Legal obligations to provide services for hate groups?


Feb 14, 2011
From what I read after I posted a thread about penalties for not catering to gay weddings, I gather that it has been deemed legally acceptable to refuse services to a white supremacy group, because whites aren't a protected class ... but since blacks are a protected class, does that mean one must serve them no matter the context (as long as they aren't breaking laws, of course)?

Would a baker, party organizer, florist, etc. be subject to a discrimination suit if they refused to provide services for a black supremacy group?
From what I read after I posted a thread about penalties for not catering to gay weddings, I gather that it has been deemed legally acceptable to refuse services to a white supremacy group, because whites aren't a protected class ... but since blacks are a protected class, does that mean one must serve them no matter the context (as long as they aren't breaking laws, of course)?

Would a baker, party organizer, florist, etc. be subject to a discrimination suit if they refused to provide services for a black supremacy group?

Probably. That is the downfall of public accomodation laws that target private buisinesses with no relation to government action.
You bet your ass. The ACLU would be on it like flies on shit. Tear down a Christian monument? Go ahead, the ACLU will help you. Lock up a kid for wearing a NRA T. shirt or carrying a bible or making a finger gesture like a gun? The ACLU and the feds would be all over it. Every high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault at one time or other on a college campus but professors encourage students to express themselves with violence. Different strokes for different folks.

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