Leftists, you AGREE that it's good for govt. officials to lie and commit crime to get Trump...

...right? You support it, right?

WTF? No I don’t support lying and breaking laws to get Trump.

Besides, the guy is practically self-impeaching. What kind of a fucking idiot gets on the phone to collude with Ukrainians on 2020 election 2 days after Muller’s testimony on Russian interference in 2016?

Trouble is that he didn't.

His problem was not considering how the Left could interpret his actions.

If he had any idea he was doing anything that could have been twisted to appear as the Leftists have alleged, he would have done it differently.

The President shouldn't have to defend against shit like the Dems are piling on him.

Yea that’s bullshit - yes he absolutely did and plenty of Republicans agree that soliciting political concessions from Ukrainians was completely inappropriate.

They may also say it’s not enough for impeachment but only hardcore Trumpers claim that his behavior was a-ok.
Yea that’s bullshit - yes he absolutely did and plenty of Republicans agree that soliciting political concessions from Ukrainians was completely inappropriate.

They may also say it’s not enough for impeachment but only hardcore Trumpers claim that his behavior was a-ok.
1. He didn't ask for political favors as proven in the transcript.

2. Running for office (even as a Democrat), or being the son of a candidate, doesn't make you immune from prosecution in other countries.

3. Biden is a corrupt perverted idiot, and Trump would love to have him as the nominee. (Granted, this point is weakened by the fact that all Democrat potential nominees are losers.)

4. You dopes have been stepping on rakes for 3 years with your moronic claims.

5. You're really worried about the AG / IG findings and are trying to distract.
Yea that’s bullshit - yes he absolutely did and plenty of Republicans agree that soliciting political concessions from Ukrainians was completely inappropriate.

They may also say it’s not enough for impeachment but only hardcore Trumpers claim that his behavior was a-ok.
1. He didn't ask for political favors as proven in the transcript.

2. Running for office (even as a Democrat), or being the son of a candidate, doesn't make you immune from prosecution in other countries.

3. Biden is a corrupt perverted idiot, and Trump would love to have him as the nominee. (Granted, this point is weakened by the fact that all Democrat potential nominees are losers.)

4. You dopes have been stepping on rakes for 3 years with your moronic claims.

5. You're really worried about the AG / IG findings and are trying to distract.

1. Your are an idiot that did not actually read or comprehend the transcript.

In it, Trump talks about Ukraine not reciprocating generous American aid (that he held up) and goes straight to talk about favors he wants from Ukraine in investigating Crowdstrike and Bidens in concert with his personal PR lawyer Giuliani and his personal DOJ lawyer Barr.

This content of the call IS CONFIRMED BY NUMEROUS ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS, including members of envoy to the Ukraine, Bolton who described what Trump was doing as a DRUG DEAL he wants nothing to do with.
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Yea that’s bullshit - yes he absolutely did and plenty of Republicans agree that soliciting political concessions from Ukrainians was completely inappropriate.

They may also say it’s not enough for impeachment but only hardcore Trumpers claim that his behavior was a-ok.
1. He didn't ask for political favors as proven in the transcript.

2. Running for office (even as a Democrat), or being the son of a candidate, doesn't make you immune from prosecution in other countries.

3. Biden is a corrupt perverted idiot, and Trump would love to have him as the nominee. (Granted, this point is weakened by the fact that all Democrat potential nominees are losers.)

4. You dopes have been stepping on rakes for 3 years with your moronic claims.

5. You're really worried about the AG / IG findings and are trying to distract.

1. Your are an idiot that did not actually read or comprehend the transcript.

In it, Trump talks about Ukraine not reciprocating generous American aid (that he held up) and goes straight to talk about favors he wants from Ukraine in investigating Crowdstrike and Bidens in concert with his personal PR lawyer Giuliani and his personal DOJ lawyer Barr.

This content of the call IS CONFIRMED BY NUMEROUS ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS, including members of envoy to the Ukraine, Bolton who described what Trump was doing as a DRUG DEAL he wants nothing to do with.

There was no Quid Pro Quo in the transcript. It is like reading a poem that is open for interpretatiion. a Quid Pro Quo is more like a statement of fact, not open to interpretation. Democratic voters are mislead as usual. The talking heads on TV and leftists web sites can evidently make them believe anything they want. What ever happened to all the junk about Russian collusion? Oh yeah, it wasn't true. Will they ever learn?
Yea that’s bullshit - yes he absolutely did and plenty of Republicans agree that soliciting political concessions from Ukrainians was completely inappropriate.

They may also say it’s not enough for impeachment but only hardcore Trumpers claim that his behavior was a-ok.
1. He didn't ask for political favors as proven in the transcript.

2. Running for office (even as a Democrat), or being the son of a candidate, doesn't make you immune from prosecution in other countries.

3. Biden is a corrupt perverted idiot, and Trump would love to have him as the nominee. (Granted, this point is weakened by the fact that all Democrat potential nominees are losers.)

4. You dopes have been stepping on rakes for 3 years with your moronic claims.

5. You're really worried about the AG / IG findings and are trying to distract.

1. Your are an idiot that did not actually read or comprehend the transcript.

In it, Trump talks about Ukraine not reciprocating generous American aid (that he held up) and goes straight to talk about favors he wants from Ukraine in investigating Crowdstrike and Bidens in concert with his personal PR lawyer Giuliani and his personal DOJ lawyer Barr.

This content of the call IS CONFIRMED BY NUMEROUS ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS, including members of envoy to the Ukraine, Bolton who described what Trump was doing as a DRUG DEAL he wants nothing to do with.

There was no Quid Pro Quo in the transcript. It is like reading a poem that is open for interpretatiion. a Quid Pro Quo is more like a statement of fact, not open to interpretation. Democratic voters are mislead as usual. The talking heads on TV and leftists web sites can evidently make them believe anything they want. What ever happened to all the junk about Russian collusion? Oh yeah, it wasn't true. Will they ever learn?

it is ILEGAL to solicit political contributions from other countries, with or without leveraging American foreign policy.

HOWEVER, the further damning quid-pro-quo on the call and internal administration communications with envoy to Ukraine is CLEAR AS DAY.

I guess you can say that “it’s open to interpretation” if someone comes into your shop and starts talking about how you should get some protection at monthly fee because it would be a shame if something happened to such a nice store. But really, ITS NOT.

As Cohen testified, Trump conducts his dirty bussiness in this “open to interpretation” way. He lets people know what he wants but he does not explicitly state the illegal element to try to bake in plausible deniability.

And for fuck’s sakes, Trumps chief of staff who held up funds to Ukraine at his request DIRECTLY ADMITTED QUID-PRO-QUO in the presser. You now saying it wasn’t there is just straight crazy talk.
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Leftists, you AGREE that it's good for govt. officials to lie and commit crime to get Trump...

That's not happening.
Yea that’s bullshit - yes he absolutely did and plenty of Republicans agree that soliciting political concessions from Ukrainians was completely inappropriate.

They may also say it’s not enough for impeachment but only hardcore Trumpers claim that his behavior was a-ok.
1. He didn't ask for political favors as proven in the transcript.

2. Running for office (even as a Democrat), or being the son of a candidate, doesn't make you immune from prosecution in other countries.

3. Biden is a corrupt perverted idiot, and Trump would love to have him as the nominee. (Granted, this point is weakened by the fact that all Democrat potential nominees are losers.)

4. You dopes have been stepping on rakes for 3 years with your moronic claims.

5. You're really worried about the AG / IG findings and are trying to distract.

1. Your are an idiot that did not actually read or comprehend the transcript.

In it, Trump talks about Ukraine not reciprocating generous American aid (that he held up) and goes straight to talk about favors he wants from Ukraine in investigating Crowdstrike and Bidens in concert with his personal PR lawyer Giuliani and his personal DOJ lawyer Barr.

This content of the call IS CONFIRMED BY NUMEROUS ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS, including members of envoy to the Ukraine, Bolton who described what Trump was doing as a DRUG DEAL he wants nothing to do with.

There was no Quid Pro Quo in the transcript. It is like reading a poem that is open for interpretatiion. a Quid Pro Quo is more like a statement of fact, not open to interpretation. Democratic voters are mislead as usual. The talking heads on TV and leftists web sites can evidently make them believe anything they want. What ever happened to all the junk about Russian collusion? Oh yeah, it wasn't true. Will they ever learn?

Don't need a quid pro quo. The ask is enough.
No, the lies & cheating to get or keep ANY political party's in power is what has torn our nation apart. A dear friend of mine who hears to much Rush is worried about a civil war.& THAT is about as crazy as it can get.
...republicans have yet to find anything to convict her of...

It's a felony to transmit classified information through a private server or private email account. Hillary did so, well over 100 times. She skated. You or I would have been sent to prison. Nevertheless, you stand by her.
What kind of a fucking idiot gets on the phone to collude with Ukrainians...

As president, Trump is obligated to investigate potential crimes and corruption by former U.S. officials. You oppose Trump asking the Ukraine to look into the activities of the Bidens because you support crime and corruption, at least when it's a Democrat.
No. Where did you get a dumb idea like that?

Because you and leftists like you never call out malfeasance by your leftist masters. There is no crime that you won't support if it means getting Trump. By hook or by crook, that is your motto.
...plenty of Republicans agree that soliciting political concessions from Ukrainians was completely inappropriate.

Most of the aid we give out to other nations is contingent upon them accommodating us and/or adhering to a certain standard. You think it's all just charity? LOL. Your naivete is cute.
What kind of a fucking idiot gets on the phone to collude with Ukrainians...

As president, Trump is obligated to investigate potential crimes and corruption by former U.S. officials. You oppose Trump asking the Ukraine to look into the activities of the Bidens

A mindless lemming tool is what you are.

If Trump REALLY had any general concern about corruption in Ukraine it certainly was forgotten during his call with the Ukrainian President.

His ONLY concern was to arm-twist Ukrainians into working with his fucking PR lawyer to go after his political opposition.

When media repeatedly asked if there was ANYONE not part of Trumps political opposition that he wanted investigated in Ukraine the response was constantly “I’ll have my people look into it”. There is no answer to that question to date...because there was not anyone and this is all about Trump and his politico shit list.

These third world countries don’t have a solidly established legal system and if some corrupt higher up in the government there wants to they can convict a ham sandwich to please some big spending foreigner who happens to not like ham.

Trump’s request was pure abuse of office and shame on you idiots for condoning this swamp.
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In it, Trump talks about Ukraine not reciprocating generous American aid...

It's absolutely appropriate for the president to ask or even demand cooperation from foreign nations in exchange for aid.

Do you remember when huge sums of money was flowing into the Clinton Foundation when Hillary was passing out political favors to foreign powers? Yes, I remember your outrage.
A mindless lemming tool is what you are.

Trump’s request was pure abuse of office and shame on you idiots for not calling him on it.

It seems the truth struck a nerve.

Your hurt because Trump asked a foreign power to investigate potential crime and corruption by one of your political masters. If no crime was committed, then why are you so adamantly opposed to an investigation?

You folks were all for a 2-year investigation of Trump on the basis of nothing. Now, you're suddenly opposed to investigating government officials.

I've been very critical of Trump on this forum on a multitude of topics. You are the lemming, not me.
In it, Trump talks about Ukraine not reciprocating generous American aid...

It's absolutely appropriate for the president to ask or even demand cooperation from foreign nations in exchange for aid.

Do you remember when huge sums of money was flowing into the Clinton Foundation when Hillary was passing out political favors to foreign powers? Yes, I remember your outrage.

The quid-pro-quo of foreign aid for LEGAL co-operation or anti-corruption efforts in the interest of American foreign policy is OF COURSE proper.

Soliciting political campaign contributions is OF COURSE improper and ILLEGAL under American Campaign laws.
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There was no Quid Pro Quo in the transcript.

It wouldn't have mattered if there was. We're not a charity. Most of the aid we give to other nations is contingent upon them doing certain things.

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