Legalizing drugs = More Democrats...Careful what you wish for.

Us sane folks know the flood gates have been won’t stop at weed. As the average class of human continues to decline here laws will continue to change and trend in favor of bottom feeders.

I do believe pot should be legal, and NOT EVERYONE who uses it is a piece of shit for doing it. Other factors make people pieces of shit. I still know plenty of people who enjoy the shit in a reasonable way.

I'm at the point where I don't care if bed wetters abort their genetic garbage, libturds swallow or suppository all bio hazardous fluid emissions, and smoke crack till their hearts explode.

Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.
So, I take it that the only thing preventing you from taking drugs are the laws against them, huh?

Nah...I smoked lots of weed through my highschool and college years...then I grew the fuck up and realized drugs were for the most part for lowlifes with little ambition.
Oh, so you wised up, but everyone else is so stupid that they need ineffective laws that actually make the problem worse to wise them up, huh?
Us sane folks know the flood gates have been won’t stop at weed. As the average class of human continues to decline here laws will continue to change and trend in favor of bottom feeders.
Anyone can get any drug that they want despite the laws....You're using the same basic argument that the moonbats use when their silly programs fail: throw more money at it!
Us sane folks know the flood gates have been won’t stop at weed. As the average class of human continues to decline here laws will continue to change and trend in favor of bottom feeders.

I do believe pot should be legal, and NOT EVERYONE who uses it is a piece of shit for doing it. Other factors make people pieces of shit. I still know plenty of people who enjoy the shit in a reasonable way.

I'm at the point where I don't care if bed wetters abort their genetic garbage, libturds swallow or suppository all bio hazardous fluid emissions, and smoke crack till their hearts explode.


This nation is on a collision course that seems inevitable, I probably shouldn’t care either...I’m almost looking forward to reaching the point where I’ll enjoy watching the filth burn this muthafucker to the ground.
Us sane folks know the flood gates have been won’t stop at weed. As the average class of human continues to decline here laws will continue to change and trend in favor of bottom feeders.

I do believe pot should be legal, and NOT EVERYONE who uses it is a piece of shit for doing it. Other factors make people pieces of shit. I still know plenty of people who enjoy the shit in a reasonable way.

I'm at the point where I don't care if bed wetters abort their genetic garbage, libturds swallow or suppository all bio hazardous fluid emissions, and smoke crack till their hearts explode.


This nation is on a collision course that seems inevitable, I probably shouldn’t care either...I’m almost looking forward to reaching the point where I’ll enjoy watching the filth burn this muthafucker to the ground.

We have been in a state of decline for decades, it has been due to the deliberate efforts of marxist apparatchiks within the DNC mostly, but they have infiltrated the RNC as well. I don't believe they have the capacity to manage the decline, and indeed their monster is going to break loose and if there is any justice, cannibalize every bed wetter in every city.

When they run out of food they'll be dispatched as they attempt to raid the countryside.

You have to scratch your head at the hypocrisy. At a time when an adult can be arrested for smoking a cigarette in public the crazy left wants to make it legal to smoke a freaking marijuana joint. You even get the crazy argument about marijuana that it's good for you which was dismissed and laughed at about cigarette smoking a hundred years ago.
Us sane folks know the flood gates have been won’t stop at weed. As the average class of human continues to decline here laws will continue to change and trend in favor of bottom feeders.
Anyone can get any drug that they want despite the laws....You're using the same basic argument that the moonbats use when their silly programs fail: throw more money at it!

I disagree...legalizing a substance makes it more accessible and usage normalized.
Taxpayers will throw money at it either way. On the front end to fight traffickers and dealers or on the back end for treatment, care, unemployment rate, welfare dependency and criminality.

Here in Mexifornia wetback cartels are buying properties in residential neighborhoods and converting homes into grow houses. It’s happening all’s the American way, mitigate one problem and create another. Cartels aren’t trafficking weed across the border, now they’re growing it in the house nextdoor to you.
We’ve created another reason for only the worst wetbacks to invade.

Look, it’s really no secret, if tomorrow it became legal to drive intoxicated we would have more intoxicated drivers on the roadways. If there were no speed limits more people would speed. We are encouraging a larger number of drug users. That’s just the way shit works and there’s no way to spin it.
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.

Well, I don't quite agree with your analogy there--:auiqs.jpg: When a deep red state like Alaska legalized marijuana, and several deep red bible belt counties in Colorado voted to legalize weed, it just threw a tank full of water on your analogy of Democrats are the only ones that want marijuana legalized.

The FACT is that most Americans want marijuana legalized.
62% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana

The only ones that don't want it legalized are the two biggest lobbyists in Washington D.C. that fight against it.

1. Law enforcement who love the easy busts of marijuana, so they can prop up their budgets and continually a ask for more money to chase it.

2.. Big Pharma who knows that a plant you can grow out in your back yard could wipe out half of your medicine cabinet, and put a huuuuge dent into their profits.
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.

Well, I don't quite agree with your analogy there--:auiqs.jpg: When a deep red state like Alaska legalized marijuana, and several deep red bible belt counties in Colorado voted to legalize weed, it just threw a tank full of water on your analogy of Democrats are the only ones that want marijuana legalized.

The FACT is that most Americans want marijuana legalized.
62% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana

The only ones that don't want it legalized are the two biggest lobbyists in Washington D.C. that fight against it.

1. Law enforcement who love the easy busts of marijuana, so they can prop up their budgets and continually a ask for more money to chase it.

2.. Big Pharma who knows that a plant you can grow out in your back yard could wipe out half of your medicine cabinet, and put a huuuuge dent into their profits.

many don't even realize that the gov'ment holds a patent dating back years on the benefits of medicinal marijuana.... but for the reasons you gave, they don't like people knowing.

Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention. A particular disclosed class of cannabinoids useful as neuroprotective antioxidants is formula (I) wherein the R group is independently selected from the group consisting of H, CH3, and COCH3
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.
Legal drugs = More drug users - The pharmaceutical companies have thrived on long term addiction. Point in fact, this is the primary reason they oppose legalising MJ and opiates and are promoting criminalising Kratom.
More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats - perhaps, but there is no evidence that legalisation will increase the number of users.
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As I live in a red state, in a very red county, that just legalized pot, and thousands of Republicans jumped right on the band wagon, not so they could smoke pot but so they could make Money from it.
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.
So, I take it that the only thing preventing you from taking drugs are the laws against them, huh?
loser is someone who thinks only democrats do drugs...

Nah, I’m just sane enough to know that those who come from good families, don’t have daddy issues, understand consequences, are accountable and ambitious tend to be Republican minded...Mexicrats on the other hand...well, you can connect the dots. I’ll venture a guess the number of Liberals doing drugs far exceeds the number of conservatives doing drugs...would you debate that?
yea i would....
You have to scratch your head at the hypocrisy. At a time when an adult can be arrested for smoking a cigarette in public the crazy left wants to make it legal to smoke a freaking marijuana joint. You even get the crazy argument about marijuana that it's good for you which was dismissed and laughed at about cigarette smoking a hundred years ago.
the key word here is in public....were i live it is still illegal to be outside smoking pot....
I disagree...legalizing a substance makes it more accessible and usage normalized.
Taxpayers will throw money at it either way. On the front end to fight traffickers and dealers or on the back end for treatment, care, unemployment rate, welfare dependency and criminality.

Here in Mexifornia wetback cartels are buying properties in residential neighborhoods and converting homes into grow houses. It’s happening all’s the American way, mitigate one problem and create another. Cartels aren’t trafficking weed across the border, now they’re growing it in the house nextdoor to you.
We’ve created another reason for only the worst wetbacks to invade.

Look, it’s really no secret, if tomorrow it became legal to drive intoxicated we would have more intoxicated drivers on the roadways. If there were no speed limits more people would speed. We are encouraging a larger number of drug users. That’s just the way shit works and there’s no way to spin it.
How would those "wetback cartels" be purchasing properties and turning them into grow operations, without the defacto price supports that the "war" on (some) drugs provide?....Why are you supporting the very laws that make this possible?

Do you have any idea at all how markets in general, and black markets in particular, work?
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.
So, I take it that the only thing preventing you from taking drugs are the laws against them, huh?
loser is someone who thinks only democrats do drugs...

Nah, I’m just sane enough to know that those who come from good families, don’t have daddy issues, understand consequences, are accountable and ambitious tend to be Republican minded...Mexicrats on the other hand...well, you can connect the dots. I’ll venture a guess the number of Liberals doing drugs far exceeds the number of conservatives doing drugs...would you debate that?
yea i would....


More stoned out democrats in charge keeping the BrokeLosers of the world from realizing their dreams.

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