Leftists, you AGREE that it's good for govt. officials to lie and commit crime to get Trump...

...right? You support it, right?

No, but Trump has made many enemies that are powerful from the Clinton's to Romney and in between you have the Bush, Cruz and McCain families.

Trump wanted to be Caesar and know as the Senate draws their knives he might finally become Caesar with his political career being assassinated...

You do not go out attacking powerful families and not expect for those families not to aim at you and burn your political career to the ground and destroy you and your entire family...

I know what do I know, so when and if Trump goes down just know this is a warning to those that want to burn down the families that run our country...
You could put it all down as Trump being a fool to supply democrats with so much ammunition. It's not like anyone has to look too hard or dig that deep to find dirt on Trump. He simply counted way too much on his allies to shield him.
...right? You support it, right?
Who are the "leftist"?

Democrats, communists, fascists and so-called "liberals".
The left is not populated with liberals since liberals are in both parties sitting in Congress, and buddy the Democratic party is not leftism either just like Republicanism is no conservatism.. Liberal political theory occupies the Constitution, will you be getting rid of your civil rights because you have been mislead by the echo chamber?
...right? You support it, right?
They think anything and everything they do to destroy America and usher in the new socialism, same as the old socialism once called feudalism, is good.

That means any govt agency, any activist judge, any group that they convince are nothing but victims of greedy white capitalists are all used.

Once, that system is in place then the useful idiots are in the way. Genocide is next. Must cull the herd and that means starving out anyone and everyone that is not on board with the "new system."

This is the playbook and we always passively allow it to happen. We are doing that now.
...right? You support it, right?

No, but Trump has made many enemies that are powerful from the Clinton's to Romney and in between you have the Bush, Cruz and McCain families.

Trump wanted to be Caesar and know as the Senate draws their knives he might finally become Caesar with his political career being assassinated...

You do not go out attacking powerful families and not expect for those families not to aim at you and burn your political career to the ground and destroy you and your entire family...

I know what do I know, so when and if Trump goes down just know this is a warning to those that want to burn down the families that run our country...
Ahhhh, so be a good little bush and just be the punching bag that every rino scumbag has been over the last 30 plus years.

I always read where the bush family did not like Reagan. Now I see why.

Thank you.
...right? You support it, right?

No, but Trump has made many enemies that are powerful from the Clinton's to Romney and in between you have the Bush, Cruz and McCain families.

Trump wanted to be Caesar and know as the Senate draws their knives he might finally become Caesar with his political career being assassinated...

You do not go out attacking powerful families and not expect for those families not to aim at you and burn your political career to the ground and destroy you and your entire family...

I know what do I know, so when and if Trump goes down just know this is a warning to those that want to burn down the families that run our country...
Ahhhh, so be a good little bush and just be the punching bag that every rino scumbag has been over the last 30 plus years.

I always read where the bush family did not like Reagan. Now I see why.

Thank you.

The Bush family hate Trump and remember McConnell is a Bush Republican...
I do, why do you try to speak for me are you deliriously in need of affirmation?

I just remember your repeated denials that Hillary broke any laws when she transmitted classified documents through her private server.
I defended a woman I can't stand and hate more than any of my three ex wives? Surely you jest..Yet the constant investigations by republicans have yet to find anything to convict her of...That is not defending it is the truth. Something that most people accept.
He-he, not ONE loony lefty has answered the question put forth at the start of the thread. The loony libs love to deflect and evade when they won't or can't answer a question. Pitiful and pathetic.
He-he, not ONE loony lefty has answered the question put forth at the start of the thread. The loony libs love to deflect and evade when they won't or can't answer a question. Pitiful and pathetic.

The truth hurts or in the case of Ds it is toxic.

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