Legalizing drugs = More Democrats...Careful what you wish for.

OK, poor English scrambled the intended meaning....

Pot is not for everyone. But it does real good for some.... and the individual should choose, not the government or the lawyer lobby.

I could agree with you so long as we exclude ALL users from any and all taxpayer funded social services and resources....FAIR ENOUGH?
(this might be the part where you pretend you didn’t see this post)

"I could agree with you so long as we exclude ALL users from any and all taxpayer funded social services and resources....FAIR ENOUGH?"

I agree with this IF you agree that ALL abusers of ANYTHING UNHEALTHY also be denied any and all taxpayer services and resources.

Obese people
People who eat fatty foods and refuse to eat a healthy diet or exercise

So if some 66 year old republican, 60 pounds overweight because of all the french fries and burgers, with leg and back and heart and lung problems from a life time of smoking tobacco and drinking too much alcohol, wants MY money for HIS irresponsible lifestyle he should be refused. Agreed?
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.
So, I take it that the only thing preventing you from taking drugs are the laws against them, huh?

Nah...I smoked lots of weed through my highschool and college years...then I grew the fuck up and realized drugs were for the most part for lowlifes with little ambition.

So you don't drink alcohol I take it. It too is a mind altering drug.
OK, poor English scrambled the intended meaning....

Pot is not for everyone. But it does real good for some.... and the individual should choose, not the government or the lawyer lobby.

I could agree with you so long as we exclude ALL users from any and all taxpayer funded social services and resources....FAIR ENOUGH?
(this might be the part where you pretend you didn’t see this post)

"I could agree with you so long as we exclude ALL users from any and all taxpayer funded social services and resources....FAIR ENOUGH?"

I agree with this IF you agree that ALL abusers of ANYTHING UNHEALTHY also be denied any and all taxpayer services and resources.

Obese people
People who eat fatty foods and refuse to eat a healthy diet or exercise

So if some 66 year old republican, 60 pounds overweight because of all the french fries and burgers, with leg and back and heart and lung problems from a life time of smoking tobacco and drinking too much alcohol, wants MY money for HIS irresponsible lifestyle he should be refused. Agreed?

Fuck yes he should be denied....FUCK HIM, let him die.
Nobody should have the right to make me pay for their bad decisions...PERIOD!
One should never be afforded the right to impose their bad judgment on others...NOBODY!
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.
So, I take it that the only thing preventing you from taking drugs are the laws against them, huh?

Nah...I smoked lots of weed through my highschool and college years...then I grew the fuck up and realized drugs were for the most part for lowlifes with little ambition.

So you don't drink alcohol I take it. It too is a mind altering drug.

Careful now....Don’t fall for the LefTard Logic.

“Booze is legal and fucking people up, fuck it, let’s make more shit legal and fuck more people up.”
“We are already doing lots of drugs...with legalization and a greater variety we can get more to do more drugs.”
How about this....


Define "worthless" as 10 years where person does nothing but substance abuse

"worthless" = death penalty no appeal

That way, it is all on the individual. If you have a substance problem, clean up your act, or else....
How about this....


Define "worthless" as 10 years where person does nothing but substance abuse

"worthless" = death penalty no appeal

That way, it is all on the individual. If you have a substance problem, clean up your act, or else....

I would support that as well. The problem is; we have way too many bleeding heart fools and they love their dependent filth.
The Dem base is the crack baby.

Dems love it when people "seek help from the government."

Once upon a time before 1998, the GOP actually stood for the opposite....
The Dem base is the crack baby.

Dems love it when people "seek help from the government."

Once upon a time before 1998, the GOP actually stood for the opposite....

The sad reality is; this nation has expanded it’s needy underclass with filthy wetbacks, no Party will ever be able to win an election without promising massive government imposition.
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.
So, I take it that the only thing preventing you from taking drugs are the laws against them, huh?

Nah...I smoked lots of weed through my highschool and college years...then I grew the fuck up and realized drugs were for the most part for lowlifes with little ambition.

So you don't drink alcohol I take it. It too is a mind altering drug.

Careful now....Don’t fall for the LefTard Logic.

“Booze is legal and fucking people up, fuck it, let’s make more shit legal and fuck more people up.”
“We are already doing lots of drugs...with legalization and a greater variety we can get more to do more drugs.”
RightTard logic is, Criminalize everything, but refuse to pay for it.
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.
So, I take it that the only thing preventing you from taking drugs are the laws against them, huh?
loser is someone who thinks only democrats do drugs...

Nah, I’m just sane enough to know that those who come from good families, don’t have daddy issues, understand consequences, are accountable and ambitious tend to be Republican minded...Mexicrats on the other hand...well, you can connect the dots. I’ll venture a guess the number of Liberals doing drugs far exceeds the number of conservatives doing drugs...would you debate that?
yea i would....


This tells me white males with some or higher level education are in favor.
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.
So, I take it that the only thing preventing you from taking drugs are the laws against them, huh?
loser is someone who thinks only democrats do drugs...

He said he did weed himself.

Let's be honest, it's mostly democrats.

Look at the chart dems and independents. So what?

The way I see it are the real drug pushers are ones against legalization in favor of big pharma. Medicinal marijuana does wonders for some and most can take it and go to work and function just fine.
I disagree...legalizing a substance makes it more accessible and usage normalized.
Taxpayers will throw money at it either way. On the front end to fight traffickers and dealers or on the back end for treatment, care, unemployment rate, welfare dependency and criminality.

Here in Mexifornia wetback cartels are buying properties in residential neighborhoods and converting homes into grow houses. It’s happening all’s the American way, mitigate one problem and create another. Cartels aren’t trafficking weed across the border, now they’re growing it in the house nextdoor to you.
We’ve created another reason for only the worst wetbacks to invade.

Look, it’s really no secret, if tomorrow it became legal to drive intoxicated we would have more intoxicated drivers on the roadways. If there were no speed limits more people would speed. We are encouraging a larger number of drug users. That’s just the way shit works and there’s no way to spin it.
How would those "wetback cartels" be purchasing properties and turning them into grow operations, without the defacto price supports that the "war" on (some) drugs provide?....Why are you supporting the very laws that make this possible?

Do you have any idea at all how markets in general, and black markets in particular, work?

Look bud, I’ve found there is no point in debating this issue with users. NO frequent user wants weed illegal...that’s a no-brainer. They’ll dismiss their ability to reason to justify their habit.

You can live in your own little hateful mind and from over the past year reading your posts I wouldn't doubt you are taking some kind of anti-psychotic drug, but it's legal, ain't it?
Nah, I’m just sane enough to know that those who come from good families, don’t have daddy issues, understand consequences, are accountable and ambitious tend to be Republican minded...Mexicrats on the other hand...well, you can connect the dots. I’ll venture a guess the number of Liberals doing drugs far exceeds the number of conservatives doing drugs...would you debate that?
yea i would....

so were is the numbers showing how many republicans use drugs as compared to democrats?...this chart is just about pot....and this chart shows that just about half of the republicans are for it being you know what that number was 15 years ago compared to now?...

You might have to use all 22 of your iQ points and connect the dots bud.
We vote on our own
really? no debating this with you then....that graph told you everything you need to know?..i answered your question,so were is this debate you talked about?...

He must have missed his appointment with his shrink yesterday. Something just isn't right.
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.

Take you fucking pills and live your life the way you want but stay the fuck out of mine and other's that do not think like you. Stay in southern California because you seem to like it.
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.

Take you fucking pills and live your life the way you want but stay the fuck out of mine and other's that do not think like you. Stay in southern California because you seem to like it. poor dependent minded honestly believe everybody shares your lack of self control and indecency. Funny shit!
I have to twist my own arm to take an Aleve when I have a pounding headache. I lead a very fit healthy lifestyle and I take great pride in not being dependent of ANY substance....Fucking weird huh?
Look, this isn’t complicated, it never has dependent bottom feeding stoners gotta have your weed...MOST good, legitimate people laugh at you for it.....Simple shit.
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.

What is the average life expectancy of a heroin addict?

About 4 years.

Leave the stupid people alone and the problem will sort itself out.


You understand pot is the only thing being legalized, don't you?

Us sane folks know the flood gates have been won’t stop at weed. As the average class of human continues to decline here laws will continue to change and trend in favor of bottom feeders.

With racist assholes like you in the USA, and continuing to breed unabated, the class of human is already at rock bottom.
Makes me wonder about the Republican-Democrat-Independents ratio among alcoholics and if drug abuse would yield similar result?

In my experience, those who are dealing with problems of substance abuse of the kind that destroys your life, don't really have a political affiliation.
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.

What is the average life expectancy of a heroin addict?

About 4 years.

Leave the stupid people alone and the problem will sort itself out.


You understand pot is the only thing being legalized, don't you?

Us sane folks know the flood gates have been won’t stop at weed. As the average class of human continues to decline here laws will continue to change and trend in favor of bottom feeders.

With racist assholes like you in the USA, and continuing to breed unabated, the class of human is already at rock bottom. that backward twisted world full of wackos completely fucked in the head good is bad and bad is good. How many times were you dropped on your head as a child....severe daddy issues? Don’t lie now?
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
how many stand-up,legitimate,positive contributing good people also want certain drugs legalized or at least decriminalized...especially pot?....

None that I know of...however, every person I know whom is a lifestyle stoner is an unmotivated, lowlife piece of shit who loves the idea of legal drugs...weird huh?

You need to get out in the world more
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.

Take you fucking pills and live your life the way you want but stay the fuck out of mine and other's that do not think like you. Stay in southern California because you seem to like it. poor dependent minded honestly believe everybody shares your lack of self control and indecency. Funny shit!
I have to twist my own arm to take an Aleve when I have a pounding headache. I lead a very fit healthy lifestyle and I take great pride in not being dependent of ANY substance....Fucking weird huh?
Look, this isn’t complicated, it never has dependent bottom feeding stoners gotta have your weed...MOST good, legitimate people laugh at you for it.....Simple shit.

If anyone should take more than aleve it is you the poor hateful mf that refuses to move and has the nerve to impose you're fucking thoughts on the rest of the world. I would not doubt you have internet time either from a prison or a nut house. You are a nothing to me and most people, hell the people in your life probably cannot stand you. goodbye cry baby.

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