Legalizing drugs = More Democrats...Careful what you wish for.

Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.

Take you fucking pills and live your life the way you want but stay the fuck out of mine and other's that do not think like you. Stay in southern California because you seem to like it. poor dependent minded honestly believe everybody shares your lack of self control and indecency. Funny shit!
I have to twist my own arm to take an Aleve when I have a pounding headache. I lead a very fit healthy lifestyle and I take great pride in not being dependent of ANY substance....Fucking weird huh?
Look, this isn’t complicated, it never has dependent bottom feeding stoners gotta have your weed...MOST good, legitimate people laugh at you for it.....Simple shit.

No legitimate people ask me how to go about qualifying for a medicinal card.

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