Legalizing drugs = More Democrats...Careful what you wish for.

Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.
thats because you are a broke ask for people here to "debate" the shit you throw up,and when someone takes you up on just throw a few names at the person and run quite your bitching about your miserable life or do what top feeders do and fucking MOVE to a state that is more to your liking.....
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.
thats because you are a broke ask for people here to "debate" the shit you throw up,and when someone takes you up on just throw a few names at the person and run quite your bitching about your miserable life or do what top feeders do and fucking MOVE to a state that is more to your liking.....

I’ve already explained this to you HarryBalls...Folks with big boy life’s can’t just cut and run. You wouldn’t understand.
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
how many stand-up,legitimate,positive contributing good people also want certain drugs legalized or at least decriminalized...especially pot?....

None that I know of...however, every person I know whom is a lifestyle stoner is an unmotivated, lowlife piece of shit who loves the idea of legal drugs...weird huh?
then you dont know many of those people do you?....which just adds more shit to your bullshit pile you started here...weird huh?...
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.
thats because you are a broke ask for people here to "debate" the shit you throw up,and when someone takes you up on just throw a few names at the person and run quite your bitching about your miserable life or do what top feeders do and fucking MOVE to a state that is more to your liking.....

The issue of legalizing drugs isn’t a debate that can be won by a simply makes for a fun conversation classless bottom feeders with attictive personalities can’t be reasoned with...Good, legit folks with self control and ambition simply point and laugh at you filthy fucks that’s all.
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.
thats because you are a broke ask for people here to "debate" the shit you throw up,and when someone takes you up on just throw a few names at the person and run quite your bitching about your miserable life or do what top feeders do and fucking MOVE to a state that is more to your liking.....

I’ve already explained this to you HarryBalls...Folks with big boy life’s can’t just cut and run. You wouldn’t understand.
yes i understand what your saying, but most big boys do something about it thing i do know...big boys dont whine,little boys do....which one are you?....
you classless bottom feeders with attictive personalities can’t be reasoned with...

Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.
thats because you are a broke ask for people here to "debate" the shit you throw up,and when someone takes you up on just throw a few names at the person and run quite your bitching about your miserable life or do what top feeders do and fucking MOVE to a state that is more to your liking.....

The issue of legalizing drugs isn’t a debate that can be won by a simply makes for a fun conversation classless bottom feeders with attictive personalities can’t be reasoned with...Good, legit folks with self control and ambition simply point and laugh at you filthy fucks that’s all.
a fun conversation piece? 1990 no one had legal pot or medical look at it....gee i guess many of those good, legit folks with self control and ambition were lying to you....but then i seriously doubt you know any of them folks...
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.
thats because you are a broke ask for people here to "debate" the shit you throw up,and when someone takes you up on just throw a few names at the person and run quite your bitching about your miserable life or do what top feeders do and fucking MOVE to a state that is more to your liking.....

I’ve already explained this to you HarryBalls...Folks with big boy life’s can’t just cut and run. You wouldn’t understand.
yes i understand what your saying, but most big boys do something about it thing i do know...big boys dont whine,little boys do....which one are you?....

What makes you think I’ve done nothing about it? Because I haven’t shared my personal life with strangers on an internet forum in cyberspace?
Trust me when I tell you, my escape plan is all set. It’s just a matter time.
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
It’s really not that simple. Simple is allowing people the liberty to do as they please and not spending trillions of dollars fighting a war to limit people’s choices that harms nobody but themselves. Our jails are full and gangs are fueled by the drug trade because of its illegality. It makes no sense. Just as we have the right to have a beer or glass of wine we should have the choice to do drugs responsibily. It’s that simple
Wait you want people to have liberty, the GOP hates liberty, they want to control everyone. The only liberty the GOP supports is guns for all, including criminals and terrorists.
Both parties are hypocrites as they support selective liberty based on their ideologies. That’s why I love engaging in these conversations where they clearly contradict themselves.

Every single law on the books can be linked to a loss of liberty of some kind for some people. Do you think we should do away with all laws so no liberties are imposed upon?
I think we should keep laws that are designed to protect people from harm and and do away with laws that provide favoritism towards the powerful and/or discrimination towards the poor/minorities.
No no...lowlife, lifestyle stoners like you are the filth and clown I speak of.
I'm not a stoner, just someone who understands that foolish gubmint programs always -yes always- end up causing more problems than they pretend to solve...The "war" on (some) drugs is no different....I also recognize recycled moonbat arguments when I see them...."But this time, we can make foolhardy central planner programs work!"

Irrational and myopic schmucks like you are exactly why I left the GOP over two decades ago.

I call are a stoner.
Like I said...the data is there, but you lowlifes won’t pay attention to need your weed. I totally get it.
Trust me, if I were owned by a habit I would be right there with you weak minded pussies.
yep you are so strong minded that you wont move out of a place you cant stand....that is a weak minded pussy....bitch and moan about were they live,but will still live there....a strong minded person would do something about it....

Look HarryBalls, nutless broke bitches like you mail carriers don’t have a pot to piss in...Some of us big boys with big boy life’s own lots and lots of shit here...businesses, properties etc...We have children at major universities...The timeline for picking up and leaving is often determined by our book keepers, consultants and by our children’s direction. You wouldn’t understand, you were able to stop paying rent at your shithole, throw a few boxes in your Pinto station wagon and head to another shithole without ever looking back...Good for you.
no pot to piss in?.....i sold my building for $820,000 pretty nice were i am now....and all you are giving me is a bunch of excuses....sell that lots and lots of shit and your over valued house and get the fuck out of there,you know dam well it aint going to get any better....and your kids in college? what,are they not old enough to survive with out mommy and daddy near by?..sure they are....quit making excuses and grow a pair loser.....but something tells me you aint what you say you are,you dont own 'lots and lots" of shit there are a rent payer at a shithole Apt in a half-assed neighborhood....basically you are stuck i right?...

If that person was actually what he claimed he wouldn't be living in a garbage dump like he's living in now and complaining about. People who actually have money and property don't live in bad areas of the nation and contrary to the lies he posted, most certainly can pick up and move anytime they want. They have the money to move anytime they want. Usually they have more than one home.

People who actually have money don't talk about it either. Especially on a message board.

People who own "lots and lots of stuff" don't have time to be posting 24-7 on a message board either. That person has only been on this message board for 2 years yet has over 10 thousand posts. Where as I've been on this message board since 2014 and have just over 4 thousand posts. A person who has "lots and lots of stuff" doesn't have that kind of time to post over 10 thousand posts in just 2 years.

This person is probably living in a trailer he doesn't own and has probably never been any farther from their home than as far it takes to drive to their job.
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
How did alcohol prohibition turnout for ya??
Yeah that's right...

I want our drug policy to change because it doesn't work. The problem is the GOP is too stupid to realize this. Do you think all the cartels in Mexico want drugs legalized and regulated? No the Cartels want to keeps drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. All the gangs want to keep drugs nice and illegal so they can continue to get rich. How come all the criminals benefit from our drug policy, but Americans and taxpayers lose???
Funny how the GOP, cartels, and criminals all support the same failed policies.

It's also funny how you conveniently forgot to address all the republican drug arrests that I listed. Everything you say is suspect, you have no facts, you have no policy, you just have lies and stupidity... Typical republican.

I’ve posted data / facts but you bottom feeding Loons can’t pull your head from you ass long enough to consider them. I can’t cirle talk all day with you ignorant lowlifes. I feel like I broken record trying to reason with you unreasonable twisted fucks. Frankly, it’s gets quite boring.
thats because you are a broke ask for people here to "debate" the shit you throw up,and when someone takes you up on just throw a few names at the person and run quite your bitching about your miserable life or do what top feeders do and fucking MOVE to a state that is more to your liking.....

The issue of legalizing drugs isn’t a debate that can be won by a simply makes for a fun conversation classless bottom feeders with attictive personalities can’t be reasoned with...Good, legit folks with self control and ambition simply point and laugh at you filthy fucks that’s all.
I enjoy hearing so called small government conservatives try and defend the big government, freedom restricting, gang funding war on drugs. Totally flies in the face of your ideology.
Folks this is simple shit....All lowlife, bottom feeding filthy fucks want drugs legalized for obvious reasons while stand-up, legitimate, positive contributing good people do not. It’s just that simple.
It’s really not that simple. Simple is allowing people the liberty to do as they please and not spending trillions of dollars fighting a war to limit people’s choices that harms nobody but themselves. Our jails are full and gangs are fueled by the drug trade because of its illegality. It makes no sense. Just as we have the right to have a beer or glass of wine we should have the choice to do drugs responsibily. It’s that simple
Wait you want people to have liberty, the GOP hates liberty, they want to control everyone. The only liberty the GOP supports is guns for all, including criminals and terrorists.
Both parties are hypocrites as they support selective liberty based on their ideologies. That’s why I love engaging in these conversations where they clearly contradict themselves.

Every single law on the books can be linked to a loss of liberty of some kind for some people. Do you think we should do away with all laws so no liberties are imposed upon?
I think we should keep laws that are designed to protect people from harm and and do away with laws that provide favoritism towards the powerful and/or discrimination towards the poor/minorities.

That makes no’re trying way too hard bud. We get it, you’re an underdog and all for the’ve made that clear.
Now think once, if the laws apply to all and we’re all following the same rules how can there be any form of favoritism or discrimination?
These “legalize” assholes don’t have the character to be honest about their motives, and don’t care about what happens to anyone else.
I'm not a stoner, just someone who understands that foolish gubmint programs always -yes always- end up causing more problems than they pretend to solve...The "war" on (some) drugs is no different....I also recognize recycled moonbat arguments when I see them...."But this time, we can make foolhardy central planner programs work!"

Irrational and myopic schmucks like you are exactly why I left the GOP over two decades ago.

I call are a stoner.
Like I said...the data is there, but you lowlifes won’t pay attention to need your weed. I totally get it.
Trust me, if I were owned by a habit I would be right there with you weak minded pussies.
yep you are so strong minded that you wont move out of a place you cant stand....that is a weak minded pussy....bitch and moan about were they live,but will still live there....a strong minded person would do something about it....

Look HarryBalls, nutless broke bitches like you mail carriers don’t have a pot to piss in...Some of us big boys with big boy life’s own lots and lots of shit here...businesses, properties etc...We have children at major universities...The timeline for picking up and leaving is often determined by our book keepers, consultants and by our children’s direction. You wouldn’t understand, you were able to stop paying rent at your shithole, throw a few boxes in your Pinto station wagon and head to another shithole without ever looking back...Good for you.
no pot to piss in?.....i sold my building for $820,000 pretty nice were i am now....and all you are giving me is a bunch of excuses....sell that lots and lots of shit and your over valued house and get the fuck out of there,you know dam well it aint going to get any better....and your kids in college? what,are they not old enough to survive with out mommy and daddy near by?..sure they are....quit making excuses and grow a pair loser.....but something tells me you aint what you say you are,you dont own 'lots and lots" of shit there are a rent payer at a shithole Apt in a half-assed neighborhood....basically you are stuck i right?...

If that person was actually what he claimed he wouldn't be living in a garbage dump like he's living in now and complaining about. People who actually have money and property don't live in bad areas of the nation and contrary to the lies he posted, most certainly can pick up and move anytime they want. They have the money to move anytime they want. Usually they have more than one home.

People who actually have money don't talk about it either. Especially on a message board.

People who own "lots and lots of stuff" don't have time to be posting 24-7 on a message board either. That person has only been on this message board for 2 years yet has over 10 thousand posts. Where as I've been on this message board since 2014 and have just over 4 thousand posts. A person who has "lots and lots of stuff" doesn't have that kind of time to post over 10 thousand posts in just 2 years.

This person is probably living in a trailer he doesn't own and has probably never been any farther from their home than as far it takes to drive to their job.

Hahaha...You poor beggars can’t wrap your head around success...believing everybody is as desperate and pathetic as you makes you feel a little better doesn’t it?
For the conservatives who hate drugs and believe all of them should be illegal.

As they pick up their coffee cup and drink their drug of choice, caffeine. Coffee just happens to be much more socially acceptable but it's still a drug no different from any other drug.

It damages the digestive system and puts black spots on the brain.

When. person who is addicted to caffeine doesn't get enough of it in their system they become very bitchy and has a headache that not even Excedren Extra Strength can even knock out. They go through caffeine withdrawals for days up to a week depending on the addiction.

And since when did drugs become evil? I bet those conservatives would quickly take drugs to regulate their heart so they wouldn't have a heat attack. I'm sure those same conservatives would take insulin if they had diabetes. I'm sure they would take an antibiotic if they had an infection. I'm sure those same conservatives would quickly take drugs if they were diagnosed with cancer. Drugs that will save their lives. I have absolutely no doubt those conservatives would quickly grab an epi pen with epinephrine in it to save their life if they were experiencing an anaphylactic allergic reaction.

It's so beyond stupid to make such a blanket statement that all drugs are bad and it's democrats who do drugs.

Especially if you're addicted to caffeine or nicotine or alcohol.

Alcohol or some other type of hallucinogenic would explain posts such as the one the OP started.

Drugs saves lives.
For the conservatives who hate drugs and believe all of them should be illegal.

As they pick up their coffee cup and drink their drug of choice, caffeine. Coffee just happens to be much more socially acceptable but it's still a drug no different from any other drug.

It damages the digestive system and puts black spots on the brain.

When. person who is addicted to caffeine doesn't get enough of it in their system they become very bitchy and has a headache that not even Excedren Extra Strength can even knock out. They go through caffeine withdrawals for days up to a week depending on the addiction.

And since when did drugs become evil? I bet those conservatives would quickly take drugs to regulate their heart so they wouldn't have a heat attack. I'm sure those same conservatives would take insulin if they had diabetes. I'm sure they would take an antibiotic if they had an infection. I'm sure those same conservatives would quickly take drugs if they were diagnosed with cancer. Drugs that will save their lives. I have absolutely no doubt those conservatives would quickly grab an epi pen with epinephrine in it to save their life if they were experiencing an anaphylactic allergic reaction.

It's so beyond stupid to make such a blanket statement that all drugs are bad and it's democrats who do drugs.

Especially if you're addicted to caffeine or nicotine or alcohol.

Alcohol or some other type of hallucinogenic would explain posts such as the one the OP started.

Drugs saves lives.

LefTard Logic:
“We are already doing lots of drugs...with a greater variety we can get more to do more drugs.”

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