Left's Hypocrisy Over Chick-Fil-A

I love how the left on this board wants to take peoples (owner of Chick A FilA ) FREEDOM Of speech away just because you dont like their politics. That is a scary road your on because once you take that persons freedoms away YOURS is NEXT

No one is threatening to take away his freedom of speech.

He has every right to be a hateful, bigoted douchebag who uses a 3000 year old book of superstition and ignorance to rationalize his hate.

And the rest of us have the right to keep his business out of our communities and not patronize it.

You're right about the "not patronize it" part, Joe, but as is typical of you, dead wrong about the part I bolded. Your side certainly MAY NOT use the power of government to exact reprisal against any person or corporation for exercising First Amendment rights in a manner your side disapproves of! The constitution and court precedent are quite firm on this point, and any city that tries it will subject themselves to potential legal action which would likely result not only in a judgement in favor of Mr. Cathy and Chick-fil-A, but in the city and/or the public official(s) in question being ordered to pay the plaintiff's legal fees and court costs. One day, you liberals or going to learn that just because you THREATEN to do something, that doesn't mean you lawfully CAN do it. Your side overplayed its hand, and the American people quite properly kicked its collective arse for doing so. I personally think the Left is just about done intimidating the rest of us; you've gotten away with it so long, you actually think you are entitled to do it. THOSE DAYS ARE OVER! Keep trying it, and you'll deserve every bit of the blowback you get. We've had it with petty, Politically Correct tyranny! Don't like that? Cry me a river!:eusa_boohoo:
I love how the left on this board wants to take peoples (owner of Chick A FilA ) FREEDOM Of speech away just because you dont like their politics. That is a scary road your on because once you take that persons freedoms away YOURS is NEXT

No one is threatening to take away his freedom of speech.

He has every right to be a hateful, bigoted douchebag who uses a 3000 year old book of superstition and ignorance to rationalize his hate.

And the rest of us have the right to keep his business out of our communities and not patronize it.

You're right about the "not patronize it" part, Joe, but as is typical of you, dead wrong about the part I bolded. Your side certainly MAY NOT use the power of government to exact reprisal against any person or corporation for exercising First Amendment rights in a manner your side disapproves of! The constitution and court precedent are quite firm on this point, and any city that tries it will subject themselves to potential legal action which would likely result not only in a judgement in favor of Mr. Cathy and Chick-fil-A, but in the city and/or the public official(s) in question being ordered to pay the plaintiff's legal fees and court costs. One day, you liberals or going to learn that just because you THREATEN to do something, that doesn't mean you lawfully CAN do it. Your side overplayed its hand, and the American people quite properly kicked its collective arse for doing so. I personally think the Left is just about done intimidating the rest of us; you've gotten away with it so long, you actually think you are entitled to do it. THOSE DAYS ARE OVER! Keep trying it, and you'll deserve every bit of the blowback you get. We've had it with petty, Politically Correct tyranny! Don't like that? Cry me a river!:eusa_boohoo:

Well, as long as you keep your hate to yourselves, I don't care.

But we have every right to keep your Hate Chicken out of ourcommunities, if that what we choose to do.

If Dan Cathy wants to sue, let him. The more sunlight we put on this repulsive bigot, the better.

Fact is, if a community can keep a strip joint out of a school zone, it can keep hate-Chicken away from decent people.

Photoshop is a pretty cool app.
No one is threatening to take away his freedom of speech.

He has every right to be a hateful, bigoted douchebag who uses a 3000 year old book of superstition and ignorance to rationalize his hate.

And the rest of us have the right to keep his business out of our communities and not patronize it.

You're right about the "not patronize it" part, Joe, but as is typical of you, dead wrong about the part I bolded. Your side certainly MAY NOT use the power of government to exact reprisal against any person or corporation for exercising First Amendment rights in a manner your side disapproves of! The constitution and court precedent are quite firm on this point, and any city that tries it will subject themselves to potential legal action which would likely result not only in a judgement in favor of Mr. Cathy and Chick-fil-A, but in the city and/or the public official(s) in question being ordered to pay the plaintiff's legal fees and court costs. One day, you liberals or going to learn that just because you THREATEN to do something, that doesn't mean you lawfully CAN do it. Your side overplayed its hand, and the American people quite properly kicked its collective arse for doing so. I personally think the Left is just about done intimidating the rest of us; you've gotten away with it so long, you actually think you are entitled to do it. THOSE DAYS ARE OVER! Keep trying it, and you'll deserve every bit of the blowback you get. We've had it with petty, Politically Correct tyranny! Don't like that? Cry me a river!:eusa_boohoo:

Well, as long as you keep your hate to yourselves, I don't care.

But we have every right to keep your Hate Chicken out of ourcommunities, if that what we choose to do.

If Dan Cathy wants to sue, let him. The more sunlight we put on this repulsive bigot, the better.

Fact is, if a community can keep a strip joint out of a school zone, it can keep hate-Chicken away from decent people.
I knew some idiot was going to bring up your last non-point.

There is a vast difference between a strip joint and a chicken store. Some people have a moral opposition to the strip joint because of its product.

No one, aside from vegans, has a moral opposition to the chicken store because of its product. And vegans aren't stupid enough to demand that all chicken stores be shut down.

You've been played. Someone asked a Christian business owner whose business is closed on Sunday what his views on gay marriage are -- and you idiots are acting all outraged and surprised by something that had roughly the same odds of happening as sunrise tomorrow.

A Christian doesn't like gay marriage. Gasp! The horror! Get a rope, we'll lynch him!

You're a useful idiot, nothing more. And despite your leftist tendency to totalitarianism, you don't get to decide what businesses may operate when they have broken neither the law nor zoning ordinances.

You don't like it? Eat somewhere else. But don't you DARE tell me where I may or may not eat. You have a singular lack of authority. The sooner you accept your emotion-driven impotence, the better.

And quit your damn whining.
Fast food chicken is really bad for you. If all the homo haters want to gorge themselves on it, I say go for it. :D
I knew some idiot was going to bring up your last non-point.

There is a vast difference between a strip joint and a chicken store. Some people have a moral opposition to the strip joint because of its product..

Moral oppossition is moral opposition. Whether it's exploiting women or if it's spending money to groups that do destructive 're-orientation therapy' that every credible medical professional has denouced sas dangerous.

You've been played. Someone asked a Christian business owner whose business is closed on Sunday what his views on gay marriage are -- and you idiots are acting all outraged and surprised by something that had roughly the same odds of happening as sunrise tomorrow.

A Christian doesn't like gay marriage. Gasp! The horror! Get a rope, we'll lynch him!

As pointed out, Dan Cathy has been on people's radar for years, mostly due to his patronage of radical and hateful anti-gay groups. He isn't just a guy with an opinion, he's been an active player for a long time.

You're a useful idiot, nothing more. And despite your leftist tendency to totalitarianism, you don't get to decide what businesses may operate when they have broken neither the law nor zoning ordinances.

You don't like it? Eat somewhere else. But don't you DARE tell me where I may or may not eat. You have a singular lack of authority. The sooner you accept your emotion-driven impotence, the better.

And quit your damn whining.

Quite the contrary, you jokers have been using zoning laws to keep out businesses you don't like for years.. Now someone else has figured out how to do the same thing.

It isn't Totalitarianism.. it's the will of the people. If folks don't like what Rahm has done, they can vote him out next election. My guess is they won't, though.
Boy, your shit from this chicken must REALLY stink. Or did Jesus never have a crap?
I knew some idiot was going to bring up your last non-point.

There is a vast difference between a strip joint and a chicken store. Some people have a moral opposition to the strip joint because of its product..

Moral oppossition is moral opposition. Whether it's exploiting women or if it's spending money to groups that do destructive 're-orientation therapy' that every credible medical professional has denouced sas dangerous.
So don't buy his chicken. Simple, huh?
You've been played. Someone asked a Christian business owner whose business is closed on Sunday what his views on gay marriage are -- and you idiots are acting all outraged and surprised by something that had roughly the same odds of happening as sunrise tomorrow.

A Christian doesn't like gay marriage. Gasp! The horror! Get a rope, we'll lynch him!

As pointed out, Dan Cathy has been on people's radar for years, mostly due to his patronage of radical and hateful anti-gay groups. He isn't just a guy with an opinion, he's been an active player for a long time.
He's exercised his rights of freedom of speech and of association.

So don't buy his chicken. Simple, huh?
You're a useful idiot, nothing more. And despite your leftist tendency to totalitarianism, you don't get to decide what businesses may operate when they have broken neither the law nor zoning ordinances.

You don't like it? Eat somewhere else. But don't you DARE tell me where I may or may not eat. You have a singular lack of authority. The sooner you accept your emotion-driven impotence, the better.

And quit your damn whining.

Quite the contrary, you jokers have been using zoning laws to keep out businesses you don't like for years.. Now someone else has figured out how to do the same thing.
Really? Did Rahm change the zoning laws in Chicago?

Or did he just issue a decree?
It isn't Totalitarianism.. it's the will of the people. If folks don't like what Rahm has done, they can vote him out next election. My guess is they won't, though.
Looks like the people of Boston told their mayor that he wasn't speaking for them. If he gave a damn what they thought about it, he would never have made the tough-talking speech that he had to walk back.

Perhaps you can link for me the poll Rahm took of Chicagoans to determine their will.

Or you could just go ahead and admit he acted unilaterally and dictated his will upon Chicago.
When Sean Penn and Oliver Stone visited our sworn enemies in Iran and Venezuela calling those Human Rights violators great leaders, the left was silent. Where were their calls to boycott his movies? Which city said NO to his movies being show in there city?

NONE, because they are hypocrites!
I don't feel like reading the whole thread... Has anyone pointed out yet that "the left" is not a hive mind, and doesn't choose to boycott or not collectively?
Looks like the people of Boston told their mayor that he wasn't speaking for them. If he gave a damn what they thought about it, he would never have made the tough-talking speech that he had to walk back.

Perhaps you can link for me the poll Rahm took of Chicagoans to determine their will.

Or you could just go ahead and admit he acted unilaterally and dictated his will upon Chicago.

I think Rahm knows his people.

Like I said, Cathy has been flying under the radar a long time with his hate. Now he's outed himself, and he's done. Wave bye-bye to hate Chicken. YOu can put it down there with your Confederate Flags...
When Sean Penn and Oliver Stone visited our sworn enemies in Iran and Venezuela calling those Human Rights violators great leaders, the left was silent. Where were their calls to boycott his movies? Which city said NO to his movies being show in there city?

NONE, because they are hypocrites!

You misunderstand the relationship between big oil and the republican party. Reagan was the first big oil president. He ran against Carter's energy plan, which was to defund petrol-terror-states by diversifying our energy basket and vastly reducing petroleum use. Reagan and the Right destroyed him for this - they destroyed the alternative energy/conservation movement on behalf of big oil, which made our sworn enemies infinitely wealthier. Reagan supported a much deeper alliance with Iran (exposed during Iran-Contra) and Hussein/Iraq (whom he funded and removed from the list of terrorist nations). Secondly, Bush and Jim Baker are part of the Carlye group where they have a deep oil partnership with the Saudi Royals. The first people Bush flew out of the country after 9/11 were the Bin Ladens. If Obama did this, he would be in jail.

Finally, take the time to study the world outside of talk radio, FOX News and Republican talking points. You might be surprised what you learn about the world. Iran will look much different. Reagan actually favored radical Islamic groups because they helped him against the Soviets. The US made a number of very interesting and questionable alliances during the Cold War. But it's not just the Cold War. We want easy access to resources. If a corruptible radical Islamic group will give us more access to say oil, we will fund that group to the hilt. Try to study our relationship to the Saudis, or look into some of our alliances in Latin America. Learn names like the Shaw and Pinochet. Al Queda came from the Mujahideen, which Reagan supported in Afghanistan against the Soviets. Learn this stuff. Educate yourself on Iran-Contra. Poke around. Reagan had a convoy negotiating with Iran while Carter was still in office. You need to try harder to get information on how the Reagan Revolution got started and the network of partnerships it formed to shape domestic politics.

You're getting way too much information from government - Republican government. You need to be less dependent on the political information that comes out of GOP-Washington controlled think tanks. You don't get it. This stuff filters down to your trusted pundits. The Left it no better, but that doesn't excuse you. Try to get educated about all this stuff. Put in some time.

As for your charge against Oliver Stone and Sean Penn. I agree.
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Fast food chicken is really bad for you. If all the homo haters want to gorge themselves on it, I say go for it. :D

Homo haters? LOL....why dont you just call them fags? Are you a homo lover?
Looks like the people of Boston told their mayor that he wasn't speaking for them. If he gave a damn what they thought about it, he would never have made the tough-talking speech that he had to walk back.

Perhaps you can link for me the poll Rahm took of Chicagoans to determine their will.

Or you could just go ahead and admit he acted unilaterally and dictated his will upon Chicago.

I think Rahm knows his people.

Like I said, Cathy has been flying under the radar a long time with his hate. Now he's outed himself, and he's done. Wave bye-bye to hate Chicken. YOu can put it down there with your Confederate Flags...

Due tell the "hate"...I love when the left says that, they support Chavez, Castro and Iran, not to metion JAckson, Sharpton and Farrakhan... as well as the democratic party (THE most racist party ever) and you say we hate........BWAHAHAHAHAAH
Looks like the people of Boston told their mayor that he wasn't speaking for them. If he gave a damn what they thought about it, he would never have made the tough-talking speech that he had to walk back.

Perhaps you can link for me the poll Rahm took of Chicagoans to determine their will.

Or you could just go ahead and admit he acted unilaterally and dictated his will upon Chicago.

I think Rahm knows his people.

Like I said, Cathy has been flying under the radar a long time with his hate. Now he's outed himself, and he's done. Wave bye-bye to hate Chicken. YOu can put it down there with your Confederate Flags...

Due tell the "hate"...I love when the left says that, they support Chavez, Castro and Iran, not to metion JAckson, Sharpton and Farrakhan... as well as the democratic party (THE most racist party ever) and you say we hate........BWAHAHAHAHAAH

Chavez and Castro and Iran have valid complaints.

I know you guys don't like to hear that, but the Shah murdered hundreds of thousands of people. And we supported him. So did Batista. Maybe we need to stop the chest thumping and address other people's concerns... because being the biggest bully on the block hasn't worked in a while for us.

The problem with Haters like Cathy is that they think that other people being able to gay marry effects their life in any way, shape or form. Oh, it will make their invisible sky man mad.
Unsettling Hypocrisy: Chick-fil-A protester vandalizes restaurant in support of diversity…


This morning on radio, Robyn updated listeners on one of the top stories on TheBlaze.com, a pro Chick-fil-A flash mob that took place in St. Louis.

Watch the flash mob here:


Dana Loesch, who filled in for Glenn this morning, is from St. Louis and was familiar with the storing. She had been contacted by the organizer of flash mob via Twitter. She explained that the participants of the flash mob were all young, most likely teenagers, and cited the stark contrast the pro-Chick-fil-A activists had with a previous story of a Chick-fil-A protester who vandalized one of the restaurants. The protester, who ironically was protesting Chick-fil-’A's “hatred of diversity,” spray painted “Tastes like hate” on the side of the restaurant.

Unsettling Hypocrisy: Chick-fil-A protester vandalizes restaurant in support of diversity… – Glenn Beck
Fast food chicken is really bad for you. If all the homo haters want to gorge themselves on it, I say go for it. :D

Homo haters? LOL....why dont you just call them fags? Are you a homo lover?

I think fags/homos/... are great people. Usually compassionate, friendly... Very unlike the people who line up to buy hate chicken.
Looks like the people of Boston told their mayor that he wasn't speaking for them. If he gave a damn what they thought about it, he would never have made the tough-talking speech that he had to walk back.

Perhaps you can link for me the poll Rahm took of Chicagoans to determine their will.

Or you could just go ahead and admit he acted unilaterally and dictated his will upon Chicago.

I think Rahm knows his people.
I think Rahm is just another leftist dictator-wannabe.

» Chicagoans hungry to flip the bird to Rahm, nicely - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Chicago Chick-fil-A Customer: “Rahm Emanuel Is Out to Lunch – He’s an A$$” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

» Rahm Emanuel, Moreno out-of-touch with #Chicago Values - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said that he supported Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno’s decision to ban Chick-fil-A because it doesn’t represent “Chicago Values” and besides, the restaurant would be “empty” because of it.

I wanted to test his proclamation about our denizens’ values. So I went to the downtown Chicago Chick-fil-A restaurant Wednesday at 1:30pm to see just how empty it was. It wasn’t.

Well past the lunch-hour rush, the restaurant was still noticeably crowded. It was also clean, the workers friendly, and while I had to wait to be served, the line moved quickly.

If Mayor Rahm Emanuel believes he knows what Chicago Values are, then he must need to explain them to all the patrons of this restaurant. The city of Chicago is one of the most diverse cities in the world, and part of that diversity are a range of religious people, many of whom share Cathy’s view on traditional marriage.

In the meantime, the Nation of Islam has been allowed to open a restaurant, they must pass Rahm Emanuel’s definition of “Chicago Values,” which have yet to be defined. The term remains murky to me and many of my fellow Chicagoans as Louis Farrakhan has expressed anti-gay views and yet his organization has been allowed to do business in the city. It turns out the Nation of Islam has also been welcomed by Emanuel to deploy an “army” of 500 to help police the streets.

Late Thursday the Chicago GOP announced it was filing a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights and Attorney General Lisa Madigan. Yet Alderman Moreno, whose stance has been criticized by both progressives (here too) and conservatives, released a statement, where he attempts to defend his use of “Aldermanic privilege.”​
So, "Chicago values" don't mind an anti-gay marriage position as long as it comes from a Jew-hater, huh?

Even Mother Jones says Rahm's wrong:
Menino and Moreno have it wrong. Blocking construction of Chick-fil-A restaurants over Cathy's views is a violation of Cathy's First Amendment rights. Boston and Chicago have no more right to stop construction of Chick-fil-As based on an executive's anti-gay views than New York City would have had the right to block construction of an Islamic community center blocks away from Ground Zero. The government blocking a business from opening based on the owner's political views is a clear threat to everyone's freedom of speech—being unpopular doesn't mean you don't have rights. It's only by protecting the rights of those whose views we find odious that we can hope to secure them for ourselves.​
The First Amendment applies to everyone -- not just those with whom you agree.

Leftists have trouble grasping that concept.
Like I said, Cathy has been flying under the radar a long time with his hate. Now he's outed himself, and he's done. Wave bye-bye to hate Chicken. YOu can put it down there with your Confederate Flags...
:lmao: CfA isn't going anywhere. All this mindless flap has done is increase their profits by getting people to the stores to prove to the left that they won't have their opinions dictated to them.

Good job, asshat. :clap2:
Right minded people will still be going after Hate-Fil-A long after the Bubba Rednecks have found something else to stick in their fat pieholes...

Your boy is so on the wrong side of history... He's up there with George Wallace standing in the School Doorway...
Unsettling Hypocrisy: Chick-fil-A protester vandalizes restaurant in support of diversity…


This morning on radio, Robyn updated listeners on one of the top stories on TheBlaze.com, a pro Chick-fil-A flash mob that took place in St. Louis.

Watch the flash mob here:


Dana Loesch, who filled in for Glenn this morning, is from St. Louis and was familiar with the storing. She had been contacted by the organizer of flash mob via Twitter. She explained that the participants of the flash mob were all young, most likely teenagers, and cited the stark contrast the pro-Chick-fil-A activists had with a previous story of a Chick-fil-A protester who vandalized one of the restaurants. The protester, who ironically was protesting Chick-fil-’A's “hatred of diversity,” spray painted “Tastes like hate” on the side of the restaurant.

Unsettling Hypocrisy: Chick-fil-A protester vandalizes restaurant in support of diversity… – Glenn Beck
Note to drooling idiot leftists:

The First Amendment does NOT give you the right to deface/destroy public and private property.

It's amazing how many morons don't get that. Like pretty much all the OWS idiots.

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