult were shot after midnight outside an Aurora residence. The next day, the Aurora Police Department announced that a suspect had been arrested, but that individual still has not been identified at this writing.

Those are not mass public shootings.....those are gang crimes....the two are different crimes....and the anti-gunners mix them up otherwise they would only have 10 actual mass public shootings in 2019......hard to sell gun confiscation with only 10...so they lie and use gang shootings....
Look it's his argument universal background checks stop shootings why are these shootings happening?
Whether or not someone died when you shoot into a mass group of people it's a mass shooting
The courts have upheld UBCs to be perfectly Constitutional – no rights violated or subject to an undue burden.

Not exactly. There is no universal background check, hence no court challenge.

Stop making shit up, Saul Goodman.

We have UBC here in Colorado and the NRA contested it in court in 2013 and lost. Hence, court challenge and it stands. MOST Americans agree with a UBC for the entire US. But I agree that it should be left up to the states. It's a states right. Unless a State misuses their either lack of UBC or their UBC. And then it becomes a Federal problem.
How did Colorado have all those mass shootings if "universal background checks" work?
A case in point: According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 24 mass shootings in Colorado, nine of them in Denver, during the past six years, and the majority are likely to be unfamiliar to the average person. All of them are listed below, complete with links to additional archive information and previous Westword coverage.
Inside Colorado's 24 Mass Shootings During the Last Six Years

Don't fall for the Gun Violence Archive....

According to mother jones there were a grand total of 10 mass public shootings in 2019......the Gun Violence ARchive throws in every shooting in the news......all except those 10 are gang related or criminals being criminasl shooting at other criminals..........that is how they get that number up.....lying to the uninformed about the chance of being caught in a mass public shootings.
If his argument is universal background Checks stop shootings we must use their own sources against them to show nothing they do can stop shootings. They can't have it both ways

I don't disagree...just don't call them mass public shootings...that is how they lie...

They know that the average American can understand gang violence, and that gang violence is confined to small areas of democrat party controlled cities......so the anti-gun movement gets very little traction using them to call for gun bans....

Normal Americans understand the concept of a lone nut, walking into a mall or a school and shooting people......but what they don't understand is that it only happened 10 times in 2019.....making it the most rare of rare events.........but.....the anti-gun extremists know they can exploit it if they make it seem like normal Americans really have to worry about them......

So they lie, and mix gang shootings with mass public shootings....
Thank you for confirming you cannot demonstrate the necessity for, or the efficacy of, the restrictions you seek to lay on the right to keep an bear arms.
I knew you had it in you.
The courts have upheld UBCs to be perfectly Constitutional – no rights violated or subject to an undue burden.

Not exactly. There is no universal background check, hence no court challenge.

Stop making shit up, Saul Goodman.

We have UBC here in Colorado and the NRA contested it in court in 2013 and lost. Hence, court challenge and it stands. MOST Americans agree with a UBC for the entire US. But I agree that it should be left up to the states. It's a states right. Unless a State misuses their either lack of UBC or their UBC. And then it becomes a Federal problem.
How did Colorado have all those mass shootings if "universal background checks" work?
A case in point: According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 24 mass shootings in Colorado, nine of them in Denver, during the past six years, and the majority are likely to be unfamiliar to the average person. All of them are listed below, complete with links to additional archive information and previous Westword coverage.
Inside Colorado's 24 Mass Shootings During the Last Six Years
Non sequitur – this fails as a false comparison fallacy.
this post fails to get past stupidity please try better next time.
We have UBC here in Colorado and the NRA contested it in court in 2013 and lost. Hence, court challenge and it stands. MOST Americans agree with a UBC for the entire US. But I agree that it should be left up to the states. It's a states right. Unless a State misuses their either lack of UBC or their UBC. And then it becomes a Federal problem.
How did Colorado have all those mass shootings if "universal background checks" work?
A case in point: According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 24 mass shootings in Colorado, nine of them in Denver, during the past six years, and the majority are likely to be unfamiliar to the average person. All of them are listed below, complete with links to additional archive information and previous Westword coverage.
Inside Colorado's 24 Mass Shootings During the Last Six Years

Your site demands I turn off my adblocker. I don't turn that off for any site. Come up with something else. And we haven't had 24 mass shootings in the last 6 years, cupcake. We had 3 major ones before 2013 when we went to the common sense gun regs and that completely stopped them. The definition of more than one death or injury does not cover a Mass Shooting. If that were the case, every state in the nation would have at least that many.

Every site request you turn off your adblocker so you either lied about not removing adblocker or you don't open any links even the ones you post.
Next, you play with words like "major mass shootings"
You have mass shootings or you don't
But here you go I'll cut and paste whats contained on the site
But those who get hung up on these distinctions are at risk of missing the larger point about the frequency of multi-victim shootings — one underscored by the two dozen items below, which run from June 2013 to June 2019

Most people will be familiar with at least three of the shootings: the November 2015 assault on a Planned Parenthood office in Colorado Springs, the lethal SWAT team raid in Douglas County on New Year's Eve 2017, and the shooting at the STEM School Highlands Ranch this past May. But that leaves 21 other incidents — one in which a popular rapper was killed, another that saw four people gunned down outside a high-brow bash at a trendy dance club, and a broad-daylight frenzy in the Ballpark neighborhood that took the life of an innocent bystander. And that's not to mention a triple homicide in a tiny Colorado town that got virtually no media coverage in Denver.

It doesn't take a math genius to realize that 24 mass shootings in Colorado over six years breaks down to four per annum, or one every three months.


The 2300 block of Paris Street in Aurora.
Google Maps
1. June 30, 2013
2300 block of Paris Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Three juveniles were shot by a small-caliber weapon at a house party, and a fourth was grazed by a bullet. All four survived their injuries.

2. September 15, 2013
Colorado Springs
1609 South Nevada
Injured: 5
Killed: 0

Five people were wounded during a shootout at the Layalina Hookah bar in the Springs. None of the injuries was life-threatening.

3. May 4, 2014
Wheat Ridge
12100 W 44th
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people were shot during an early-morning party at a hotel in Wheat Ridge. Most of the injuries were minor, although one person was transported to a hospital.

4. November 23, 2014
Federal Boulevard and 16th Avenue
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

Kevie Durham, better known to local hip-hop fans as KL Tha General, was killed during a shooting at The Beach, a nightclub near Mile High Stadium.

5. September 7, 2015
1909 Blake Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people — three women and one man — were shot outside the heavily hyped Club Beta White Party. All survived.

6. November 7, 2015
Bayaud and Bannock
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

Cristian Martinez was slain and three others were wounded in a shooting at a house party in the Baker neighborhood for which Darius Ratcliff was arrested. Ratcliff was taken into custody after being wounded in an officer-involved shooting.

7. November 27, 2015
Colorado Springs
3480 Centennial Boulevard
Injured: 9
Killed: 3

Robert Dear was arrested after attacking a Planned Parenthood center in Colorado Springs. The following year, he was found incompetent to stand trial.

8. March 25, 2016
8501 East Alameda Avenue
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

A late-night shooting near the Lowry Park Apartments resulted in two people being shot and two others suffering grazes from gunfire. All four recovered from their injuries.


The 1400 block of 14th Street.
Google Maps
9. April 24, 2016
1400 block of 14th Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Nghia Trong Tran was arrested after allegedly opening fire on a vehicle in Lower Downtown.

10. June 4, 2016
3600 block of Hudson Street
Injured: 1
Killed: 3

Devonne Burton was among the victims in a North Park Hill triple homicide sparked by a robbery gone wrong for which three men, including a former University of Colorado football player, were arrested.

11. August 7, 2016
5400 block of Sheridan Boulevard
Injured: 2
Killed: 2

Brandon Karr was convicted of killing one person and injuring two others in a shooting at an Adams County mobile home park. Dustin Karr, Brandon's cousin, was also shot to death in the incident; a second man, Rojelio Heredia, was found guilty for that crime.

12. January 15, 2017
County Road Y
Injured: 1
Killed: 3

Santos Nevares went to a birthday party outside Capulin, a town in Conejos County with a population of 200, and opened fire, injuring one person and killing three, including Guadalupe Cervantes, the guest of honor.

13. December 31, 2017
Highlands Ranch
3404 East County Line Road
Injured: 6
Killed: 2

Douglas County Deputy Zackari Parrish was killed during a lengthy standoff with suspect Matthew Riehl, who was shot to death by a SWAT team member after firing an estimated 100 bullets.

14. February 5, 2018
Colorado Springs
4225 Galley Road
Injured: 4
Killed: 2

Nineteen-year-old suspected car thief Manuel Zetina was being tracked by a police task force when violence erupted. When it was over, Zetina and El Paso Sheriff's Office Detective Micah Lee Flick were dead, and three law enforcers plus a bystander were hurt.

15. May 27, 2018
15373 East 6th Avenue
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

Family man and coach Dejon Williams was reportedly trying to break up a fight outside the Kasbah nightclub when he was shot to death. The three other injured parties lived.


The Westminster complex where Vaughn Bigelow died in a road-rage incident.
Denver7 via YouTube
16. June 14, 2018
5150 West 80th Avenue
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

From the GoFundMe page for Vaughn Bigelow: "On June 14, 2018, Meghan Bigelow was taking her 3 children to a routine dentist appointment when she became a part of a road rage encounter. Meghan and 2 of her sons were shot multiple times. Sadly, her oldest son (13) passed away June 14."

17. July 15, 2018
50th Avenue and Grant Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Four people were injured during a late-night party gone awry.

18. August 11, 2018
4050 East 100th Avenue
Inured: 3
Killed: 1

Brenda Martinez was shot to death at a Thornton bar, allegedly by a patron, Gary Wideman. Prosecutors contended that Wideman was kicked out of the bar only to return with a gun he used to kill Martinez and injure several others.

19. August 31, 2018
1900 block of Peoria Street
Injured: 3
Killed: 2

Anthoni Readus and Wayne Carter were killed after a domestic-violence incident that led to an officer-involved shooting.

20. November 19, 2018
1200 21st Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

Terrance Wardlow, a former Marine, was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time when guns started blazing in the Ballpark neighborhood. He died and four others were injured.

21. December 14, 2018
Colorado Springs
700 block of Geiger Court
Injured: 3
Killed: 1

The narrative from a GoFundMe page for the late Brandon Coffin begins: "On December 15th 2018, my two brothers were out having a good night when it took a turn for the worst. My parents and little sister received a phone call that they needed to get to the hospital because there was a shooting. Both of my brothers were shot and one didn't make it. My little brother was shot in his leg; it missed his groin and came out the back of his opposite leg."

22. March 10, 2019
15th Street and Market Street
Injured: 4
Killed: 1

The quintuple shooting early March 10 on the 1500 block of Market Street, which killed a man later identified as 25-year-old Vayron Garcia and wounded four others, was the third major firearms incident along the stretch in six months, and the second to end with a loss of life.

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23. May 7, 2019
Highlands Ranch
8773 South Ridgeline Boulevard
Injured: 8
Killed: 1

STEM School Highlands Ranch student Kendrick Castillo was killed in a confrontation with one of two students who managed to sneak guns into the facility.

24. June 11, 2019
12500 block of East Kansas Place
Injured: 4
Killed: 0

Three juveniles and an adult were shot after midnight outside an Aurora residence. The next day, the Aurora Police Department announced that a suspect had been arrested, but that individual still has not been identified at this writing.

Those are not mass public shootings.....those are gang crimes....the two are different crimes....and the anti-gunners mix them up otherwise they would only have 10 actual mass public shootings in 2019......hard to sell gun confiscation with only 10...so they lie and use gang shootings....
Look it's his argument universal background checks stop shootings why are these shootings happening?
Whether or not someone died when you shoot into a mass group of people it's a mass shooting

See post #348......and you are right, background checks don't stop criminals or mass public shooters........the only reason they want them is to get gun registration.

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