Legalizing drugs = More Democrats...Careful what you wish for.

I call are a stoner.
Like I said...the data is there, but you lowlifes won’t pay attention to need your weed. I totally get it.
Trust me, if I were owned by a habit I would be right there with you weak minded pussies.
yep you are so strong minded that you wont move out of a place you cant stand....that is a weak minded pussy....bitch and moan about were they live,but will still live there....a strong minded person would do something about it....

Look HarryBalls, nutless broke bitches like you mail carriers don’t have a pot to piss in...Some of us big boys with big boy life’s own lots and lots of shit here...businesses, properties etc...We have children at major universities...The timeline for picking up and leaving is often determined by our book keepers, consultants and by our children’s direction. You wouldn’t understand, you were able to stop paying rent at your shithole, throw a few boxes in your Pinto station wagon and head to another shithole without ever looking back...Good for you.
no pot to piss in?.....i sold my building for $820,000 pretty nice were i am now....and all you are giving me is a bunch of excuses....sell that lots and lots of shit and your over valued house and get the fuck out of there,you know dam well it aint going to get any better....and your kids in college? what,are they not old enough to survive with out mommy and daddy near by?..sure they are....quit making excuses and grow a pair loser.....but something tells me you aint what you say you are,you dont own 'lots and lots" of shit there are a rent payer at a shithole Apt in a half-assed neighborhood....basically you are stuck i right?...

If that person was actually what he claimed he wouldn't be living in a garbage dump like he's living in now and complaining about. People who actually have money and property don't live in bad areas of the nation and contrary to the lies he posted, most certainly can pick up and move anytime they want. They have the money to move anytime they want. Usually they have more than one home.

People who actually have money don't talk about it either. Especially on a message board.

People who own "lots and lots of stuff" don't have time to be posting 24-7 on a message board either. That person has only been on this message board for 2 years yet has over 10 thousand posts. Where as I've been on this message board since 2014 and have just over 4 thousand posts. A person who has "lots and lots of stuff" doesn't have that kind of time to post over 10 thousand posts in just 2 years.

This person is probably living in a trailer he doesn't own and has probably never been any farther from their home than as far it takes to drive to their job.

Hahaha...You poor beggars can’t wrap your head around success...believing everybody is as desperate and pathetic as you makes you feel a little better doesn’t it?
you sound pretty desperate and pathetic yourself.....
I think we should keep laws that are designed to protect people from harm and and do away with laws that provide favoritism towards the powerful and/or discrimination towards the poor/minorities.

That makes no’re trying way too hard bud. We get it, you’re an underdog and all for the’ve made that clear.
Now think once, if the laws apply to all and we’re all following the same rules how can there be any form of favoritism or discrimination?
My bad, I got threads confused and thought I was commenting in a discussion about transgenders in the military. As for your comment t about laws, yes laws and regulations are by definition, Restricting everybody’s freedom so it is up to us to pick and choose which laws and regulations we support. In this case regarding the war on drugs it has been tried through the generations and has obviously failed. History has shown that prohibition of drugs has filled jails and funded gangs. Legalization would defund gangs, clear jails, and fund education, rehabilitation and support. I’d also make a case that taxation of drugs and alcohol can also be used to reduce taxes in other areas by using those funds for infrastructure projects.

I haven’t heard a good case from you to justify the war on drugs besides the lazy talking points of thinking it’s going to create a bunch of lazy drug addicts.

Make your best points and then let’s weigh your pros and cons against the pros and cons of legalization.

How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.
You live in a complete fantasy land. You have posted no facts and no links to facts. You just make up lies or use childish name calling to make your points.

The US drug policy and war on drugs is a complete failure. Explain to us how our drug policy has had any success? We have more drug users now than ever, we have more drugs coming into the country now than ever before and we have drug cartels that are making more money off drug prohibition than ever before.

We tried this in 1920 and it fail, it has failed now.

Meanwhile every state/country that has legalized marijuana has unequivocally agreed it was smart policy. Not one state has regretted it, and Portugal's drug policy has been a big improvement vs our policy.

You have nothing, but childish name calling and trolling.

Haha...the phrase “War On Drugs” is so cool, so dramatic, so pathetic.
Look loadies, there’s a “war on speeding” , a “war on theft”, a “war on drunk driving”, a “war on tax evasion”.....I could go on and on. Following your theory we should decriminalize all crimes that can’t be “BEAT”.
This “War On Drugs” thing is something lowlifes, negroes and addicts concocted...they love to thrown it around and pretend it’s a meaningful phrase...that’s fucking lame. All enforcement of all crime can easily be referred to as a “War On ____.”
The “War On Crime” will never end, criminal activity will never be beat.
Cannabis use and later life outcomes. - PubMed - NCBI
WOW, you really are the Village Idiot. You could be the dumbest person on this board. You are too stupid for words.

NIXON coined the phrase "War on Drugs"

What a fuckin moron.

So your big facts are an editorial from us news and a study from New Zealand? Swing and miss.

Hahaha...anytime a twisted, filthy LefTard refers to me as a dumb idiot I know for a fact I’m on the right path...thanks for the compliment.
Look, when I was in college and getting loaded daily I would have been right there advocating along with you lowlifes....that’s what loadies one is gonna tell any loadie that weed is bad for society. You’re doing exactly what all of us would have done between 17-22....BUT most of us grew the fuck up and grew out of piece of shits have stayed piece of shits. It’s all good though, we have to have piece of shits around.
Well seeing how you were completely wrong again, and too stupid to know that Nixon coined the phrase war on drugs you said in these exact words:
This “War On Drugs” thing is something lowlifes, negroes and addicts concocted...they love to thrown it around and pretend it’s a meaningful phrase
I am just pointing out how wrong you are again...

Second I never said drugs aren't bad they are, they can cause serious problems and weed makes you lazy. The problem that ignorant republicans have failed to realize since the 70s is that none of our drug laws do anything to address any of the problems with drugs.
They do nothing to reduce drug use, nothing to reduce the amount of drugs coming into the country, nothing to reduce HIV or crime associated with drugs, nothing to stop the cartels and the people getting rich selling drugs, nothing to lower the mass incarceration that we have from drugs.
The evidence is overwhelming, just look at our country, as this is not a debate you can win. We need a different policy and a policy that is effective, which Portugal has.

Ok go on with your lies and childish name calling because that is all you have done. Oh by the way you have completely ignored the list of GOP politicians that have been arrested for drugs, like I knew you would.
yep you are so strong minded that you wont move out of a place you cant stand....that is a weak minded pussy....bitch and moan about were they live,but will still live there....a strong minded person would do something about it....

Look HarryBalls, nutless broke bitches like you mail carriers don’t have a pot to piss in...Some of us big boys with big boy life’s own lots and lots of shit here...businesses, properties etc...We have children at major universities...The timeline for picking up and leaving is often determined by our book keepers, consultants and by our children’s direction. You wouldn’t understand, you were able to stop paying rent at your shithole, throw a few boxes in your Pinto station wagon and head to another shithole without ever looking back...Good for you.
no pot to piss in?.....i sold my building for $820,000 pretty nice were i am now....and all you are giving me is a bunch of excuses....sell that lots and lots of shit and your over valued house and get the fuck out of there,you know dam well it aint going to get any better....and your kids in college? what,are they not old enough to survive with out mommy and daddy near by?..sure they are....quit making excuses and grow a pair loser.....but something tells me you aint what you say you are,you dont own 'lots and lots" of shit there are a rent payer at a shithole Apt in a half-assed neighborhood....basically you are stuck i right?...

If that person was actually what he claimed he wouldn't be living in a garbage dump like he's living in now and complaining about. People who actually have money and property don't live in bad areas of the nation and contrary to the lies he posted, most certainly can pick up and move anytime they want. They have the money to move anytime they want. Usually they have more than one home.

People who actually have money don't talk about it either. Especially on a message board.

People who own "lots and lots of stuff" don't have time to be posting 24-7 on a message board either. That person has only been on this message board for 2 years yet has over 10 thousand posts. Where as I've been on this message board since 2014 and have just over 4 thousand posts. A person who has "lots and lots of stuff" doesn't have that kind of time to post over 10 thousand posts in just 2 years.

This person is probably living in a trailer he doesn't own and has probably never been any farther from their home than as far it takes to drive to their job.

Hahaha...You poor beggars can’t wrap your head around success...believing everybody is as desperate and pathetic as you makes you feel a little better doesn’t it?
you sound pretty desperate and pathetic yourself.....

You mean like the half men who deliver mail for a career?
Look HarryBalls, nutless broke bitches like you mail carriers don’t have a pot to piss in...Some of us big boys with big boy life’s own lots and lots of shit here...businesses, properties etc...We have children at major universities...The timeline for picking up and leaving is often determined by our book keepers, consultants and by our children’s direction. You wouldn’t understand, you were able to stop paying rent at your shithole, throw a few boxes in your Pinto station wagon and head to another shithole without ever looking back...Good for you.
no pot to piss in?.....i sold my building for $820,000 pretty nice were i am now....and all you are giving me is a bunch of excuses....sell that lots and lots of shit and your over valued house and get the fuck out of there,you know dam well it aint going to get any better....and your kids in college? what,are they not old enough to survive with out mommy and daddy near by?..sure they are....quit making excuses and grow a pair loser.....but something tells me you aint what you say you are,you dont own 'lots and lots" of shit there are a rent payer at a shithole Apt in a half-assed neighborhood....basically you are stuck i right?...

If that person was actually what he claimed he wouldn't be living in a garbage dump like he's living in now and complaining about. People who actually have money and property don't live in bad areas of the nation and contrary to the lies he posted, most certainly can pick up and move anytime they want. They have the money to move anytime they want. Usually they have more than one home.

People who actually have money don't talk about it either. Especially on a message board.

People who own "lots and lots of stuff" don't have time to be posting 24-7 on a message board either. That person has only been on this message board for 2 years yet has over 10 thousand posts. Where as I've been on this message board since 2014 and have just over 4 thousand posts. A person who has "lots and lots of stuff" doesn't have that kind of time to post over 10 thousand posts in just 2 years.

This person is probably living in a trailer he doesn't own and has probably never been any farther from their home than as far it takes to drive to their job.

Hahaha...You poor beggars can’t wrap your head around success...believing everybody is as desperate and pathetic as you makes you feel a little better doesn’t it?
you sound pretty desperate and pathetic yourself.....

You mean like the half men who deliver mail for a career?
i got out of the state unlike this full man who we see crying about were he lives.....and you would not last delivering mail,the first rain you would call in sick and then start crying about not being able to finish your route without someone coming out everyday to give you help...and i have a nice pension....
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
how many stand-up,legitimate,positive contributing good people also want certain drugs legalized or at least decriminalized...especially pot?....
Yeah. Enjoy a few puffs myself.
Here I own a house, nice vehicle, a boat, and a couple other motorized toys. Credit rating above 840. Never been unemployed or taken government benefits. Happily married. Even voted for Trump.

Flies in the face of the generalization that those who prefer pot over alcohol are idiotic lazy and unproductive.

Small government conservatives my ass.
no pot to piss in?.....i sold my building for $820,000 pretty nice were i am now....and all you are giving me is a bunch of excuses....sell that lots and lots of shit and your over valued house and get the fuck out of there,you know dam well it aint going to get any better....and your kids in college? what,are they not old enough to survive with out mommy and daddy near by?..sure they are....quit making excuses and grow a pair loser.....but something tells me you aint what you say you are,you dont own 'lots and lots" of shit there are a rent payer at a shithole Apt in a half-assed neighborhood....basically you are stuck i right?...

If that person was actually what he claimed he wouldn't be living in a garbage dump like he's living in now and complaining about. People who actually have money and property don't live in bad areas of the nation and contrary to the lies he posted, most certainly can pick up and move anytime they want. They have the money to move anytime they want. Usually they have more than one home.

People who actually have money don't talk about it either. Especially on a message board.

People who own "lots and lots of stuff" don't have time to be posting 24-7 on a message board either. That person has only been on this message board for 2 years yet has over 10 thousand posts. Where as I've been on this message board since 2014 and have just over 4 thousand posts. A person who has "lots and lots of stuff" doesn't have that kind of time to post over 10 thousand posts in just 2 years.

This person is probably living in a trailer he doesn't own and has probably never been any farther from their home than as far it takes to drive to their job.

Hahaha...You poor beggars can’t wrap your head around success...believing everybody is as desperate and pathetic as you makes you feel a little better doesn’t it?
you sound pretty desperate and pathetic yourself.....

You mean like the half men who deliver mail for a career?
i got out of the state unlike this full man who we see crying about were he lives.....and you would not last delivering mail,the first rain you would call in sick and then start crying about not being able to finish your route without someone coming out everyday to give you help...and i have a nice pension....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers are total badasses. Mine is about 80lbs overweight and doesn’t seem to struggle with the “route”...must be a demanding, rigorous gig.
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
how many stand-up,legitimate,positive contributing good people also want certain drugs legalized or at least decriminalized...especially pot?....
Yeah. Enjoy a few puffs myself.
Here I own a house, nice vehicle, a boat, and a couple other motorized toys. Credit rating above 840. Never been unemployed or taken government benefits. Happily married. Even voted for Trump.

Flies in the face of the generalization that those who prefer pot over alcohol are idiotic lazy and unproductive.

Small government conservatives my ass.

Good on you bud....congratulations, you are the exception and certainly not the rule.
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
how many stand-up,legitimate,positive contributing good people also want certain drugs legalized or at least decriminalized...especially pot?....
Yeah. Enjoy a few puffs myself.
Here I own a house, nice vehicle, a boat, and a couple other motorized toys. Credit rating above 840. Never been unemployed or taken government benefits. Happily married. Even voted for Trump.

Flies in the face of the generalization that those who prefer pot over alcohol are idiotic lazy and unproductive.

Small government conservatives my ass.

Good on you bud....congratulations, you are the exception and certainly not the rule.
I know many folks living the suburban life in their 50's and 60's who enjoy pot. None are drug crazed idiots. Simply enjoy a smoke in the evening maybe even with a cocktail. The responsible moderate user gets no attention by design, because of legality they don't announce it publicly.
The media always focuses on the moron in dreads, blasted out of his mind at a pot festival.
Quite frankly, a place I would never take part in. The folks I know are nothing like those crowds.
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
how many stand-up,legitimate,positive contributing good people also want certain drugs legalized or at least decriminalized...especially pot?....
Yeah. Enjoy a few puffs myself.
Here I own a house, nice vehicle, a boat, and a couple other motorized toys. Credit rating above 840. Never been unemployed or taken government benefits. Happily married. Even voted for Trump.

Flies in the face of the generalization that those who prefer pot over alcohol are idiotic lazy and unproductive.

Small government conservatives my ass.

Good on you bud....congratulations, you are the exception and certainly not the rule.
How do you know he is the exception?
Hahaha...anytime a twisted, filthy LefTard refers to me as a dumb idiot I know for a fact I’m on the right path...thanks for the compliment.
This is rich, coming from the bootlicking drip who has called anyone with the temerity to challenge his ignoramus bigotry every name in the book. :laughing0301:
If that person was actually what he claimed he wouldn't be living in a garbage dump like he's living in now and complaining about. People who actually have money and property don't live in bad areas of the nation and contrary to the lies he posted, most certainly can pick up and move anytime they want. They have the money to move anytime they want. Usually they have more than one home.

People who actually have money don't talk about it either. Especially on a message board.

People who own "lots and lots of stuff" don't have time to be posting 24-7 on a message board either. That person has only been on this message board for 2 years yet has over 10 thousand posts. Where as I've been on this message board since 2014 and have just over 4 thousand posts. A person who has "lots and lots of stuff" doesn't have that kind of time to post over 10 thousand posts in just 2 years.

This person is probably living in a trailer he doesn't own and has probably never been any farther from their home than as far it takes to drive to their job.

Hahaha...You poor beggars can’t wrap your head around success...believing everybody is as desperate and pathetic as you makes you feel a little better doesn’t it?
you sound pretty desperate and pathetic yourself.....

You mean like the half men who deliver mail for a career?
i got out of the state unlike this full man who we see crying about were he lives.....and you would not last delivering mail,the first rain you would call in sick and then start crying about not being able to finish your route without someone coming out everyday to give you help...and i have a nice pension....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers are total badasses. Mine is about 80lbs overweight and doesn’t seem to struggle with the “route”...must be a demanding, rigorous gig.
like i said....first rain and you would call in sick....and we have seen dipshits with your attitude every time new hires came in....we used to laugh at you morons who would think...."how hard can this job be?"....i will guarantee you loser,if you did this job you would either quit after a week,and if you did stick with it,you would have a whole different attitude toward the job...especially at election time with christmas mail coming in....seen people like you many a time....
No more government interference in what people decide to put into their bodies.

At the same time, no more government interference in the shit show that these people become. Let the ROT!!!

By making them illegal and providing all sorts of coddling, we have removed the fear of being irresponsible.

Let the chips fall.

Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.

What is the average life expectancy of a heroin addict?

About 4 years.

Leave the stupid people alone and the problem will sort itself out.


You understand pot is the only thing being legalized, don't you?

Us sane folks know the flood gates have been won’t stop at weed. As the average class of human continues to decline here laws will continue to change and trend in favor of bottom feeders.

"As the average class of human continues to decline". You would be a prime example of this. With your racism, and your status as a "Broke Loser", perhaps you should stop judging people based on your own life. You claim to be speaking on behalf of all "sane" people while positing the most regressive, idiotic and biased opinions imaginable. If there is exactly the wrong position to be promoting, we can count on you to tell us this is what the "sane" people want.

There are a series of drug addiction experiments done on rats. They divided the rats into two groups. Group one consisted of rats in cages. Group two lived in an optimal rat habitat. Where rats had access to social interactions and a variety of activities and stimuli - a "rat heaven" so to speak. Both groups of rats had unlimited access to food water and drugs. Group one quickly discovered the drugs became addicted, and started dying. But the rats who lived in rat heaven, with social interactions, connections and activities, had little interest in the drugs. They tried them, but did not become hopeless addicts, nor did they OD and die like the rats in the cages did.

The conclusions drawn is that the people who become addicted, are the ones who are unable to make "connections" to the world around them. That today's modern society is somehow so toxic to some people that they turn to drugs to escape it. We see that today in the people who are addicted.

What we should be doing is making drugs available in a medically controlled environment for these people until they are able to deal with their addictions in a productive way, instead of becoming criminals to support their addictions.
I have no problem with the legalization of pot. It is less addictive than alcohol. Alcohol and alcoholism kill way more people than pot does.

I do have a problem with legalizing the hard drugs like meth, cocaine and heroine which have a far higher dependency rate coupled with severe intoxication. These drugs are "unsafe at any speed", so to speak.
If that person was actually what he claimed he wouldn't be living in a garbage dump like he's living in now and complaining about. People who actually have money and property don't live in bad areas of the nation and contrary to the lies he posted, most certainly can pick up and move anytime they want. They have the money to move anytime they want. Usually they have more than one home.

People who actually have money don't talk about it either. Especially on a message board.

People who own "lots and lots of stuff" don't have time to be posting 24-7 on a message board either. That person has only been on this message board for 2 years yet has over 10 thousand posts. Where as I've been on this message board since 2014 and have just over 4 thousand posts. A person who has "lots and lots of stuff" doesn't have that kind of time to post over 10 thousand posts in just 2 years.

This person is probably living in a trailer he doesn't own and has probably never been any farther from their home than as far it takes to drive to their job.

Hahaha...You poor beggars can’t wrap your head around success...believing everybody is as desperate and pathetic as you makes you feel a little better doesn’t it?
you sound pretty desperate and pathetic yourself.....

You mean like the half men who deliver mail for a career?
i got out of the state unlike this full man who we see crying about were he lives.....and you would not last delivering mail,the first rain you would call in sick and then start crying about not being able to finish your route without someone coming out everyday to give you help...and i have a nice pension....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers are total badasses. Mine is about 80lbs overweight and doesn’t seem to struggle with the “route”...must be a demanding, rigorous gig.
There is a lot more to it than what meets the eye.

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